Empress of Outworld (MellowYellow and DisenchantedWanderer)


Dec 24, 2013
Shao Khan was dead.

Truly, that filled Kitana with more joy than anything else. Her homeland had been freed and avenged in one fell swoop. But their heroine was unlikely, and one that she had spent long hours debating if it was truly a greater evil, or simply another conqueror that Outland had far too many of. The defeat of Shao Kahn hadn't meant immediate peace for Outworld; far from it. There were many, formerly of Shao Kahn's army and some new that had taken up the attempted mantle to rule again. As the daughter of Shao Kahn, her own word had more weight than she wanted to admit...but she saw nothing but the same thing it had always been.

But it was that unlikely Heroine that she searched out over a ragged battlefield this day, her Shokan warriors paying Kitana little more than a faint nod of mild respect-it looked forced, but given what her father did...she couldn't blame them.- as Jade trailed behind her. They were beautiful women, shapely and delicious to the eye as Kitana's sash framed her perfectly round ass as she walked, her face obscured by her mask and her fans resting on her bare hip. Jade harbored no dishonesty; they were walking into a perpetual den of wolves, with little more than the two of them to defend themselves if something went wrong. Still, Kitana insisted on meeting Sheeva on her own terms.

She saw Sheeva's back, her stance settled into a pose of meditation as two Shokan warriors moved up to block their passage. Kitana's eyes stiffened as their four arms crossed casually. They were scavenging the battlefield, finding their dead...burning the bodies of those that were not their own. She had erected a small tent for herself.

"...I wish to speak to your Queen," Kitana said resolutely. "I come as the Princess of Edenia."
It had been some years since Sheeva recalled first being drafted into combat as a warrior of Shao Kahn's own employ... But at some point even she tired of the constant battles, all the losses in the name of their emperor. Her Shokan kin came to agree with her: they tired of dying in the name of in the name of men like Kahn and Shang Tsung who saw them as little mote than disposable cattle.

Sheeva led the charge in their rebellion, against Kahn's forces and those elite warriors who were still loyal to him. Losses were heavy on both sides, but when the emperor dropped dead it didn't take long for his soldiers to lose morale and surrender. Sheeva soon took the power vaccum over, becoming Outworld's empress.

"Let them enter. And close the flaps behind them," the muscular woman said firmly. Sheeva rose from the rows of burning ceremonial candles, turning to reveal her heavy breasts, lingering bruises, and the metal bikini and red silk loincloth barely covering her light brown muscular flesh. "Why have you come to me?"
Kitana and Jade moved forward after a moment of the guards stepping aside, and shutting her tent. It was hard not to be in awe of the muscular strength of the Shokan. Sheeva exemplified strength in her very form. She had much to say, even with Jade lingering in the background like her ever present shadow. She cocked her hip to one side, arms crossing a moment in thought. This was their savior from Shao Khan, but would she be any better, or worse?

At the moment, Kitana had little choice. Her realm was still recovering at long last, life was beginning to return. They could not afford to wage another war, she had to be diplomatic. As well, she'd find out the truth behind Sheeva. Her previous encounters with her had hardly been pleasant...but few encounters during the tournament often are, especially ones under Shao Kahn's employ.

"I would like to propose an Alliance," she said, her eyes settled on the woman. "Between the Shokan and Edenia."
Sheeva bore a few injuries from her clash with Kahn's forces, cuts gracing on her thigh or deep purple bruises making themselves known on her washboard abdomen. But she did not show worry, in fact she stood proud despite her injuries. If the need arose, if Kitana and Jade wished her harm, then she felt confidentbthat she could fight them off. But with any luck they would be smarter than that...

"An alliance?" Sheeva replied, tilting her head to the side and letting her ebony braid fall with her. Now there was a prospect... If she was to keep her new position she would need allies and to act apart from Kahn's old regime. "Well I have no intentions of being another conqueror... We can work something out..."
"Oh?" Kitana said curiously, finger tapping on her tight bicep in thought. "And why should I trust that, exactly?" It was true, Kitana would want for something like that to happen. But she had nothing to go off of to suggest it was possible. Indeed, the reason she was here aside from seeing Sheeva for herself was one of self-preservation: Edenia would have no time to recover if it was constantly assaulted by warlords and anyone else, planning to take the mantle of Khan of Outworld. The other realms would be in as much danger, if not more so if a unified force took over...and not for the better.

She knew Shokan's warlike nature would rise up, but how, and when?

"Make no mistake, Queen Sheeva...I am honored and humbled that you would accept my Alliance, but what proof do I have of your word?"
"Have I not proven myself to be a woman of my word? I am violent, certainly, but not a liar," Sheeva said in a boisterous tone. Her muscular upper arms hugged under her breasts while her lower hands pressed into her wide womanly hips. "It is true that my kin enjoy combat, but our time under Kahn's thumb has given us more than we could ever want for some time now. We will need some time of peace in order to recover our numbers after all..."

The mention of breeding caused her to briefly glance over Kitana's frame. Strong, by humanoid standards, but quite curvy for her liking. She continued, "I will have time to find a suitable substitute for combat and warfare. Perhaps gladiatorial combat among my own kind."
"...I see," Kitana remarked faintly. In her own way, Sheeva was beautiful. She had never quite taken an honest look at Shokan warriors, but their femininity through their muscles was impressive, and envious. "I would like to discuss this matter in deeper detail, Queen Sheeva...privately." she said. Jade didn't need to be looked at to know what she meant, even if it made her uncomfortable. The hand on Kitana's hip with her fans said it all: she wouldn't take no for an answer from Jade.

So, with barely a whisper of the cloth in Sheeva's tent, Jade was gone. Leaving the two of them properly alone.
Sheeva had no qualms with Jade being left to her own devices. She could handle herself if any of her warriors tried anything... but even those idiots wouldn't cause issue with a diplomat's friend. "If that is your wish," Sheeva said simply. She sat her rear down on one pillow in her tent positioned to the side of a low table. She gestured to a pillow on the opposite end of the table. "Then let us make a bargain. I am not unwilling to try diplomacy..."
Kitana sauntered over to the pillow and reclined back gracefully, folding her leg over another to offer Sheeva the slightest peek of her covered mound. "As it stands..." she started, slipping off her mask to show a beautiful face, the very look of nobility that was creased with concern. "My Realm cannot withstand another attack, not yet. Our forces are currently being built up to do what we can, but it is slow...our population will need time to increase." she admitted.

"...I would like to offer my services in any way you see fit, in return for a garrison of your warriors stationed in Edenia, while we repair and build." The reason she made Jade leave was this, really. She wouldn't be happy with the idea, but she had little choice.
"Is that so? Yes, Shao Kahn left your realm in quite a state... though I am a little annoyed that Sindel thought herself too good to come to me directly," Sheeva said. From the way she folded her muscular legs over each other. Her red silk loincloth pooled over her groin over a well defined... shape that was most certainly not a mound like Kitana's own. Yes, most female Shokan carried a little something... extra to help keep the population on the upturn.

"Hmph... I suppose I can accept that arrangement. I would quite like to start a 'merger' with you," Sheeva said, grinning and baring her fangs. "How about you show off a little bit... I'd like to know what is on offer here," Sheeva purred in a lustful tone.
Her expression was slightly confused, brows furrowed in thought. Her eyes registered briefly with Sheeva's legs, but she was reasonably familiar with Shokan. Still, it was...admittedly fascinating to see up close. "...Show off?" she repeated idly. "...What do you mean?" The display of a warrior, perhaps? A fight?
Now it was Sheeva's turn to be surprised by that. She had assumed the reason why she had Jade follow her around like a lost puppy, outside of the need for a bodyguard, was that she was fucking the dark-skinned ninja diligently. "No no," Sheeva replied, giving a sly smile that hid all manner of lewd intention. "What I mean, quite simply, is sex. Consider it a... sign of goodwill and union between the two of us. A bonding exercise. Perhaps it is merely a Shokan custom not understood in Edenia."
Kitana's expression shifted subtly, but she tilted her head in silent agreement. Unfortunately...she had no choice, she had to protect her Realm by any means possible. "If that is what it takes," she decided firmly, still...the thought was not entirely unpleasant. She was hard pressed to not let her eyes settle on Sheeva without an inkling of arousal for her figure.
"Very well. Then let us waste no more time," Sheeva said, rising to her feet. The Shokan were nothing if not blunt and forward. She knew her guards would be smart enough not to get in the way of this, they knew that moaning meant she wanted privacy. She had spent some time mating with female Shokan of her choice already, as was her right. Sheeva flung her top off first, allowing her bronzed DD breasts to bounce out freely. Then her loincloth slipped off and pooled to her feet, revealing the massive futa cock slapping against her thighs. Heavy, and not hard yet.
Kitana's eyes widened fractionally at the size of Sheeva's erection, and she couldn't hide her skin flushing at the thought. Her pussy twitched in reaction, and she sat up a little more in attention, settled on her knees with her hands on her thighs to regard it in an aroused awe.

"...May I?" she asked coolly, tongue slipping subtly over her lips.
"Hm...? Suck you mean?" Sheeva asked. She cocked her head again and pondered the offer. Blowjobs from female Shokan were a bit of a rarity, mainly because few of them could be trusted to properly keep their fangs in check during the act. Still, the fair and beautiful bprincess could do it quite well... "I see no issue... but I would like to taste your pussy at the same time. Strip for me, I know a position that will prove quite adequate for this."

The princess of Edenia sucking her off... oh the things that could come from this.
There wasn't much tact to her words, but Kitana supposed that this wasn't exactly a method of seduction, was it? It was a diplomatic agreement...an odd one, but she couldn't complain as she stood up and discarded her bodice, letting her breasts spill out. Each were an easy handful, before she settled her hands against her sash and gave a faint sway of her shapely hips to let it hiss down her legs, exposing a neatly trimmed pussy.
Sheeva freely examined Kitana's amazing body, seeing the heavy breasts of her chest, her toned abdomen, and that exposed pussy of hers. It would be a tight fit, of that the empress was certain... but it would be worth it. Sheeva approached her, looming over Kitana and looking down into her eyes. Her lower pair of hands came to rest on the princess' heavy breasts, kneading the flesh while her upper right hand lifted Kitana's head by her chin. Sheeva had to stoop down a bit, and soon her lips were pressed tight to the dark-haired beauties own hot and wet maw. Sweet and spicy...

She would be sure to stuff this one. Kitana would be getting a hell of a fucking by the end of the night.
It was a very...wonderful sensation, to be honest. Kitana's breath came in a faint gasp when her rough hands moved to her breasts...and then her other hand kissed her. It was a unique feeling that only a Shokan could admittedly do without effort, and she found herself leaning into her lips and her hands. Her taste was...earthy, that made her part her mouth with a faint moan. The rough and hot was a wonderful difference to what she was used to.
"Hmhm... A pretty and pristine princess, allowing herself to be touched by a crude and dirty Shokan woman... How naughty you are princess..." the older female said. Sheeva moved with impressive speed and reflexes, managing to flip Kitana before she could know what the hell was happening. Her upper hands had caught Kitana by her ankles and raised her upside down, while her lower hands kept her wrists in check. She was able to hold Kitana like this in an upside down spread eagle position, that fat cock bobbing just before her mouth, and without wasting a moment Sheeva leaned in and jammed a forked tongue into the princess' sopping pussy.
She wasn't exactly expecting something like...this, but before she knew it, she was upside down...and mashed against her mouth. She moaned in surprise when her tongue plunged inside...and that allowed her fat tip to jam into her mouth. Her eyes rolled back a little in surprise, her tongue flicking over the tip in satisfaction. She...kind of liked that...
In order to fit something as truly imposing as Sheeva's dick, Kitana would need a bit of lubrication to get through it. Her forked tongue slithered into her sweet and delicious honeypot, probing steadily down into her hot core and slurping up the raven haired princess' taste. To her credit, Kitana certainly wasn't a slacker and didn't seem to be wasting time in starting her sucking. "Mmmr~" Sheeva purred slowly in response, a sign of her clear arousal and approval.
Kitana's toes curled at her ministrations, a mewl escaping her throat as she started to suck in earnest, moving her neck up as best she took to take more of the massive cock that sunk into her mouth by way of gravity. She widened her mouth best she could, letting her tongue trail over the underside eagerly. No one had ever simply tossed her to the ground and twisted her body however they pleased, she couldn't ignore the feeling it gave her.
Her throat felt magnificent, with the warmth and silky texture befitting someone of royal blood. Sheeva was sure to have plenty of fun with her new princess... Her long and dexterous tongue continued at the same eager pace, probing into the very depths of Kitana's womanhood and continuing to savour that delicious natural taste that she gave off. "Mm~ Very fine indeed," she purred, pulling her head back and loudly smacking her lips.
Her pussy visibly twitched at the absense of Sheeva's tongue as Kitana did her best to suck on the fat dick before her, bobbing her head upward required effort. But she was able to sink half of the fat cock down her mouth before she had to pull away with a desperate pant, saliva streaking her face as her cock rested lazily against her cheek. She was, quite literally...at the mercy of her new-found partner.
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