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Full House Bet (Gumdrop x Blondie)

Oliver had turned to watching Dru carefully, studying the man that he was sleeping with, even if it was forced in the beginning. He nodded when Dru mentioned he was going to talk to Marcus and did his best not to say anything about the ankle tracker. He was going to hate that, he was sure it wasn't going to make it any fun running, but what was he going to do about it? He shrugged as Dru insisted there was no way that he would be able to run for 4 or 5 hours, and though that was true, he couldn't run for 4-5 hours straight...the man poorly mistook just how much he needed the outdoors at the moment.

He tensed when Dru came closer to him before slowly standing up and followed the other out to his room. He moved in and as he waited for Dru to get the tracker he changed into some running clothes that he found. He took a deep breath and stretch a little bit, doing his best to ignore how sore he was. He was going to run for as long and as hard as he could. Regrets again would be had, but they would all be well worth it. Already his mind had turned to thinking about everything that had happened to him in what seemed like days.

Oliver licked his lips and lost himself in thought, his body on autopilot even when he finally managed to get outdoors. The moment he was outdoors though he took off, running on whatever solid path he could find. Though at times he finally left the path and would just aimlessly start running around the backyard.

What was he supposed to do? Did he condone what Dru was doing by getting involved? Did he act like Dru by controlling Zack's life? Or did he just sit in that room of his and get fucked every time Dru wanted to fuck? He closed his eyes for two seconds before opening them again and slowly his running. He was sweating and was sore all over. He leaned his hands on his knees and caught his breath before starting to run again. This was insane. Why was he even thinking about it? None of this was okay. He needed out. He wasn't meant to be here, he wasn't meant to have this happen to him. But...maybe he could help these people? Maybe... probably not. to rationalize it that way would help his conscious, but it wasn't really helping them when you still got them involved, was it?
The moment Dru had Oliver set up with a tracker and clothes the boy was gone. He was shown the door when the cover of night enveloped him in it’s shadows as if aiding an escapee. Dru lingered momentarily before he turned away unworried; he had precautions in place should Oliver try to flee, in addition to the tracker. Though he questioned his decision to allow Oliver to sit in on the meeting before dismissing the doubt. Oliver couldn’t be shielded from the truth in order to be cooperative. He wouldn’t ever adjust.

Dru returned to his office and had someone fetch Marcus, going over paperwork in the meantime with scrupulous precision to preoccupy his mind. Upon Marcus gracing Dru with his presence, begrudgingly and with the likliness of a scolded child -slumped shoulders, downward glance, pouted lips-, Dru pried Marcus for information. He hadn’t tried hard before Marcus surrendered pertinent information via an underwhelmingly unconvincing apology that Oliver had omitted; the slap. Dru’s fingers began their drumming, resulting in Marcus tensing up. Dru hadn’t even asked for it when Marcus launched into a lengthy explanation of his side of things to justify his actions, pleading with eyes as wide as saucers for the dragon to understand.

What got Dru to calm down, ever so slightly, was the tail end of things with Marcus was nearly in tears and the root of the issue emerged. Marcus was standing and pacing at that point as Dru’s nails dug deeper divots into the holes they frequented when the frantic boy burst out amidst a flurry of apologize and explanations, “... WHEN YOU’RE GIVING HIM ALL OF YOUR FREE TIME, TAKING HIM OUT AND FUCKING HIM, AND YOU’RE HARDLY GIVING ANY ATTENTION TO ME!...”

Marcus had continued on, increasing his pacing and verbal slew unobservant as Dru’s fingers slowed to a stop, understanding now. He allowed Marcus to wear himself down to the point his chest was heaving and he had to wipe away a few tears, born of overwhelming emotions. He finally glanced over to Dru noticing he had been uncharacteristically quiet and who had crossed his arms over his chest, creases dug into the corns of his lips from the deep set frown. “I told you not to get attached.” Dru said blatantly, finally commanding Marcus’ attention now that he had exhausted himself; having released far more than he had meant to. Marcus’ eyes widened and he looked to the floor, blushing as he bit his lip and scrubbed his face having realized his err.

“I-I’m not.” he hiccupped failing to prove that the outburst was anything but emotional, unable to look Dru in the eyes as stray tears dug new trails down his cheeks only to be frantically wiped away. It was childish, pitiful, adorable. Dru snickered as he watched Marcus try to lie clearly wearing his feelings on his sleeve. It made Marcus glare at the dragon with as little effectiveness as a puppy before he snipped, “What’s funny!”

“You’re such a child.” he stated shaking his head wearing a smile now. “Go to your shift Marcus. I’ll decide what to do with you later.” he said uncrossing his arms and flicking his wrist at Marcus in a dismissive manner. The boy stared at him, flabbergasted. This mouth flew open to throw out a retort, his hands fisted at the treatment, when Drudwyn cut him off with a sharp look. The boy stared at his employer, momentarily challenging him before slipping back into the sulking stance he had entered the room with and did as he was told, fleeing Dru’s gauze.

Dru released a hefty sigh when Marcus had finally closed the door and looking at the time. Oliver still had some time before he needed to be fetched. So he stood and made his way to the basement to check up on the progress of train for some of the slaves that were on site.
Oliver was leaning up against a tree, he had been there for nearly an hour and was taking deep breaths still. He had just run for roughly and hour and he glanced at the sun that was starting to set. He licked his lips and glanced at a gate he had found. It wasn't exactly a hard gate to jump. He was pretty sure he could do it, but that was what this ankle tracker was for he was sure of it. He couldn't handle any of this. The power over his ex was nice but at the same time he would have rather never seen the two faced bastard ever again.

He licked his lips and started to pace again, before he knew it he was over the fence and running again. He felt better out here, like he wasn't trapped. He kept running, slowly but surely. He had no idea where he was or where he was going. He was pretty sure he would catch shit for this too. After all, this was running away right? Oliver just kept running though, "fuck...fuck...fuck!" he gasped out as he finally stopped. He looked back the way he had come, he wasn't even that far from the gate, he could still see it.

He sighed and fell to the ground, laying down and staring at the sky. "This is so fucked up!" he screamed and punched the ground. He had to make a decision and fast. Stay here, ultimately choosing to stay with Dru and deserve the crap out of the beating he was about to get. At least he thought so, who knew what Dru was going to do to him for this. If he didn't stay that meant he had to leave and fast, find a way to get rid of this tracker so that he could get far, far, away. Another hour past and he was still laying there, staring at the night sky. He looked over to the gate and groaned, throwing a two year old hissing fit for a few minutes.

He knew what he was going to do. He was going to stay, be for the sex or the people...he really wasn't sure. But he couldn't find himself to leave. He wanted to see this out until the end, where ever that may be. He sat up, well, he tried to sit up. It seemed his body had finally given out. The regret had started sooner than expected. He was exhausted. Blow jobs, meetings... and probably the loss of control to Zack would need to be put on the table. He'd offer staying in Dru's room as a 24/7 fuck toy, but he had a feeling that Dru wasn't about to allow that now. Either way, he was going to offer it. Oliver knew he fucked himself up even more now.

That was really what he was mad about, what he really needed to realize. Oliver was the cause of all of this, he had a chance to not honor the bet. Hell, he had even had a chance to not get with Zack in the first place. But no, Oliver could never do what was best for him, he only wanted to do what was fun at the moment. So with that thought he waited. Eventually Dru or whoever Dru sent would come get him.
The night air surrounding Oliver was chilly. Enhanced by a dew that had settled on the grass illuminated by the bright glow cast by a seemingly full moon. Crickets sounded accompanied by the wind rustling branches and leaves. It smelled of decaying leaves with the faint tinge of campfire and barbecue. It was calm around Oliver despite his internal chaos. The world turning as he mulled and reflected.

It was only minutes after midnight whenever a car came from the direction of the house, illuminating the road with spotlights, finding Oliver as soon as he came into view. The vehicle slowed to a stop before arriving next to the collapsed boy, producing Joe who emerged with a dramatic stretch. He even yawned as a few pops sounded, complaints from his joints that went ignored. “Boy did you run a whole hell of a lot.” he said looking up and down the road as if keeping watch. “You ready to go or do you want to stay out here a little longer?” Joe asked, trotting towards Oliver. Stopping only when he stood overtop of him, noting the boy looked exhausted.

Joe yawned again, not feigning this time. With his back to the car he was a silhouette. The dark shadow masking inset bags below half lidded eyes as well as a sleepy lopsided smile. Yet he waited. Sliding his hands into his pockets shuffling from foot to foot as if to keep the dew from seeping into his fabric shoe.
Oliver shivered slightly as he waited. He looked towards the lights when they caught the corner of his eye, then up towards the sky. He hummed, no way could that be the person meant for him. Just some random...damnit. He sighed as the car stopped next to him. He glanced over, wincing slightly at the lights. He couldn't tell who it was until the man spoke and he had to laugh. "He sent you?" he asked, laughing a bit harder. "I must not be in as much trouble as I thought." he said, before calming. No, he was in trouble he had to be, right?

He would have shrugged at the statement if he had not been so exhausted. "Yeah well, that's what happens when you keep someone cooped up for days and don't let them run like they want to. Maybe he'll learn from this." he said, knowing that saying that was just nonsense, Dru wouldn't learn from Oliver. He stayed silent for a moment, listening to the other shuffle in the grass before sighing, "Yeah, let's go." he said and moved his hand slowly up to have Joe take it. "Do you mind helping me up, I kind of over ran." he explained. "Seriously though, how much trouble am I in?" he asked as they headed back to the car.
Joe chuckled as Oliver said that if he was here he must not be in that much trouble. Dru had let him out, so why did he think he was in trouble? He didn’t ask that question out loud though as Oliver continued. He couldn’t help but bark a laugh when he hoped Dru would learn before commenting, “As if Dru’s going to change any.”

After Oliver extended his hand and explained his plight, Joe took it and helped hoist him up with a smile. “Well YEAH you kind of did. I mean, he said he let you go out for your run like, 2 or 3 hours ago. That’s crazy.” Joe made sure Oliver was good to walk on his own and then headed back towards the car before Oliver asked again how much trouble he was in. Joe pursed his lips, debating his answer deciding he had enough energy to toy with Oliver, “Like a boatload. He was fuming whenever someone told him you left the compound. If it wasn’t for the love of my life reaming into him about making Max escort the new kid to his quarters or wherever he would have come here and got you himself.” As the spoke, the smile on his lips grew steadily over time until he burst out laughing at the end, unable to keep his composure.

He held onto the side of the car, catching his breath before opening the door for Oliver wiping a tear from his left eye. “Oh boy I couldn’t even keep that up. WHEEW.” he breathed out climbing in after Oliver did. He let out a few more chuckles and then finally told the truth, “You aren’t in trouble. The whole point of the ankle tracker was to track you for when you left the compound. I mean, the front gate was wide open. You didn’t have to jump a side gate to get out.”
Oliver chuckled as Joe thought it was crazy for him to be running so long. "Well, I-" he stopped as the other helped him up and made sure he could stand "I didn't run the whole time. Hour and a half tops." he shrugged, "It wasn't a fast pace or anything." he explained and hobbled over to the car as the other apparently decided to mess with him. He believed the Dru was pissed, but the moment Joe mentioned 'the love of his life' Oliver knew something was up.

He rolled his eyes as the other started to laugh, "seriously, how deep in it am I?" he was actually really taken aback with the response he got. "I- he didn't say- he just told me that I had a time limit. That was midnight, isn't past midnight?" he asked, looking confused. He moved so he could get into the car and closed his eyes the moment he was in the seat. He yawned and was trying so hard not to fall asleep while in the car, but he was so tired. "I mean, that's cool if I'm not in trouble, I just thought-" he trailed off, mumbling a bit as he started to fall asleep anyway.
Joe chuckled again as he watched Oliver fall asleep. The kid had him beat, of course he had practice staying up after being exhausted. He watched Oliver for a minute before settling into his seat as well. Wiggling and stretching his legs out. He enjoyed the lemony smell of a freshly cleaned car and the light breeze of fresh air sliding in the cracked window. At least until he remembered that Oliver and Dru had banged in the car. Lemony fresh cleaning products. He groaned and sat up, his face twisting in disgust as he pulled into himself trying to take up as little space as possible. As much as he could anyways.

Remembering made a 5 minute drive feel like a half hour and he nearly sprang from the car whenever it pulled up to the front door. He dusted his ass and back off once free, for his sake, and turned back to Oliver. “Oliver, hey, Oliver!” he said, growing louder with each word, “Time to actually go to bed.”
Oliver gasped when he heard his name the second time as it woke him. He looked around trying to find Dru waiting to be yanked somewhere. When he realized that it was just Joe he looked over to him and then back to where he was attempting to figure out where he was. "Oh, right." he said and slowly got out of the car. He was so tired at the moment. He was struggling to keep his eyes open.

He rubbed his eyes and yawned, stretching the moment he was out of the car. "Fuck...I could use a shower, well a bath." he mumbled, rubbing his calves for a moment. Now was not the time for that though, bed, the time was for bed." he started to move towards the house before stopping once inside the door, "does he...Am I sleep in my room or his?" he asked, unsure of what the other had been told.
The abrupt awakening caused delay in Joe’s retreat to his room. A heavy sigh slipped past his lips while Oliver oriented himself and emerged from the vehicle. Oliver displayed signs of exhaustion drawing a smile from Joe, as weary as he was, and barked a laugh when Oliver said he wanted a shower or bath. He shook his head trotting to the front door pulling it open for the two of them before he waited and commented, “You’d drown man. Like, drugged out musician style. Elvis got you beat of course but still. Pretty petty death.”

He followed in after Oliver, closing and locking the door. He twisted to one of the guards and nodded, briefly exchaging words when Oliver asked for his attention once more. He turned to the boy shoving his hands in his pockets suddenly yawning out, “I, *yawn*, I don’t know. I was only told to come and get you. I mean, I would think he wants you in his bed but I don’t think he really wants to fuck his play thing unconscious.” He then shrugged and started to head off in a different direction than where Oliver and Dru’s bedrooms were before he stopped and looked over his shoulder.

“Do you need me to show you where your room is? Or do you got this?” he asked before yawning again, trying not to.
Oliver chuckled, "Can't over do Elvis." he mumbled, he was still tired but he was doing his best to stay just awake enough to get to whatever room he was supposed to be in. He nodded when the other stated he didn't know and yawned right after him. He honestly didn't think Dru would care whether he was unconscious or not, but that didn't really matter.

He shook his head when Joe asked if he needed his help. The guard was so tired, why not let him have this break, Oliver was sure he could find his way. He waved the other off and headed down the hallway that he was pretty sure was the right direction to either his or Dru's bed. Eventually he was properly lost and had no idea where he was in the house. This was probably do to him being so tired.

He glanced around for a second before opening a random door, he decided this was good enough and moved over to the bed, not taking notice if there was anyone in it or not. He stripped got into bed and promptly fell asleep in a matter of seconds.

He didn't wake up until the morning, still exhausted but mostly physically. He sat up in the bed he had managed to find and looked around the room, he needed a bath and pronto his body was killing him.
Joe had watched Oliver saunter off in the wrong direction. He thought about saying something, but before he could decide if he should or not Oliver had disappeared. The guard yawned again and shrugged trotting off to Dru’s office where he promptly told Dru Oliver was in before retiring to his own room.

Dru, having figured that Joe saw Oliver to his room, thought nothing more of it and finished his work for the evening before going to his own bed where he submitted to slumber. The following morning he had an array of different tasks to attend to that burdened his thoughts. So following his morning routine, though he thought about it, he didn’t check in on Oliver next door. The boy had slept till noon every day he had been allowed and today, Dru thought it would be no different.

So he went about his morning tasks, unknowing that Oliver had stumbled into Zachary's room.
Oliver closed his eyes once more and sat up slowly as he stretched. He opened them again, stretching as he looked around the room. He really thought Dru would have a bit better of a room than this. This wasn't his room, perhaps he was wrong? He looked down to the bed since he realized he felt something there. "Fuck." he said and groaned, his head hitting the backboard of the bed. Of all the rooms he could have slipped into he seriously had to wind up in his.

He huffed, there went his idea of having a nice restful afternoon, along with his idea to just avoid Zach like no tomorrow. No, now he was in the man's blasted room. He growled a bit to himself. He still needed a bath. He moved to get out of bed, his eyes going wide with anger and disbelief as Zachary wrapped his arms around his waist. "Get the fuck off me." he growled at the half asleep male.

"Hmm, Olive, don't tell me to fuck off, I know you love me." Zach half mumbled as he pulled Oliver back towards where he was, "come on, Olive...I know you like it. Let's do some angry sex."

Oliver growled more at Zach, "Get the fuck off me!" he said and pulled away roughly. "I don't want to deal with the likes of you, you bet me in a game you couldn't win! Do you realize what I've been through in just a few days you fucking asshole?" he said, finally getting off the bed and glaring at Zachary. "It's not fun, it's not cool."

"But you are just a slut anyways...I bet you liked every second of it. Plus, it's all your fault anyway. So don't blame me for doing what was left as my only option. If it weren't for you I wouldn't be in this mess either."

"My fault? It's my fault! You fucking little basta-" he stopped himself and took a deep breath. "Listen here you little shit. Stay out of my way or I will use the power that Dru gave me to ruin your god damn life." he hissed and headed out of the room slamming the door behind him. He looked around, he had no idea where he was and all he wanted to do was take a freaking bath.
The slam of the door echoed down empty hallways; bouncing off of closed doors, bare floors, and vacant walls. Without anyone occupying the space, it resembled a barren hotel or estate. Devoid of life and decorations alike; no rugs, tables, paintings. Even the smell that occupied the house seemed stale, as if windows were never opened. It’s occupants recycling air used.

A few minutes passed, whether Oliver roamed or remained still, voices could be heard, the house coming alive with a flurry of guards. Some fleeing to the dining room for lunch, others retreating to their rooms to retire until their next shift, or others even heading to their shifts in the basement. A select stragglers finding their way to the gym and recreational rooms. Plenty of people suddenly about, a surge of activity.

Oliver could easily grab someone and ask them for directions. A few people were recognizable spectators or participants from the first few days of Oliver’s hazing. None going out of their way to interact with him though. As quickly as the surge came the house quieted. As still, eerie, quiet as the moment Oliver had fled Zack’s room. If Oliver hadn’t asked for directions while he could, he was on his own once more.
Oliver started to head in a random direction, figuring if he could get his bearings with a place he was familiar with he would be fine. He was a bit freaked out that there was no one to be seen though. He glanced back the way he came, worried that he might have to go back to Zach's room.

At the massive surge of people though he froze. He recognized a few, but he was a bit shocked at how many people there were to really grab any of them. He managed to grab a hold of one of the stragglers though and ask where Dru was. He was given quick directions and then left. He huffed but glanced towards the way the man told him to go and eventually headed down that route.

Eventually though, and by some miracle and awkward-entering-roomness he managed to find Dru in one of the many rooms of the house. "You really need to create maps around this place. It's way too big." he mumbled as he entered the room, leaning up against the wall. "I'm a bit shocked you didn't come find me though, I figured you would be pretty mad about me not being there when you woke up to give you that deal of ours." he said. Honestly though he wasn't exactly in the mood to give a blow job, his body still hurt all over but he figured it was a better idea to go see Dru and judge just how much trouble he was in for not coming back when told to. If he was...Joe had said he wasn't in any trouble.
Towers of papers surrounded Dru on his desk. Admittedly, there was only 3 stacks that were each only 7 or 8 inches tall, but it was far more clutter surrounding him than he had ever allowed to accumulate previously. His attention had been elsewhere as it stacked up the last couple of days. Finally, Adrian had confronted him. It was the bird’s job after all, to ensure Dru kept up with his paperwork. That was part of the reason Dru ensured the bird stuck around. Alas, the day had come where it bothered Adrian enough that he told his boss it needed done; transfers, proposals, bids, applications for admissions to auctions, so on and so forth.

He was so immersed in his tasks he very easily could have overlooked Oliver sliding into the room had nothing been said. Even when Oliver spoke, he didn’t look. He remained silent as he finished writing out what he was working on. Silence lingering between the two as Oliver leaned against the wall and Dru hunched over his desk, whittling away at the stack as if he had some regular office desk job. He finished his writing, sitting up and stretching for a moment, his eyes looking over Oliver noting his lack of clothing unknowingly due to the fact Oliver had fled the room his clothes had been discarded in. Not that Drudwyn minded regardless the reasoning.

He then took a deep breath and settled back into his seat. “You’ll learn the house soon enough. The more you meander the faster you’ll catch on.” he said with a noncommittal wave of a hand. He looked over his desk, huffing slightly before looking back to Oliver, “To be quite frank I forgot. Adrian bombarded me with the paperwork the moment he caught me having breakfast.”

At that he stood looking over Oliver fully, noting the ankle bracelet still off. “Joe didn’t take you to have it removed.” he stated, his lips falling into a frown before making a soft, ‘hm’ noise as if he were pondering a retaliation. A split second past and his face relaxed into a neutral stare at Oliver. “Did you come to offer the blowjob or was there something else you wanted.” he stated, despite it being something of a question.
Oliver smirked when Dru didn't look up from the stacks of paper work. The man was clearly too busy to be bothered right then, he was about to leave when the other finally said something to him. He tilted his head when Dru told him he would figure it out eventually, "Still doesn't make up for the fact that your house is entirely too big. There is no reason to have one like this." he said shrugging. He had to chuckle when the other said that the bird man bullied him into doing this work. "So there is someone that you fear." he snickered and shook his head.

"Hmm?" he glanced down to his ankle, "Oh, I kind of forgot it was there." In the chaos that was his morning, of course he had. Looking down also gave him time to notice that he was entirely naked here as well. "It's not a big deal, we were both pretty tired last night. And it's not entirely bothersome. Though, I would prefer it off." He huffed.

"I did not! I just-" he stopped, why did he come here? He could have just as easily gone and taken a bath, if Dru was really that angry he would have come and got him or just waited until later. There was really no reason for Oliver to have come to see Dru. "I just..." he licked his lips, fidgeting slightly, he couldn't come up with a reason fast enough, "I just wanted this thing off." he mumbled, moving his ankle a bit. It was a straight up lie, but it was the best he could come up with.
Dru stared, pan faced, momentarily before chuckling as the corner of his mouth turned upwards. “You forgot it was there…” Dru purred out, slowly sauntering his way around his desk towards Oliver. A smile found it’s way to his lips as he continued, “but you came to get it off. That’s a little contradictory isn’t it?” He stopped in front of Oliver peering down at him. He slowly reached out and tilted Oliver’s chin upwards as he scooped down stealing a light kiss prior to whispering, “You could just say you missed me.”

Dru’s thumb caressed Oliver’s cheek lightly a few times before he withdrew his hand. He retreated to his desk, opening one of the bottom drawers suddenly pulling out an oversized, plain black t-shirt. He returned to Oliver and offered it to him. “I don’t fear Adrian. I respect him. I also pay him to badger me and ensure I’m getting the office end work done.” he explained.

Once Oliver took the shirt Dru continued until he thought better, “When I first began I…” He closed his mouth and looked away from Oliver thinking better of whatever he was about to say. Rather, Dru walked to the door with a strained smile, opened it, and held it open for Oliver. “I’ll assist you in getting the tracker off and then have someone assigned to assist you move about the house. It’ll be a small break for me.” he said looking to Oliver once more.
Oliver winced when the other picked up on his lie rather quickly. "No." he mumbled, stubborn as always. He looked up as the other tilted his chin. "I didn't miss you." he mumbled, crossing his arms, though he did lean into the caress a bit. He looked at the plain black shirt and took it pulling it on. "So you pay the man to strike fear into your heart." he teased, he fixed the shirt a bit and then looked over to Dru, "sounds like a mother to me." he snickered.

Oliver tilted his head when the other looked away from him. He looked to the door and sighed, he didn't really want someone assigned to him. It felt...kiddish. He moved through and then looked over to Dru, "When you first began you....sucked at this job? Hurt people? Acted like a spoiled brat? Fucked superman?" he asked, "What?"

"That does look like a decent amount of paper work, you do know there are people out there that specialize in stuff like that? Or are you trying to say I was that distracting? Are we getting to the 'this toy is becoming boring' part of the Christmas gift?" he asked. That was something he was all too entirely used to.
“Well you certainly are that distracting.” Dru said closing the door behind them once Oliver was through. Yet, before Oliver was out of the way, the dragon turned and pinned the boy to the door. He dipped down biting and nipping at the tender skin along his neck. Work his way up to Oliver’s jawline before using it as a guide to his lips. Rather than a light peck, Dru kissed Oliver deeply. One hand cupping Oliver’s face as the other grabbed the boy’s hips and pulled their bodies together. A few moments passed before Dru pulled away and chuckled softly, his hot, minty breath hitting Oliver’s face. “I’m far from done with enjoying my toy.” he purred, his eyes half lidded, “But I do have a business to run. So you’ll have to excuse me from time to time as I catch up on everything I neglected while I...played with you.”

Dru stared at Oliver, his eyes still low as their lips hovered less than an inch apart. He closed that gap after a short reprieve, lavishing Oliver’s lips with more attention. When he pulled away again, his breath was heavier. Taking a short pause, he pulled away just slightly from Oliver, “When I first started I almost destroyed the company because I couldn’t control myself. Adrian aids in keeping me in check, though I’ve become much more adept at keeping my hands off.” He purred softly, slowly untangling himself from Oliver, “I don’t want to keep my hands off of you but I must sometimes. Adrian has enough on his plate. It would overwhelm him if I did that.” He breathed deeply, gaining control again, finally turning down the hallway to lead the way. The only remnant of what had happened the bulge in Dru’s pants.

“Lets tend to that tracker now.” he said, changing topics.
Oliver chuckled, almost proud that he was able to successfully distract Dru from what he was supposed to be doing. He was about to move down the hall when he was pinned against the closed door. He gasped and winced at the biting and nipping, though after a few he didn't hold back the light moan that was trying to escape his lips. The kiss made him groan and as the other pulled back Oliver almost followed, almost. His breath was a bit shallow though as he looked at Dru waiting for an explanation. One he very quickly got. "Oh..." he licked his lips.

He kissed back this time, and found he felt a bit hallow when Dru pulled away this time, but he shoved that down really quick. Oliver looked a bit shocked when Dru actually answered him. "Oh. Wow...I mean, I guess...when you have people that can't exactly say no." he looked away. That didn't sound as good, but at least Dru seemed to admit he wasn't proud of it. That could be why he stopped and didn't say anything. "Well, blow jobs can fix that. I would really like to ruffle that man's feathers. I bet he would just squirm to find me sucking you off underneath the desk while you do work." he smirked and chuckled, blushing a bit when he realized just exactly how that came off. "Not that...I-yeah, let's..." he said, following after Dru, Dru's pants not the only one with a bit of a bulge.
Dru looked back at Oliver as he let them through the maze of a house, unable to keep himself from regressing after hearing the lude idea fall from Oliver’s lips, “I’ll take a blowjob while I work at my desk, thanks for the offer. I’ll be sure to arrange it when I know Adrian’s itching for a meeting.” His lips had curled into what seemed to be his perpetual smirk, at both Oliver and the idea of messing with the raptor. He chuckled turning to see where he was going as he brought both hands behind his back and then them there.

“I won’t be accessible the rest of the day. Once I finish this paperwork I have some other things I need to attend to. Do you have a preference for who I assign to guide you about the house?” he looked back to Oliver, perking an eyebrow before something suddenly struck him. “Strike that. It’ll be Marcus.” he stated, the issue already resolved. “I’ve come to a resolution regarding his punishment that I agreed to discuss with you.” he said slowing his walk so he could easily look to his side.

“He told me about him smacking you.” he calmly said, glancing over to Oliver. “I don’t like information being kept from me Oliver.” The smirk had faded to something of a scowl. His brows furrowed clearly frustrated, angry, or both. He took a breath and continued, “Regardless, it turns out he’s jealous. Somewhere along the lines having gotten attached.” They passed by the dining room, the smell of lunch wafting from it taunting all who pasted to enter and delve into it’s depths to partake. The chatter of captured men slipping from bottom crack. Dru didn’t pause to see if Oliver was hungry though. He kept walking and talking, “What I’ve figured should be done, if you’re willing, is for you to boss him around. Not like the power that I’ve given you over Zack. More like a personal butler. I want him to face the fact he didn’t handle the situation properly and that the punishment is to do as he is told by you.”

He looked over to Oliver fully, his face serious. It broke after a second, a sly smirk making its way back onto his face, “I also would like him to service both of us at some point. Perhaps make him feel included after a short time of being pushed around.”
Oliver gave a forced smile, "Gee, great." he ended up chuckling a bit himself though. It would be fun to bother someone while he did what he enjoyed, plus he was sure he could come up with some way to annoy Dru while doing it too.

"Oh- um, I mean, I-" he was cut off from answering who he wanted assigned to him , "Marcus!" he said, looking at Dru like he had grown to heads, "I-" he looked away from Dru as he was told that Marcus said he had smacked him. His hands formed fists as he listened to Dru, he didn't like this one bit. He didn't want to boss Marcus around, he just wanted Marcus to not hate him and this wasn't going to help any. Then Dru stated he wanted to have Marcus service them, hoping it would make him feel included. He looked at Dru and sighed.

"You really don't get it do you?" he said and shook his head, "He doesn't want me there. He likes you, for whatever reason, if he's jealous he's not going to want me there. I'll only make it worse. I also think that's an awful punishment. He handled the situation just fine. Sure he slap was a bit overkill, but it's fine there was no harm done." he said, even if his feelings had been hurt a little bit. "I kept the smacking bit away from you because it wasn't necessary to tell you. He should have kept his own mouth shut about it." he huffed. "You can assign him to me, but I'm not going to treat him any differently than I already have been." he said. Though he had to admit he really did like the idea of having Marcus's mouth on him.
Dru dropped the smug appearance when Oliver said he didn’t get it, his eyes sliding over to Oliver one brow raising begging the question. Yet he listened, pursing his lips as time passed his brow falling to furrow as Oliver continued to speak. Quite fell between them as he processed the information, looking forward as they walked. He hummed softly and then turned back to his pet, “No, it’s going to make him feel guilty for lashing out.” He stopped at a door and opened it, revealing the same room that Drudwyn had taken Oliver to in order to get it on. He proceeded into the dimly lit room, various tracking equipment and all sorts, as a small, lanky man appeared from behind a pile with a box of things in his arms.

“He’s ready for it to come off.” Dru said stepping to the side so Oliver could come in. He had fairly large glasses that seemed to occupy his whole face and lenses that magnified the puzzled look he gave. He shrugged though, setting the box down and reached for what looked like a key of sorts and moved to Oliver before taking it off after a few seconds.

“Anything else sir?” He asked as he withdrew into the room, placing it down in an empty spot surrounded by other ankle trackers.

Dru nodded, “That’ll be all. Thank you.” Dru then turned and withdrew from the room, expecting Oliver to follow. Once the door was closed, he looked down to Oliver and continued with the previous conversation as if there hadn’t been a pause. “Marcus is too soft hearted to not feel bad. He’ll apologise sooner or later even if he is upset that you’re stealing me away.” he chuckled, “He’ll apologise faster if we have at him, but that’s up to you. At least until I get too impatient. I want to sandwich you or him whenever you’re both fresh and invigorated, unlike before whenever you basically passed out a top of him.” He purred, putting his hands behind his back again shooting a smirk at Oliver.
Oliver sighed as the other insisted it was a good punishment. He watched rather uninterested as the man took off the tracking device, though he did take note to how confused he looked. Perhaps this wasn't a normal thing? Granted he was pretty sure that this man probably thought he was for sale like the others. He glanced up at all the other trackers and winced, that seemed like way too many for anyone to have.

As they left the room he glanced to Dru and rolled his eyes. "Funny, I didn't think I was stealing anything. I certainly wasn't trying too. Do remember Dru, not to get attached." he said, smirking a bit. He knew he was using the own man's words against him, but he frankly didn't care. When the other got into having them all play together again he did look away, he had to admit even though he was already half passed out when they last played it had been fun. "Only if he's up to it or wants to." Oliver said with a cool tone to his voice, "I'm not here to steal anyone away from anyone. I'm here because that bastard ex of mine was too stupid to stop while he was no where near ahead and then I was too stupid to just say no...well, too angry to just say no." he huffed, "Can't say I haven't exactly been enjoying it." he said, knowing he wasn't able to deny it any longer thanks to that car ride. "But I have no attention to steal."
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