Pokemon: Next Generation

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Hiro nodded as he looked at her and then sighed, "sorry, I guess I was a bit gloomy cause of my bad luck today," he mused to her as he looked at the oddish, a different type pokemon, but a grass one. He looked at the oddish and watched it carefully as he smiled, the little guy was playful and cute, he would help against the rock trainer that was something he knew about. "Well okay, I guess I will take the little guy," he said as he looked at him, "Farfetch'd attack with peck," he said giving the bird type a command, the flying move was super effective against grass type pokemon after all. He bird flew just as he was asked, he wasn't one that evolved, but he was just fine how he was. Hiro then threw out the pokeball and caught the oddish, "okay, that at least gives me two, which means I have a fighting chance, still will work with Oddish out here, I will see you at the pokemon center then."
"Your Farfetch'd can and will learn some amazing Flying type moves, like Brave Bird. I've seen it happen. I've only ever seen those of the Starly evolutionary line and the Rufflet evolutionary line do it. Those, other Flying types can learn the move depending on who the parent is..." She spoke, and she followed him to the Pokémon Center, she wanted to get a good sleep, get her Pokémon checked out.
"Yes, he can also use cut type moves and all sorts of fun moves, I hope some day he learns sky attack, and aerial ace and heck even steal wing and other moves, I know my farfetch'd but mostly I just want him to be my partner in this trip he said ashe smiled walking with her. To him his farfetch'd was a good friend, plus it used a kind of little sword, slash could be possible to, anyway though a bird that thought it was a little swordsman was really cool, and farfetch'd in general was his favorite pokemon type, why he was so happy to have him as his started. He walked into the pokemon center and turned over his grass pokemon to rest, "I am going to be out go walking, will be back later," he said waving before taking his leave.
She was smiling as they walked, and she spoke,"With enough time and patience, your Pokémon can and will learn all of that!" She turned over her Pokémon to the Viridian City Nurse Joy, watching Hiro do the same as well. She asked Nurse Joy where she could get a Thunder Stone, a Leaf Stone, and a Sun Stone. Nurse Joy mentioned she could get them in Stone Town. She also asked her to tell her what gender Bulbasaur was when it was done being healed.
A bit later after finding out about the pokemon of hers, one Hiro walked back into the pokecenter, he looked as though he had just battled a bear under a waterfall, his shirt was ripped a bit and he was soaking wet. He walked up and handed the pokemon center Nurse Joy two pokeballs before smiling as he walked to his room, "Well now we both have three pokemon," he said as he looked at her, "but damn I would I would of brought oddish with me for that one, it was way to close," he commented as he looked at Celestrine. He knew she would ask her what he had managed to catch and he just opened up his pokedex as to answer. "Gyarados. This Pokémon has a vicious temperament, so use extreme caution. Its fangs can crush stones and its scales are harder than steel."
Celestine raised an eyebrow when she saw Hiro, he looked soaking wet, and he looked light he had gotten into a fight. Her questions were all answered when she heard the Pokedex... She spoke,"You caught a Gyrados?... A Water and Flying type. Impressive!" Nurse Joy brought back Celestine's Pokeballs, and said that her Pokémon were all fine, and that the Bulbasaur was a female.
"Thanks," he commented as he looked at Celestine for a moment and then smile, "a truly amazing pokemon, it took a while before we can to a understanding of things, but I am sure we understand each other now," he said happily as he walked over and watched her get her pokemon back. He leaned over and kissed Celestine's cheek, "So, I am guessing you go after the gym tomorrow," he asked as he was sure that was her plan, she seemed like she was excited about advancing and doing well along her journey. He smiled as he watched her reaction to the kiss on the check, before he looked at Joy, as she handed him one key. He blinked as she explained there was only one room left and they would have to share it.
Celestine blushed when he kissed her cheek, and she spoke,"Pewter City first! I plan to challenge Contests between the Gyms. I want Saffron City, obviously since it houses both a Gym and a Contest Hall. Contest wise, I want Silver Town, then Wisteria Town, then Chrysanthemum Island, then Gardenia Town." She shrugged with the explanation of only one room, that didn't bother her too much. There'd be bunk beds, there always were.
He looked at her as she walked into the room and then listened to her goals, "well you led and I will follow, I want to follow you and help you and do my best too," he said happily. Hiro was going to do what it took to help her and make her the best pokemon trainer there ever would be. He smiled thinking about it, excited about the possibility of the two of them going on this adventure together. He got up on the top bunk, "Well now, traveling with you is going to be different, but I am glad it is you I get to spend time with."
"For what it's worth, Hiro, I'm glad I'm spending time with you, too." she replied, letting her Pokémon out of their Pokeballs, the room filled with sparkles of fake flames, spirals of leaves, and sparks of electricity. She spoke,"There are two sets of bunk beds! You little ones get the other bed. Charmander, since you have a flame on your tail, you sleep on top of the blanket. You two sleep under the blanket."
He didn't have his pokeballs as they were being taken care of that night. He slept in the next morning and got up to find that Celestine was up and about before him. He wondered if she had already gone and won her match, and felt the odds were high that most likely she had done so as he found her pokeballs gone. He went over and collected his things and smiled as he figured he would congratulate her on her victory he was sure she would have when she came back before he went to go win the badge as well afterwards.
Celestine made sure her Pokémon were all settled in for bed before she went to sleep herself. She woke up early the next morning, and roused her Pokémon as well, and she carefully and very silently taught them an exercise routine, which they did, before they headed off to breakfast. All of her things were packed up, and with her in the cafeteria, where she and her Pokémon were happily eating breakfast.
Hiro gathered up his pokemon putting them in their slots after he had seen nurse joy. He noticed that Celestine was over eating and walked over. He figured that he could figure out if she had defeated the gym leader or not, he wasn't sure about it, but he figured she would of if she battled the gym leader. He sat down and looked over as he smiled. "So good morning, how are you and your friends doing, have you gone over and won your first gym badge yet," he asked kindly as he looked at the young woman. He leaned back a bit in his chair, he figured that he could release oddish and farfetch'd but Gyarados would be way to big, which would make him feel left out if he had to remain in his ball thus he left them in it as he sat there.
"Don't be silly, I haven't defeated the Pewter City Gym Leader yet! It's a long walk from here to Pewter City! At least 5 days, if not more!" she cheerfully replied as she and her Pokémon ate. She had brought baseballs, she would work on Bulbasaur's Vine Whip by having her throw baseballs at Charmander and Pichu, and they'd learn Iron Tail by batting them around.
He blushed as he looked over at her and then rubbed he back of his head, "Well we better have some stuff to go camping tonight and for a few night perhaps then, um I have all my stuff that I am going to need, and I am guessing you have all you need as well too," he said as he looked over at Cerestine giving her a warm smile as he figured they would have a lot to see that day on the trip, it could be a good bit of fun to see what was around and travel with Cerestine as well. He made sure his things were fixed on his bag as he waited. "So, we can leave when ever you wish," he added as he stood there, he didn't need to eat anything and his pokemon were taken care of as well already so he was prepared to go.
"Soon as everybody's done eating and drinking, we can go!" Celestine replied cheerfully, eager to catch more Pokémon, and go out to see the world. She saw Nurse Joy cart in what looked like to be baby Pokémon, or at least, possible starter Pokémon. They were so little and cute, She counted one Charmander, one Bulbasaur, one Squirtle, one Pichu, one Geodude, one Gastly, and some Johto starters and Pokémon from other regions. She watched Nurse Joy prepare baby bottles for them,
Hiro looked over and saw the group of pokemon and then looked over at Celestine for a moment, he could see the look of joy in her eyes. He had a feeling there was at least one of them that she would want. He smiled as he moved closer to her and put his hand on her shoulder as he smiled at her, "You know, you could go ask Nurse Joy if she will let you take one and adopt them, I am sure that not all of them have homes, and I am sure you would care a great deal for which ever one that you got to adopt," he said to her quietly as he smiled looking at her with a warm smile as he could tell from that look she saw at least one that had stolen her heart away as he saw a few very adorable ones himself.
She wanted herself a Gastly, they were such jokers, well, the whole evolutionary line were jokers. Besides, she could always go get a Geodude and Squirtle in the wild, Gastly were near impossible to capture. She smiled at his hand being in her shoulder, and she spoke, walking up to Nurse Joy,"May I adopt the Gastly, please? I know Ghost type Pokémon are super hard to train and raise, but that's what makes them so loyal and dependable in the end when your hard work has paid off!" Nurse Joy nodded and told her yes, handing her Gastly's Pokeball., and she exchanged one of her own empty Pokeballs for Gastly's Pokeball, and Nurse Joy said that Gastly was male.
Hiro smiled as he looked at Celestine and smiled as he figured that her and the Gastly would make a interesting partnership, a pokemon with such a odd final evolution it had be traded to go from Haunter to Gengar after all. His own eyes scanned the other ones and he saw one that he had to have the adorableness was something off the chart and it looked like a fighter."Um Nurse Joy, while you are at it could you let me have that adorable Torchic," he asked kindly, "I promise he will be taken care of and will grow to be strong, and will watch out after it," he said kindly before Nurse Joy agreed and gave him the little fire type pokemon. He smiled happily, "Well now it seems we are ready to get moving."
"Oooh, Torchic's a cutie! It goes to Combusken, then Blaziken!" she happily replied, finishing feeding Gastly. She nodded when he said it was time to get moving. Gastly didn't even need to walk, he was floating around her shoulder, being all cute. At this rate, she'd beat the Contests for sure.

She spoke gently,"You're a dual type Pokémon, you know that, Gastly? You're a Ghost Type and a Poison Type! That means you get the benefits of both types! One day, you'll be a Haunter, and later, you'll be a Gengar! But I don't care if my Pokémon evolve or not! I just want all of you guys to be happy and healthy!"

She thumbed Gastly's new Pokeball, having taken the Ball Capsule and Seal off of what would have been a Pokeball for Gastly, and reattached it to the new Pokeball. The effect of Gastly coming out would be a swirl of mist, purple mist. She spoke,"Hopefully you can meet my great grand father and great grand mother! Great Grandma and Great Grandpa used to live in Pallet Town, where I grew up, when they first married! But now they live in Cerulean City where Great Grandma and Great Grandpa are the Gym Leaders!"
"Well you know someone in Cerulean, that is really cool, I can't wait to meet them," he said as he let the little Torchic rest in his arms, "he is a cutie though as is your Gastly, it is a neat little pokemon, they both have a long way to grow but they will grow up to be big strong pokemon. If little cute Torchic ever reaches his final level he will be bad ass Mega Blaziken," he said as he knew that was way far off, but it was something he knew about, he smiled as he looked over at Celestine, "Well now, I think we have pretty strong groups, different but strong none the less," he commented with a smile as he walked with her out of the center, "So, we better get going so we can dtake care of what we need to along the way and get there before to long. I am very much looking forward to meeting them."

He walked down the street, heading towards the exit on to the next route which would led to the first gym battle one that would be a great test for his pokemon. He had faith they would win. He let Torchic remain out as they walked, the little guy seemed to like the idea of resting on his shoulder as much as being in the ball as he walked. He had good balance which was something that would help a lot in the days to come. He looked at the road in front of them as he smiled, "Well should have plenty of time to work and fight wild pokemon to help these little ones get stronger.
"And that means the battle will be a piece of cake, since I have myself an Electric Type Pokémon!" she cheerfully replied, walking along with him on the route that would take them straight to Pewter City. She spoke,"Find a mountain, or some place with plenty of rocks, and I'll find myself a Geodude!"
"You also have a grass type as well, so yeah, it should be a super easy battle for you, and I think I am going to have what I need to win this fight too," he said with a smile as he looked over at Celestine as he walked with her. He took out a ball and tossed it as he let Torchic come back and return with the ball. "Still under prepared pokemon can still use if they even have the element advantage though," he mused as he continued to toss the ball back and forth with Torchic as the little firebird would go up and bring it back to him jumping up to land on his arm and handed it to him a moment later. "Well why I figured battling wild pokemon will be good while we go," he mused as he walked.
"Take advantage of weaknesses in an armor, split second things, and you will win the match. Never give your opponent a chance to fight back. You will win." she spoke, being all serious like. She knew she would win the Gym battles, the Contests. What she wanted was a strategy to win.
"Well I have to somewhat disagree and agree. It think it comes down to the connection of trust between trainer and pokemon as well as how well trained the pokemon is to be able to adapt quickly in a fight as you I think would agree. Never give up either, as no fight is likely to be just a bunch of one shots," he mused as he walked knowing that the fights would be harder then that if these people were worthy of being gym leaders otherwise they should never of been able to achieve the rank of gym leaders in the first place. He continued to toss the ball with the Torchic as he smiled he knew such games would help him get to have fun and help Torchic grow stronger.
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