Empress of Outworld (MellowYellow and DisenchantedWanderer)

She grinned at Kitana's shocked gasping and panting for air... but she certainly didn't seem to be offended or turned off. With a wicked grin Sheeva flipped her around again and caught her upright, laving the raven-haired beauty pressed against her. Their busts were mashed nice and tight, and no doubt Kitana would feel the inhuman heat that pulsed under Sheeva's slightly scaly hide. "You seem nervous princess..." the taller female purred, the fat head of her Shokan dick pushing lightly against her sopping labia.
"Nn..." Kitana barely managed out, her legs shifting around Sheeva's hips for support more than anything, which gave her a prime position to feel her cock against her, her sopping pussy lubricating the tip of the Shokan Queen's penis. Her head was spinning, she was being tossed around everywhere and having a hard time disagreeing with it. This is how they negotiated diplomacy? Secretly, she hoped there would be more, but her hips were subtle in their shifting, brushing Sheeva's head against her moist folds.

"I am...unaccustomed to such diplomacy, Queen Sheeva..." she managed, her voice still carrying an air of elegance after a pause to catch her breath.
"Hah! Well this method is preferred to simple conquest, I'm sure," the towering Shoka ruler said, taking just a moment to flash Kitana a teasing smile. She was so cute, with that dazed look in her eye. Clearly she was having a hard time adjusting to this, but it didn't really matter much to Sheeva. This had gone on too long for the muscular futa to stop now. She simply let the busty assassin push up close to her, and then with a casual downward push she sent the first two inches of hot, steel-hard dick into her lovers pussy. Sheeva gave a grunt, biting down on her bottom lip and letting out a purr of pleasure.
Her eyes widened faintly in surprise, a faint mewl escaping her lips as she leaned against her on reflex. She was...she was thick. She squirmed impatiently, a hot pant escaping her lips, excess pussy juice rolling down her cock as Kitana shivered eagerly, her head tilted back with a curl of her toes. "Nn..it...it isn't bad..." she agreed with a heavy groan.
"Ah, well I'm very glad to hear you say that princess. But I'll simply have to try harder to make you really enjoy it," the empress remarked. It was a reassuring sign when Kitana pressed into her and held on tight, but the older woman knew she had more work ahead of her. Sheeva gave a growl, let it rise out of her throat, and soon she was making shallow humps and jerks of her powerful cock in order to force her fat shaft of meat steadily deeper and deeper into the Edenian beauty's hot twat, forcing her wide with each passing second.
She bit her lips faintly, her breath starting to catch into her throat as Sheeva began to move. It was torture, pleasurable torture. Every little thrust of her hips sent a bit more of her fat cock into her tight pussy, and every time she sank in more...her hips shivered in bliss.

She had no choice but to hold onto the Empress by the neck, face against her shoulder with a hungry groan. Soon...she could start to move her hips down, and the rush of pleasure was euphoric.
She was sure that Kitana was quickly getting into it, as was so often the case with those females that Sheeva chose to rut with. Some were apprehensive, either due to Sheeva's reputation or imposing size, would be groaning from a constant thrill ride. She smirked and simply doubled her speed once she felt Kitana humping back at her own thrusting cock, their combined motions soon loosening Kitana fully to fit the thrusting and powerful cock, Sheeva's thrusts coming with such force that Kitana's breasts were bouncing wildly from the powerful bucking of her hips.
Kitana squealed in surprise when her cock slammed all the way in, her eyes rolling back in the sudden spike of pleasure and pain as she simply lolled her head back, her body bouncing hungrily for more as she panted heavily, her voice coming back with yelps and whimpers. It...it felt so good!. Even if there was a faint throb of pain from the fast entry, her hips returned the affection mindlessly, her tight ass jiggling every time her cock slammed upwards.
It did her heart good to know that she could make the normally prim and proper princess scream like a beast in heat, and that simply drove Sheeva to fuck her faster and rougher. It was probably a little painful, all things considered, but could it really be regarded as any worse than half the crap they endured in the tournaments? Her fat dick kept ramming away without end, each impact slathering her fat cock in more of Kitana's juices, but soon enough Sheeva hit her limit. She threw her head back and let out a long groan of pure pleasure, her cock pulsating as it started spurting rope after rope of thick Shokan cum to stuff Kitana with her fertile Shokan seed.
Kitana''s breath come out in a fevered whimper, her skin flushing when the hot seed flooded her twitching pussy and making her shiver out her orgasm with a long, drawn out groan. She didn't have much else to do but hold onto Sheeva with desperate pants, her entire body shaking as excess cum lazily dripped down Sheeva's cock.

"I...I trust this was a suitable...agreement?" Kitana barely managed to say between pants.
Slow and steady pants were rising out of Sheeva's throat, white puffs of foggy air that filled the tent. It was only now that she was done that she could feel tiredness seeping in and replacing her sexual afterglow. "Indeed it was. Though I will require your help in the future princess," she remarked. A strong hand moved over Kitana's head, combing a few stray hairs back into place "I have a bit of a... reputation, I imagine. So I'd appreciate you putting in a good word for me. I'd rather not have myself bored to death with Raiden's pestering."
She swallowed after a moment, surprised at the gentleness of the rough hand. "If you are shown to be a woman of your word," she agreed, carefully slipping off her cock with a faint breath. It was hard to be dignified when cum was rolling down your thighs, but she managed. "...Thank you for accepting my offer, Empress." she sighed. It was one less thing to worry about...and a thousand others to tend to. If this is what it took for peace, well...it wasn't so bad.
This had been a good experience, certainly impressive that someone like Kitana could take a cock as well as she had. Sheeva was indeed hoping that this would be more than a one time thing... but mostly she was just glad that she had someone to vouch for her now. Sheeva breathed a low sigh and rose up fully, to her normal imposing height, and she gave her lover a quick grin "Well, let's get to work then. We have a bit of work ahead."
"Yes," Kitana smiled, happy to push the...events away for the time being to focus properly. There was much to plan for, to begin reconstruction and with the aided security of the Shokan...it would be an easier affair to do. She could feel Jade's silent, unwavering glances her way to be her own measure of discontent...but Kitana had to ignore it. The health of her people were at stake, Sheeva offered direct help as soon as possible. Meanwhile, her allies in the Earthrealm simply had their own things to worry about...and Kitana understood the need for self sufficiency. So, she did what she had to do.

If that meant being under the Empress-both figuratively, and seemingly literally-, then that's what it meant. She knew that eventually, her unknown little friendship with Sheeva would attract attention. But she was surprised at the first person to question it, or unsurprised at how surprised she was? Sonja Blade had always been quick to understand developing situations outside her Realm, and it wasn't very long after that she had to amuse her company and contact Sheeva.

Edenia was a stark contrast from most Realms, a beautiful paradise that had only recently began to regain that title. Sonya admired the vast gardens, the trickling rivers...the people who seemed to be regaining a measure of happiness in a once stressful moment in their lives. She crossed her arms over her heavy breasts, contained in a tight t-shirt as she furrowed her brow in minor annoyance. Sheeva...of all the people, it had to be her?
Sheeva had proven true to her word, which would likely come as a surprise to most, and sent a few contingents of Shokan warriors to Edenia to help maintain order and peace, and to aid in the reconstruction efforts. But Sheeva had been shrewd and told Kitana not to think of those warriors as her personal slaves, not when she also had to focus on consolidating power in her own realm just to make sure Outworld was kept nice and stable.

And then the time came for others to find out about the towering Shokan's position of power, and of course it was the very high and mighty Sonya Blade to want to meet first... of all people, it had to be her? She padded over with powerful step through the pathways of the garden, dressed in her more traditional red leotard with a sash to cover her crotch. "Sonya Blade... long time no see, little human," th towering Shokan remarked.
Sonya glanced over to Sheeva, her expression mostly dismissive and wary. "Not long enough," she muttered. "Not long enough at all," she said, turning to face her properly. She didn't scare her in the slightest. She was just curious; what was her angle? Why was she doing this? And more importantly...how in the world did Kitana accept her help over Sonja's first? She knew that her own people had to rebuild, yes...but if the alternative was this? She was fairly certain she could make a case.

"So, you're helping rebuild Edenia...that's awfully nice of you."
"I'm all heart. I'm well known for my charitable nature of course," Sheeva replied simply. The towering woman was going under the assumption that her sexual relations with Kitana were to be kept a secret, so she would keep away from that particular area for now. "The simple fact of the matter is that I want to do things different that Shao Khan. His downfall came from being too despotic and I have no desire to perform the same mistakes as him. I'm... what's the term you humans use? Holding out an olive tree?"
"Branch," Sonya replied dryly, fingers tapping on her bicep. "And I'm just supposed to forget all of the times that you weren't on our side? That you didn't enjoy it?" Trust was in short supply, especially after recovery for Shao Khan. Everyone was paranoid, especially Earthrealm. They doubted they could take another hit like that again and come out so pretty. While it was a blessing in disguise that Sheeva killed him when she did, that didn't make it any less complicated. "I want proof, actual proof. I don't know what sort of crap you pulled with Kitana, but I'm not going to roll over just because of one nice deed."
"Because the woman who willingly tears people limb from limb, CLEARLY doesn't enjoy herself," Sheeva replied, letting her exotic alien eyes meet Sonya's own. She did so loathe when the earthrealm warriors thought themselves so high and mighty, when they were as blood crazed as anyone else. "In any event, I feel no need to prove anything to Raiden's lackey when the thunder god himself doesn't see fit to come here himself. If you want proof then you should speak to Kitana on our arrangement, as I doubt she would want me speaking of such matters," Sheeva said with a roll of her upper shoulders.
"Raiden has more important things to do at the moment, like we all do, instead of dealing with another annoying upstart." Sonya muttered. "Fine, I'll talk to Kitana. See what she says about this mess." There had to be a reason that she had done this, who would willingly trust Sheeva, of all people? She excused herself without so much as a nod, brushing past Sheeva in annoyance. There was something going on here, and she'd get to the bottom of it.
"The only upstart around here... is you. Trying to start trouble where there is none," Sheeva replied, as the blonde stormed off in a huff. She would have made a fine outworld soldier... a pity her mind was wasted on a human body. Once she was gone, Sheeva leaned her muscular body against a railing and looked about out of curiosity, taking the Edenian scenery. It looked nice, she supposed, but to someone who spent most of her time in desolate outworld, anything looked good.
It was well into the evening before Kitana's dark skinned bodyguard sauntered into Sheeva's view. Her head tilt was respectful, but it was quite likely a formality with her. But to be fair, Jade had never really shown much joy that Sheeva was waltzing around her homeland as if she owned it. Perhaps in some small part, she did...or at least...they owed her for helping them maintain stability, when they couldn't.

"Empress Sheeva," Jade said coolly. "Her majesty has asked that you join her and Lady Sonya for dinner, she would be pleased if you could attend."
Jade was, as ever, like a ghost with just how quietly she could approach someone. Sheeva very nearly jumped whe she came into view without making a solitary sound with her footsteps. However soon enough she was grinning, eyes watching the pleasant view of Jade's chocolate cleavage. "I see. Very well then, let's go meet them. I am quite famished..." though she doubted the waifish Edenian cuisine could do much for her stomach. But she would be courteous "Lady Kitana, or Sindel?" Sheeva asked, clasping both pairs of hands behind her muscular back as she let the shorter woman take the lead.
"Queen Sindel has a...interest," Jade worded after a moment, her brown hips swaying ever so subtly in front of Sheeva as they walked. Even normally, Jade seemed incapable of making the faintest noise with her footsteps as they made their way into the castle. Edenian architecture was very open, and airy. Most likely because their realm was very temperate and often sunny, with a light spring breeze always moving through. It offered anyone who saw an unrivaled view of the natural beauty it possessed.

While it was hardly a mile long castle, what the Edenian castle did have was well crafted beauty, even the dining hall was open and aired. With guards posted every so often, but between the five women currently in the dining hall...it was a question if they were really needed. Sonya seemed a little less tense, but still not so pleased as Queen Sindel rose elegantly, giving Sheeva a smile. Sindel was easily one of the strongest women around, her age and mystical powers giving her untold experiences. Which is why Sonya was slightly hesitant, if not outright disbelieving that Sindel would believe Sheeva's wish.

"Empress," Queen Sindel murmured. "Thank you for joining us, I apologize for the wait...I have had matters to attend to, ever since your victory over Shao Khan."
"Ah, fair Queen Sindel. How long has it been? Far too long in my view," she said, grinning at the older beauty. She bent her torso forward a bit in a slightly stiff bow and then rose up again. Well at the very least they had a fine destination to dine together at, an area with such lush greenery befitting a castle. Sheeva moved over to the one chair at the table large and sturdy enough to accommodate her slightly abnormal bulk.

Sheeva took a moment to nod at each beautiful lady at the table in turn, before at last stopping at Sonya. She smirked her way, flashing a few glinting ivory fangs before asking "I trust Kitana explained things to you?"
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