Spider Man Dates An X Man! (Naomi David and OstrichFromJoust)

She would make the one that was doing this to her brother and sister mutants pay. Mutants, they were all one big dysfunctional family. Eternally messy, but there weren't that many of them, so they had to stick together. Now this person comes along, capturing them and doing who knew what. She was flying around in the city, streaming fire. SHe'd only done this one, for effect, to terrorise the villains. Nobody wanted to piss off somebody who could become fire.
Peter gritted his teeth as he swung through the buildings, pulling off his slingshot move to occasionally get a boost. She was moving fast, but leaving a trail of fire behind her, so it wasn't too hard to follow along. Becoming a fire streak through the night sky of New York certainly would scare off some villains, but it was having the same effect on civilians. "Come on, El, calm down," he muttered, flipping through the air, catching her again and swinging in an arc after her. He knew just how she felt, having someone close to you hurt and not being able to do anything about it, hell, it was the reason he became Spiderman in the first place.
She was screaming in rage, and in pain, the sound was recognizable as the sound of deep sorrow and loss, of deep, extreme pain, the sound that just built up, the feelings that no words could ever hope to describe. She wanted revenge, and she would have it.

She kept streaking fire until she ran out of juice for fire, and her reserves... Her energy switched to Earth, so it was easy enough to follow her. Trees, plants, it was easy to follow her trail by the sudden growth in plant life.

When she ran out of energy for Earth, it would go to water... But part of the reason she was so enraged tonight was the fact that she saw her co worker, Isabelle. They were like sisters.
Peter swung on top of a building, running and leaping off the side to dive and start swinging again. It took all he had to keep up with her. She was a very powerful mutant, and seemed to be putting all of her power and rage into her speed. He was lucky her abilities were affecting the elements around her, earth turning up as she flew by, then water trailing off her as the power shifted. Maybe she would run out of fuel and have to stop, so he could actually catch up. She needed a superhero friend right now, someone to talk this out.
She needed to get home. Her home was the only place that she could grieve in piece... No, she had to go to Isabelle's house. Maybe she could salvage evidence of a struggle, get DNA, hopefully she'd get a mutant to track her... She sharply turned, obviously heading for the residential part of the city. She would avenge all of the missing, bring to justice the people responsible. But still... She wanted to capture the one mutant alive, and haul his ass to Professor X. Maybe he would be able to extract something from him... Of course, she wasn't above torturing to get what she wanted. Besides, she knew full well pain was a very effective way to bring somebody out of mind control.

She was very close to Isabelle's house now, and she managed to tone down her rage, she knew full well if her wind powers got out of hand, she was known to break open windows, and cause lots of structural damage... Well, when she was mad enough, her wind speed had been known to exceed that of an F5 tornado.
"Ah! Tight corner!" he said, twisting in the air to fire another web line behind him. Pulling hard, he changed direction and starting swinging after her again. Controlling wind must help you turn on a dime, for him it took straining his arms to reverse his momentum. Now it seemed she had a destination, rather than just shooting wildly through the streets of Manhattan. After a bit longer she seemed to slow, he swung up on top of a building, watching her to see when she'd finally stop. "Where are you headed..." he muttered.
She finally landed on a doorstep, and she searched under the doormat, looking for the spare key, and she happily found it. She opened the door, and to her horror, the inside of the house... Well, it looked like a massacre. Blood was all over the place. The place looked like a huge fight had gone on here, like Isabelle had put up a fight before she was taken.

She howled again, this time filled with rage and grief. She looked around the house for anything that could be salvaged... She would have to contact Scarlet Witch if worst came to worst. She always felt uneasy around Magneto's children, there was just something plain creepy around them.

But given the weird shit now, she'd have to contact Scarlet Witch tomorrow, to see if she could perform tracking magic on any of Isabelle's things.
Spiderman watched her land, apparently finding the home she'd been looking for. He moved, jumping from the roof to the wall of the building, crawling down to the alley below. Well now he just felt creepy, like he was spying on her. Intent counted, right? He'd just meant to follow her to help out, not to watch her from the shadows while she went through someone's apartment. It must be someone she knew out of costume, someone she was worried about with the kidnappings. Hearing her scream, his suspicions were correct, unfortunately: she found something bad.
She would raise heaven and hell to avenge those lost to this monster. After work, she was going to stake out the place where she and Spider Man had gone earlier. To her disgust, anything that would be of use was gone, anything that could be used was missing. Things that would be considered things that would have a strong imprint of Isabelle... Clothes, jewelry, pictures...

The next day, anybody that knew Astrid could tell something was seriously bothering her. She was putting on a brave, happy face, but inside, she was in sheer agony. Hopefully the pretty face of the boy she was going out on a date with on Saturday would cheer her up. Well, after she had left Isabelle's house, she had gone to the closest pay phone, pulled on a secondary mask that had a voice scrambler in it, and reported Isabelle missing.
Peter could tell she was in no mood to talk, to try and figure this out. Tomorrow might be better, he assumed she would be in that spot again, in the park, trying to find this bastard. He would go there again as well, to help with the tracking and maybe help her through this. He zipped up the side of a building, starting to swing back to his apartment to get some sleep. It was another work day tomorrow, hopefully not a long one.

The man had slight bags under his eyes as he walked down the street, moving through the crowds as he headed toward the coffee shop. The trip would help in two ways: the caffeine, and seeing Astrid would help cheer him up, keep up the excitement for Saturday. These kidnappings were driving him mad as well, he wanted to get to the bottom of it, though clearly Elementa wanted it more, it was now personal for her. Peter got to the shop and stood up to peek over the line, smiling as he saw the blonde head at the register. Waiting for a few minutes, he got to the front and was about to joke, but paused. It wasn't hard to see that the smile on her face was fake, that it was different than the typical happy Astrid he'd seen everyday for a while. "Hey, you all right? Coffee emergency got you down?"
"I'll talk about it later. It is not information I wish to share with this many listening ears." Astrid replied, doing her best to keep it together. There was a tattoo on the left side of her neck, she brushed her hair back. It was the parabatai rune from The Mortal Instruments. Isabelle had the same tattoo, on the same side of her neck. Isabelle was special to Astrid, her best friend, despite the fact that she wasn't an easy person to get along with. She had an odd look in her eyes, a look that did not go well with her delicate angelic features. The look was pain, terrible, terrible pain. She secretly texted him 'Isabelle missing. The police are all over her home. I want to go look for her but don't know where to start.'

She owed Isabelle so much, Isabelle helped her find her house, she helped her move in, everything. Isabelle was so good and kind, she was her better half.

Peter nodded, now a bit worried. "Yeah, sure. Let me know if there's anything I can do," he said, watching her hand brush her hair, revealing the tattoo. "Nice ink. Oh, right, coffee, long line. The usual, please," he said, some voices speaking up about him taking a while, New Yorkers were always so nice. As he paid and waited, his phone went off. Pulling it out, he read the text, then looked up to her, a serious look on his face, then back to the phone. 'Astrid, I'm sorry. Let me see what I can do, I've got some friends in high places.' he texted back. He didn't exactly keep it hidden that he 'knew' Spiderman, it was public knowledge for anyone who cared to dig deep enough that he made Spidey's gadgets at Verge Labs, making it not so suspicious when Spiderman helped him out with stuff.
Astrid prepared the usual for him, like he asked. She smirked faintly when he said she had nice ink, he should see the rest of her ink, all over the body. She could only hope he liked chicks were had lots of tattoos. She texted,"Do you believe in monsters, in nightmares, legends whispered around camp fires? I think something from a legend might be behind this, the police haven't been able to find anything."

She served for the rest of the day, it seemed to drag on, she was waiting for night to fall so she could rain hell on the one responsible for this. Well, she would swing by Hex's place, well, it was Abnegation's place as well, she had moved in with him. Hopefully she could get something from there to get Scarlet Witch to do tracking magic with.
Peter took the drink, smiling and thanking her, and heading out. He kept his phone out to respond to her messages. 'Well, it's hard to be a skeptic when gods, back-from-the-dead soldiers, a guy with an iron suit, and a huge green monster fight aliens and monsters every other week. What makes you say that?' he sent back, sipping at his drink as he walked, heading for the labs to get to work.
"There is only so much that the normal police can do. When they can't solve something, they turn to S.H.I.E.L.D to see if they would have answers... Can you keep a secret?" she replied. She was going to tell him she was a skilled hacker, which was true. And lately, she had been getting odd flashes of places she had never been, but places that she knew should be familiar to her.

She knew all about S.H.I.E.L.D, mutants, everything for a very long time. It bothered her to play the role of a mundane, somebody who would normally know nothing about such things.
Luckily, it was a slow day at the labs. Lots of tests and experiments were running, but it was a lot of waiting on results as the reactions formed and developed. Some report making, but paperwork was pretty much always there, a dragon you could never kill. Overall though, lots of time to respond to texts. 'Of course, is something going on?' he sent back, wondering what sort of secret she might have about this. He thought his could probably top it, of course not knowing she was keeping the same sort of secret about nightly activities.
"I am a skilled hacker, and I have informants in different places in the government and police force. My sources tell me that the missing people, this has been going on far longer than the papers have reported."

She was glad when it was time to go home, that meant go time, time to go catch a monster. Of course, her suit last night got shredded... So she had to go to her back up suit, same make and everything, but it made her look more like a ninja than a cat. She was pumped up with adrenaline. Well, she suited up, and took off for Hex's place.

To her immense displeasure, his place looked like everything was stripped of the things that could be used for tracking. She was searching for laptops, cellphones, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, even shampoos, but nothing was there to be found. Then she smiled, she found something. Cereal. It was actually Cocoa Puffs, Abnegation loved that cereal very much, she wouldn't even let Hex touch it. It would certainly have a strong imprint of Abnegation, that was for sure. She swiped the cereal, headed home, dropped it off there, and left.

She went straight to Central Park, right to the very spot where she had seen the 'soulless' mutant bring the victims before he had disappeared with them. Hopefully he would come back. The mutant, anyway. She had her doubts, since if one was smart, they would not use the same place twice, given what had happened last night.
'Well jeez, that's certainly something. I'll help anyway I can' he sent back. A hacker? Informants in the police force and government? What the hell was he getting into? Of course, he was Spiderman, "beloved" hero of New York with friends on the Avengers, Fantastic Four, and other heroes, but still. Peter was just an ordinary guy.

It was closing time soon enough, and Peter headed out from the labs to quickly change and get to Central Park to see if Elementa was there. He thought she might be, to try to track that guy again, and he wanted to help. Just as he got into an alley and changed, sirens flew down the street. "Crap, can't ignore a siren," he said, leaping up and swinging, taking off after them.

In the park, with Elementa, it was very quiet. Around them, in other parts you could hear families and people enjoying the afternoon, but this part was calm, eerie, quiet. "You came back, you wish to sacrifice yourself to the masters?" a voice said, and a man stepped out from behind the tree in front of her. Now in the light it was clear to see, his eyes were cloudy, purple, glazed over. His voice was odd, almost sounding like someone else was talking alongside him, a deeper, evil voice mimicking him. "All shall serve the master, or be a sacrifice that he may return!" he shouted, raising his hands and forming a vortex behind her, trying to suck her in.
It was silent, too silent. It was the sort of silence one would expect from a crappy horror movie where it was silent before something happened. She narrowed her eyes at the man, he looked too familiar, it was obvious he was the guy from last night, but there was a certain tone to his voice that the thing controlling him could not erase. This was most certainly Hex, what with the too recognizable Chicago accent. It was Hex, but not him, at the same time. Of course, he tried to form the vortex to suck her in, but she had a much better idea.

Using geokinesis, she partially sank herself into the ground, so that way she was so into the Earth that she could not be sucked in by the vortex. She fired a jet of flames, strong ones, into the vortex, and she was positive she could hear howls of pain, long distance, but certainly, she had hurt somebody with her fire. She shouted,"Hex! It's me, Elementa! Fight this! I know you're stronger than this!" She felt greater power from geokinesis when she was actually on the ground. She clenched her fists, willing the branches that had fallen to the ground to rise. The branches, nearby ones, anyway, immediately rose.

She willed them to hit Hex mercilessly, repeatedly. She kept it up till the vortex disappeared, and she rose from the ground, the controlled Hex still being abused by the branches. She snarled,"The real Hex did not use his vortexes to fight. Are you too afraid to face me in hand to hand combat?" The cloudiness seemed to fade just a hint, but Elementa would not fight fair, and she was positive that the controlled Hex would not be fair either.

She stood in a fighting stance, and she charged at Hex, moving faster than the average human, but she did not hit him. She leapt onto the closest tree branch, and dropped behind him, round house kicking him in the back. While he dropped to the ground, obviously stunned, she yanked on his shirt collar, successfully managing to rip off some fabric. All she needed was some fabric... The sad part was, possessed people fought and fought, even if their bodies were damaged...

She did not have time to properly battle him, but at the same time was, if she successfully managed to knock him out cold, she could drag him to Professor X and have him root out anything and everything of use in his brain. The sort of process was delicate, but too much was at stake.
He laughed, hands clenching into fists as he focused his energy. The vortex started to pull harder, but her power over the earth easily held her back. "Your friend is no longer here, only the will of the master!" he called out, suddenly shouting in pain as the branches surrounded him and started to attack. "You say that, yet you also hide behind your powers, behind these twigs!" he called, closing the portal as she hurried away. Too quick for him to turn, she was able to kick him away, rip off part of his shirt as he fell away. He snarled, standing back up and stepping back. "I don't need to fight you, we have what we need, it's only a matter of time until he is risen. You will pay for your insolence!" he called out, raising his hands and forming a portal below him. It sucked him inside, closing as he was sucked into its depths.

A few moments later, the sound of a web hitting the tree went through the clearing, and Spiderman came zipping from somewhere, landing on a branch. "Crap, Elementa, you okay? I got held up by a carjacking," he said, hanging down and falling onto the ground to walk over to her.
Elementa was furious. Those words did hurt her, but they did not break her. She scowled when he escaped into his vortex. She had a miserable yet defiant look on her face when Spider Man arrived. She spoke,"I'm fine. Hex... He is gone. He's been taken over, possessed. But I got part of his shirt. I shall give this to Scarlet Witch to see if she can perform tracking magic on it."

She narrowed her eyes when she saw that one of the twigs on the ground had blood on it. That was the best piece, blood gave more accurate answers for tracking magic. She summoned it to herself, and spoke,"Hopefully Professor X using Cerebro can find him as well, but I dunno how it works if he can track somebody that's possessed..."
His masked head tilted a bit. "Wait, Hex? The guy that we're looking for? He's the one with the vortexes that's been kidnapping people? I'm sorry," he said. Apparently whatever they'd been dealing with could take over people's minds, splendid. He felt bad for her, not only was a friend gone, but now one of the people they'd been looking for had been possessed to work for the very person who was kidnapping people. Freaking plot twists.

"Maybe so, I hear it's supposed to be able to find anybody, like some kind of super TomTom but for people. If he can find this Hex, that might lead us to the people that were taken, as well."
"I have lost far too much already. I will do what ever it takes to avenge them. I tried to beat him into submission, but the 'not Hex' got away with the vortexes... But I think I may have injured something. He tried to suck me in, but I shot my hottest flames into the vortex, and I definitely heard screams of pain. I think I may have done something, hopefully slowed it down. But I think we're dealing with sacrificial magic. Not Hex said that his Master had everything that he needed." Elementa spoke, she only spoke freaky fast when she got excited.
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