Hero of the Day (fezesarecool and Naomi David)

"Photography sounds like fun, I mean, you get to go where ever to get the shot." she replied. She remembered her first day in New York. It was a scary place at first.
He nodded his head. "I guess I do, yeah. And I get to meet Spider-man to get his pictures!" He laughs softly, as he leans back on his seat in the cafe as he looks over this girl once more, amazed she was the same woman he met the night before.
"And I bet those pictures make big bucks." She softly replied, and she spoke,"How far do you live from here, anyway?"
"I live in the city. In an apartment block near here. You?" He asked, genuinely interested in this girl now as he sipped his drink slowly, taking a big bite of food.
"I don't live far either. I live in a house, you know the white one with the white flowers in the front? Just a block from here." she spoke, half way down with her chowder, partially done with her coffee.
He nodded his head slowly, "Awesome. Let me ask, since this is our second date and all... are you single? Or is your big bad boyfriend gonna turn up and beat me up?" He asks with a little laugh as I stared across at you.
"Yes, I'm single." she happily replied, and she spoke even more quietly,"An informant told me of some strange activity going on in Central Park, she thinks it shielded, warded maybe, from normal eyes, because she says there's a section of the park rarely traveled, that she cannot pass, like an invisible wall. Want to check it out later?"
His smile widened, "Third date! I likely!" He laughed, showing his Spider-man goofiness to her, "Sure. I'd like that, a little team mate with me!" He said, staring at her again, she looked amazing even in that outfit she had to wear in teh coffee shop, and hoped to lead this little meet up to something more.
"You're adorable when you're like that, you know that?" she sweetly replied, finishing her chowder, beginning to work on her cherry pie. She smiled, and she did indeed hope this would go to something more.


She was waiting for Spider Man, waiting in a clearing, well, she was more levitating, but he'd be able to see her. She was thinking about Spider Man, or Peter. He was a regular at the Star Bucks she worked at. Little did they know they had already met each other without realizing it.
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