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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)


But that's okay. I'll be generous and share. >:CC

/angry mumbles
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Teehee. It’s okay, I’m still partially yours. Since he’s only on sporadically, I’m yours whenever he’s not on. Which is…often.

-wink wink- -nudge nudge- Know what I mean? xP
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

As entertaining as this conversation is, I think it best (and safer) if I stay out of it :)
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Royal Queen Pimpness must always keep her subjects happy.
My queenly work here is done.
u V u
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Malicious Lullaby said:
No no, as entertaining as this conversation already is, I think it's better (more entertaining for me -grabs popcorn-) if you stay in it :D

No, no Mali. Sometimes it's much more fun just to sit back and watch.


Can't express how happy I am that, after almost a full thread page of posts in one of my stories (I'm looking at you, Lait!), we've reached the point where the two main characters have finally met! As awesome as the buildup/setup and anticipation has been, now the real fun begins, XD

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Ah~ I'm so happy Quix. Words can't even express it.
All the hardwork setting up where the story had to go
; 3 ;

We did well my friend.

Time to make babies and kill people.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Mr Quixotic said:
Malicious Lullaby said:
No no, as entertaining as this conversation already is, I think it's better (more entertaining for me -grabs popcorn-) if you stay in it :D

No, no Mali. Sometimes it's much more fun just to sit back and watch.

I know, which is why I am sitting back with popcorn and waiting for the show to begin.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Malicious Lullaby said:
Mr Quixotic said:
Malicious Lullaby said:
No no, as entertaining as this conversation already is, I think it's better (more entertaining for me -grabs popcorn-) if you stay in it :D

No, no Mali. Sometimes it's much more fun just to sit back and watch.

I know, which is why I am sitting back with popcorn and waiting for the show to begin.

Talking about enjoying the show, I work in a building directly across from a major shopping mall, which has just been evacuated and closed due to a suspicious package being found in one of the shops. I'm watching all the emergency vehicles, and guys/girls in biohazard suits, out of the window, XD

lait said:
Ah~ I'm so happy Quix. Words can't even express it.
All the hardwork setting up where the story had to go
; 3 ;

We did well my friend.

Time to make babies and kill people.

I agree; I think we did great, and all that hard work is going to pay off.

I'm also glad to see your request thread is looking much cleaner today, XD
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Oh come on Mali, there's nothing sexier than a fire-woman in uniform. How could I not look?

And, of course, when they re-opened the mall, and I popped in at lunchtime, the only store I needed to go to was the only one still closed!
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Mr Quixotic said:
lait said:
Ah~ I'm so happy Quix. Words can't even express it.
All the hardwork setting up where the story had to go
; 3 ;

We did well my friend.

Time to make babies and kill people.

I agree; I think we did great, and all that hard work is going to pay off.

I'm also glad to see your request thread is looking much cleaner today, XD
i THINK WE DID TOO! Now that I'm done making threads all pretty I can actually start trying to formulate a damn reply :'D xD

Eheheh. Right? > U > I hope I didn't sound mean or anything either.
I had totally innocent intentions while asking.
And I redid my thread (again for the like millionth time.)
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Malicious Lullaby said:
-eyes rolling- You're such a guy.

LOL. Now that is hilarious! Definite movie-worthy-comedy! Buahahahaha!

Hah, as if you ladies wouldn't be ogling the guys!

Reminds me of a wedding I attended; the firemen showing up after smoke alarms went off at the reception was the highlight of the Bride's day. Not sure what that said about the Groom!

lait said:
i THINK WE DID TOO! Now that I'm done making threads all pretty I can actually start trying to formulate a damn reply :'D xD

Eheheh. Right? > U > I hope I didn't sound mean or anything either.
I had totally innocent intentions while asking.
And I redid my thread (again for the like millionth time.)

I'm sure you were polite, and it's good that there was apparently no hassle. By now, I almost expect your threads to be redone at least weekly, XD
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

C'mon Quix.
Give me like 2-3weeks and then I change it.
I just get all 'wow I hate this' and then change it and then feel better
then a week later hate it again and redo it.


RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I do it discreetly. And from afar. Except when I am skyping with my guy and I am obviously staring at him. And then he starts making funny faces xP

LOL oh goodness! If he was smart, he would have rented a fireman costume for their wedding night ;)
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

lait said:
C'mon Quix.
Give me like 2-3weeks and then I change it.
I just get all 'wow I hate this' and then change it and then feel better
then a week later hate it again and redo it.



I should ask you and Ari for help with formatting mine, since the two of you seem equally addicted; but I'm worried about the pink! XD

Malicious Lullaby said:
I do it discreetly. And from afar. Except when I am skyping with my guy and I am obviously staring at him. And then he starts making funny faces xP

LOL oh goodness! If he was smart, he would have rented a fireman costume for their wedding night ;)

Why do I have this feeling that you'd be more than capable of making funny faces back.

That probably wouldn't have gone down too well; prior to the wedding, the bride-to-be did put a stop to three of us who'd planned to come dressed as The Wiggles.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Ari's awesomeee *O *

We can totally tone down the pink :I
It'll be man pretty. Quixpretty and a wall of sarcasm :'D!

Hows that sound?
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Mr Quixotic said:
Why do I have this feeling that you'd be more than capable of making funny faces back.

That probably wouldn't have gone down too well; prior to the wedding, the bride-to-be did put a stop to three of us who'd planned to come dressed as The Wiggles.

Because I do xP

You told me about this! I knew it sounded familiar xP It would have been so funny if you did it anyways. Wait, didn't you guys do it anyways?
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

lait said:
Ari's awesomeee *O *

We can totally tone down the pink :I
It'll be man pretty. Quixpretty and a wall of sarcasm :'D!

Hows that sound?

That sounds awesome, Lait. I'll just finish perfecting my new Sans-Serif-Sarcasm font, and we'll be good to go!

Oh, and the number of views on our story currently stands at 666; which somehow seems appropriate.

Malicious Lullaby said:
You told me about this! I knew it sounded familiar xP It would have been so funny if you did it anyways. Wait, didn't you guys do it anyways?

No, we didn't wear the skivvies, which was our original intent (threat!), however we did co-ordinate, and each wore a dress shirt as close in colour as we had to that which matched one of The Wiggles.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Malicious Lullaby said:
So wait the wiggles wore skivvies? Is it not the same as the wiggles from the Disney Channel show for little kids?

Yes, it's the same; I think just a difference in terminology. Those bright, tight-fitting, turtle-neck tops are called skivvy's over here. Not exactly formal-wear, XD
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

All roleplay responses up to date, so random musings as I wait for replies. Something a little more personal today, which just slipped out as I was writing:

Heading out tomorrow morning to watch my nephew play his 50th game of Australian Rules football! It's a great game, but there's so many skills required to play, that when watching it played by kids it appears to be more a disorganised mess than anything else. My brother has just moved out to rural property about thirty minutes from me, where he and his wife plan to open up a kennel and cattery sometime in the near future, and my parents were also supposed to come down for the weekend to stay there and have a look at the property.

However, my sister-in-law has a bad case of the flu, which isn't good for my Dad. Basically, my old man is on his way out. He's been diagnosed as being in the last stages of heart failure for a number of years now - a result of a hard drinking, hard gambling, hard living life - , but being the stubborn bastard he is, just continues to keep going much longer than he medically should. The pharmacist where he lives has nicknamed him Lazarus, as he's continually coming back from the dead.

My relationship with him is rather complex, as is that of my brothers. He's the catalyst for a lot of the principles/values we carry with us today; independence of mind and personal autonomy; to think for ourselves, and form our own conclusions, and to respect knowledge and experience, but to give no special reverence to a person purely because of position, status or perceived power; and to not defer to authority for authority's sake, but to stand for our own principles, and what we believe to be right. I still vividly recall the occasion when I was a kid, and my brother had been in a fight at school, that he sat us down and told us -

"I don't care if you come home with a black eye or a bloody nose; the only time I'll ever be disappointed in you kids, is if I discover that you walked away from something that you believed in, because you were frightened."

- and whilst he can be the most generous person in the world, he can also also be the most argumentative and uncompromising prick you could ever meet. I don't think the word sorry is in his vocabulary.

Probably the saddest thing, is seeing a man whose life revolved around intellectual discussion and debate sometimes being so mentally muddled from medication that he can barely speak, or gather his thoughts.


And today, I'm in a Nietzsche sort of mood



RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Oh Quix...-hugs- Regardless of the sarcasm, quick quips and basic 'I don't give a fuck' demeanor, you can be such a softy <3 I hope your dad pulls through and continues pulling through, being the exception as opposed to statistical fact. You're special and I adore you <3
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

-hugs Mali hugging Quix.-
;____ ;
I hope your dad will be okay too and that everything will be okay.
T____T Gosh man, gossssh. -squeezes-
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