Save my Mind(Avengers)-Lady/Moon


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It had been a month since Thor had last been to the Avengers. A Month since the devastating news. Thor always came and told them when Loki escaped, usually with barely concealed amusement. Loki had made a game of escaping his prison and returning hours later with some weird thing in hand. Usually an earth thing. Once he'd brought back an NES Game Console and one of the original Mario games. Another time he'd brought back twenty two milkshakes, which he refused to share with anyone. He'd always gone back to his cell though, always. In the fifty three times he'd escaped in his three months in prison he always returned, amused, laughing at the rage of the guards who where NOT allowed to beat Loki and enjoying his newest trinket. A month ago however, Loki had vanished again, different this time. Usually a 'stroll' was preceded by sly smirks and off color jokes and the occasional prank. This time, he had simply been gone, and when he did not return, Thor went to the Avengers and gave the warning that Loki was actually gone this time and hadn't come back. He returned every week with the same news. No Loki.

One would have thought Loki would have done something though, gone for revenge of a various method, either by pranks or by another attempt at world domination but no... there was no hint, no sign of him in all of the nine realms. Not even the most powerful mages could not find him, and Hela assured them time and time again that Loki had killed no one. Nor was he dead himself. It was a frustrating month of knowing nothing and waiting for Loki to strike. When he finally did, it was nothing the Avengers could have expected. After all, who expects the maniac to simply drop one hundred and twenty feet out of the sky as if he'd been dropped from a plane, naked, coated in blood, and babbling with a crazed look in his eyes. The Avengers where on the scene in seconds of course, but it was quite clear that Loki was not a threat, he was hurt far too good long time trying to calm Loki down, and even longer to fix him up as best as he could.badly, and so insane he didn't even recognize Thor, let alone anyone else. Fury took immediate control of the God, who struggled weakly and screamed and tried to get free, blind with panic and pain. he was too week to do anything other than flail as they took him to the Avengers Tower, which was the closest location with the necessary medical facilities.

“he's been tortured.” Maria Hill explained, voice tight and tired several hours later. she'd been helping Bruce. “Dr. Banner to re-break fifteen bones so they would heal properly. His feet have heavy scarring on them from a common torture technique. I think they might even have attempted to skin parts of him alive.” She admitted, sounding sick now. “they burned him, drugged him.... whoever had him, they hurt him bad. Very bad. bad enough that... We Cannot be sure what his mental state is going to be when... if, he wakes up.” Maria explained softly, shocking the entire Tower. To hurt someone like Loki so bad that he might not wake up... that was frightening. “as for who took him, that We have no idea. Whoever they where, they knew how to torture. As in, spent more than a few years perfecting the art. Loki's hurt bad. And even with his rapid healing, he's going to be hurt for several days.” Maria admitted, explaining what Bruce had told her. "not even Shield would condone some if the things we suspect was done to Loki. there's even hints of... sexual torture. and not the fun kind."
Tony turned away from the window he’d been watching bruce work from, having forced himself to watch simply because the man hadn’t been able to. His chest felt like he’d ripped the arc reactor out of it. More then the others, he was a billionaire playing around, with no training to depend on on handling torture. And watching Loki get worked out, had sent him years back into a desert and sand. But he could stay where he was, even if loki wasn’t aware, he could be a silent guardian for a man to weak to defend himself, even if he had other guards to. Looking at maria he swallowed, turning to look at loki again, for the first time in a long time, quiet. “...Keep his clothes. Send them up to my lab. I’ll see what I can find out from them.”He said his voice soft, quiet, with just a edge of thunder and anger, as if he was so far gone with anger at this, that he couldn’t even sound angry. It was like standing in the eye of a storm, and you knew it was coming, that it was going to hit, but there was no way to gauge what it would be when it broke.

Natasha silently eyed tony’s back before looking at maria then thor. “Are you staying here with him?It might be a good idea, instead of returning him to his prison....we’re capable of looking after him.”She said wanting her own look at the jotun before they figured out what to do.
Thor was standing next to Tony, his expression almost a mirror image of Tony's. filled with fury and worry and shame. Loki had been kidnapped and he hadn't even tried to find his brother, simply assuming Loki had finally gotten bored with yanking them all around. Bruce was still working on stitching and bandaging Loki's worst injuries. someone had literally tried to peel all the skin off of Loki's back with a knife, skinning him horrifically professionally. Loki's face was smooth and slack in his drug induced sleep, and he appeared almost childlike like that. "there where no clothes." Thor stated softly. "he arrived on Midgaurd naked." he admitted. "Bruce has kept... samples, of the... semen he found within Loki's... rectum." Thor clearly had a lot of trouble discussing what Loki had been through. "thank god he can control when he gets pregnant." Thor muttered. "Loki will not return to Asgard. i have no doubt that whoever did this to him, expected him to die. if they find out he is still alive, they would find it entirely too easy to remove him from the very place they took him from originally." Thor admitted, voice tight. "they, whoever they are, will find it entirely too difficult to remove him from the care of the Avengers." Thor admitted as he watched Bruce work with careful fingers. "and i will not leave my brother. i will send a message to Heimdall, who will inform my father of what is happening." Thor admitted, eyes fixed, unflinchingly on Loki.

"i'm going back to where he fell." Clint piped up suddenly. "there might be clues. a lot of Shield agents are combing the place, but they probobly don't know what they're looking for." Clint admitted. "you'll call if he wakes up?" he demanded, heading off once Maria nodded. "Who could do such a thing? i know Loki did horrible, awful things but...." Thor shook his head. "why would someone wish to cause such blatant harm to someone like this? even humans don't do this to each other... no offense." he muttered, realizing he'd sort of offended his freinds. there was no point in watching Loki however, he wouldn't wake for days. Clint found nothing and the only thing the Semen and skin samples taken from underneath Loki's fingernails could tell them was that whoever he had fought against, whoever he had been raped by, was not human. at least Loki was healing just as quickly as he was supposed to. so log as they where able to keep infection out, Loki would have new skin in two days at most. he would still hurt though, every last muscle would hurt... whether or not he was of a mental state to care about pain remained to be seen.
Tony lokoed a little sick as he watched bruce work, sighing. “Fuck. That’s not helpful...but I will try looking at...that.”he shuddered at the idea of what the man had gone through, eyes dark before nodding. “I’ll set him in a room between all of us. Center his room, no matter how someone tried to get in, they’d have to pass us.”Tony muttered before wincing. “No offense taken. We of anyone, thor, understand just how vicious humans are to each other.”he pointed out.

While he couldn’t do anything, besides talk to bruce as the man took care of loki, and tried to keep the infection out, tony had taken to settling at the man’s bedside with a tablet and small workstation, working on those small interesting projects that didn’t restrict him to his lab. “Loki?”he muttered quietly, reassuringly, for once, the usual persona of playboy set aside to be the gentle man he was capable of being. Watching green eyes open slowly, he set the tablet aside, but didn’t move closer, not wanting to frighten him.
Thor nodded. "thank you Friend Tony." Thor muttered softly as he watched the man. "thank you for not abandoning him. i know his crimes against your world are great, and grave, but..." he sighed. "i suppose it doesn't matter much." he muttered. "i doubt he will be able to attack anything after this." he admitted softly. "even a prank might be beyond him." he admitted, his voice hoarse from trying to hold in all the emotion he wanted to let escape. "i doubt your kind could be so cruel as to skin a man alive and then rape him Tony." Thor admitted. "your kind are not that viscous."

it took three days for Loki to wake up, and even Thor could not stay awake that long. Maria had gone back to Shield the first day, as had any of the other Shield agents hanging around. leaving only the Avengers and one badly hurt prisoner in the tower. Loki woke slowly, eyes dull with pain and helplessness as he looked at Tony, swallowing thickly. "please." Loki begged, voice broken, ashamed, terrified. the voice of a person hurt beyond their broken point. "please. no more pain. please." he whispered, trembling in the bed because he was too weak to escape. begging because that was all he could do. he clearly didn't recognize Tony at all. Loki just closed his eyes, and whispered his pleas to not be hurt anymore, as if whispering it would make it all the more convincing. when nothing happened, Loki started to calm down and he blinked at Tony, swallowing thickly. "who are you?" he asked softly. "where am i?"
“No thanks are needed. I wouldn’t abandon a enemy to this, much less your brother, thor. We might have had our differences, but....he is your brother.”he said simply not about to say what he’d been about to. Tony, more then anyone, knew what loki had gone through. Their circumstances had been different, but it had been two sides of a coin. Tony had chosen to become iron man, loki had lashed out at earth. It could have easily gone the other way. “Some are. But the best of us try to keep it from happening. Get some rest Thor. I’ll stay with him.”Tony muttered resting a hand on the thunderer’s shoulder.

Tony swallowed hard, his features pained as he listened to loki. Shifting back, letting the man have the room to calm, to be safe. To know that tony wasn’t about to hurt him. “I promise, no one here will hurt you Loki.”he whispered softly, soothingly, like one would a wild animal. “I am tony stark. And you are in my home. You are safe here, loki.”
Thor smiled a little. "my people are not nearly as forgiving as you are." he admitted softly. "you are a very good man." Thor admitted as he headed off to talk to Heimdall.

Loki swallowed thickly as he studied Tony where he was trapped on the bed, studying him from the distance. "...Who is Loki?" he asked softly. "is that me?" he asked softly, wincing as he tried to move. "it hurts... it hurts deep..." he whimpered, tears coming to his eyes as his back spammed. Loki had to regrow severed nerves. something that could take a further three, very painful days according to Thor. "what happened to me?" he asked softly. "why does everything hurt?" he was clearly about to fly into a panic, frightened, confused, uncertain who he was, why he was hurting, who was freind or what was foe. who wouldn't be in a panic?
“You are loki. Your name is Loki laufeyson.”Tony said watching him, wincing when he moved. “Try not to move to much. You were hurt badly. You still have a few days of healing left. Your nerves are regrowing. I’ve been told this will be the most painful part.”His eyes were sad, biting his lip a little. “If you want, I can put you to sleep, and you can sleep through most of it, I think...”He said eyes worried, “Hey. I don’t know what happened exactly, loki, but I am going to find out. Can you help me and just rest?You’re going to make yourself worse, okay?”He soothed.
Loki mouthed the name. it felt wrong in his mouth, felt wrong on his tongue, as if it wasn't his name, or maybe wasn't what he'd once been called. "hurt?" Loki asked, sounding confused and frightened. "regrow?" he asked softly. "my nerves..." he closed his eyes, forcing himself still. "i don't want to sleep." he whispered. "i'm scared..." he whimpered, looking at Tony, studying him. "do you know me?" he asked softly. "you know my name, so you must know me a little at least..." he muttered. "are we freinds?" he asked, reaching out for tony with a trembling hand. "you won't leave me alone?" he pleaded, eyes wet and frightened. looking almost like a child witht he way he was reaching for reassurance. "please don't leave me."
Tony paused watching him think over the name, “Do you want me to call you something else?”He asked before nodding. “you were hurt badly. That’s why you hurt.”He said quietly, looking anxious that he couldn’t help him feel better before nodding slightly. “Well, you don’t have to sleep then. And I do. I’m friends with your brother, who introduced us a year ago.”Tony said watching him, a simple version of how they’d met before pausing nodding. “we are friends.And I’m not going anywhere. It’s my house, no one is making me, or you go anywhere.”he said shifting closer, slipping his hand carefully into loki’s, holding the smaller hand in his gently, not wanting to hurt him.
Loki shook his head. "Loki is fine." he mumbled. "but that last name... it's. weird. i don't like it." he admitted. "...yes. i was hurt badly. that's why i hurt." Loki muttered dryly. clearly thinking Tony was a bit of an idiot. "Brother?" he asked, frowning a little. "i have a brother?" he asked, sounding quite baffled by the idea. "i guess i must have." he muttered, biting his lip a little. "a year?" he asked softly, swallowing thickly, suddenly realizing just what he'd lost. it wasn't just his name, it wasn't just the people around him, it was everything. years of his life. "this is a fancy house." Loki muttered with a smile as he curled his fingers around Tony's, relaxing a little. "promise?" he asked softly, watching Tony intently before he smiled as he closed his eyes and let himself slip back to sleep. feeling safe enough with Tony to relax. feeling safe enough to be helpless and vulnerable. he didn't even twitch when Thor gently poked his head in. "Jarvis said Loki woke up." he stated softly, realizing that his brother was sleeping again. "was he..." Thor swallowed hard, unable to ask. unable to actually find out if Loki was insane.
“Well, you’ll just be loki then.”Tony said smiling a little before his eyebrow twitched. “Don’t give me that, Loki. I’ve been up for 34 hours, you’d be a little stupid to.”he whined making a face before nodding. “Yes. One older brother. Named thor.”he smiled slightly before wincing, eyes widening as he realized that loki had lost more then simply his name, and what was going on. “Yes, a year.”he swallowed hard before laughing quietly, holding his hand. “It is a really fancy house. When you’re feeling better, I’ll show you around. And I do, promise.”He said watching the other, shifting to settle with the tablet resting on one knee to use with his free hand, absently holding loki’s hand, not really finding it a hardship to do so. Startling a little when thor came in, he winced a little. “He...he doesn’t know who he is, Thor.”
Loki snorted. "stupid. sleeping is good for you." he stated with a roll of his eyes. "even i know that." he teased before he frowned. "...Thor. yeah. that sounds familiar." he admitted softly. "Thor..." he smiled a little. "i'd like that." he admitted with a smile before he drifted off. Thor blinked as he walked in, his head cocked at the hand holding. but he didn't comment, he was used to his brother searching for physical contact. Loki had often insisted on hand holding as children. "doesn't know... you mean amnesia?" Thor asked, looking surprised, and oh so relived. "that is good. very good." he admitted. "it means that he can recover." Thor admitted. "he is not insane. he has a chance to become whole again." he admitted. "he'll have a chance to live a real life before his memories return." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "and if he never remembers, then at least he won't have to remember the horrors of his life."
“I had to get some work done. I’ll get some sleep soon.”Tony said smiling a little looking up at thor as he came in, relaxing a little when he didn’t comment on him holding loki’s hand before nodding. “I do. He has no idea who he is. Or who I am, or you. I don’t know if he’s missing everything, or just the last years or what.”Tony sighed softly, before looking startled. “Good?”he said before nodding, not sure if this was a good thing, but maybe it was okay. “Yes...I guess it could be a good thing...”
Thor smiled a little. "we'll find out when he's feeling a little better." he promised softly. "it's better than if he was..." thor swallowed hard. "i've seen what happens when gods go insane Tony and it's... not nice... at all..." he admitted softly. "you know those old people in the nursing homes you to to sometimes? the ones that just... sit there and drool? Loki would be lucky to be like that if he went insane the way Bruce had suspected." he admitted softly. "Loki has a chance now, mentally i mean. he has a chance to come through this with his mind intact..." he admitted. "there's hope for him now."

Loki slept through the night and when he woke up, he couldn't remember his name again, though he did remember Tony at least. he didn't remember about having a brother or anything they'd talked about, but he was in a lot less pain, and using hot packs all across Loki's newly grown skin soothed it even more. he was able to stay awake for much longer this time, and he was utterly fascinated by the TV that Clint was watching when Loki woke up, since they had forced Tony to go to bed. after an initial panic at the stranger, Loki had calmed down and was staring at the TV in shocked amazement, and an almost childlike delight, flinching as Steve removed the hot pads and replaced them with new ones. anyone touching his back got a violent reaction, not that anyone could blame him.
“Oh...That’s...that’s disturbing. I had never considered how much worse it would be with a god, if they went insane.”Tony shuddered at the idea. Because at least with a human, they had death to look forward to to end the torment of insansity, but a god would be stuck. Nodding a little. “Indeed, there is hope.”

“...everything okay in here?”Tony said sounding sleepy, his dark hair sticking up every which way as he stepped back into the room. Having just woken up, he’d taken long enough to grab some coffee before heading back down to check on loki. While he knew he had needed the sleep, he had felt horible for ‘abandoning’ him. “having fun watching tv?”He said looking amused as he looked at loki’s fascination with the tech.
Thor nodded. "yeah." he admitted softly. "sometimes they start to recover after a few thousand years but usually it takes longer, if they ever recover." he admitted.

Loki looked up as Tony walked in, relaxing a great deal. "everything's fine." Cap stated with a grin. "we've been putting hot packs on his back, it helps with the nerve pain." he admitted. "he's pretty touchy about having his back touched though so try not to touch it too much." "sorry." Loki muttered, Steve shaking his head. "nothing to be sorry for." he assured the amnesiac godling. "the man there said you make things." Loki stated suddenly, staring at Tony as Clint huffed at being called 'the man there'. "my name is Clint." Loki just ignored him. "he also said that Hello Kitty isn't real. how can she not be real if she is right there?" he complained, glancing at Clint, clearly thinking he was lying. "and the Hamtaro! he's right there too! though, i've never seen a talking hamster before, are they common here?" Loki asked, his head tilted. that was just too funny. they had him watching children's cartoons. "i tried to change the channel once." Steve admitted, sounding slightly annoyed. "he threw a fit." now that was hilarious.
Tony smiled a little as he sipped his coffee, definitely not awake enough to deal with any of his housemates, before nodding. “I’m touchy about getting stitches, much less that. Be glad he’s not as loudmouthed and annoying as me.”Tony pointed out before startling a little, looking at clint. “No it isn’t. You are birdbrain.”Tony said wisely before smirking, “I do.”he agreed at the idea of creating things before pausing to look at the tv. “She isn’t. Like I create things, someone else drew her and made it look like she’s real. And while there are hamsters, there aren’t any talking ones.”He smiled biting his lip to keep from laughing outrageously that they were watching the cartoon channel. “Hey, old man, why didn’t you just turn on looney tunes?I’m sure you could bond over something from your childhood.”He snickered, looking at his best friend.
Clint shrugged a little. "yeah, good point. besides, no one could be as annoying as you." Clint teased with a grin, ignoring the way Loki was glaring at him for picking on Tony. "don't call me birdbrain or i'll start calling you rust bucket." he warned, looking amused. " she's not real?" Loki complained, scowling at the TV. "i want a hamster." Loki decided. "if i can't have a Hello Kitty i want a hamster." Loki decided as he turned his attention back to the TV, where Hamtaro was ending and Card-captor Sakura was beginning. "Tony i didn't have a TV as a child." Steve stated simply. "and i wasn't aware they still played Looney Toons." he admitted. "i used to have a bugs bunny though." he admitted with a smile. "my mother made it for me, by hand. i carried that stupid thing until i was turned into a super soldier." he admitted. "i wonder what happened to it?" he mused before shrugging. "besides, anytime we try to change the channel Loki get's mad." "i'm the one whose stuck in bed. go watch the moving pictures somewhere else if you don't like it." Loki ordered, eyes still fixed on the TV screen. Clint just snorted and shook his head. "i'll go tell Thor Loki's awake." he decided, Loki glancing over at the man. "that's my brother right?" Loki asked curiously. "that's right. he's a bit imposing though, so we thought it would be better for him to see you once you where properly awake." "oh." "he wasn't too happy about it, but he did understand." Steve assured Loki who nodded, his attention back on the TV.
“Hey, you are. I mean, I’m smarter, so I don’t get to be as annoying as you.”Tony said rolling his eyes before sputtering. “I am not a rust bucket!My suit can’t rust!”He sputtered before looking at loki, nodding. “No, she’s not....and well...I guess you could have a hamster. I’ll find a place online, so you can look and find which hamster you want.”he said looking amused before smirking at steve. “You are a old man, then....I think I know what I’m getting you for your birthday. I’ll see if I can find bugs.”Tony snickered wondering at the idea before smirking at loki’s complaint. “Thor’s fairly hard to upset. I mean, I’ve tried taking his hammer away, and he still likes me. I’m sure he’s not angry.”Tony said looking down at the man before sighing quietly, fingers tapping over the tablet he’d left on the bedside table, looking for a online petstore.
Clint snorted. "i'm, not half as annoying as you are." Clint stated simply with a smirk. "you are a rust bucket. you're brain is full of it." he teased with another snicker. "Really? you'll let me have a hamster!?" Loki asked, looking so delighted it was funny. "whats an online?" he asked, his head cocked to the side. "Tony, i do not want a stuffed bugs for my birthday." Steve protested. "you don't even know when my birthday is." he stated with a scoff as he turned his attention back to the book he was reading. one he'd actually gotten from Tony. it was a murder mystery series that Steve was absolutely enthralled with. Tony would know though, that it was a token protest, Steve clung adoringly to anything his freinds got him, particularly the things that reminded him of his childhood. "...Tony. Thor beat your ass when you tried to take his warhammer." he pointed out. "and then he tried to beat mine." Steve admitted, looking extremely amused. "and i doubt he's angry, he's just upset that Loki would find him frightening. but he's a big man, and very loud." "ugh. loud." Loki grumbled, focused on the TV again as Clint and Steve headed off to get Thor.

"Loki?" Thor asked as he walked in, examining his brothers smooth new flesh. there was no scarring, but then, Aeser rarely scarred, not even being skinned alive could mark Loki's beautiful pale flesh. "Brother?" Loki examined the muscle bound blond, his head tilted. "you are my brother? the one they told me about? come in, sit." Loki ordered, indicating the chair. "Moving picture thingy, turn off." he ordered, having learned quite quickly that some of the things responded to his orders. Jarvis's doing but Loki hadn't...met, Jarvis yet so the computer turned off the TV without a word. "yes. i'm your brother." Thor admitted, making sure to moderate his voice level. "how are you feeling?" "better. a lot better. the heat pads make the pain go down a great deal." Loki admitted quite happily. "Tony's going to get me a hamster!" "...what's a hamster?" "i'm not really sure. i think it's a rodent, but they are super cute." Thor blinked, looking at Loki as if he was insane. "...Loki, did you just... say something was 'super cute'?" Thor demanded, wondering if Loki's personality had been affected as well. "...what? they are..."
“I would, if you really want one.”Tony said willing to let small rodents into his tower simply because he wanted the other to relax....and would never admit that he’d never had a pet as a child, so even if he wouldn’t admit it, he didn’t mind the rodent. “It’s a place to look at things, without leaving the house.”Tony smiled a little before smirking, that smirk that said steve was so going to smack him, but it was so worth it. “Your Capisicle. It’s fourth of july, obviously.”Tony snickered a little before smiling. “True, but he didn’t kill me, so I was counting it as a win.”Tony said smirking as the tv turned off.

“He is.”Tony said looking amused as loki compared himself to the tall blond, before settling back, simply hamster hunting as he absently listened to the brothers before laughing. “It’s a pet rodent,actually.”Tony said responding to the words of what the hamster was, before pausing, looking up at loki. “....I’m vaguely disturbed that I just heard Loki call something super cute....”Tony said his eyebrow twitching a little, struggling to not laugh
Loki beamed at him as if Tony was making the very world turn simply by letting Loki have a tiny creature. " it's like a picture book?" Loki asked, his head tilted. "....shut up Tony." Steve ordered. oh if only he could go back in time just long enough to be born a day earlier at least! it would be worth the trauma of remembering his birth. because Tony was right. he was a fourth of July baby. though, he'd always had the best birthdays. tons of fireworks. "Tony, he didn't kill you because he was trying to kill ME!" Steve complained, making Loki snicker. "i think i like my Brother." he admitted with a smirk. "you would." Steve grumbled.

" you have a mirror?" Loki asked suddenly, Thor looking baffled. "a mirror? whatever for?" "i get the feeling that we don't look anything alike." "ah. that is because we do not." Thor admitted with a chuckle. "you are disturbed?" Thor demanded. "i grew up with him. i am the one who should be disturbed." Thor admitted with a snort. "... shut up and make me my hamster." Loki demanded, sulking at Tony. "i want a black and white one." he ordered. "a little one. like Penelope. itty bitty." he ordered. Loki wanted a black and white dwarf hamster. well that would be easy enough. "Loki... i am sorry Brother but i have to ask. what do you remember?" Thor asked softly and Loki stilled and hesitated, rooting through his few memories. "Pain." he finally admitted softly. "i remember a lot of pain. and shame, fear..." Loki admitted softly. "i remember having no hope..." he shuddered hard. "but i can't remember why, or anything else..." "it's alright, don't try to force the memories." Thor ordered gently. "i just needed to know how deep the amnesia went." "oh... well i can remember some things." Loki admitted, brightening. "i know my favorite color is green. bright emerald green. and i like gold too. i remember my favorite food is Patsal. which is noodles soaked in blood until their soft and deep fried." he paused. "i remember that i am four thousand five hundred and twenty two." he paused. "give or take a few hundred years."
“Something like that.”Tony said smiling a little, flushing slightly at the look he was getting from loki before smirking wider. “No. It’s just so precious that you’re a fourth baby. It’s were destined to be the Captain.”He snickered, he loved harassing his best friend, simply because steve let him do it without getting seriously bent out of shape. “Well, he wasn’t killing me, so it’s all good.”Tony smirked. “Besides, watching you two wrestle was hot.”he snickered.

“Here.”Tony said turning the tablet into a camera so loki could see himself, smiling a little. “Nothing alike, though you both do have some fantastic hair.”He mused before laughing, looking up at thor. “we’ll both be disturbed, and make Cap make us tea and something soothing so we can not be gibbering messes at the idea of Loki saying super cute like a five year old girl.”he tease,d his eyes soft and amused, showing he really wasn’t trying to make fun of loki to be mean, just to tease. “Well, I can do that.”Tony said smirking a little as he found a pet store that had one, picking it out, then sending a quick text to natasha to go get it-though he knew he was going to get yelled at for doing that, but meh he was having to much fun listening to the brothers. “Just relax. No need to push it.”Tony muttered watching loki’s face before smirking. “You’re whole wardrobe is green and gold I think....and just a few hundred years here and there.”He snorted looking amused that the other was so old.
loki blinked a little as Steve glared at Tony. "i'm going to put grape jelly in your shoes." he warned, eyes snapping with hidden laughter that showed Tony he was probobly going to prank the other in some rather disgusting manner. "we weren't wresting Tony he was pounding me into the ground with his war hammer. we leveled the forest!" "impressive." Loki admitted with an impish grin.

Loki jerked back, shocked to see someone in the thing that Tony was playing with before he paused and blinked. "oh! is that me?" he asked, cocking his head to the side, blinking at his reflection, blinking a little. ".... i get the feeling that i have both the smarts, and the looks." "...well, at least he still has that wicked tongue of his." "oh how dirty." Loki purred, making Thor splutter and flush. "Brother!" Thor protested, looking quite horrified. he did narrow his eyes at Tony though. "be warned. i can MAKE you a five year old little girl." he warned playfully. "i'll braid your hair and put you in a cute little dress." he teased with a snicker as Thor laughed. " i like to push." Loki purred with a grin. "and... do i have a wardrobe?" "yes. we are currently having all of your things gathered up so they can be brought here." Thor admitted with a smile. "it might take a few days. you have a lot of crap." "i do not!" Loki complained. "whatever i own is of the utmost importance!" "it's crap Loki." "i'm beginning to think we didn't get along." Loki complained, sulking as Thor snickered, hiding the fact that he'd nearly flinched at that almost far too accurate statement.
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