The Dark Side[Naruto](Silverknight & Emi)


Dec 25, 2012
After knocking out her friends and momentary teammates with sleep-inducing smoke bombs Sakura ran through the forest dead-set on facing Sasuke even if it killed her. The memories of Sasuke flowed through her mind; when she first noticed how cool he was, when they were placed on the same team, the bell-challenge and how cold he was towards her when he left Konoha. Even now she had no idea why or when she fell in love with him.

She shook her head, getting rid of the rather painful memories. It was time to focus on the present, not the past. According to Kiba, Sasuke was only 1 kilometer away, so it wouldn't be long before she reached her goal. She clenched her teeth, getting ready for whatever might happen.

Not long after, she sensed a menacing chakra that could only belong to Sasuke. She stopped dead in her tracks. Was this really the right thing to do?
Just as the thought crossed her mind she found that her heart was beating faster. Yes, she needed to do this, in spite of him being so much stronger than her. He could easily kill her if he wanted to, but she chose to believe he wouldn't.

As Sakura stepped out into the clearing she saw him. Sasuke. It was really him. Standing there on the bridge. "Sasuke..." she whispered. She shook her head; she had to be strong or Sasuke would never even bother to consider listening to her.
Damn Danzo, damn Konohagakure, that damn man had stolen the eyes from his clansmen he deserved the death he had gotten, he was scum and he was an horrible man, who deserved his death. Sasuke's eyes looked at the other man who had been there Madara or someone who wanted to be called Madara, this guy was trying to use him too. That wasn't something he was a fan of either, but enabled him to get stronger and that was something that seemed good, if he was ever going to get vengeance for his elder brother and the lies that he been told about his elder brother and the suffering that Konoha had made him go though, he would need that strength, that power to get his vengeance.

The eyes of the Uchiha noticed the pink haired woman as he paused, for a moment, he focused on her for a moment, what the hell was she doing here. He paused as he looked at her, he knew if she was here Kakashi, Naruto, and Sai had to be nearby. He had heard about the defeat of Pain by Naruto by Madara and he knew that the other two were no people he should or ever would take lightly either. He focused his eyes on her as he showed a emotionless and self serving confident look in his eyes, "Uzumaki, Hatake, and the artist where are they, and what are you doing here," he said with his cold tone as his eyes remained normal, he knew that she was the hokage's student, but she wasn't on his level or any of her teammates level either. He was puzzled why the woman would be here, why she would show up without any of her allies or friends with her. He stood there focused on her not moving a inch, keeping his idea open for how to attack her if he needed to, but still curious why this woman would be here, and why she would be alone knowing just how dangerous he was.
She would have to get close to him if she wanted to knock him out and drag his sorry ass back to Konoha. And that included lying her ass off and deceiving him.

"At the moment they're knocked out. Otherwise they would have followed me here." she informed him without a second thought. "I'm here because I want to join you." To make him believe her just a little bit, she reached up and took off her forehead protector and threw it on the ground as though it meant nothing to her. "After all that pain you deserve to finally obtain some happiness." She paused and took a deep breath. "Even if that means I have to betray Konoha."

Sakura had told him countless times how much she loved him when they were younger and so she figured it would make sense to want to see him happy. Or at least content with his life. Honestly, she did want that for him, but not this way. She believed he could become happy back in Konoha too if he would just give it a chance. But with his current state of mind she couldn't tell him that.
Sasuke looked across at Sakura, he knew that she liked him and he had a lot of memories of all the things that the two had done as a team together. He paused for a moment looking at her, those were good memories, but they were memories, ones that took him away from his current goals and aims. He looked at her and focused his eyes upon her calm still as he watched her throw away the symbol of her village, that was more then words, but barely more then words. He knew that she was a tricky one and a student of an Sannin too. He couldn't be to careful when dealing with people. He had to be especially careful when dealing with her and his former teammates as well.

He knew he had to kill her or take her with him. He narrowed his eyes as he blinked, damn, his vision was getting worse, an effect that had been shown to him when he was battling Danzo. He would have to change eyes with his dead brother, if he did that then he wouldn't have to worry about going blind like his brother had. To do this, he knew had to have a medic to help him with it. Sakura was a medic and rumor said a great one at that. "Now, let us assume for a second I believe you, what if my happiness is found at getting vengeance against Konoha, would you still be willing to stay with me and walk with me over a pile of your friend's dead bodies," he said as he looked at her watching her reaction as much as anything else, he knew this would tell him as much as he need. He knew he needed her to replace Itachi's eyes with his but he had to know this answer first.
Sakura kept still, refraining from approaching him, knowing he might take it as a sign of her preparing to attack him. She gave him time to think about her words. It probably wasn't an easy decision for him to make. As none of them said anything Sakura looked at her surroundings. A battle had been fought here, that much was clear and Sasuke had obviously won. He had become so strong these past three years. They all had.

"I..." She hesitated. So that was his goal now. As far as she knew, he had already killed his brother, so what did he stand to gain from destroying Konoha and everyone in it? "I can't say I'm willing to kill anyone, but... I won't stand in your way if that is what you want." She had to stop him before it got that far. Her family and friends would get killed and she wouldn't be able to survive that kind of loss. How Sasuke had managed that was beyond her. "I'll help you in any way I can, but I won't kill my family." Those last few words might have been the wrong ones to choose, but what else could she say? "And I will stay with you afterwards."

That little boy she knew at age seven was all but gone. Understandably so, with everything she had been through, but she couldn't help but wonder what he would have been like if he still had his family around him. "The destruction of Konoha... Is that really what will bring you happiness in life?"
Sasuke looked at her as she stood there, he was sure if she were lying she would agree with him, that she would agree to kill anyone for him. He knew that wasn't her, and if she went in that direction then he would know that she was telling him a huge lie. He looked carefully as he listened to her words, listening to each and every single one of them. It was interesting, she voided the talk about killing her family, he was sure that included her closest friends. That wasn't a surprise at all, as he looked at her. He knew she was telling the truth now, she had answered it in her own way. He knew that she would follow him, but why was she willing to let him destroy her village, he knew she would stay out of the way, but when the time came he felt he would have to deal with her then again, but by then he would have what he needed from her.

"Now, that will take some time to explain, Sakura," he said looking at her, "your going to have to do some thing that are outside of your comfort," he said as he looked at her and motioned her to him, he knew she might try to hit him, but he would be prepared if she did. If she didn't then well he would take her to his hide out. When they got to the hide out he would explain his reasoning and answer her question fully. He would then have her put his brother's eyes in him and then he would be able to wait and get used to them before he headed back to destroy the village. There was so much to do, and he had a feeling there wasn't as much time as he wanted either. "So, come along if you are really going to side with me, Sakura."
He believed her, he really believed her. Inside, she sighed with relief. As long as she could keep up the lies and not contradict herself she would be fine and hopefully be able to bring him back. Most people in Konoha would rather accept him back into the village than see him killed. She realized that Naruto might hate what she was doing now, but everything else had failed. Seeing him for the first time in three years back in one of Orochimaru's hideouts had only increased her desire to bring him back or even just catch a glimpse of him again. And now she was here, right in front of him.

"As long as you don't make me kill, I'll do anything." she replied and stepped towards him. As she got closer to him she noticed his eyes. Something was wrong with them; they looked paler somehow. She could only reason that it had something to do with his visual prowess, his sharingan. Maybe she could help him with that before taking him back. She wasn't sure how to help him, though. Could that kind of trait be fixed? She honestly didn't know as she hadn't encountered it before.
He looked at her pausing as he nodded his head, "follow then and I shall tell you what I need you to do," he said to her coldly as he started to head away from the bridge, he figured that she would follow him if she really wanted to go along. He moved quickly along the land scape moving off the paths as he knew a place that he would be able to go and hide a hidden base that had been created by Madara for him so that he could go there and have his eyes changed out. He moved quickly, but not to quickly that he wouldn't out run her as they traveled. "Itachi, he was a hero of your village, he was a spy on Akatsuki," he commented as he moved, knowing that Sakura wouldn't know this fact. "The village made him kill the rest of the Uchiha to prevent a civil war, made him spy on Akatsuki and then made him out to be a traitor," he explained as he moved away from the scene.

'I will get revenge for the lies the village has told about my brother," he said as he moved quickly away the path was down a steep valley, then a second one, a path that it would be impossible to follow even for someone like Neji Hyuuga. Sakura would be able to follow him though if she took the same steps that he did along the way. "They lived in comfort due to the sacrifice of my brother," he said coldly as he continued to move, "You are here to change my eyes, with those of my brother, this way, I will not go blind as my brother had," he explained, "you have trained under Tsunade, and should easily be able to do so if someone could to so with Kakashi, you can do this for me," he commented as he landed at the base of the second valley as he looked at the entrance to the small hidden base that was a cave. He looked inside, it was pretty basic with only the basic need inside.
Sakura nodded as he told her to follow him. Sasuke was faster than her and had he not slowed down for her benefit she would have fallen behind immediately. As it was now, though, she was only traveling a few feet behind him. His sudden explanation to why he wanted Konoha gone left her speechless. Was that really how Konoha worked behind closed doors? Why? At that time it had been the third Hokage ruling. She couldn't imagine that man issuing those kinds of orders. Of course she knew that being a Hokage wasn't easy and sometimes tough choices had to be made, but killing off an entire clan? She couldn't even imagine how Sasuke must have felt when he heard that the first time. Not to mention how Itachi must have felt when he killed his own family...

Occupied by her own thoughts she almost lost sight of Sasuke ahead of her. She sped up and followed him down the steep valley.

Oh. Replacing his eyes with Itachi's should fix any problem he had with his eyes. Doing this also meant he would have to rely on every other senses while adjusting to his brother's eyes. A few seconds later she landed on the ground next to Sasuke. "You won't be able to use those eyes for a couple of days, though." Maybe that was the perfect time for her to act out her plans...
He landed and heard the comments from Sakura, and then nodded his head as he looked over at her and then paused for a moment, that was good, he knew that having her along would make things move faster then they would otherwise. "I see, Madara, suggested that I would have to wake a couple of weeks perhaps before I would be able to see again if he were to do the operation," he said calmly as he looked over at her. He figured that if he would be able to get though this for a few days then they would be able to advance on Konoha again and take over the village as it was much faster. He just didn't need her to get in his way, with the eyes, he would fight, and destroy the village. He knew it would again come down to himself and Naruto, but this time he would end that rivalry once and for all. "My brother was the one who came up with the plan to kill his village, by the way, he believed it was the only way to stop a world war, or something, for some reason, he put the wants of the village above that of his clan,"he said still a twinge confused by that.

"When can we start preparing for this surgery, I want to get this done with as soon as possible," he commented as he looked over at her. "My vision is already fading slightly," he commented honestly having nothing to hide from the woman. He knew Orochimaru tried to get Tsunade to repair his arms once, he was getting her student to fix his eyes. There was something fitting about this. Of course Madara had his own plans, he knew that war was going to start soon, that Madara would gather up his powers against Konoha and the other villages, and he actually wasn't sure what he would do in that war if anything. Most likely he would let it go the way it went and if Konoha was around after he would just destroy what was left then, he wasn't sure.
It probably could take weeks for his eyes to function properly, if the operation was performed by someone without much medical training. Besides, she could heal him a bit every day and speed the recovery up that way. "I don't understand. Why would he suggest that himself and then let you live as the only one? He must have known what effect it would have on you..." She felt sad for him. And Itachi too. Truly sad. Had there been no other solutions at all? Her eyes portrayed the her feelings. She knew to not reveal her own feelings, but she couldn't help it. She still loved him, after all.

"Right. The operation." She looked inside the cave. "It's not exactly the ideal place for a surgery, but it'll have to do. I already have the necessary tools with me." As a medical ninja she was prepared for almost anything when out on a mission. "I assume you already have the eyes?" she questioned. "If so, we can start when my chakra has fully replenished." She couldn't - and wouldn't - begin a surgery without all of her chakra; if anything went wrong she needed it to heal right away, especially now that she wasn't performing it in a fully equipped hospital.
Sasuke wasn't much paying attention to her looks at that moment, that wasn't the thing that he was focused on at all. He knew that she was the key to his aim, his goal of having his eyes replaced. He had no clue the overall goals of Madara, but they were most likely to do something very large. He figured there was much he was left in the dark about, but as of that moment he really couldn't push him or do anything about it. Something popped into his mind though, his brother had implanted that jutsu to fire at him when they meet. It was strange, bizzare, why had he done that. There was so much he didn't understand, and was confused about. He wished he could of spent more time with his brother to find more out, or to talk to someone how knew more, such as Hiruzen or one of the past hokage even.

He walked over and showed a false wall as it was a shelve on it in a jar of a special solution were the eyes that were to be used, they were carefully taken care of to prevent any wear or use to them. "Well, you need your energy to do this, then one day should work, you may sleep here, for as long as you want," he said as he pulled out a futon and laid it on the ground of the cave for Sakura. "I am counting on you now, Sakura," he said calmly as he sat down crossing his feet as he thought about his many thoughts at the moment. "Naruto, what is going on with him now?" he asked looking over at her as he paused to see the reaction now at the reaction to this, he was his former teammate and he did have memories of that.
Sakura followed his movements with her eyes as he showed her the false wall and the eyes hidden behind it. So he did have them already. Then, yeah, one day would be enough rest. It didn't leave her a lot of time to think out her plan in details, though.

"Thank you." she said as he pulled out the futon for her. She went to sit down on it and smiled at the mention of Naruto. So a part of him did care about his old friends. For the time being it might only be because he wanted intel on what to expect if they met, but it was a start. "Well, he's gotten a lot stronger, that's for sure, though officially he's still a genin." He'd been training with Jiraiya for the past three years, so of course he missed a lot of chances to become a chuunin. "Most of the time he thinks about you, though." Her smile faded. "He wants you back in the village. He still thinks of you as his best friend and rival, you know." Hopefully those words would make him think more about the happy times he'd experienced in Konoha. "Do you ever wonder what it would be like if you had never left?" she asked, her voice soft.
"Yes, I have hear of that, I have heard of the death of his sensei, Jiraiya as well as his defeat of Pain, after his attack on your village," he commented as he looked at nothing at all, as he sat there. He wasn't surprised that the idiot would still try to think of ways to bring him back when he had many more important things that he should be worried about other then that. "He should give up on the dream of his and focus on being his other dream for destiny has put us on a collision course where only one of us most likely shall survive," he said bluntly as he sat there pausing for a moment, "I do not think about it, there are many other things I need to think about. I have gained strength since I have left as well.

He laid down on the bed, "There is much more you should think about as well, the battle with Pain against your village should of shown you this, " he said calmly as he thought for a moment, "why are you so focused on following me, on being near me, when in fact you had a puppy love, but why do you still follow after me," he asked finding her desire and the fact that she had decided to come with him to be something strange, and something very logical to his mind at least. He figured that by this point she would of moved past her puppy crush upon him, the one that her and Ino battled over years before. He figured she would of moved on and grown past that, but for some reason it seemed she hadn't.
"Like it or not, we still think of you as part of team seven." She bit down on her lower lip. If she wasn't more careful she'd slip up and hint at her real motives. "But you obviously don't want to come back and after hearing about Itachi I can't blame you." He was probably right, though. There were many other things she should be focusing on other than Sasuke. She couldn't help it, though. How could she stop thinking about the one she loved? Honestly she didn't know when her crush had turned into love, but she was certain of her feelings.

She sighed at his question. How was she supposed to answer something she wasn't sure of herself yet? "To be completely honest... I love you. I really do. But I'm not sure why I'm willing to go to this extent for you." She leaned back and laid down on the futon. "I do think you deserve to be happy and although I wish you could achieve it some other way, I still want to help you get to that point in your life." She turned around on her side and looked at him. "I don't suppose you ever thought about just leaving everything behind? Konoha, vengeance... You know, starting a new life somewhere far away?" Perhaps there was a bigger chance of him doing that than returning to Konoha...
Sasuke looked at her and blinked for a moment as he then raised an eye brow at her comments, and then took a deep breath as he looked down, "tomorrow you are going to fix my eyes, and replace them," he said calmly as he looked over at her again, "No, I have never thought about it, right now, I have to many questions, and I need to find someone to answer these questions," He commented as he thought about it, "why did my brother give up his life for his village and die happily in the survice of his home village. Why would he do so much knowing he would be counted as a traitor without a single worry about how it would cause people to look at him. These things I need to find out. Sadly he is dead, as is Orochimaru, who might be able to answer this as well."

He took a deep breath as he rubbed his eyes and thought more, "No, you could never just run away, you wouldn't leave your family, now would you," he said calmly as he looked up at her. "I have much to think about in the days after this surgery," he commented as he looked at her now. Damn woman, being around her, caused him to remember things from the past, it reminded him why he cared about her and Naruto and Kakashi at a different time as well. "No, I shall look for an answer to my question, and you shall help me, when I know this answers about the nature of being a shinobi and the reasoning for the village and many other things, we will figure out where to go next. You said you would follow me, so this should give you any problems right?"
"I will follow you no matter what." she replied. This conversation, his words, her own words... Many of the things she'd told him were true and even the things she thought of as lies were starting to feel as the truth as well. She would never let him kill her family and friends, but... a part of her - a part that was slowly taking over the rest of her - wanted to stay with him like this. He might not return her love, but at least she could be useful to him.
"Maybe I can provide you with a different view of what happened back then..." she pondered. "Based on the fact that Itachi came up with the idea himself and then let you live might suggest that he wanted you to continue living peacefully in Konoha instead of growing up during a civil war... It might not be the whole reason, but it could be part of it..." It was merely a guess, nothing else.

"What if the answers you eventually get aren't what you expected? What will you do then?" she asked, wondering if he was dead-set on destroying Konoha or if there was still the slightest chance to change his mind.
Sasuke had thought of Sakura's point, it was what troubled him so much. He looked at her and took a deep breath as he nodded his head, "Sakura, I well, if you are correct, if I can understand the answer in such a way as you have mention, I will return to the village, but I need to know the path I need to take," he commented looking at her, as he paused thinking for a moment, "I need to talk to Orochimaru, perhaps if we can find Anko, I will be able to use a jutsu to release Orochimaru and talk with him once again," he commented as he looked at Sakura. He took a deep breath as he laid down on the futon. He could tell the convention of her statement by the fact she came to this cave with him.

"Now, I am going to get some sleep, Sakura, you need your sleep, so that you can be ready for the operation," he commented as he looked over at her. He paused looking at her for a moment, there were many memories he had just about her, especially that last night when he left the village to seek out Orochimaru, perhaps he had moved himself away form the answers he needed when he left, but he couldn't admit that possibility to himself, that would be troubling and damaging as well. He had to stay focused and follow his path and his search for the answer more now then ever. He then turned over on his back and quickly fell asleep, he would need to be prepared for the operation too.
So, depending on the answers he got, he would really return home. She might get to see him walking down the streets of Konoha once again. The thought of it made her smile.
And then it happened; the part of her that wanted to stay with him took over completely. She was curious about those answers as well and she would be thrilled to be the one accompanying him back to Konoha. If the answers were to lead him to a path that ended in death and destruction, then she would carry out her initial plan.

"Yeah. Goodnight." she whispered. This moment reminded her of the countless missions they had been on as genins; sleeping outside cloe to each other. It felt right in a sense. As she closed her eyes she quickly drifted off to sleep. Her dreams were filled with memories of Sasuke. Some real and some fantasies, thought out by her 13-year-old self. She had been - and probably still was - a real sucker for romance. Her current and more grown-up self knew and accepted that those fantasies would probably never happen in real life.
Sasuke had much to think about and many things were troubling him, Sakura was not even close to one of the things that were bothering him at this point. He slept soundly though the night before waking up early in the morning. As he got up he knew it was the day to have his eyes changed out. It was a good thing in and of itself. He knew that he was going blind slowly, as he woke up he could see the effects as he could barely make out Sakura. His eyes were in bad shape, he looked around the hide out, and sat down looking at the pink haired woman, she had always chased out after him, along with Naruto. It was one of the strangest things that he had ever seen really, he wondered though if his chase after his brother was similar in some way to her chase after him minus the whole need to kill thing.

Sasuke looked though the things at the small hidden base and found some food. He knew for the next couple of days he would be dependent on Sakura. He knew that he would depend on her so he didn't walk randomly into some wall or walk into a hole or something. He figured that these next few days in some ways were going to serious suck. He knew that it was needed though, no matter his choice he would need the eyes so that he could see. He felt his brother would of wanted him to have them too. He sighed, he would find the truth, and he would find it out as soon as he could after he saw for if he did need to return home, it would be best before things broke horribly that he went back and helped them against Madara and if he went against them he would be able to join Madara in time for the war.
Sakura slowly opened her eyes the next morning and in her sleepy state she wondered, for a second or two, where she was, until she remembered she was with Sasuke. Naruto and the others would have woken up a few hours ago; were they looking for her now? She reached up to touch her headband and then realized that of course it wasn't there anymore... Had they found it by now, wondering what might have happened to her? She could almost see Naruto's reaction when picking up her headband. His expression of agony while clenching the headband in his hand. She felt bad; first Sasuke left and now her...

Shaking her head slightly she let the thoughts go and rose from the futon. She hadn't noticed before, but Sasuke was already up. "Morning." she said to him as she stretched.
"Are you ready for the surgery then?" she asked. "I'm thinking we should start in about an hour." She needed to get er tools ready and then go through the operation in her mind, so she was sure what to do. Operating on eyes was a delicate process, after all.
Sasuke looked over at Sakura and paused for a moment as he heard her comment about being one hour, he nodded his head as he looked at her and then picked up the futon and carried it over to a large rock slab and started to adjust it so that it could be a proper medical bed, something he could rest upon when he was having surgery and after it was over. He would need to rest and recover for two days after all. "I am as ready as I can be, this morning when I woke up, I couldn't hardly even see you, Sakura," he commented as he laid there closing his eyes relaxing, getting used to the feel of the world going dark on him as he took deep breaths focusing himself and is will on this. The hour would help get him ready.

"The tools Madara was going to use are in the old box with the Uchiha seal on it, you should be able to find it," he commented firmly as he thought about something as he rested, "Sakura, I am going to be dependent on you for the next two days, I am going to be trusting my body and my future in your hands, I just want to make sure you are aware of this," he said calmly with no real emotion still in his tone as he made the statement. He trusted in his former teammate as much as he trusted in her abilities that she learned from Tsunade. He knew that she would pull it off, he just had a feeling the two days after would be very long days for him.
Sakura watched him as he prepared the substitude medical bed. He really did need this surgery if his sight was already fading.
She found the box he mentioned, opened it and found that she was surprised that the tools were of high quality. It made sense that they would be, though; a delicate surgery as this one would require the best, especially out here. She took the tools she needed and sat down against the stone wall, preparing herself for the surgery. First she would have to sedate him; if he were conscious it would hurt too much. With what she had, the easiest way to do that would be to use a jutsu. She went through the following steps in her mind again and again and before long, an hour had passed.

Sakura rose from the ground, retrieved the jar with Itachi's eyes and went to stand beside Sasuke's lying form. "Ready?" she asked, putting down the jar within reach and got ready to peform the initial medical jutsu.
Sasuke nodded his head calmly as he looked up at Sakura, this would be the last memory of seeing with his current eyes, a odd thing, but not a unpleasant thing at all. He took a deep breath as he felt the effects of the medical jutsu. He was out of it for however long that he was out. The surgery being what it was, he knew that he wouldn't be able to see after it for a good while. He laid there perfectly still throughout the operation, he had trust in Sakura, plus he was out of it anyhow. He woke up at some point, the world black to the Uchiha. He knew that if Sakura had come to kill him, this point would of been the perfect chance to do so, when he couldn't see, and couldn't use his sharingan to defend himself.

"So, I am guessing that the operation was successful," he asked as he pushed himself up to a sitting position, he had no way of telling in what direction that the pinked haired medic was, but he figured he would be able to tell when he heard her voice and tell just where the sound was coming from to guess where she was in relationship to where he was. Still this was going to be a long two days. Stuck in a cave unable to see, yeah, this was going to be a challenge and a half, he laid back down after a moment, "Now, how hard will it be to get in touch of Anko, with her help I believe I can revive Orochimaru, who can answer my questions personally, or at least point me in the right direction.
The surgery took her about 45 minutes to perform and everything had went without a hitch. The moment after she had put bandages around his head to cover his eyes, the sleep-indusing jutsu wore off and Sasuke sat up on the makeshift bed. "Yes. I'll have to heal you a couple of times a day for you to have your sight back in just a few days, though. When your eyes have healed enough to see with properly you still shouldn't strain them too much. Wait a week or so before using your Sharingan." she instructed.

"Is Anko the only one who can help with that?" she questioned as she sat down, leaning against the 'bed'; she needed to relax and regain her chakra. "I mean, wouldn't it be fairly difficult getting in touch with her?" With all of Orochimaru's research it should be easier just finding an answer among his notes, right?, she thought to herself.
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