Hero of the Day (fezesarecool and Naomi David)

He laughs at her little talent. Nodding his head, "Impressive." He says as he looks up at her. "Well... depends what you mean by criminals. I mean, in one night I've tackled the Sinister Six." He says, shrugging his shoulders like it was nothing, "Different calibra of baddies to you." He chuckles again.
"I don't deal with the mutants that misbehave, I only have time for the mundanes who misbehave." She replied, and she spoke,"Must be nice to be a normal human, to not have to worry about getting your super hero identity exposed..."
"You would not believe how many people know who I am!" He laughs, "I've had to write down all the people who know me." He laughs softly, as he keeps walking along the rooftop slowly, back and forth, pacing a little as he looks up to her. "But you can keep your little criminals."
"What got you started on fighting crime? Shall we swap stories to make the time pass?" she replied. She loved these tight suits for they made people look good, and anything loose meant something for somebody to yank on and pull.
He laughed softly, "What? Like we're on a date?" He chuckled up to her, as he looked her over in that tight cat suit she pulled off rather well. "I guess I started because of someone I know dying, and why have powers if you aren't going to use them for good?" He asked with a shrug as he started to keep walking along the roof, letting her follow as she floated.
"Like I said, with me it's sort of a family business. My folks protected people as cops, I protect people like this. I was very little when I got my powers." she replied. She spoke, changing the subject,"Ever go to the Starbucks around the corner? You know, the Star Bucks where the first S is perpetually flickering on and off at night?"
He nods his head. "Yeah. They always serve me!" He laughs softly, "Free Spider cups, they even do a special with what I like!" He laughs with a look up at her as he walks along the roof top. "Why do you think that light flickers?" He asks, pointing to himself, "This the Rhino got thrown into that or something." He said absently, again, acting like it was nothing.
"Rhino? The dude in the metal suit?..." It was hard to keep track of all of the baddies. She spoke, smirking,"Talk to Astrid, the brunette, she works day shift. She'll give you a free slice of cheesecake if you know what her name means in French."
He laughs softly, as he looks up at her. "Astrid? And who might she be?" He asked from his place in the middle of the roof, "Is that you? No, elementa, more Astrid?" He narrowed his eyes in his costume, eyeing her over slowly. "I never did languages at school. I was a science geek." He shrugged.
"It means Beautiful Goddess, and no, I am not her, I can't stand Star Bucks, the manager's an ass hole... Well, that's not entirely true, I can't stand that one." she replied.
He laughed softly, "Oh. Sure you don't work there Goddess." He laughed, "You can't tell but I am totally winking under my mask!" He laughs softly as he steps back slowly, watching her above him still.
She was smirking, but was cut off by her phone buzzing. She sighed, and held up a finger, telling him to both shut up and to wait. She spoke,"Terra, I was size 6 Aeropostale jeans, preferably boot leg, but I'll take skinny if you can get them. And preferably dark blue or black. God knows I hate perkiness. And I'm kind of busy right now. Later." She faced him again, and she spoke,"I wonder if I'll ever meet you without your mask on... Don't ruin it for me right now, that's such a buzz kill."
He smirked as he watched her, "What was all that about?" He asked as he watrched her floating there. "And I might swing by one day. As my usual self, getting served by the Goddess herself." He says with a wide smile aimed to you.
"I don't always have time for online shopping, I have one of my friends do it. I prefer darker colors, I'm not too much of a fan of perky colors, even though I look smashing in red. Besides, black is much more fun, allows concealment faster." She replied, still smirking.
He grins back to her, "As much as I am enjoying this little flirty chat, and I do imagine you look great in red. I guess I will have to be going, it's waaaay past my bedtime!" He laughed as he started to move along the rooftop, saying nothing else as he dives off the roof and swings away.
She laughed, and flew back home, not realizing it was very close to her bed time as well. She flew quickly past him, away from him, heading home, flying to her house, and she got her keys out of her pocket, unlocked her door, opened it, walked in, and shut and locked the door behind her. She peeled off her suit when she got in her room.
The next day, as Peter Parker, walking from teh Bugle at mid afternoon he waked into the Starbucks slowly, smiling as he glanced around the room and noticed the girl from the night before. He approached the counter, he trusted this girl. He walked straight to the counter. "I'll take that free coffee and cheesecake?" He asks over to her as he leans on the counter in his jeans and shirt.
She woke up feeling really good the next day, and she sighed, hopping into her work clothes, ate breakfast, cleaned up, and headed out to work. As always, the manager was an ass, but that was nothing new. She raised an eyebrow at Peter, who was a somewhat regular, but she spoke, her voice slipped into its natural Southern accent,"Black, no particular flavor? And you didn't answer the unspoken question."
"Sorry. Beautiful Goddess." He winked, he knew she recognized him and he smiled widely at her, this was teh first time they had spoken properly, before today he had always thought of this girl as way out of his league. "Please can I get my freebies, and then maybe you take a break to join me?" He asked, "Oh and anything you like." He winked, enjoying flirting.
"And you are correct. Yes, you get the cheesecake, and I think that'll work, my break is in a few minutes anyway." She replied, getting a pumpkin spice coffee ready for him, and getting plain cheesecake on a plate for him. Soon enough it was her break, and the best part was she could eat for free. She delivered his stuff to him on a tray, her food on the other half.
He sat at the table in the corner, watching her walk over in that black skirt and blouse, looking her over slowly as he flashed a smile. "So... you know my secret." He muttered, "Not going to suddenly turn on me no you know who I am?" He asked with a chuckle, taking his cake and drink, sipping it with a nice sigh as he looked to her. "I'm Peter by the way."
"I don't turn on fellow heroes." she quietly replied, sitting down with her potato and bacon chowder with her slice of cherry pie with her peppermint mocha coffee. She replied,"I'm Astrid DuBois. Full name translates to Beautiful Goddess of the Forest."
"Well, you are just as hot as you were last night." He muttered with a wide smile. "So that name is certainly true!" He told her, as his eys started to slowly check her out, looking her over as he leaned on the table. "So, what got you working here?" He asked.
She had a devlish smile on her face, and she replied,"Free food. And there's a Barnes and Noble attached to this place. I can go back and forth on whim. And the pay is good, I'm happy." She blushed, knowing he was checking her out.
He nodded his head. "Beats me being a photographer!" He muttered between bits of food and sipping his drink slowly as he watches her, eyes still aiming straight to the her still. As he held up his camera, to show her what he did for a living.
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