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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Other Stuff (Comments Welcome)

What a great way to celebrate! I'm hoping to use a lazy Sunday to get a reply back to you.

Cofee does taste just that little bit better when someone else buys it for you. Flat-white is my poison of choice; it's much like a latte. As with many such things, including Russell Crowe, Crowded House and Pavlova, there's argument between Australia and New Zealand about where it originated. We're more than happy to concede Russell Crowe.

I'll be in awe if you manage to make that package of Tim-Tam's last the entire weekend. The only way I can do that, is not open it to begin with!

Edit: Thanks Silv, that just gave me a laugh, and it's so true. Particularly the money thing! And, we don't drink Fosters!


RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Other Stuff (Comments Welcome)

I was meant to be going away for the Easter weekend with my oldest brother to visit our parents who live a couple of hours away, but have found out my other brother has already arranged to head down. Not so much a problem for me, but since my two siblings can't be in the same room together for more than hour without World War Three threatening to erupt, we've decided to leave it until the weekend after. It now means I can look forward to a relaxed four day weekend.

Does the rest of the world receive the Easter Friday and Monday as Holiday's, or is it just us Aussie's who use any excuse to take a day off work/school?


Something I'm finding a little puzzling lately is the number of people who've messaged me in response to my threads, and mentioned that they 'don't know if they can meet my standards'. I'm not talking about writing standards, but one's in regards to what I request of the female character.

If anyone takes the time to read my threads thoroughly, they should be able to see that all I'm asking for is a female with her own mind, purpose, goals, thoughts and motivations, rather than one whose sole reason for existence in the story is to be the subject of the male's whim.

Now, if that's really too high a 'standard' for female characters to meet, I honestly don't know what the world (or literary fiction) is coming to. I thought those qualities were what defined us as humans. It makes me more thankful every day for the amazing partners I already do have, and the characters they portray.

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Other Stuff (Comments Welcome)

Mr Quixotic said:
Does the rest of the world receive the Easter Friday and Monday as Holiday's, or is it just us Aussie's who use any excuse to take a day off work/school?

I can't speak for the rest of the world, but I'm wandering into work on Monday, but I did take Friday off. It wasn't an official holiday; I just didn't work.

Mr Quixotic said:
Something I'm finding a little puzzling lately is the number of people who've messaged me in response to my threads, and mentioned that they 'don't know if they can meet my standards'. I'm not talking about writing standards, but one's in regards to what I request of the female character.

If anyone takes the time to read my threads thoroughly, they should be able to see that all I'm asking for is a female with her own mind, purpose, goals, thoughts and motivations, rather than one whose sole reason for existence in the story is to be the subject of the male's whim.

Your threads are a joy to read. I adore your sharp, intelligent, biting sense of humor. But you knew that already. What I suspect is a lot of us are attracted to your mind, wit, and writing style, but we want to change you so that you fit into our "Fifty-Shades-of-Grey" fantasies.

Don't change. It doesn't work. Of course, as always, when I read your writing, my imagination is stimulated. I'm suddenly dreaming of a girl whose sole purpose in the story is to be the proverbial fuck doll.


Purchased to be used solely as a sexual object, programmed with a variety of techniques, designed for no other reason but to serve her male owner's needs, desires, and wants.

But one day, you can imagine his shock when she tells him that she really isn't satisfied with her role in life. She really needs more and leaves him to find that "more."

Poor guy. He wanted so desperately what you spurn, the lump of clay. And she's so eager to become that girl with her own wants, needs, and desires, to break out of the "I'm a fuck-toy" mold that she was literally forced into when she was manufactured.

Okay, leaving aside my own twisted imagination. I suspect that the girls who say they "don't meet" your "high standards" are telling you they want to roleplay some submissive slut and are hoping you'll bend to their desires instead of them trying to meet your own desires.

Luckily, I know you've found and will continue to find many wonderful writing partners. Speaking of which, I should really go read some more of your threads now that I'm back. I do enjoy your style.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Other Stuff (Comments Welcome)

Hope you enjoy that long weekend coming up Quix! I will be taking Friday off, although cannot get away with Monday as well with that pesky school thing. xD

Speaking of Monday's, I did get to enjoy a Tim tam with my morning coffee - until my devil cat knocked over the mug and spilled the rest of it. ;_; Thankfully I had a bit left in the coffee pot, but my morning did not start as planned haha.

Recently jumping back into the request thread bumping game, and I can empathize with your struggle. I had forgotten how much I detested actively searching for partners who will be compatible. I'm curious how many requests you actually receive though? We all know how hard it is to keep up with your "high standards" xD.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Other Stuff (Comments Welcome)

Jolie said:
Mr Quixotic said:
Does the rest of the world receive the Easter Friday and Monday as Holiday's, or is it just us Aussie's who use any excuse to take a day off work/school?

I can't speak for the rest of the world, but I'm wandering into work on Monday, but I did take Friday off. It wasn't an official holiday; I just didn't work.

Mr Quixotic said:
Something I'm finding a little puzzling lately is the number of people who've messaged me in response to my threads, and mentioned that they 'don't know if they can meet my standards'. I'm not talking about writing standards, but one's in regards to what I request of the female character.

If anyone takes the time to read my threads thoroughly, they should be able to see that all I'm asking for is a female with her own mind, purpose, goals, thoughts and motivations, rather than one whose sole reason for existence in the story is to be the subject of the male's whim.

Your threads are a joy to read. I adore your sharp, intelligent, biting sense of humor. But you knew that already. What I suspect is a lot of us are attracted to your mind, wit, and writing style, but we want to change you so that you fit into our "Fifty-Shades-of-Grey" fantasies.

Don't change. It doesn't work. Of course, as always, when I read your writing, my imagination is stimulated. I'm suddenly dreaming of a girl whose sole purpose in the story is to be the proverbial fuck doll.


Purchased to be used solely as a sexual object, programmed with a variety of techniques, designed for no other reason but to serve her male owner's needs, desires, and wants.

But one day, you can imagine his shock when she tells him that she really isn't satisfied with her role in life. She really needs more and leaves him to find that "more."

Poor guy. He wanted so desperately what you spurn, the lump of clay. And she's so eager to become that girl with her own wants, needs, and desires, to break out of the "I'm a fuck-toy" mold that she was literally forced into when she was manufactured.

Okay, leaving aside my own twisted imagination. I suspect that the girls who say they "don't meet" your "high standards" are telling you they want to roleplay some submissive slut and are hoping you'll bend to their desires instead of them trying to meet your own desires.

Luckily, I know you've found and will continue to find many wonderful writing partners. Speaking of which, I should really go read some more of your threads now that I'm back. I do enjoy your style.

Intelligent, witty, imaginative, creative, perceptive, insightful, and so well expressed. Not to forget complimentary. All the reasons I've missed your presence, in just that one little post. However, I'd better stop this mutual admiration thing before it gets too weird, XD

That's a very attractive toy you've sent me there; A Neanderthal male could very well be tempted, however after very thorough inspection, she appears to be missing the most enticing, arousing, erotic and erogenous part of the female human anatomy:


One of those, and she'd be just perfect!

As I think we've discussed, I don't have any issues with those Shade's of Grey or domination fantasies, and I actually share quite a few of them myself. To me, it's all in the 'agency', and who shoulders some responsibility in bringing them about, or of the female character first needing to provide a cause (stemming from her own actions/motivations/goals) to receive the effect; something I've written about elsewhere on this journal. Nothing occurs in a vacuum, and when I refer to motivations, desires and goals it's in both a sexual, and non-sexual, context. Compromise goes a long way when you're looking to write collaboratively.

I didn't realise I actually had a style, until a few people mentioned that they enjoyed it! It's nice to know you like to read what I write, as I do with you. The natural flow to your thoughts, and the life and humour you bring to your posts is a joy to read itself. I'm still hoping to write that story with you one day, XD

Silvamoon said:
Hope you enjoy that long weekend coming up Quix! I will be taking Friday off, although cannot get away with Monday as well with that pesky school thing. xD

Speaking of Monday's, I did get to enjoy a Tim tam with my morning coffee - until my devil cat knocked over the mug and spilled the rest of it. ;_; Thankfully I had a bit left in the coffee pot, but my morning did not start as planned haha.

Recently jumping back into the request thread bumping game, and I can empathize with your struggle. I had forgotten how much I detested actively searching for partners who will be compatible. I'm curious how many requests you actually receive though? We all know how hard it is to keep up with your "high standards" xD.

I'll definitely be enjoying it, Silva. I'm not sure why Aussie is the only - or one of the few - places to receive the Monday as a Holiday, but I'm not complaining. Then again, what do you expect from a country whose ex Prime-Minister once held the world record for skolling a yard glass of beer, and famously said when Australia won the America's Cup Yachting, "Any boss who sacks a worker for not turning up today is a bum."

Does your own long weekend mean another trip to the 'Happiest Place On Earth'?

Darn cats! It probably gave you a look that said, "You got a problem?", then went on its merry way. That's why I love cats, they just don't seem to care, XD

I don't receive many requests at all. I assume, with the amount of times my threads have been bumped, that most people have read them, and decided long ago if they want to write with me, or not, so bumping doesn't really do that much. Then, of the requests I do receive, only a tiny percentage of those actually appear to comprehend what I'm asking for.

I've thought occasionally of revising my requests to make them less 'intimidating' and sarcastic, but as Jolie says, changing doesn't work, and my threads are designed to attract particular types of partners; those who have an affinity for humour, sarcasm and hyperbole, can recognise it for what it is, and are able to see through the 'bark' enough to realise it's likely much worse than the bite. They're the ones I communicate best with OoC, and I find that flows through to writing compatibility.

I recall you telling me about own struggles a while ago; and hope it's a little easier this time. Anyone should be honoured to write with you, XD, and it's worth waiting for those who are compatible/you'll enjoy collaborating with, rather than accepting requests that you're not totally into, or partners who don't grab your attention. When you find them, it makes the struggle worthwhile, but the frustration in the meantime can be painful.

And while I remember. With it being the start of a new month tomorrow - my 'busy' time at work - and the two Holiday's, meaning I need to do four days work in two, my OoC and story responses will most likely be delayed for the rest of the week.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Other Stuff (Comments Welcome)

Unfortunately I will not have the chance to visit Disneyworld over the week, I will instead be entertaining relatives all weekend. ;_; The mention of Australian work ethic actually reminded me of a funny story! When I interned at Animal Kingdom one of my fellow interns was a guy from your homeland (from Cairns I want to say?) and we had a thing called early releases which we could apply for at the beginning of a shift. If business was slow enough they would let us go early, and literally at each shift this guy would apply for one! Once I asked if he was just that busy or had stuff to do, and of course he just shrugged and said he had no plans and just wanted to leave early. xD

Thankfully I think I have found myself a new writing partner and I can stop the mind-numbing process of bumping my thread! Hopefully you will also stumble upon another stellar partner as well! I am honestly in awe of how much creativity you have to keep up with so many different roleplays.

And of course take your time with replies and look forward to the weekend coming up! My response came earlier than expected because I was so excited for the reintroduction of Sophie and Adam, and then I found the most perfect image so I had to share it. xD
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Other Stuff (Comments Welcome)

Ah, I'm sure entertaining relatives will be just as enjoyable! That is amusing, and it doesn't surprise me coming from an Aussie. We do have a habit of attempting to take advantage of any opportunity, just because it's there. I think it stems from us taking an absurd pride in our convict heritage, and a culture of seeing resistance to authority as a positive attribute.

That would be Cairns. I've never been there, but I keep being told I need to visit. It's in Tropical Far North Queensland, about 1,500 miles from where I am!


I'm glad you didn't have too much of a struggle finding yourself another partner. As for me, a year ago, I didn't think I'd be capable of writing more than one or two, but a couple of them are fairly slow-paced, and as I think I've mentioned on my journal another time, I work much better under 'stress'; when I've too much to do, rather than too little.

My responses would likely come less often, and be less creative, with less stories; it's hard to explain, but feeling as if I'll be overwhelmed if I don't, forces my brain to focus and fully complete a task. I'm usually excellent at half-finishing something, but struggle to finalise it completely until about three seconds before (or after) deadline. The last little bit is what find the most difficult.

I'm too loving the re-introduction of Adam and Sophie. The image you chose was, as usual, brilliant and totally appropriate, and my response is forming itself in my head; the Holiday weekend should provide plenty of time to write it, XD. I'll apologise in advance, that could cause it to be a novel!

I've sure one of my work colleagues must have discovered my membership of BlueMoon, and perused my request threads, for he sent this link around this morning. Precisely the type of woman I've been searching in vain for:

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Other Stuff (Comments Welcome)


Thank your colleague for the cute educational extract. After reading the last paragraph, I know that I will ... by God ... from now on set my alarm for 4 a.m., so I can have his fucking morning cup of tea ready.

Wait! Never mind, I tossed his ass out six-years ago.

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Other Stuff (Comments Welcome)

You finally gave me a reason to come out of the shadows Quix.
I've never read something that's irked me so intensely before.
That last paragraph just hit me. xD


Did you make sure to toss his cup to him?
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Other Stuff (Comments Welcome)

The funny thing is the guy who sent it is in his 70's, and would have lived through those times.

Not even my roleplay post irked you as much, Lait? XD. And I'm glad to see you emerge from the shadows.

And don't worry about Lait's question Jolie, it's not applicable to me. I drink coffee!
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Other Stuff (Comments Welcome)

lait said:
Did you make sure to toss his cup to him?

Truthfully, he wasn't much of a tea drinker. But I tossed a few things his way as he left. Now, when I make that morning cup of tea (Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearl), it's all mine.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Other Stuff (Comments Welcome)

I mean, your posts enrage me because of how realistic and how I know that's exactly how people actually respond to situations in our RP in Real Life.

But that up there just bothers the living shit out of me.
Even more because they actually had to do it.

Ah~ Jolie's a smart lady, Quix.
Tea is love. Tea is life.

Shadows no more. It was warm there though... I'll miss it a little.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Other Stuff (Comments Welcome)

lait said:
I mean, your posts enrage me because of how realistic and how I know that's exactly how people actually respond to situations in our RP in Real Life.

But that up there just bothers the living shit out of me.
Even more because they actually had to do it.

Ah~ Jolie's a smart lady, Quix.
Tea is love. Tea is life.

Shadows no more. It was warm there though... I'll miss it a little.

I just know you're waiting to take your revenge.

It actually bothers the living shit out of me, too. I couldn't think of anything less attractive in a partner, and can't comprehend how men could even want it that way, let alone women being forced to be so. I'm glad those times are (mostly) no more.

And yes. Jolie is a very smart lady, XD
Though I still prefer coffee.

It's mostly warm here, too. You'll enjoy your stay.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I fucking hate it when anal retentive, cheap money-hungry, pedantic assholes waste my time! I've just had to spend three hours googling, and on the phone to the Tax Office, proving something I already knew to be true, to an employee who claimed that an allowance she received should not be taxed. She's now on maternity leave, and not being paid at all, and this relates to three pay weeks going back two months. All for a whopping $90, if she'd actually been right about what she'd claimed, and not given the Tax Office incorrect information when she'd called, in an attempt to receive advice which would prove her 'right'.

This comes after she sent me an email, which because I didn't reply to within two hours, she followed up by re-forwarding the original, without another word, and became pissed when I told her I thought that rude, and had better things to do than just sit there, and wait for her emails to respond to.

I feel better now, XD. It was either type this here, or directly to her. That would not have been the best idea.

Okay, so onto BMR issues. I'm a little unsure what to do. Kind of fighting between stickling to my principles, and feeling that I'm being rude.

My threads state quite clearly:

"If you do PM, please give some idea of what you're interested in, and your own kinks, etc, especially if you have no thread or f-list of your own. I won't respond to one line approaches, or messages that contain very little information."

'Information', to me and in the context of my threads, has a particular definition; not just 'a lot of words', but 'containing something of substance, pertinent to the subject at hand.'

I've two entire threads which provide my own kinks, plots, story and theme preferences, so if you're compelled to reply to them for some reason, wouldn't you at least state what it is that interested you, what drew you to respond, or mention a plot/concept that possibly caught your attention?

I've found from experience that if someone doesn't appear to understand what I'm looking for in their initial PM, it invariably leads to frustration/differences in how we go about/process things, and the task of collaboratively plotting a story becomes almost impossible.

So, do I go back, and say, "Sorry, you didn't really provide any information about your own preferences, or what you're looking to write, which is what I specifically ask for in my thread", and make my words a lie - in which case there's no point in having written them - or do I just stick to my guns and not respond at all?
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I've never had an experience where someone is inarticulate and sparse in their initial query and then they magically become literate and creative when the writing commences. Now if you were just looking for a quick chat style line or two game, I would accept that you're not going to get long initial inquiries. But you're looking for a real shared writing experience, something that has plot and depth and quality to it.

That person, the one that is going to work well with you, they're going to be literate and excited from the very beginning. Their ideas are going to spill out.

And without reading any of your emails, I bet if you think back to the games that worked for you, you're going to remember those first contacts as fun and creative and special.

Pull the trigger. It's going to be the right decision for both of you. Oh and sorry about the frustration with the tax thingy.

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Thanks Jolie. The tax thingy is fine; I just don't understand people who are so anal-retentive about little things, and don't realise that what goes around comes around. She's pissed most everyone off here, in varying ways, by being pedantic, and now no-one will go out of their way to help her. She's really dug her own grave.


As for the other, it wasn't so much a lack of literacy. Just a lack of me having any idea what she liked to write about. I need context; the big picture; and I think my threads provide that from my end. If someone approaches me, it shouldn't then be my responsibility to try and get blood out of a stone.

Edit: And, you're correct about the one's that have worked best. There's just been that instinctual, 'This is going to work' feeling, from the very beginning.


And look at that, I've ended two paragraph's with an overused clichΓ©/metaphor/idiom. Why does that make me feel strangely proud of myself, XD
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I had to lookup what pendantic meant... though i figured it was a pejorative...

Sorry you had to deal with that
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

And here we go again, I get a PM from someone telling me how much she loves my thread, suggests a plot which does not meet the theme of my requests, and states what attributes she expects the male character to possess, which are; and I quote; "a dominant, manipulative, somewhat brutal man who isn't quite up to cruel".

That isn't a problem in itself, but not once did she reference or acknowledge anything my thread clearly states in regards to the attributes I'd like to see the female character possess. Nor even hinted that she'd read, or taken any notice, of them.

Do people really think I went to all the effort of composing a sarcastic and hyperbolic thousand-word request thread, not because what it asks for is what I actually want, or that it's important to my being interested in writing with someone, but instead, simply for the fun of it? (Well, simply for the fun of it was half the reason...but still!)

Nah, that's cool, just completely gloss over anything I've requested, feel entitled to expect me to play any type of character that suits your preferences, without giving a shit what mine are for your character, and ignore the entire fucking point of my thread. Don't even bring the subject up (obviously it wasn't that part of my request you enjoyed), and then we can just make it all about what you want. After all, why else would I be here?

If only this were a one-off. No wonder a guy occasionally gets frustrated :)

Pazzo said:
I had to lookup what pendantic meant... though i figured it was a pejorative...

Sorry you had to deal with that

Thanks Pazzo, it's appreciated, and wasn't too bad; in a way my competitive nature enjoys the conflict. I just thought I'd rant on here, rather than tell her exactly what was on my mind. Subtlety isn't my strong suit.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Seems like you haven't been having the best week so far, but now you can celebrate with a long weekend! Also, I can imagine having to spend time googling redundant information really set you off! xD

Unfortunately it appears to be an on-going problem with this site that you can take all the time in the world to craft an informative and witty request thread, and then still attract the wrong sort of writing partner. (I was going to use the term sub-par, but that isn't fair to people who write at different levels than you or I because there's nothing wrong with that.)

I've been on this site for a number of years now, which is hard to believe xD, and honestly at this point I just do not respond to PM's that I think will lead nowhere.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Silvamoon said:
Seems like you haven't been having the best week so far, but now you can celebrate with a long weekend! Also, I can imagine having to spend time googling redundant information really set you off! xD

Unfortunately it appears to be an on-going problem with this site that you can take all the time in the world to craft an informative and witty request thread, and then still attract the wrong sort of writing partner. (I was going to use the term sub-par, but that isn't fair to people who write at different levels than you or I because there's nothing wrong with that.)

I've been on this site for a number of years now, which is hard to believe xD, and honestly at this point I just do not respond to PM's that I think will lead nowhere.

It was rather hectic, work-wise; I should have started a journal much earlier as I find having a rant on here quite cathartic. I hope people don't take them too seriously, however. They are deliberately hyperbolic, and written in good humour. You know my appreciation for googling too well. The issue was, every time I found an answer it contradicted something in the article I read before it, and I required definitive proof!

A lot has to do with how I process information. I use the big picture to eek out details, rather than use details to build up the big picture, and I find people who seem to be on the opposite end of that spectrum, or have a different view than I, of what I mean by 'some idea of what you're interested in, and your own kinks', are those I'll struggle to develop a plot with. To me, it's an open question, and provides an opportunity for them to express, in their own words, what types of stories/themes/plots/character dynamics they are into, which is how I'd perceive it, and what I'm after.

I've found from experience that then attempting to pry the information out of them in the way I need/want it leads to frustrating exchanges on both sides, so it's usually best not to reply at all. A lot of the time it's nothing to do with writing; just the way we go about things not meshing. As for those who seem to have no idea, ask for something your thread states you don't want, or only send one line, I'm with you, and delete the message immediately after reading it. Unless I'm in a particularly sarcastic mood!

In regards to my other rant, it boggles my mind that people would read that request, which is entirely about what I'm looking for in the female characters I prefer to write against, then not even refer to it. Obviously (I would have thought), to have written such a thread, it's my first priority.

I will indeed enjoy my Long Weekend. Australia's not a particularly religious country, but for some reason all malls, and the majority of other stores, are required by Law to close on Good Friday. It's also the only day of the year (I think), where it's illegal to sell take-away alcohol - even those stores which are open, and do usually sell it -; so that means a rather quiet day. Hopefully I can get some writing done :) (I've already started by making this bloody journal post about ten times lengthier than I intended; a bad habit of mine!)

You enjoy your long weekend as well, and spending time with your relatives.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I know the pain of people not reading your request thread, though with the recent inquiry I received, my problem went the opposite way. I had a guy send me an amusing pm, and while I wasn't looking for partners at the time, I was entertained enough to give him a chance to plead his case. He sends back a thousand word opener, complete with a list of six different women I am expected to play. A harem rp, where I play six women already desperately worship some dude. the fuck? I mean, I know he didn't check out my request thread, since I hadn't bumped it in a week at that point. Atleast I am giving him the benefit of the doubt on that, since "No harems" are one of my big rules. I know I do a few scenarios that go in the other direction, multiple men for one woman, but what can I say, I am selfish like that. At the very least I don't demand that from guys I know aren't interested in it. Anyways, the whole thing was quite presumptuous, including NSFW gifs in the pm, with no warning before hand.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

It probably irks me more when people do read it (or claim to have), tell me they like it, then give me something which doesn't at all fit into what I'm asking for. It's either, to me, a form of selfishness, or a complete lack of comprehension.

I had to laugh at that guys audacity. At least you have to give him credit for trying. Of course most ladies are going to interested in playing six different women to one male character; they don't even need to put that on their threads. And even if they say they don't want to, we know, secretly, they still do! <sarcasm> :) The NSFW thing is just thoughtless.

It's funny, I enjoy playing multiple males; not just in a sexual context, but also for having more than one character to write as part of the plot. I like to play differing personalities/have separate story strands going, but I received a PM a couple of weeks ago from someone who expected me to play two men (or three, if I didn't mind!) chasing after her, and was in one of my 'difficult' moods.

So, my response was, "You know, one of these days, I'll receive an approach from a woman, who, of her own volition, offers to play multiple females to my one male. I won't hold my breath, though."

I don't think it's selfish, as multiple males is more logical/more likely than multiple females; it's just when it does becomes an expectation or demand.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

We all feel your pain! The agonizing, annoying pain that just makes you want to cringe and other ungodly things.

I sadly, received a PM today dealing with the same. I just don't even reply at that point. Which is horrible but still! It's basically,
'your thread is nice and all, I didn't read through it of course- but not what I want to do.
Here's a <link> to my request and what I want to do!
Hope to hear back :D'

Then proceeds to send me a link to a cigar website, a "how to" video on lingerie that "compliments a woman figure"
(which I actually watched for the hell of it. Had a pretty good laugh) as well as a nude photo- not even artistically nude ( probably from a porn site lol) of a woman with her foot in the air "demonstrating" flexibility.
I was pretty much appalled and didn't answer. xD
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I think that same guy has replied to me several times. If it's the guy I am thinking of, he just sends the same form letter to every female persona on the cite. He was the first guy I blocked.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

xanaphia said:
I think that same guy has replied to me several times. If it's the guy I am thinking of, he just sends the same form letter to every female persona on the cite. He was the first guy I blocked.

I'm not sure what they're expecting out of it but I don't think they'll get too far, lol.
If they are the same person
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