Spider Man Dates An X Man! (Naomi David and OstrichFromJoust)

"Yeah, just an offer to buddy-up if you need the help. I'm usually solo myself, but if you need help with something, feel free to let me know," he said, releasing her had after they shook. Well, at least she got it. The media wasn't always telling the truth. JJ was a master of taking his pictures and twisting the headline to make it seem bad. He paid the bills though. "That's the truth, now if you could just get the general population of New York to agree with you, we'll be in business."

He stopped talking as her phone rang, and she answered it. Spiderman tried to speak up as the voice started talking aloud, but didn't quite get the chance, it seemed like an important call. He was able to talk again once they hung up. "You're an X-Man, er, X-Woman, then? Tell Logan I said hi if you see him, we've had a few team-ups in the past. That something you want to handle alone?" he said. He'd also heard some talk of missing persons the last few weeks, more than usual, so it was something to worry about.
"Yes, I'm a X-Woman, as you so put it. Professor X found me as a little girl. I couldn't control my powers then. They manifested after I was about to be beaten up by bullies. And Logan... Last I heard, he's enjoying himself in Miami." She spoke, and she continued,"Whatever this issue is, I know it is not something I can handle alone, even though I can create tornadoes, create hurricanes, create earthquakes, or create literal firestorms. Two mutants have disappeared just right now, so I will need help. Feel like a trip to Underworld?"
"Sounds like the typical story, I just wish there was a Professor Spider's School for Gifted Spiderboys when I was getting into it," he joked. Spiderman had met the Professor a few times, and each time he was amazed, the man was brilliant, kind, caring, and strong. An excellent role model for the young mutants in the X-Mens' care. "Yeah, glad to help. Let's head out, I'll follow you," he said, turning to move out the doors of the bank, past the police that were taking care of the baddies.
Astrid nodded, and she disappeared into the wind, she only did that when she wanted to travel fast. But he would be able to see her and hear her, and she spoke,"I do this only when I wish to go fast... I'd take you into the wind with me, but I fear you body might not be able to stand the speeds I can go at." She rocketed out of the bank, creating paper tornadoes, and she waited for him to follow. She'd take a left, go straight for a few blocks, then take a right, then take another left, go straight some more, than at the end of the road, they'd be at Underworld.
Damn, she was fast. Spiderman leaped out of the doors, into the air, shooting a webline to start swinging. He went as fast as he could to try to keep up, but there was no way he could compete with someone that could basically become the wind and control where it went. She appeared again for him to follow, and he went along with her through the streets and turns. Soon enough they'd reached their destination, and he landed on his feet onto the street. "You're better than a GPS, Tomtom beware."
"I have informants here in Underworld, they tell me where some of the more disturbing crimes have gone." she replied, reappearing next to him, and the wind stopped howling, though she still remained afloat, not wanting to look normal and for him to possible recognize her mundane self... She yanked out some photos out of her pocket, and she handed one to him, it was of Abnegation, she looked remarkably similar to Astrid, what with facial structures, but her hair was red and her eyes green. Astrid had Hex's photo, and she spoke,"There are many homeless here, they make excellent informants because nobody notices them, and they see everything"
Spiderman nodded as she explained, taking the photo and examining it. This was the girl that was missing, then...His head tilted a bit, as he thought she looked like the girl he had a date with on Saturday. Different hair and eyes though, but their faces looked alike. "All right, let's look around. Hopefully someone's seen them, maybe we're lucky and they just had a field trip to Underworld. Creepy name," he said, zipping up to a wall to get a higher look of the area.
"Have you seen this boy?" Astrid was asking one of the homeless, and she pointed her to another homeless man, saying he might know more than her. She then talked to the homeless man, and fished a $50 bill out of her wallet, and she spoke to the man,"I'll give you this if you tell me accurate info about this boy in the photo. He was seen here earlier with a girl that had red hair and green eyes. Have you seen either of them?" The man nodded, and spoke,"I've had the fortune of seeing them both, however, it looked like they were swallowed up by a black hole, I could not get any closer without being seen."

She whistled for Spider Man, and she continued,"Did it look like it was going in a particular direction?" He replied,"Dunno, didn't notice, but I suggest looking in Central Park. If I wanted to hide something, that's where I'd go."
While Elementa took to asking her informants, Spiderman was above. He jumped and zipped from roof to roof, scanning the streets as he went, looking for the red hair of this Abnegation. No such luck seemed to come, but he kept looking until hearing the loud whistle. Assuming that was for him, he webbed back to the street, coming up behind her. "What's the scoop? Break in the case?" he asked, catching the last bit of what the man had said, about Central Park.
"Morty here says he saw our missing heroes swallowed up by a black vortex, and he also suggests looking in Central Park. He also tells me of stories he's heard from vagrants that live there of strange goings on there at night, and only at night, the place is quiet during the day, which suggests to me that this... Problem we're dealing with can only stand darkness. And we'll miss our chance for this, daylight is near, we'll have to deal with it tomorrow night. And I must contact the Professor at once." she spoke, sensing how close the Sun was. And it wad close to her bed time anyway, she needed to get a minimal amount of sleep so she wouldn't be like a zombie during work. And she didn't want to look bad in front of Peter. Not realizing he was so bloody close to her... To keep up her end of the bargain, she gave the $50 to Morty, this was good, solid information. She turned to Spider Man, and spoke,"I think it wise tomorrow to observe Central Park, it would be unwise to attack, for all we know whatever is causing this may have an army. If we encounter something that is blocking our Sight, something that is showing us unreal images, I shall contact a specialist to deal with it."
"Well, good job, Morty," he said, giving the man a nod as he listened to Elementa explain. It was getting rather late, well, early, so they may be out of time for the night. That didn't bode well for the ones they were searching for, but if that was their only move, so be it. "Good idea, we can meet up in Central Park tomorrow around sunset, then? Keep watch for black holes and kidnappers," he said, extending an arm and firing a web line to start to zip away. "Good team up, now a spider needs his beauty sleep, so I'll see you tomorrow, El," he said, leaping off the ground and swinging away.

The next day went pretty standard. At this visit to the coffee shop he expressed his excitement for their date after his usual joke, ordering his drink and heading to the labs to work. He made a quick stop at the Bugle to drop off some pictures to Jonah, who babbled on about Spiderman being a mole to help the robbers steal before signing his check, and then Peter was off. He dropped off his things and starting swinging to Central Park, fairly close to sunset, so he could meet Elementa.
Astrid nodded, she spoke,"Sounds like a plan. She melted into the wind, and rocketed home, creating unintentional mini tornadoes of garbage, though bringing nothing with her to mark where she lived. She got enough sleep, woke up, ate, showered, got ready for work.

Of course, at work, she was super thrilled to see Peter, just not realizing she had talked with him mere hours ago. She too, expressed excitement about Saturday. That sole pleasure kept her going through the day, and she was pleased to clock out. She went home, ate, showered, and suited up. It was close to sunset, so she left home very quickly, her hair and eyes white as she flew to Central Park. Earlier in the day she had given Professor X her findings, and while he was pleased to see her, he was most certainly displeased at the ill tidings she brought. He informed her a few more mundanes had disappeared.

She whistled, reappearing right next to Spider Man, and she spoke,"Whistle the Mockingjay whistle from The Hunger Games if you encounter trouble, or if it seems you can't get past something, and I shall do the same." All she was praying for right now was that they didn't happen on any bodies. Well, knowing somebody was dead was better than knowing somebody was missing, because if one was missing, you didn't know if they were alive or dead. Of course, alive was better.
Looping around a tree, he landed in a crouched position in the grass of the park. It was a beautiful piece of nature stuck in the middle of the concrete and steel of the city, he'd always liked it. Peter didn't have to wait very long before he heard a whistle, the wind moving around him as Elementa formed next to him. "Give me an example, you know, to make sure you remember it, in case one of us hasn't seen it," he said, getting up to his feet, proud of his graceful way of admitting he had no idea what that was. She totally bought it.
She did the Mockingjay whistle, the simple four notes. This proved that she was a fan of The Hunger Games, both the books and movies. Indeed, at home, her walls were plastered with movie posters, ranging from Harry Potter to The Hunger Games, from The Hunger Games to The Mortal Instruments. She had a great many books, all of them book series. She had many tattoos, but none in visible places, save for the one that was partially visible over the collar of her suit, it was a partial image of the Dauntless symbol from Divergent, the flame pattern. She had a Voyance Rune tattoo on her left hand, but it was all covered up by the suit. Actually, she had a great deal of ink, but it was all covered up by the suit. Spider Man would probably know who she was if she didn't have sleeves, because not many folk were such fan girls to the point to get tattoos.

Peter would notice Strength Rune tattoos on both arms, as well as Enhanced Speed Rune tattoos as well She actually had a Heroes of Olympus tattoo on her right arm, it was of a trident, with the S.P.Q.R, and 17 stripes under it, symbolizing she had been in New York for 17 years. Her back was for the Divergent tattoos, and her arms and legs were dedicated to The Mortal Instruments. She had the Angelic Power Rune on her chest, that one, Peter would be partially able to see if she was the pretty Astrid instead of the rough and tumble Elementa.
Spiderman nodded, remembering it. It was memorable enough so they'd recognize it if the other needed help. Hopefully any Hunger Games fans in the area wouldn't come to their aid too. "All right, let's split up and keep on the move, do the whistle if you see anything suspicious and I'll do the same. Roll out!" he said, zipping to a large tree to get his usual high-up view. The park was large, so it would be difficult to cover it all, keep an eye on things. Especially in the dark, but they had all night, and she could basically become wind. They'd hopefully be able to catch any black holes that formed in the park.
A whistle of wind rocketed past him, since she could become the wind, searching would be fast, but she needed to be slow, to pick out anything suspicious. She kept her eyes on the folks and couples strolling through the park, especially the homeless, the ones that nobody cared about, the ones people didn't care if they went missing.

Her ears picked up on something odd, like howling wind, but it wasn't her doing. She did the Mockingjay whistle, loud and clear, and she let it carry on the wind, hoping Spider Man would hear her. She had originally considered doing her costume like Bat Woman, but Cat Woman from The Dark Knight looked so much cooler.

She kept to herself in the wind, praying Spider Man would be just as quiet, and she kept to herself in the trees, seeing something form out of the darkness.
Leaping and flipping through the air, Peter landed on the branch of another tree. Not much seemed to be happening, just some people strolling through the park and enjoying the night air. None of them appeared to be kidnappers or creating black holes, yet at least. A familiar tingle shot through his body and his head jerked to the side, sensing something. Just as he did, he heard the whistle Elementa had shown him earlier. He zipped between trees, getting to one close by her. He kept quiet, catching the motion of something in the dark.
She sighed in relief when he arrived, and pointed to a figure in the dark, though he had company with him, though they didn't look... Awake, like he was dragging them. She whispered, well more gesturing with her hands,"I'll get him from the front, you get him front the back."
Spiderman watched the figure, eyes narrowing as it seemed he was dragging some bodies behind him. This appeared to be their guy, or at least another kidnapper they could get off the streets. Looking over to Elementa, he caught her gestures and gave a nod. Quietly, he strung a web to lower himself to the ground. Giving a leap to a shrub, he got behind the figure, motioning to her to let her know he was ready.
She turned invisible, melting into the wind, and she watched him create a vortex, like the one Morty had described yesterday. She went in, guns blazing, her hands lit on fire, and she made herself visible again, saying,"Going somewhere?" BUt his eyes... They looked wrong, like, glassy, blank. Not human. Well, it was clear he was human, but he looked soulless.
The figure moved, a strange portal appearing near the bodies. Well, that was their black hole. He looked up as Elementa suddenly appeared in front of the man, hands ablaze. "Oh, that's how we're going, then," he said, jumping out behind the man. "Buddy, you're in the wrong business. Kidnapping innocent park-goers is a dying market, with your powers you could put UPS out of business. Logistics, man!" he said, moving to fire webs, aiming to anchor his feet to the ground.
"Nothing will stop my Master. He will win out over mutants and humans!" he spoke, though it didn't sound like a human voice, more like something was controlling him. Elementa let out a fire attack, not to harm, but to stun... But to her immense displeasure, he and the bodies escaped into the vortex... And it closed right behind him. She howled in rage.
Spiderman fired his web, but it wasn't fast enough to catch him. The vortex sucked him and his victims almost instantly, his webs hitting the ground where his feet had been just a second ago. He cursed under his breath, letting go of the lines. "Sounds like this guy's got a chip on his shoulder against both of our species," he said, walking over to the woman, putting a hand on her shoulder. "We'll get him, don't worry."
"My friends have been going missing. I will have the head of the monster responsible!" she roared, shaking his hand off, shooting into the air, trailing flame, and her flame was once again blue. Blue not from power, but pure rage.
"Gah," he let out as she shook him away, lighting herself up with blue fire. She took off, trailing into the air. Spiderman hated to see her go off like this, angry and upset, she might get into trouble. He jumped and started to swing along the tree line, trying to get to the buildings so he could get higher, have bigger swings. He tried to follow her, maybe let her cool off before he talked to her, find out where she was going.
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