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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

lait said:
I'm not sure what they're expecting out of it but I don't think they'll get too far, lol.
If they are the same person

The theory is if you cast a wide enough net, you're bound to catch something (e.g., a female writing partner).


Not saying it's a good theory. But why not give it a try,

Hey Quix!

I carefully read through your thread. I made notes. I checked them twice. I slept on it. So now I want to play a mindless, submissive slut whose goal in life is ... ummm. Actually no goal. Um no actual plot in mind at the moment, but I'm sure you can cook something up that takes into account the unique nature of my ... whatever.

So let's role play! Kk.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Jolie's such an amazing human being.
Thank you for existing.
I think I laughed harder than I should.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Jolie said:
lait said:
I'm not sure what they're expecting out of it but I don't think they'll get too far, lol.
If they are the same person

The theory is if you cast a wide enough net, you're bound to catch something (e.g., a female writing partner).


Not saying it's a good theory. But why not give it a try,

Hey Quix!

I carefully read through your thread. I made notes. I checked them twice. I slept on it. So now I want to play a mindless, submissive slut whose goal in life is ... ummm. Actually no goal. Um no actual plot in mind at the moment, but I'm sure you can cook something up that takes into account the unique nature of my ... whatever.

So let's role play! Kk.

I'd love to Jolie, but unfortunately I've already about ten of those requests to respond to, and am deciding on which to take up. It's so difficult to choose between them.

However, if you'd like to move up in the queue, how about I play that role for a change? Not allowing me to, purely because I'm male, would be sexism at its finest!

xanaphia said:
I think that same guy has replied to me several times. If it's the guy I am thinking of, he just sends the same form letter to every female persona on the cite. He was the first guy I blocked.

lait said:
I'm not sure what they're expecting out of it but I don't think they'll get too far, lol.
If they are the same person

lait said:
Jolie's such an amazing human being.
Thank you for existing.
I think I laughed harder than I should.

Malicious Lullaby said:
Miss Jolie makes a wonderful joke. I laughed hard.
Oh I hope it was a joke.

I don't know if she was joking, Mali. I'm unsure if she possesses a sense of humour; always so darn serious! I mean, go read her journal, I bet it won't even make you smile. Or laugh out loud. XD

I think it's awesome to see others having conversations between themselves on my thread (I actually do mean that). Nothing better than being able to bring people together.

I'm off to watch some football (shops aren't allowed to open on Good Friday, but playing sport is okay!), and drink beer. Please continue the conversation in my absence, it'll give me something to look forward to reading on my return.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Mr Quixotic said:
However, if you'd like to move up in the queue, how about I play that role for a change? Not allowing me to, purely because I'm male, would be sexism at its finest!

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I've been meaning to do this for a while; a comparison between an original draft of one of my roleplay posts, and the finished product. As I think I've mentioned to all of those who I write with, it's not the ideas I struggle with in a post, but putting my thoughts in order, and polishing them.

This is from Scaremonger; the original 'draft' version probably took me an hour to put down; just spilling out what was in my head. To get to the finished version took about five re-writes over a few days. That's pretty much how I do all of my posts, which is why I'm not good with rapid-fire.

(Warning: Rape Themes)

Scaremonger - Draft Version

Brock Douglas, Sheriff of Eden, spent the next week investigating the 'alleged crime scene', and running forensic tests on the blood, clothing and hair samples which had been recovered from the house and the party, checking each piece of evidence against the story his senior Lieutenant had written down, and that of Brock's son Cole and his friends.

Or, more to the point, rather than investigation, each piece of evidence, was placed, like a jigsaw, into the boy's tale; twisted and turned, moved and replaced; the hair and blood samples on the hallway floor explained away as the girl stumbling from the effects of alcohol, and falling against on her way out of the room; the smashed dresser mirror from the rough, consensual sex, all four boys had admitted to, as were her vaginal tears; the wrenched shoulders a result of her tumble down the stairs, the glass embedded in her cheeks, the broken nose, and blackened eyes caused by landing face-first on the concrete; her alcohol reading proof that she'd been drinking; witnesses questioned, and questioned again, until none could be sure, under the effects of their own substances and liquor, that it had been Cole who'd been speaking to the girl - he'd spoken to many during the course of the evening, or if in fact, the girl Aziarah - the men had obtained a photo of her from the DMV database was the one who'd sat in the corner. The residence had been thoroughly scrubbed after photograph's had been taken of the relevant evidence. Or not taken, as the case may be, and directed by the Sheriff. He and Edwards alone worked the scene.

Eyewitness testimony was notoriously unreliable, and no-one could be sure; particularly in the face of a powerful man who knew the process of interrogation, and entire purpose was to keep his son out of trouble, and save his reputation. That the woman was found not be wearing panties, just added further fuel to the fire. Unfortunately, during the process of the investigation, recovered by the Hospital, and taken by Officer Edwards had been lost. A pity, but these things happened. Not once did the investigators return to the Hospital to check on the woman, or to take another statement. The words she'd screamed at their departing backs had been blocked from the memory of the Senior Officer, and hopefully that of Noake's. It was never discussed between the two of them; not even on the journey back to the station after the interview. It was Edward's case now, and Brock's; Noake's was out of the loop, and told to keep his mouth shut, and he would. As would the rest of the officers; the Police Force was not much different that the clique of Jock's at High-School, with Brock as their leader. Each knew that the men would back them to the hilt if it was ever required, and they would display the same loyalty to him. Even if they disagreed.


"Calm down Edwards, just put the bitch in Interview Room 1, and I'll take care of it. Get Diaz to tell her the Sheriff will be in to see her personally, as soon as he can. You stay out of it"

Brock dropped the phone back into it's cradle, took a deep breath, leaned back in his seat, focused his eyes on the wall, and sighed. He'd hoped it was over; he'd known Aizarah had been released from the Hospital - they'd kept track of her recovery- , and wishful thinking had the woman forgetting about the entire incident, and getting on with her life. However, that didn't appear to be the case, and Brock was going to need to set her straight.

He picked up the phone again, placed a call, then glanced up at the clock on the wall. Five minutes went past, ten, fifteen, and when it hit twenty, he'd decided he'd made her wait long enough. He collected his utility belt, placed it around his waist, and ensured the barrel of his weapon was visible, then made his way to the office.

Brock appraised her though the one-way glass, taking in her attractive features, and wondering how the wait had affected her demeanour. He'd find out soon enough, though he didn't plan on giving her the opportunity to speak her peace. He wanted there out of there, as soon as possible.

"Ms D'Amici, alleged rape victim, I presume?" Brock shut the door behind him, and leaned against it, with his arms folded over his barrel chest, and his gaze bore into her like daggers. Not even bothering to introduce himself, he appraised the woman in front of him, and shook his head. "I don't know why you continue to waste valuable police time and resources."

Slowly, his arms unfolded, and Brock stepped towards her, the tone of his voice lowering, and becoming more harsh. "As Officer Edwards advised, without corroborating evidence, there's nothing we can do. Your complaint has been fully investigated, and there's not a shred of evidence that what you've told the officers is true."

The man's lips curled up into a smile, though it wasn't one of amusement as he reached the table, planted his hands either side of it, and leaned forward so that his bulk towered over her, and their faces only inches apart. "In fact, the complete opposite. The evidence supports Cole Douglas's story to a tee, and so the witness who saw you staggering drunk, and flirting with him downstairs." A brow raised, and the smile became a confident smirk. That was an utter fabrication, of course, but Cole Douglas was a High School Football Hero, and it wouldn't be difficult to believe that others would lie to save his skin. "I'd suggest you drop these silly little games now, stop wasting my time, and get on with your life. Best thing for both of us, I think, don't you Miss?"

It was a rhetorical question, and Brock didn't wait for an answer. "Because, even if we did decide to press charges, do you know what would happen?" He pulled back from the desk, and shook his head, gaze still locked on the attractive young women. "The jury would hear how you were staggering drunk, and attended the party without panties, flirted with a famous football hero, and were seen entering his room upstairs. His friends would testify how it was all consensual, and that you begged for him to give it you rough." Brock was on a roll now.

"Then, the prosecutor would drag in every ex-boyfriend you've ever had, and question them on how you liked it. Did you enjoy being slapped, maybe choked now and then, or ever let yourself be tied up, or had a one-night stand, and that would just be the start?" Brock's lips pursed, then quickly as a snake he moved, and his hands slapped back down onto the table in front of her. His voice was now a scream.

"You think you were raped at that party, honey; if you even dare continue on with this charade or breathe a word of your false accusations to anyone; I will ensure you are raped all over again. In public. I will not allow my son to be falsely accused."

Brock silenced then, as his arm extended towards the door, and he nodded, his voice now a whisper. "Yes, that's right, Ms D'Amici. Cole Douglas is my son.

The man's back had turned to walk to the door, and opened it. With his fingers on the handle, he pulled it open, and looked back at her over his shoulder. "Now get the fuck out here."

As the door opened, outside stood Cole Douglas, the call the Sheriff had made from his office. He glanced into the room, and smiled at Azairah, then walked into the room. "Hey Dad."


From his position in the dispatch room, Evan's viewed the entire process through the one-way glass. He couldn't lip-read, but he didn't need to be able to, to be aware of what was going on. The office had been abuzz with gossip, and rumours about the girl. And, it was obvious she'd been raped by the Sherrif's son. As well as her background, that very fact - that he hadn't willingly spread her legs for the local bigshot around town - told him something about that girl. She wasn't like the other sluts and whores, who'd fuck their way to popularity, or to big-note themselves, or jump on a cock, or they were drunk and stoned, and because they could, regardless of whether they were attached or not. Like his cheating whore of an ex-wife.

No, this girl wasn't her; she was innocent; and Evan's felt an emotion he hadn't felt in such a long time. Empathy. Aziarah D'Amici, was a victim, and she didn't deserve to suffer. Unlike those others, who deserved to feel pain, and pay for their actions. To be made to scream, and grovel, and beg for another chance to do right

But why did they deserve it, when Amy had never provided him one? He'd begged, he'd grovelled, pleaded and cried, but had the bitch done? She'd just laughed in his face. He'd killed her five times now; and laughed back in her face as she'd died.

Scaremonger - Final Cut

Brock Douglas' week was occupied investigating the alleged crime scene, and running forensic tests on blood, clothing and hair samples; each piece of evidence carefully checked for consistency against the varying stories told by Azairah D'Amici, and Brock's son Cole, and friends. Or, more to the point, rather than the evidence being checked for consistency against the woman's accusations, each piece was forced to fit that of the boy's tale; twisted and turned, moved and replaced, either viewed as important, or ignored.

The hair and blood on the hallway floor and walls was explained away as simply a result of the girl, staggering from the effects of liquor, bouncing off the walls; blood and hair loss itself a consequence of the violent, consensual sex, each of the young men had stated took place, which had also resulted in vaginal tearing, and the 'accidental' shattering of the mirror. With her face.

The dislocations to her shoulders occurred when Zai drunkenly attempted to halt her tumble down the steps; glass embedded in her cheeks, broken nose, and blackened eyes came from landing face-first on the concrete; and the high alcohol reading provided proof she'd been drinking; only confirming what they'd already decided to have taken place.

Witnesses were questioned, then re-questioned, until none could be certain that they'd seen Cole speaking to the girl at all that night, or if in fact - in the face of a man who was an expert in interrogation -, the picture they'd been shown was that of the same woman who'd sat in the corner. The residence had been thoroughly scrubbed after photograph's had been taken. Or not taken, as the case may be. Brock and Edwards alone worked the scene.

That Azairah D'Amici was discovered to be sans panties only added further fuel to the fire, and unfortunately, the semen and blood samples recovered by the Hospital were lost. A pity, but these things happened. Not once did the investigators return to check on the woman, or take a further statement.

Her departing words had been blocked from the memory of Officer Edwards, and hopefully those of Noakes as well. It was Brock's case now, and Noakes was out of the loop, expected to keep his mouth shut. And he would. As would the rest of the officers.

The Police Force, particularly in a town such as Eden, was no different from a clique of High-School Jock's, with the Sheriff as its leader. Each member was aware that, if ever it was required, he'd back his men to the hilt, and in return, they were expected to display the same loyalty. If they refused to toe the line, there'd be only one winner. Brock Douglas.


"Calm down Edwards, just put the woman in Interview Room 1, and I'll take care of it. Ask Diaz to tell her the Sheriff will be in attend to the mater personally, as soon as he can. You stay clear."

Brock took a deep breath, then sighed. He'd hoped it was over; he'd known Aizarah had been released from the Hospital - they'd kept track - , and wishful thinking had the woman forgetting about the entire incident, and moving on. However, that didn't appear to be the case, and now the bitch was going to need to be set straight.

The Sheriff placed a call, then sat back and listened to the second-hand tick away on his wall clock. Five minutes passed, ten, fifteen, and only when it hit twenty, did he move. Brock collected his utility belt, placed it around his waist, and made his way to Interview Room 1.

The eyes of his staff were all upon him, but Brock spoke to no-one as he halted outside to appraise the woman through one-way glass, and took in her attractive features. No wonder Cole had wanted to fuck her. Had the wait calmed her down as he'd hoped, or only served to increase her agitation? He'd discovered the answer to that question soon enough, not that he intended to provide Azairah D'Amici the opportunity to speak her piece. He wanted her out of there, in no doubt as to where matters stood, as quickly as possible.

"Ms D'Amici, alleged rape victim, I presume?" Not having even introduced himself, Brock leaned against the closed door, folded arms across his chest, and stared at her. "I don't know why you continue to waste valuable police time, and resources. As Officer Edwards advised, without corroborating evidence, there's nothing we can do. Your complaint has been fully investigated, and there's not a shred of evidence to support any of the accusations you've made against Cole Douglas."

Slowly, as he spoke, his arms unfolded, and Brock moved toward her. The man's lips curled up into a smile, though it wasn't one of amusement, as he reached the table, planted his hands either side of it, and leaned forward so that his bulk towered over her, "In fact, the complete opposite. All evidence supports the young man's story to a tee, as do the witnesses who claim to have seen you all over him, downstairs.

That was a fabrication, of course, but Cole Douglas was a High School Football Hero, and it wouldn't be difficult to believe that others would lie to save his skin. "Whatever your motives, I suggest you drop these silly little games, and get on with your life. Best thing for all of us, I think, don't you Miss?" It was a rhetorical question, and Brock didn't wait for an answer. He was on a roll. "Because, even if charges were laid, do you have any concept of how it would pan out?"

The Sheriff pulled back from the desk, and shook his head, gaze still locked on the attractive young woman as he paced in a circle around the desk. "The jury would be told how you were staggering drunk, and attended the party with no other intention but to get laid, where you hooked up with an innocent and popular young man, and were seen entering an upstairs bedroom with him, of your own volition. His friends would testify that's precisely how it occurred, and how, in that bedroom, you begged for him to give it to you rough, and fuck you like a whore."

"Then." Sheriff Douglas ceased his pacing, and came to a stop directly in front of her, his tone one of completely surety. "The defence attorney would drag in every boyfriend you've ever had, every man you've slept with, and question them on how you liked it. Did you enjoy being slapped, possibly choked now and then, ever let yourself be tied up, or had a one-night stand, take it up the ass? And that would just be the start." Brock's lips pursed, then quickly as a snake he moved, and his palms slapped back down onto the table in front of her, the sound of it echoing around the room.

"You think you were raped at that party, honey? If you dare continue on with this charade, or breathe a word of your false accusations to anyone, I will ensure you are raped all over again. By the legal system. Now get the fuck out of here." At the very moment he screamed the words, there was a knock on the door, and a man entered the room, gaze locked on Azairah Douglas. The call the Sheriff had made earlier.

"Hey Dad."

Brock Douglas glanced around to acknowledge his son, then turned back to the woman, a look of pure anger and hatred on his features, and lifted a hand to point to the exit. "Out."


From his position in the dispatch room, Evan's viewed the entire process through the one-way glass. The man didn't possess the ability to lip-read, but one didn't need to, to be able to know what was occurring in Interview Room 1. Azairah D'Amicic was getting railroaded.

The Station had been abuzz with gossip and rumours about the girl ever since Noakes and Edwards had first returned from the Hospital. How she was some cheap whore, looking for attention, who'd gotten drunk, allowed herself to screwed by the local football hero, and now regretted it. Cole didn't deserve to be accused; all he'd done was take an attractive young woman up on her offer of sex, as any man would. Evan's didn't believe a word of it, and as he watched, he knew for a fact that the woman had been brutally raped and beaten by the Sheriff's son, who was going to get away with it, scot-free, whilst she'd be left to deal with the consequences for the remainder of her time on Earth.

That that she hadn't willingly spread her legs for Cole Douglas - which couldn't be said for many of the girls around town -, and he'd needed resort to raping her, told Evans something about the woman behind the glass. She wasn't a typical slut who'd fuck her way to popularity, and jump on a cock simply because she could use being drunk or stoned as excuse, regardless of the collateral damage it caused. She was innocent; a lamb to the slaughter. Unlike his cheating whore of an ex-wife.

A tear fell from the corner of his eye and rolled down his cheek as Kyle Evans experienced an emotion he hadn't felt in such a long time. Empathy. Azairah D'amici hadn't asked for the pain, and didn't deserve to be made suffer. Not like the others; they did. To be forced to assume responsibility for their actions, and pay the price; to be made beg, scream, grovel, and acknowledge the hurt they caused. To admit their guilt, plead for mercy, and ask for one last chance to set things right.

But why should he demonstrate mercy, when Amy had never shown it to him? He'd begged. He'd screamed. He'd grovelled. He'd pleaded and cried. But what had the bitch done? She'd laughed in his face, and told him she was pregnant to another man. Evans had served his country, gone through hell, almost given his life, and that's the gratitude he received? It wasn't fucking right.

Amy had been murdered five times now, and on each occasion Evans had laughed in her face as the blood drained from her body, and the life from her eyes.

It relieved his pain.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

*slow clap* Genuinely cannot believe the amount of time and effort that you put into your responses! (And that's why all of your partners love reading them).

My process is simple: Open word document, write response, post. Occasionally I will go back and re-word something but it is rare. What you see is what you get! xD The same process applies for my academic writing I'm afraid, I really hate to edit things haha.

Kudos to you Quix! You definitely deserve to relax this weekend! In between dodging relatives that I would rather not see I will attempt to compose a reply to the novel that you've left me. :p
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Thank's Silv, it's actually something I enjoy. I love the challenge, and it forces my brain to work in a way that it normally doesn't. That's, being organised, and paying attention to detail. Give me a theoretical problem to solve, and I'll attack it with glee; ask me to file ten pieces of paper in alphabetical order, and I'll put my head in my hands, and mutter, "This is all too fucking hard." XD

I do sometimes get jealous/frustrated, and wish I could do as you do; to have the talent to be able to write it in one go, where everything flows naturally. On the flip side, that it does take me so long, leads to a sense of satisfaction/accomplishment when I finally end up with something I'm happy with. I also like editing (I know, I'm weird, XD); in some ways, it's similar to attempting to find the solution to a puzzle.

I hope those relatives aren't too painful, an hour or two is usually good, but days can be too much, XD. You may need a holiday once the weekend is over.

I, of course, look forward to your response when it comes.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Okay, so I just received a PM from a woman who stated in no uncertain terms how mind numbingly boring, repetitive and lacking in any type of creativity whatsoever, my request thread was.

Then she asked to write with me.

I guess there are those who prefer non-creative and mind-numbingly boring partners?

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Easter always brings with it a plethora of in-your face religious conviction, on television, newspapers, and general conversation, which turns my thoughts to my own beliefs (or lack thereof), and two men; two of the so-called 'Four Horseman', also including Richard Dawkins, and Daniel Dennett; who sum them up:


RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Mr Quixotic said:
Okay, so I just received a PM from a woman who stated in no uncertain terms how mind numbingly boring, repetitive and lacking in any type of creativity whatsoever, my request thread was.

Then she asked to write with me.

I guess there are those who prefer non-creative and mind-numbingly boring partners?


Sounds like she was trying to neg you. Bring you down a couple notches so you will desperately seek out her approval.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Mr Quixotic said:
Okay, so I just received a PM from a woman who stated in no uncertain terms how mind numbingly boring, repetitive and lacking in any type of creativity whatsoever, my request thread was.

Then she asked to write with me.

I guess there are those who prefer non-creative and mind-numbingly boring partners?


BRUH. I would say that kind of stuff, but I think we both know I'd be saying it in a sarcastic way. Maybe she was trying to be sarcastic too, and ended up failing...?
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

xanaphia said:
Sounds like she was trying to neg you. Bring you down a couple notches so you will desperately seek out her approval.

I think you're right, Xana. That's what I first thought, and it could work if there was some humour in her post. However, that it was intended to be deliberately insulting, is the impression I got. Luckily I'm not one to be easily insulted or offended; for that you'd require a baseball bat. I found it funny more than anything.

Ariamella said:
BRUH. I would say that kind of stuff, but I think we both know I'd be saying it in a sarcastic way. Maybe she was trying to be sarcastic too, and ended up failing...?

Oh, I know you would, Aria, and you'd do a much better job of it.

For reference, here's the message I received, below, with name deleted. Things only went further downhill when I responded, XD

name deleted said:
I read Part of your Post (it got Boring and Droning after hearing you complain about the same issue over and over) I skipped the rest but despite the droning Whining pointless Post I gleamed that you are seeking Inteligent Interesting and mutually Creative RP.

I can supply that if you can restrain from Pointless repetitive long winded speeches that could be a fraction the lenth and a lot more interesting. I will Toss you my Own Request thread Because in all that babbling you could not offer any Ideas of your own (funny from a guy whining on and on about people that cant provide interesting ideas)

(thread link provided)

if you like Any of the Idea I am willing to start an RP


You know the worst thing about Holiday weekends, and doing too much relaxing? It makes me tired! Or my brain anyway. I'll respond to any PM's and such tomorrow, XD
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I'm not trying to be mean. I swear.
...but the lack of periods and random capitalization is botherrrrrrring me.
I just... want to edit it...

In my very, probably unwanted by them, opinion, that was a lot of unnecessary stuff said there. Could'a been simple and sweet and said:

I'd like to role-play with you.
Here's my thread.
K, thanks, bye."

I found that to be a little... super rude, gosh...
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

name deleted said:
I read Part of your Post (it got Boring and Droning after hearing you complain about the same issue over and over) I skipped the rest but despite the droning Whining pointless Post I gleamed that you are seeking Inteligent Interesting and mutually Creative RP.

I can supply that if you can restrain from Pointless repetitive long winded speeches that could be a fraction the lenth and a lot more interesting. I will Toss you my Own Request thread Because in all that babbling you could not offer any Ideas of your own (funny from a guy whining on and on about people that cant provide interesting ideas)

(thread link provided)

if you like Any of the Idea I am willing to start an RP

This message has me all sorts of confused. I'm literally reading this as, "Hey I heard u like intelligent partners but I think ur boring as fuck. Like if u shortened ur thread, it would maybe not be boring as fuck? But even though ur boring, I'd like to roleplay with you. So hmu; here's a link to my req thread."


Also, lol @ "funny from a guy whining on and on about people that cant provide interesting ideas" ...

bye felicia

EDIT: 100% agree with Ciirque/lait. I find it ironic that she responded to you about being an intelligent partner, but then made a lot of mistakes. And misspelled 'intelligent," lewl.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

At the risk of sounding "basic", I just can't even with that request PM you received Quix! Literally cringe inducing, and I am honestly surprised (and impressed?) that you found the inner strength to even reply to something so filled with incorrect assumptions and poor grammar.

Also, I did have a good laugh at the fact that intelligent was misspelled. There's definitely some interesting characters on this site. xD
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

More like she was trying to get noticed. She figured you already had an army of women itching to RP with you, and so she tries to be "interesting" by being different...

Or maybie she wants to try being the dominant type, is inexperienced, and sent you something insulting just to get your attention

Stranger things have happened *shrugs*

Maybie she has an Electra complex... Oh yes before I forget I got my Doctorate in Psychology from a crackerjack box, therefore I posses the proper credibility to make such Judgments... bwahaha
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Silvamoon said:
At the risk of sounding "basic", I just can't even with that

Embrace the basic, girl <3
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Seeing all these comments made me smile. Thanks guys!

lait said:
I'm not trying to be mean. I swear.
...but the lack of periods and random capitalization is botherrrrrrring me.
I just... want to edit it...

Go ahead and be mean Lait; sometimes it's deserved. Plus you need the practice, for our story, XD

Ariamella said:
This message has me all sorts of confused.

You're not the only one Aria. Apart from wondering about the random capitalisation, per Lait's comment, my major question was, 'why?'

Silvamoon said:
At the risk of sounding "basic", I just can't even with that request PM you received Quix! Literally cringe inducing, and I am honestly surprised (and impressed?) that you found the inner strength to even reply to something so filled with incorrect assumptions and poor grammar.

Also, I did have a good laugh at the fact that intelligent was misspelled. There's definitely some interesting characters on this site. xD

Would you believe I didn't even notice the misspelling of intelligent? In my defence, I was on my first cup of coffee, the caffeine was yet to kick in, and my attention was distracted by other errors. I just had to respond. When I politely brought up the spelling issue, she did admit that it, and her 'gramer' weren't the best. I'm sure everyone has their own 'interesting character' stories from this site, XD.

Pazzo said:
More like she was trying to get noticed. She figured you already had an army of women itching to RP with you, and so she tries to be "interesting" by being different...

I honestly have no idea what she was trying to achieve, Paz.

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

lait said:
I just... want to edit it...


I totally agree. I also, in my inarticulate way, itch to edit this PM. And so I did. Well, that's me, I'm pushy that way. And I thought in case she wants to try again later with other potential partners, it would be nice having someone help her formulate a coherent PM.

I paraphrased parts. But I think it captures the essence of what she wants to convey.

Your post caught my eye. It’s rare to read a thread with true humor in it and your biting sarcasm made me giggle. I’ll be honest. I have ADD and I sort of lost the thread half-way through. I apologize for this and if you could overlook my utter inability to focus long enough to read a more than one-paragraph thread, I would love to role play with you and think we could have some fun. But keep in mind, although I am intelligent and like to think I can put out interesting and creative erotic writing, I also find it difficult to focus for more than three to five sentences at a time. Any more than that and it all becomes this wall of text that buzzes around my eyes and ears making me think of a drone of bees swarming my head. If you can forgive this admitted handicap on my part, I would love to share with you my own barely developed little tiny nuggets of ideas that I’ve cobbled together over a period of years.

Again, I am willing to start a role play with you if you can just forgive me my many inadequacies.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Jolie said:
lait said:
I just... want to edit it...


I totally agree. I also, in my inarticulate way, itch to edit this PM. And so I did. Well, that's me, I'm pushy that way. And I thought in case she wants to try again later with other potential partners, it would be nice having someone help her formulate a coherent PM.

I paraphrased parts. But I think it captures the essence of what she wants to convey.

Your post caught my eye. It’s rare to read a thread with true humor in it and your biting sarcasm made me giggle. I’ll be honest. I have ADD and I sort of lost the thread half-way through. I apologize for this and if you could overlook my utter inability to focus long enough to read a more than one-paragraph thread, I would love to role play with you and think we could have some fun. But keep in mind, although I am intelligent and like to think I can put out interesting and creative erotic writing, I also find it difficult to focus for more than three to five sentences at a time. Any more than that and it all becomes this wall of text that buzzes around my eyes and ears making me think of a drone of bees swarming my head. If you can forgive this admitted handicap on my part, I would love to share with you my own barely developed little tiny nuggets of ideas that I’ve cobbled together over a period of years.

Again, I am willing to start a role play with you if you can just forgive me my many inadequacies.

Jolie, your wit truly is amazing. I seriously have no other words. I'm too busy laughing. If doesn't offer you the editors position immediately; they're crazy!
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Happy that I've moved a long-running story from PM to threads, and now only have one left on PM - which is a slow-burn, 'respond when we can/have the muse' scene, and will most likely stay there.

As of now, my request threads are officially closed. I'm always flitting between being perfectly comfortable with what I have, and feeling I may be attempting to take on too much, and I know I've said it before, but this time I'm not going to bump for at least a month so that I can fully concentrate on the stories, and wonderful partners, I already have. Just making a public declaration, because I'm not a guy who likes to be seen going against his word, XD.

Feel free to slap me if I break it (And a special mention to the one partner who did take the opportunity to remind me with a slap when I made this offer previously; though I suspect only because she has violent tendencies, and had been waiting for an excuse).

I often think with the writing partners, and other OoC friends, the banter, no-pressure/no hassle responses and chat, and awesomely addictive stories I have going, that I'm the luckiest guy on BMR.

Sometimes I can't help my mouth from working faster than my brain; I just exited the bathrooms at work, and there was a lady from another business pushing open the exit door of the building about ten feet in front of me. She turned around, looked directly at me walking towards her, then as she stepped out, and the door closed in my face, I called out in an extremely sarcastic tone, and louder than intend, "Thank you." I did feel a little guilty as she then stopped outside, awaited for me to open the door myself, and attempted to stutter plausible excuses for why she hadn't bothered to hold it for me, which I pretty much ignored.

Reminds me of the time I was eighteen, and a friend who was driving accidentally turned the wrong way down a one way street, and we ran into (not literally!) a group of bikies, who were in town for a street car festival. One rapped on the drivers window, leaned in, and said "This is a fucking one way street", to which I, without even thinking, rolled down my window from the back seat, and responded, "That's okay mate, we're only going one way." Thankfully, they didn't chase after us when my friend tramped the accelerator.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I dare say, someone who has violent tendencies and would wish you harm? Why would such a person even do such a thing?! Excuse or not, surely that can't be healthy...

On the side note. I love being nice, or trying, and then actually being able to be sarcastic in return. Usually, like your example, is holding open the door for people. And when they don't say thank you. I state, very loudly. 'You're welcome!' and when they go to say it or look at me, I merely shake my head, throwing my hands up. 'Too late!' Then walk off. It makes my days better sometimes. XD
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I have no idea, Aurelia. Healthy or not, and whatever their motives, I think they secretly enjoy it. Why else would they collect swords? And we're not talking the plastic ones!

I don't think there's any harm in reminding people that common courtesy is free; the only time I ever become truly irked/irritated/annoyed is with little polite/impolite acts. Things that I think should come naturally, and need not require conscious thought or effort.

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Damn you Mali!!!!!!!!!

I take five days to write you a response, and how long does it take you to reply? Let's hold on, whilst I go work this out..................

Yep, I thought so:


Damn you Mali!!!

You're awesome, XD
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