As he stood there Hiro nodded his head as he looked over, "see you need to make it less about which ones fight best against which ones, but which ones you like the best cause the whole which one works best will work itself out, for example, if we battled I have two that could defeat a rock time, and you have types that could defeat both of them, it would come down to which of us had a closer connection to our pokemon as much as anything else," he said calmly as he looked at her, "you are a very by the book type of lady, that is fine, but sometimes just fine a pokemon cause it is just cool, and you want it," he said as he tossed the ball up to the farfetch'd high in the sky, "It is why I have the farfetch'd, it something great trainers normally have, but if I can be great with it despite it not being the norm, well, I think that shows my skills as a trainer even more," he commented with a smile, "plus farfetch'd are just so cool as are all my pokemon,"