Love and Adventure in Kalos(Dals Way x Vetchic)

Dals Way

Jul 6, 2014
A new day dawned in Kalos, the sun shining bright in the beautiful region of the Pokemon world. Vaniville town in particular had some great weather, the Fletchling singing the new day in. It didn't take too long for people to be out and about, one of them a boy in black hat, jacket and jeans.

The boy, named Tom, was 18 and like most people that age was about to start his Pokemon journey. However his first task of said journey was inside his own town. He'd gotten a package from Professor Sycamore, containing three Pokemon and two Pokdex with a letter attached. The letter had asked him to deliver this to a new girl in town before coming to see him in Lumiose City.

It didn't take him too long but he found the house, a Rhyhorn napping outside. He makes his way up to the door and gives it a knock. Waiting for the girl to respond...
Kate had recently moved to VaniVille, with her mother of course. She liked it here, the weather was nice, and so were the people. Kate had just turned 18 before they had moved here, and now she could start her own Pokemon journey. They lived in a medium sized house, with her bedroom on the second floor. Opon hearing a knock at the door, she set her book down before making her way down the stairs. Kate paused a moment, looking through the peep hole first. She saw a local boy, he wore a black hat, jacket, and jeans. Grinning she slowly opened the door, Kate wearing read and a white pull-over sweater, a size to big, and black short shorts, barely noticeable under her sweater. "Hey." she greeted him with a smile.
Tom smiled as Kate opened the door, looking her up and down a brief moment. "Hi it's Kate right?" He asked, holding out his hand for her to shake as he got an affirmative. "Tom, nice to meet you. I live down the street but kind of irrelevant right now." He then gestures to the box. "I've been helping Professor Sycamore lately and he's asked me to help him with something..." He stopped as he corrected himself. "He asked us to help him... May I come in?"
Kate smiling and shook his hand before stepping out of the way as he asked to come in. "Yeah sure, come on in." she waited until he had stepped past the door before closing it. "It's nice to meet you to. Um, you can set that down on the coffee table if you want." she added and motioned towards the smaller table in the middle of the lounge. "You've meet Professor Sycamore? I've heard he's cool." she shrugged and looked at the box he was holding. "What's in the box?" she asked, though she had a feeling she knew what it would be.
Tom nodded and headed inside, moving over to the coffee table before setting the box down. "Yeah, helped him with some minor projects, bit of paying work." He replied taking a seat.

He gave a smile at her final question, opening up the box. Inside were three Pokeballs and three Pokedexs, each ball had the symbols of Fire, Water and Grass types on them, indicating what was inside. "A gift from Sycamore, one of each of us."
Kate watched him move towards the coffee table, she followed him, sitting on the couch opposite of him. As he opened up the box she looked inside, smiling widely as she saw the three Pokeballs and the Pokedexs. "You mean i get to pick?" she asked, she could hardly believe it. Kate sat with her hands on her bare knees, she had been waiting to obtain her first Pokemon for the bast year or so. She looked up from the box, and looked at Tom. "This is amazing!" she couldnt help but be excited.
Tom nods with a wide smile, pulling out one of the Pokdexs. "It is brilliant... So brilliant infact that I can't really decide. So..." He opened up the holographic display and showed it to her. "Which one do you want?" He asked, showing her the three Pokemon inside, the Grass-Type Chespin, the Water-Type Froakie and the Fire-Type Fennekin.
Kate smiles and watched as he showed her the three types. She knew exactly which one she wanted. As he came to the Fire-Type, she looked up at him. "That one. I like Fire-Type Pokemon. " she answered him before reaching for the Pokeball with the matching Symbol. " What one are you going to pick?" she asked, looking at the remaining Pokeballs before looking up at him. She couldnt wait to start her journey, and she wouldnt complain if Tom stuck around for a bit.
"Well, I'm not doing this because of the typing." Tom assured her before taking Froakies Pokeball. "I like the Ninja it becomes." He tells her, putting the lid on the box once she took her Pokedex. "Last one is for a girl in the next town, she didn't mind what she got."
Kate watched as he picked the Water-Type Pokemon, Froakies. She grinned before taking her Pokedex and standing up. The next town. She smiled happily before attaching the Pokeball to her belt that was hidden under her sweater, and slipping her Dex into her pull-over sweater pocket. "So, we're going to the next town?" she asked. "When?"
"Can be off as soon as you are ready to." He replies, hook his ball to his belt and popping his Pokdex into his bag. "Professor wants us in Lumious to meet him ultimately, likely further afield than that. So would be ready for a big journey."
Kate smiled as he spoke. "I'll go get my bag." she turned and walked up the stairs and to her room. She grabbed her back pack, and slipped her Pokedex in to it. She grabbed a few other things and stuffed them into her bag before returning downstairs. She then went to the kitchen and grabbed a few snacks and stuffed them into her bag as well. zipping it up she slipped the back pack on before returning to where Tom was." I'm ready when you are."
Tom nodded and headed out, heading for the exit of town. They headed through route 1 a short and paved route with no Pokemon on it, serving only to connect them over to Aquacorde town, a riverside town just before the forests beyond. Heading to the house he had directions to he found that the person wasn't home, so he dropped it off for them to get when theu came back. "No one home, guess will just meet them at somepoint down the road." Tom says with a shrug.
Kate walked with him, enjoying herself. Quiet clearly happy to have finally started her own journey. Once they reached the house, she waited with Tom for someone to open the door, when no one did she watched as Tom set the box down. "Where to now?" she asked with a smile before turning and looking around at her surroundings. It was a small town, but still bigger than where they lived. She shifted her bag slightly, her hands in her pocket.
"Guess we go through Santalune Forest, get to the city, it's between here and Lumious. Think there is even a Gym there." Tom comments, leaning back against a wall. He motioned across the bridge where Santalune Forrest stood. "Don't mind going through dark woods do you?" He asked with a smile, looking forward to it himself.
Kate grinned at him as he asked if she minded going through the woods. "No, it'll give me a chance to level up my Fennekin." she chirped before starting to head towards the bridge. "Are you excited?" she asked, looking over at him as they neared the woods.
"Certainly am." Tom replied happily, following along over the bridge. As they got to the entrance the two come across a couple of small white and brown raccoon Pokemon. Tom pulls out his Pokedex, confirming his thought. "Yep, Zigzagoon." He notes, pulling out a Pokeball."Oh right, you'll need these." He tells her as he gave her a bunch of empty Pokeballs.
Kate walked with him to the entrance of the woods, she smiled as they came across a few Zigzagoon's. She gladly accepted the Pokeballs he offered to her, and put them in her back pack. she kept a few in her sweater pocket as she watched him. She had never caught her own Pokemon before. "Do you want to go first?"
Tom gave a nod, getting Froakie out. "Go Ryu, use Bubble!" He ordered, sending out his starter. The frog Pokemon leaping out before blasting a stream of bubbles at one of them. He quickly followed it up with a Pokeball, capturing the racoon Pokemon.
Kate watched him, waiting until he had caught his Zigzagoon before releasing her Fennekin. "Zar, use Scratch!" she ordered. The small Fox Pokemon Scratching the opposing racoon Pokemon, Kate quickly followed up with a Pokeball, the ball shaking two times before she caught it. She smiled and picked up with the newly filled Pokeball and hooked it onto her belt. Her Fennekin returning to its own Pokeball, and she hooked it onto her belt as well.
Tom smiled, hooking his two Pokemon to his own belt. "See simple enough, with any luck the rest of the Pokemon we encounter will be captured as easily." He notes, looking at the forest entrance before them.
Kate smiled at him before starting to follow the dirt path leading into the forest. "I heard that the high level they are, they hard they become to catch." She commented. Kate looked over at Tom, looking him up and down for a few moments. Due to the size of her sweater, it nearly looked like she wasn't wearing any shorts. "I wonder how big this forest is." She said absentmindedly as she glanced around.
"Very true, hence the need for better balls." Tom adds, glancing at her again. He has to remind himself that she must be wearing something under that sweater constantly, though he ended up taking long looks at her legs every now and then. He looked forward again as he got his focus back. "Believe the forest we'll likely need to camp in over night."
Kate made sure to stick to the dirt path, getting lost in the woods was something she didnt want to do. "We it get's dark we can find a spot to rest." she added onto what he had said. She looked over at him, smiling softly. "So, how long have you been helping Professor Sycamore?" she asked, wanting to find out more about Tom.
"Around a year now, hasn't been too long." Tom replies, now entering the forest with her. He turns his head to her and smiled. "How about you, what's your story?" He asked, having no idea about her yet.
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