Reach out to the Abyss (Mysterica & Malfrost)


May 20, 2014
"Welcome... to the Velvet Room."

The black mists of hazy unconsciousness gave way to dim lights in every shade of blue imaginable -- a cyan glow from an overhead light and the lower bar, deep navy seating, and a faint indigo glow that suffused the air and gave texture to every shadow. But... there was a man.

Igor smiled wide behind steepled fingers, crooked and gloved claws that folded neatly beneath a nose that was far too large to belong to any normal human being. "You are... an odd one. A different air surrounds you than those that... typically enter this room," he said with a rasped chuckle, his tone polite; almost genial even. It was entirely at odds with his... unique appearance.

Tear Grants stirred, pushing gloved hands against the cloth of the seat she'd been laid upon. It looked like the inside of one of those military vehicles in one of the officer compartments; all nice elegance and the like, but there was something different. Something... eerie.

"What is this?" Tear asked. Memories were hazy, drifting in and out of mental sight like a desert's mirage. She'd... been in Baticul, and...

"A place that exists between time and space, Ms. Grants," Igor said. "Or is it Fende? Ah, but I get ahead of myself. You are here for a very specific purpose. What, though," he said as Tear's mouth began to open, "I can not say for not even I know!" Igor said with a low chuckle.

"... ahh. Allow for me to read you the cards," Igor said as he gestured grandly to a series of cards laid out before him. He waved a hand, one card twitching faintly before jumping off of the table, revealing a hanging silhouette. "Ahh... the Hanged Man. You seek a cause to throw yourself into, something perhaps to die for. A meaning to exist," Igor said -- there was no reprimand, no comment. Just a simple statement of fact.

Tear scowled at him, cheeks burning in anger as she pushed herself up on woozy legs. "Listen, I don't know what is going on, but if you can return me home..." Tear said, turning hopeful blue eyes onto the strange little man.

Igor tutted under his breath. "It is not easy as all that, I am afraid. You have a part to play in strange times ahead. If you are to return home, then you must see through the fog. You are clever, and I am sure you will figure it out," Igor said with an expression that went quite suddenly grave.

"... in time you will find your way back here, and then perhaps you will know what must be done. I will help as I can, so know this; there is a young man whose future is as uncertain as your own, who strives to find a way through the fog. Be his light for as much as he will be yours," Igor said.

"But wait, that doesn't tell me--"

And then there was nothing.

Figures were gathering around a figure in Junes, a slumped over young woman with lighter brown hair and closed blue eyes, in a strange brown garment and pink stockings. Tear had been deposited from the Velvet Room into the electronics department, with more than one confused onlooker considering Tear was passed out on a shelf with a boxed radio as a pillow.
It had been a long day full of discovery for the young Yosuke Hanamura, the Prince of Junes as he was known. Last night, he had a weird dream that involved a blue room with a strange man with a long nose. Then he found by total accident that he could enter tv's. Later that morning, he found out that Saki Konishi, his crush, had been found dead. Thinking the tv world might have had something to do with it, he ventured in and awoke the power of his Persona. Now, he was sure the TV world had something to do with the two mysterious murders that had taken place in the small town of Inaba. He had managed to somewhat convince his friend, Chie, but until something else occurred, it was all speculation for now.

He was working the closing shift in the Junes Electronics Department when he got called over because of a commotion of some sorts. As he walked towards the area that was surrounded by a small number of people, he couldn't help but pause and stare at the sight before him. A beautiful girl with long and flowing brown hair in a strange grab seemed to be sleeping on a shelf. He felt himself blush slightly because the girl was so beautiful, but he shook his head clear. He had to figure out what was going on. She based on her garb, he figured she might have something to do with the TV world, but he wasn't going to make baseless assumptions until he talked to her. Thus, he approached her and gently shook her awake.

"Excuse me, Miss. Is everything alright?" Yosuke asked with a smile and in a caring tone as he continued to shake her lightly until she woke up.
"Mr... just... another minute," Tear was muttering underneath her breath, her eyes shut tight as her body tried to make sense of what had been going on around it. She was tired and sore in ways she'd never thought possible... but then there was something else, laying just on the periphery of her thoughts -- that is, the words she was speaking was NOT in a language she new.

Blue eyes suddenly opened wide as Tear pushed herself up, whacking her head on the shelf above her. "... ouch," she whispered to herself, eyes opening wide immediately afterward. She... somehow knew exactly what she was saying, but the words felt unfamiliar on her tongue, as if she'd never spoken it before. The language of Auldrant was rather different from Japanese, after all.

Tear slowly turned her head, eyes widening as she took in the visage of a young man who'd been trying to shake her awake. Suddenly her pale cheeks flushed, though it was hard to tell what the exact cause of it was. Her eyes flicked from left to right at all the people around her in their strange clothes. Where... where was she? Her heart raced -- she'd been all over AUldrant and had -never- seen anything like this before.
Yosuke could tell something wasn't quite right. He quickly wrapped his arm around the girl and helped her up as he shooed the crowd away. He helped her walk to a nearby rest room for the workers and laid her down on the couch. She was quite light, he had to say, and now that he had gotten a good look at her up close, she was quite beautiful as well. As he helped her to the rest room, he was blushing the whole time until he set her down. Once he did, he let out a sigh of relief. He looked around and made sure no one was coming, then looked at the beautiful girl on the couch.

"So....Miss...? Is everything alright? You seem extremely you at least remember your name?" Yosuke asked, concerned evident in his voice. He figured she might have hurt herself in some way that gave her amnesia. He was hoping that wasn't the case. He patted her head lightly to feel for any wounds, but he couldn't find any. He was hoping everything would turn out to be alright with this girl.
Tear was in shock, and it was as easy as could be for him to sweep her up into his arms and to carry her out of the electronics department, away from all the prying eyes of the customers. She didn't stir, hardly so much as blinking until she had been lain down on the couch and she had a few moments merely to try and process everything that had happened. This place was... odd. She didn't like it in the least, and it scared her. She shoved all of those thoughts away, clearing her throat and focusing her gaze. Push it all down... deal with it later. Now was time to be clear-headed.

"... Tear," she said at last, reaching up to fix her light brown hair, a good amount falling across one blue eye. She had to look exotic compared to the people around here... at least from what she'd seen herself so far. "I'm... no, everything is not okay. I remember... my name. Yes, Tear Grants. And... a man with a nose like a bird's beak. And a screen. Black screens and... so many colors," Tear said. She had no idea if she sounded insane just then, but she also had no way of knowing that this sort of thing wasn't commonplace.

"Is any of this making sense?" she asked, turning worried eyes onto Yosuke.

These worlds were far more different than she could possibly imagine.
When Tear finally spoke, Yosuke couldn't help but think that she had quite the beautiful voice. It was enchanting in a way, but he quickly shook his head as he focused on what she was saying. Her name sounded exotic, that was for sure, and when she mentioned a man with a nose like a birds beak, he knew right away what she meant. He nodded his head in understanding and stroke Tear's head in a comforting manner as he gave her a small smile.

"Well, Tear. I'm Yosuke Hanamura, and I think I'm beginning to understand what may be going on. I had an encounter with the man in the room you were referring to not long ago. He mentioned finding my way though the fog to the truth of the mystery of this town, and there would be a young woman to appear to help be my light..." Yosuke blushed slightly as he meekly rubbed the back of his head. "I think that girl...might be you."

Yosuke sat down on the table cross from the couch and continued to contemplate things. For now though, he thought it would be good to figure out as much about Tear as he coukd, then, if possible, he could take her back to the Velvet Room with the key he had received.

"So, Tear....something tells me you might not be from Japan...or even from this world...despite how well you speak Japanese." the young man chuckled as he drew his gaze back towards the beautiful. "Can you tell me a bit about yourself, and where you are from?"
All at once, Tear felt some measure of relief. She had NO idea what was going on yet, for that beaked man had spoken in riddles for all it had made sense to her. She heaved a deep sigh as he moved to sit down on the table just across from her, and very slowly she sat up fully, settling her hands in her lap as she regarded this Yosuke Hanamura.

"... Yosuke... I'm sure my name sounds as odd to you as yours does to me, Mr. Hanamura," Tear said with a fleeting ghost of a smile. "... he said the same about me having to help a young man. I suppose that's why he dropped me here, so that we might meet. Subtle," Tear said as she slowly pushed herself to her feet. Her knees nearly buckled, her hands reaching out to grab ath is shoulders as she worked to regain her balance. She was still fairly woozy to say the least.

"I'm from a place called Auldrant. The clothes, the language, the people... all are so different. I think that man made me fluent in your language," Tear said. The words still felt odd coming out of her mouth, used as she was to speaking another language entirely, but she didn't seem able to speak her native language even when she wanted to. "I'm..." she sucked in a deep breath. "Locrian Sergeant Tear Grants, a soldier of the Order of Lorelei, a religious institution. I was trying to kill..." she hesitated for a moment, "a notorious criminal when a hyperresonance occurred, a meeting of two Seventh Fonists. The resulting energy must have landed me here," Tear said.

Was this prophesied in the Score? There was no way of being sure, but she had to find out what was going on here.

"... I'm sure not a lot of that made any sense. To sum up, I'm..." She hesitated for a moment. "A soldier and a fonist, someone who can manipulate elemental aspects. Specifically, sound," Tear settled on. That seemed to work the best. "... and I'm from another world entirely I think."
It was indeed a lot for Youske to wrap his mind around. All this stuff about Auldrant and her duties and magic made his head spin. After the events of the last few days though, he didn't doubt anything she said. She knew about the Velvet Room after all, and ever since he discovered Shadows and Personas, he really didn't have a hard time believing anything she was telling him. He just sat there as he spoke, nodding his head as he try to make sense of it all after she finished.

"Okay, I think I understand most of it. are some kind of magical solider who was sent to kill some really bad guy...but...something involving two powerful sound mages ended up causing a dimensional rift of some kind and you ended up in the Velvet Room and then here, that is the bare bones of it all, right? I gotta say, you quite the beautiful solider, we just have burly men in our Army." Yosuke drummed up a quick summary and ended it with a chuckle as he complimented Tear. Though he didn't always show it, Yosuke was quite intelligent and cunning, he just sucked at studying was all, but he grasped concepts well. Still, it surprised him to think that the beautiful girl in front of him was a trained solider and killer. She looked much to beautiful and kind to be involved in such gruesome things.

"Well, you can tell me more about your world and I can tell you more about mine once we go to my house. You'll need a place to stay until we can figure out what is going on." Yosuke slowly stood up from the table, knowing that Tear was using his shoulders for support. He offered his arm to her with a small smile. "Can you stand? If not, I don't mind carrying you to my house, its not far from here. Oh, and its just Yosuke, please. Mr.Hanamura makes me sound like some old school teacher." Yosuke laughed at the end as he gave Tear a small wink.
"Magic's not right," Tear said, holding up a finger. "It's a manipulation of basic elements. The things that make up our world. It has very stringent rules and is limited in effect. What landed me here, specifically... what lets me speak your language... I think that THAT is magic," Tear said. "But... besides that, you're right," she said, her cheeks tinging with pink at the compliment. "It's not unusual for women to be part of our military. I imagine that's a difference between our worlds," Tear said as she slowly made his way around the room, trying to get used to moving around. She felt... heavy. Heavy in a way she couldn't describe.

"I... would appreciate that Mr. Hana... Yosuke," Tear said with a small smile. "But, ah... first, is there a way to get some new clothing? I think that you will be stared at very oddly if I start walking around with you like this," Tear said, gesturing to herself and the odd garments she yet wore.

"I get the rather bad feeling that I am going to be stuck here for some time," she added a moment later. It wasn't a good feeling in the least, and she felt things were going to get a lot worse before they could start getting better.
"I see. We might want to see if you can still use your powers here or in the TV world." Yosuke stated aloud, not realizing she didn't know what the TV world was yet, but he would explain that later. For now, he heard Tear request some new clothes. He nodded his head and gave her a thumbs up and a grin. "Alright, I'll go get you some clothes! We might want to look into you enrolling to school while you are here, so I'll get you a school uniform and some casual clothes as well." Yosuke turned to leave the room. "Just stay here, I'll be back in a jiff!" He called out as he ran out of the room to get her some clothes.

About fifteen minutes later, Yosuke came back, looking quite sullen and sad. He opened the door and appeared to stagger into the room with a few bags in his hands. He set them to the side and looked at Tear, shaking away his melancholy as he gave her a smile. "There you go, the school uniform to the school here is in one bag, and I picked out a few casual outfits for you in the other. Feel free to put whichever one you want on, I'll wait outside while you change!"

Yousuke stepped out once again. Once he was outside, he began to weep slightly. He hadn't realized how expensive school uniforms were. His parents had bought his after all. Her uniform plus her casual wear sucked away nearly all that he had been saving up the past few months, even with his discount. Still, if it made her happy and feel more comfy with her new and foreign environment, it would be worth it.
"... TV World? Is that where the beaked man lives?" Tear asked. She had no idea what a television was of course -- the only screens they even had were the advanced computers and the machinery they used for Fomicry. As he ran off to get her some clothes, Tear reached out after him. How was he going to know what her measurements were...?

She waited there for those fifteen minutes, shifting nervously between her feet as she waited for Yosuke to return with her clothes. When he did, bags under his arms full of clothing for her, Tear gave him a grateful smile. "... thank you," she said , taking the bags and glancing through them. Well, this didn't look so bad...

Tear pulled off the garment that made up her usual outfit, feeling her cheeks fill with heat and color as she started to pull on the clothes he had retrieved for her -- amazingly, it all fit rather well.

Tear made her way out into the hallway, carrying the bags in one hand as she cleared her throat. "Well? How does it look?" Of the clothes provided, she had donned the black t-shirt (with her glittering pendant dangling just above what little cleavage the shirt provided), a white overshirt over that, and finally the purple skirt that went down to mid-thigh, stopping halfway down her creamy, smooth legs. At the end of those long, shapely legs were a pair of basic flat shoes. She looked entirely ordinary -- and would have looked moreso had her hair been darker, her skin less pink, and her eyes less blue.
Yosuke tapped his foot against the floor as he waited somewhat nervously for Tear to come out. He had been dragged into help in the woman's clothing area so much that he was actually pretty good when it came to taking a stab in the dark about a girls measurements. As she called out to him, he turned around and he could feel his face flushing red. He had picked out clothes that looked WAY too good on her.

He could feel his eyes scanning her beautiful body, spotting her slight cleavage and looking at her lovely legs. He could feel an erection starting to build in his pants, a bulge becoming visible as he quickly shook his head and tried to make his growing erection go away." You like....amazing, and beautiful. " Yosuke spoke, slightly flabbergasted as he again had to shake his head to try and snap out of his trance.

He walked towards Tear and offered her his arm, his face still as red as a tomato."We...well? Do you...still need help walking? I still don't mind...helping you to my house if you need me to..." Yosuke knew his voice was hitching slightly and his tone made it clear that he wanted Tear to accept his arm. He was really head over heels for this girl right now.
Tear looked embarrassed at his words, her expression staying somewhat stern but pinkening across the cheeks, her arms folding underneath her chest which gently pushed her large breasts upward, deepening the creamy white valley of her cleavage. "Thank you, Yosuke," Tear said softly, averting blue eyes for a moment as she looked anywhere else -- she was sharp-eyed and had noticed the slight bulge that had only been getting bigger in his pants.

"I... thank you, but I think I will be fine. You've already been so kind to me Yosuke," Tear said as she shifted her bags between her hands, holding tight to the strings on the bag in her hand. They were fairly large, enough to hold the clothes he had gotten for her as well as her (admittedly quite short) staff, the very end of its haft just poking out of the top of the bag she'd stuffed it into. "... but are you sure that all of this is fine? Won't your parents wonder? I still know... well, so very little of this world," Tear said.

She continued to marvel at all in this world, at the strange technology and the odder fashions that, at least on her, bared almost as much skin as a swimsuit. It was bizarre is what it was.
"Ah, alright...well if you feel tired on the way over, don't worry about it." Yosuke meekly rubbed the back of his head as he began to lead Tear out of June's and into the slightly foggy streets of Inaba. It wasn't too busy today, so the walk towards Yosuke's house didn't take too long. At the mention of his parents, Yosuke let out a chuckle. "My parents are pretty gullible, I'll come up with a reason for you to stay here. Yosuke gave Tear a large smile, wanting to let he know that he wasn't going to let her down.

Sure enough, once Tear and himself entered his house, he introduced her as an exchange student who was suppose to stay with the Konish's but could no longer do so due to Saki's death. Feeling bad for both her and their son, they eagerly offered to let her stay for the whole school year. Yosuke turned to Tear and gave her a grin. "Well then, lets go put your stuff up! You can stay in my room until we get the guest room set up.

"Yosuke led the girl upstairs and into his room, a modest room with a couch, table, futon, tv, bookshelf and a few posters. He rubbed the back of his head and let out a chuckle."I'm not sure what you are used to where you came from, but I hope this is good enough for you."
"... well, alright. I trust you," Tear said with a brief smile, deciding to let the subject drop as she merely enjoyed the silence and the fog of the country town. It was... quaint. Even with all the extremely fancy things they had here, looking downright futuristic by her mind (the televisions and the occasional parked car came to mind)... well, Inaba was nothing compared to Baticul. Even less compared to the vast waterways of Grand Chokmah that could settle into the loveliest summer fogs and mists...

She said little to Yosuke's parents (for fear of tipping them off), merely smiling, nodding, and expressing her gratitude before Yosuke diverted the two of them up to his room. It was just like the rest of the town that she had seen -- futuristic but rustic all at once. It was almost captivating and it was with wide blue eyes that she took in the television and the posters.

"... you live in a peculiar world, Yosuke," Tear said. "I hope this school you're talking about won't be too hard. I imagine that history, language, and science will be particularly hard," she said with a sheepish smile, setting her bags down by the table. "Ah. Where would you like me to sleep, Yosuke?" Tear asked.
"You think so? I bet the world you come from is a lot more exciting and interesting then here if people can use magic and stuff like that." Yosuke rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as he let out a chuckle. He still thought Inaba was a bit of a boring place, but he had come to enjoy the town and considered it home.

"I'm not the best at school, but I'll do what I can to help you....assuming we can actually get you enrolled...that may prove problematic...well...we'll figure that out together tomorrow. Yosuke gave Tear a smile, hoping to get rid of any of her worries and fears of his school which they would attend together tomorrow.

"Where to sleep? Well, you can sleep in my room on the futon for a few nights while we get the guest bedroom sorted out. I'll just sleep on the couch in the living room until then, I hope you don't mind sleeping in a used futon." Yosuke joked as he gave her a playful wink. She was his guest and it was only fair that she get the futon to sleep on until the guest bedroom could be use. It just seemed like the right thing to do, given the circumstances.
"Not magic. I'm a Fonist," Tear said -- she seemed to be sticking to the insistent terminology here, though it was then that she seemed to realize that they were in a private enough place to actually try it. "It is an interesting place to live, but not always a good one. I said I was a soldier... and suffice it to say that I have some experience in that regard," she said with a wan smile -- she was, after all, hiding the satchel of throwing knives in that bag as well.

"I don't mind sleeping on the couch; you've been so kind to me already that I would not want to put you out of your bed. Please, lay down. I would also like to sit with you for a while. I'd like to talk a little more if you do not mind," Tear said, gesturing to the futon as she slipped off her flat shoes, slowly sitting down and folding her smooth, white legs underneath her as she propped herself up with one hand.
"Right, Fonist. Sorry. To me, it's all magic." Yosuke chuckled lightly as he explained. He was eager to see her possibly try out her abilities, but he wasn't sure if this was private enough of a place of if she needed anything to do so. He figured she would try when she was comfortable in ready. "Right, its the same here. No world is perfect I guess." Yosuke folded his arms slightly as he thought on the issue. He always thought there might have been other worlds, especially after his experience with his Persona and Shadows. It sounded like Tear's world was very different, but at the same time, a lot like his own.

As Tear offered him his bed, Yosuke shook his head and waved his hand dismissively. "No, no. You are the guest, and in our society, guest get treated better then those who live in the house. He have to treat our guest well." He chuckled as he moved to lay down on his bed next Tear and blushing slightly as he did so. Tear was quite the beautiful girl, and they were alone in his room and she looked really beautiful in those clothes and in he position she was in.

Yosuke could feel his face growing red as he felt his erection slowly growing back. He tried to shake off the thoughts as he tried to give Tear his full attention. "Well then, what do you want to talk about, Tear? Ask anything and I'll do my best to answer!"
"I understand," Tear said with a faint smile. "Magic to me is something that is unexplainable. Fonists... our powers are relatively well-understood, though the Seventh Fonon is still being researched. It comprises... well, everything," Tear said, waving at the air. "My abilities with it are... well, based around singing. The Fonic Hymns that can change the world around me. I can sing one for you later, if you would like," Tear said.

As Youske lay down, Tear gave him a tiny smile. "Um. Alright, give me a moment," Tear said. She was a very observant woman -- she was a soldier, and a perceptive one at that. Her cheeks pinkened, and she glanced down his body.

"... alright. Well..." She cleared her throat. "Have you been looking at my chest?" Tear asked outright.
"I see...powers based around singing...that is very interesting. I'd love to hear you sing. You have a very beautiful voice." Yosuke smiled as Tear explained Fonists in more detail. It all sounded rather complex, but he suppose the inner workings of a computer or tv would be rather complex to her most likely.

Yosuke saw Tear's cheek turn red and wondered what might have been wrong, then she asked her question. He could feel his face catch fire, his face now completely red. "I...uh...well..I...." Yosuke stammered, but he realized that he had been caught and he let out a sigh. "Well....yeah...sorry but you are just so can I not look..." Yosuke muttered and looked away, embarrassed.
Tear was somewhat used to people looking at her by now -- she was rather young for a soldier, even given the extenuating circumstances of being chosen by Legretta and being brought into everything due to her being raised in the Qliphoth... and that sort of thing, along with her generous figure, tended to draw the eye.

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize," Tear said. She felt... bad. Bad for showing up in this world and taking Yousuke's money, making him lie to his parents for her, helping her so much... she suspected a part of it had to do with Igor giving him the same spiel that he had given her, making sure they knew their destinies were intertwined, but... he was a kind soul. And Tear was grateful, even if there was nothing she could do just then. Nothing, except...

She chewed at her lower lip for a moment before reaching down to the bottom of her shirt, and gave him exactly whagt she knew he wanted just then. The cloth pulled up slowly, revealing her taut and flat stomach -- slender but not stricken with muscle, the build of an athletic young woman. First her navel, then the smoothness of her stomach, and finally... the bra cups slid up, her large and bountiful breasts spilling out. She was large, easily into the higher Ds, and tipped with pale pink nipples. "... is that... bothering you?" Tear asked as she gestured to the erection that was so very obvious to her, even as her chest was hanging out plain for him to see.
Yosuke had been looking up towards the ceiling when Tear started to pull her shirt up. He didn't turned to look until her shirt was already nearly past her breasts. He felt all the blood in his body rushing to his head as he quickly sat up, trying to find his voice.

"Te...Tear! Wh...what are you doing!?" Yosuke knew exactly what she was doing however. He felt his erection become even harder in his pants. It was a massive bulge now and it was throbbing for attention in his pants. "Are you...alright with this...? I don't know how it is in your world, but you normally only do this sort of thing with a person you like here...." Yosuke was blushing as he looked away slightly. However, it was clear his eyes were still on Tear's quite beautiful looking and now exposed breasts. When Tear asked about his erection, Yousuke felt like he was about to die of embarrassment. He nodded slightly as he then looked away. He was wondering what she was going to do. He had an idea but...would she really?
"... in my world, most of what you've done for me so far is only done for someone one likes," Tear said, offering him a small smile. "You've done a lot for me. More than you had any reason to do. I'm not going to... go all the way," Tear warned, "but helping you out is the least I can do," Tear said. She swallowed nervously as she reached out over to him, pushing him gently back down and reaching for his pants, working to pull him out into the open air. "Ah... do you have any... lotion?" she asked with a small smile. He was a teenaged boy -- she figured it was pretty likely that there were lotion and tissues somewhere in this room.
As Tear explained her reasoning, he nodded slightly as he allowed himself to be pushed back down onto the bed by her. He felt her reaching into his pants, pulling his throbbing cock out into the open air. He moaned slightly as he did so, the feeling of her soft and slender fingers on his hot and throbbing rod felt amazing. As she asked if he had lotion, he just nodded with his beet red face and pointed to a nearby drawer. It seemed like boys had the same kind of tendency in Tear's world as they did in his. Boys would be boys, he guessed.
Tear smiled gently down at Yousuke as he pointed to the lotion. "Alright," she said, standing, breasts bouncing ever so slightly as she made her way over to the nearby drawers, pulling out the bottle and some tissues that were kept along with it. She knelt back down next to him after a moment, squirting a healthy amount onto her hand before she turned back to him. "Just... relax," she said, taking in another deep breath before her fingers wrapped around his throbbing dick. The lotion was cool but her hand was warm, sliding slowly up and down the hard flesh. She'd only done this once or twice before for other initiates... and despite her relative inexperience, she kept at it with a warm smile. "How does that feel, Yousuke?" she asked softly.
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