Wonderful Adventures (MellowYellow and Sweetnothings)


Nov 14, 2012
The sounds of fighting rang throughout the warehouse. It was mixed with the sounds of flesh hitting flesh and the grunts of hurt men. Laurel had a smile on her face as she kicked one in the face. "See? This is what we should do every Friday night!" She yelled out to Oliver. It was certainly fun watching the horrified look on the hoodlum's faces as they kicked their asses. Soon, they gave up and ran out of the warehouse. The Black Canary panted while fixing her hair. Only one time did she chose to use her power on them. They were annoying. They didn't know when to shut up.

"So? What did you think of our first date?" She asked, walking towards the door of the warehouse. They were gone by now, probably running off to tell the police about them. It didn't matter, anymore. Oliver and her would go home and go about their daily lives. At night, they were Black Canary and Green Arrow. It was fun doing this at night then going back to someone else during the day. Laurel Lance and Oliver Queen were a regular couple during the day. "Your place?" She smirked at him, walking front of him on purpose and swaying her hips.
RE: Adventures with Friends (MellowYellow and Sweetnothings)

There was a whistling sound rushing through the air as an arrow tipped with a great red boxing glove smacked one punk across the face with such force that he was knocked clean on his back. Oliver spun, raising his compace bow up and using the frame to block an incoming knife swing. The bearded blond smirked and lunged forward, landing a firm knee to the gut that sent his foe to the ground, winded and gasping for air. "You were right dear, this was pretty fun."

After those that had been KO'd were tied up, and the authorities were notified, Oliver followed behind Black Canary, admiring the sways of her magnificent rear. " My place. I know you probably haven't cleaned yours since last timem" he teased. He was quick to tap a button on his belt, and within seconds one of the JLA's personal javeline jets was hovering near them "Ladies first."
RE: Adventures with Friends (MellowYellow and Sweetnothings)

It was always fun working with Oliver at night. It meant beating up some bad guys who deserved it and listening to them beg for mercy. What always made Laurel laugh was their surprise when they realize a woman in fishnets had just beat them up. Although it was a bummer to realize they were cute, they were still criminals who deserved a nice beating. "I'm always right. No need to gloat about it," she giggled after punching a guy coming up from behind straight in the nose. He laid on the floor, crying out in pain with a broken nose.

Green Arrow was such a handsome man. Shooting arrows with that majestic beard of his was such a turn on for her. "I'm too busy dealing with work all the time and you wanting to fuck me. I'll clean it up for tomorrow night," she smiled, pulling her hair out of her face and behind her head. Her hand came up to cover her eyes as the jet lowered its rope ladder down for the two of them to climb up. "You just want to see my ass from behind," she punched his arm and began climb, making sure to step on each rope rung with a swing of her hips for him.
RE: Adventures with Friends (MellowYellow and Sweetnothings)

"Don't lie Laur, you love showing off too," he replied, smirking as he admired the way her tight leotard would cling tight to her magnificent and toned rear. He smirked, rubbed his arm and then followed after her. Oliver clearly was enjoying the view. He boarded after her and took the wheel of the jet (Seeing as Laurel could barely handle them), starting to fly them toward his penthouse home. It came to hover over the balcony and he rather quickly lowered the ladder. Once both of them had disembarked, Oliver pressed the same button on his belt that sent the Javelin flying back to the Watchtower on it's own.
RE: Adventures with Friends (MellowYellow and Sweetnothings)

The blond woman scoffed playfully from the ladder. The one thing she hated most about the jets was how high the Javelin's hovered above the ground while on call. It totally sucked climbing the full length of the ladder, but it was fun giving Oliver a nice few. Laurel climbed aboard the ship and took a seat with a bottle of champagne in the table. She popped it open and took a long drag from it before setting it back in its place like it was new. She climbed back down the ladder onto his balcony and smiled at her boyfriend. "Well, isn't this a lovely home?" Laurel teased, having been here numerous times. She hummed as she walked in, continuing to sway her hips just for Oliver.
RE: Adventures with Friends (MellowYellow and Sweetnothings)

"You cocktease," Oliver murmured, watching excitedly as Laurel once again got hr perfect rear moving. She ranked very highly on the 'sexiest heroines' poles for a reason. He continued after her and slipped off his hat and mask, shaking his blond locks free. He was quick to catch up with her,, and soon enough he planted one strong hand on her right asscheek "So now that we're here, how about a little bit of good old fasioned unwinding?" Oliver purred in her ear, the scuff of his bard teasing at her pale neck.
RE: Adventures with Friends (MellowYellow and Sweetnothings)

"Heard that," Laurel mentioned. As she walked, she took off her heels and her jacket to cover her shoulders and arms. She walked throughout the first floor of the living room, just wanting Oliver to follow her around and stare at her ass the whole time. Eventually, he'll have to break and do something. A soft gasp left her lips when she felt his palm on her ass. "Depends. Kitchen counter or on the bed in your bedroom?" Laurel turned around, wrapped her arms around his neck before jumping up and wrapping her legs around his waist. "Your choice."
RE: Adventures with Friends (MellowYellow and Sweetnothings)

He could only smirk as he felt his girlfriend clinging tight to his frame, her own body every bit as strong and trained as his own if not moreso. "Eh, let's go for bed this time. It is really hard to clean sex stains out of that counter," he said with a small shrug. Oliver smirk and led the way to the bedroom, letting the blonde hop down onto the mattress. He was quick to undress, revealing his powerful frame and his long and powerful cock.
RE: Adventures with Friends (MellowYellow and Sweetnothings)

She could always tell he loved it when she clung onto him like this. He had a great feel of her breasts pushed up against his. She glanced at the counter he was referring to, the one they had sex on numerous times. She recalled almost breaking it by their rough fucking. Laurel laughed softly before sitting back on the bed. The super heroine couldn't help but lick her lips at the sight of his cock. "My turn," she teased. She stood up and pushed him down onto the bed before slowly taking off her leotard. She let him stare at her pale breasts for a few seconds then proceeded to take off her fishnets for him. She moved onto the bed and straddled him, kissing him deeply.
RE: Adventures with Friends (MellowYellow and Sweetnothings)

She always could put on a show when she stripped for him, exposing her toned and curvaceous frame, those large breasts and wide hips... they had been dating some time now, and after tonight Oliver was hoping he could make an honest woman of her. His tongue tangled with Laurel's own, driving into the depths of her mouth. His strong hands had come to rest upon Canary's womanly waist, allowing her to sink down the head of his fat cock.
RE: Adventures with Friends (MellowYellow and Sweetnothings)

Even if she didn't have music, she would strip and tease him. It was delicious watching him strain to control himself from grabbing her, throwing her on the bed, then fuck her like there was no tomorrow. Laurel would still like it, anyway. She moaned into his mouth as their tongues pushed against one another. The Green Arrow was such an attractive man. She briefly pulled away to let out a loud moan once she felt her lips spreading for his heavenly cock. "I can never tired get tired of you and this wonderful cock of yours."
"Well you should try out this pussy of yours, it's just as amazing," he replied in a cocky tone as her pussy gradually gave way to fit his powerful length once more. He breathed out a happy sigh of lust and Oliver leaned in to lightly ibble and suck on Canary's right nipple, savouring the feeling of the hardened rosy bud in his mouth. His hands had moved down to roughly grope at Laurel's amazing ass, and all too soon he found himself jerking her down his powerful cock, aiming to fit himself inside fully.
She grinned slightly at his remark. He could be such an asshole. That's why she was dating him. She needed this asshole in her life. He provided her a great cock, and she provided him a great pussy. It all worked out fine. She rested her hands on his chest and dug her nails into the skin. He didn't seem to mind. They were both fit and used to more pain than this. Oliver was amazing. She moaned and helped him, moving her hips up and down as he bounced her on his cock. A few times he hit her cervix, but it all felt like heaven to her.
Oliver smirked as the fat head of his dick repeatedly bumped her cervix, reaching into the very depths of her hot core. He leaned in and teased at her neck, nibbling at the milky flesh and letting his scruffy goatee rub into her neck. it always chafed and stung a bit, but much like her nails in his chest she hardly seemed to mind. Both of them did need a little pain when they did it to get their motors running. "Heh... that all you're gonna take? Slacker?" he gave a firm tug, and suddenly there was an echoing fleshy slap as the head of his cock rammed past her cervix and hit into the back of her womb.
Laurel could never get enough of the feeling of the head touching her cervix. It was fucks like these that made her love him even more. He knew just what she wanted. If she was with anyone else, she doubted she would be screaming out in pleasure like she was with him. Even the chaffing of his beard against her neck turned her on. She loved seeing the red marks it left on her in the morning. "H-hey...this is good enough for me," she told him breathlessly before feeling an unfamiliar, yet pleasurable, feeling inside of her. "Ohh, Oliver!" She arched her back, momentarily stunned by the sudden penetration. She loved it.
The archer let out a low and aroused snicker, hot breath gliding along the creamy skin of the blonde vigilante's neck. He always could get his Canary to sing... "Not bad at all," he said in a low growl. Oliver was soon thrusting properly, jerking his fat cock in and out of Laurel's hot pink pussy, like an arrow being plunged into a quiver. "Mm... sweetheart, I'm getting close now..." Oliver said, his breathing growing harsher and his balls starting to tighten from an oncoming orgasm.
He was so going to pay for that tomorrow morning. What could she do? Make him walk around the house in the leotard for two minutes? That would be very funny and sexy to watch. Either way, Laurel didn't really mind having him inside of her womb. It just proved how big Oliver was. She sat up straight, her hands coming down to his crotch to rest there instead as she continued to bounce on his fat dick. She felt her walls starting to tighten around his member. She nodded and moaned loudly, nearly screaming. "M-me, too," Laurel replied, now starting to scream in pure ecstasy.
The archer braced himself as he heard Laurel's pleasured screams reach into the air, knowing that if she wasn't careful then she would wind up levelling the place with her sonic scream. All the same Oliver kept hard at work, spurred on by the rippling flesh of Canary's pussy on his cock. And then at last Oliver gave a long muffled grunt into the blonde's neck, his fat cock starting to spray thick ropes of fertile cum into her hot and tight womb, filling her to the brim until she had a slight swelling on her toned abdomen.
Admittedly, the blond regretted screaming, but who gave a fuck? This was better than anything she had ever experienced. After their first time together, Laurel taught herself to control her volume. If it rose any higher, the place would come done. She learned the hard way before. She bounced harder, determined to bring her and Oliver to orgasm. Finally, her walls convulsed around his cock as a small torrent of juices came from her pussy. She panted heavily, her eyes falling to her abdomen when she felt it tighten. She looked at least a few weeks pregnant with the expansion. "Oh you naughty...boy," she teased as she laid down on him.
"Well you do bring out the worst in me," he joked lightly. He laid back down fully and let Canary take the position atop him as she, and he admittedly, both enjoyed. Oliver smirked and let their lips press tight together in a passionate exchange, a strong arm looping over her back and holding Laurel close. Then he pulled back and lightly closed his eyes "Okay... it's been a long day of fighting and fucking. Let's catch some Z's."
Laurel could only shake her head in laughter. She considered herself so lucky to be his girlfriend. It meant getting to fight along side him and have this amazing sex no one else would be able to bring her. Trying not to show her tiredness, she kissed him back with the same intensity Oliver used. He was an amazing man. "Hmm. Whatever. See you in the morning," she grinned and pulled the blankets over the two of them. Then, she closed her eyes and quickly dozed off.
There was a bit of a surprise for Laurel when she awoke that morning; namely that she was alone in the bed. Her fellow vigilante and lover actually wasn't anywhere to be seen. An arrow suddenly whizzed above her head and then lodged itself onto the headboard, affixed in place by a suction cup at the tip. "About time you woke up. I thought I was going to waste that shot," Oliver said, smiling. If she were to look closely, Laurel would then see a rope wrapped around the shaft, holding an engagement ring on the other end of it. A little something just for her.
A tired groan left the Canary's lips as her eyes slowly opened. It was obvious for her she slept in, but Laurel couldn't blame herself. There was the fighting then the rough fucking they had last night. All of that was enough to make her sleep for a while. Her gaze drifted upwards to the arrow that flew past her head. "You're so stupid, Oliver," she muttered, rubbing her eyes slowly. She sat up slowly and looked at the arrow. Once she realized what it is, a very audible gasp left her lips. Oliver wouldn't do that, would he? She pulled the rope off from the arrow and looked at the ring. It was amazing. She looked at Oliver and screamed in joy. She stood up, naked, and ran to him, hugging him tightly. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She laughed, pulling away to slip the ring on her finger. It was amazing.
The tale of love and lust on the part of Green Arrow and Black Canary would always make fr an interesting one, but in the length and breadth of the multiverse there was always another story to tell; another Wonderful Adventure.

The teenage Garfield Logan, perhaps best known to the world as the green-skinned Beast Boy, awoke with a low and weak groan of pain.His pointed ears were ringing and his head was pounding with a slight headache, and it took a lot of effort to rise to his feet. Beast Boy glanced about, grumbling as he took in the exotic alien plants that surrounded him, adorned with odd features and vibrant colours like the span of a rainbow. He did vaguely recall a training session between Raven and Jinx where their magic had collided, then a great big flash... what the hell just happened? Where was he...? And for that matter, where were the others?
What in the world managed to happen? One second her and Raven were training, and the next she blacked out. Jinx could only open her eyes in agonizing pain. Her head was pounding, and her vision was blurry. Out of everything in the world, this had to happen. What did happen? Was it because of the magic? It couldn't be the magic. Raven was magic, Jinx was bad luck "magic". It still couldn't be considered magic really. Her pink eyes took in the scenery around her. Her nostrils were filled with a distinctive scent, something different, yet it made her body tingle. She rolled over to her side and looked at the thing beside her. "Beast Boy?!" Jinx gasped, standing up then instantly regretting it as she fell to her knees.
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