Knowing When to Fight GITS Vawnie Bear x Broomhandle45

Vawnie Bear

Mar 15, 2014
"Jeanne…" The quiet voice of her aide broke through her quiet musings and absent caressing of her right arm. Tired eyes raised up to see Viv. The man was as always eloquently dressed, and appeared to fear what she might say or do when he told her what it was he had to say. She breathed a sigh. "Just say it Viv, I am tired, and do not wish to play games." The sounds of the cargo of the plane opening made the pressure in cabin shift and for a briefest moment she had the distinct urge to yawn and equalize the pressure in her head and ears, but after a thought it did it by its self.

"There are some men here who have come to escort you, they say they are from Public Security Section 9." Hazel grey/blue eyes swam to a darker grey and full lips tightened pensively. "What was the reason of their presence?" She asked as she moved to her feet. "They said your safety." Viv replied. "Very well, I shall meet them , but I want to settle in for the night Viv, please let our driver know that I want to go to the hotel A-sap." He nodded and moved off to do just that.

She adjusted her shirt, and checked the tuck into her skirt, pulling the wrinkle free blazer over her shoulders. Drawing her hair from the jacket she ran a hand through it tugging out tangles and adding some order into duo toned hair. It had been a really long ride, and she felt rumpled more than she actually was. The 27 year old woman paced the aisles of her unmarked jet getting the flow back into her body before she breathed a long sigh. "Let them wait long enough…" She said before stepping to the stairs.

Two men stood in dark clothes. A young man with sandy brown hair, and a gentle face, and an older man with a hard to read expression. A well schooled face with a bald pate and heavy brow.
"Ms Sukoshitori, my name is Aramaki Daisuke, I am the section chief of Public Security Section 9..."

That was how Jeanne found herself sitting in a large office in front of a desk that seemed far to big for the slender Japanese man who oddly reminded her of some aged primate… She sat in an overstuffed wing back chair one leg crossed over the other waiting. He had pressed upon her how important Japan viewed her presence, and that it was his solemn duty to see to her safety while she stay in Japan. He may have added a lot of ego fluffy stuff in there but it rolled off of Jeanne, she was neither a woman of great pride or arrogance despite being a national of the American Empire. After setting him straight on how best to speak to her he had laid out what the problem was, and how he would rectify the situation.

Now all they had to do was wait for her escort/body guard. Some one who he was sure would get the job done despite their late arrival. Major Kusanagi Motoko was finishing up yet another important task before being rallied to meet them at the Chiefs office.

Jeanne was a patient woman, despite all of her impatience, she sat with her head propped in her hand, rubbing at the lines between skull and metal chassis with the touch of her fingers. She felt tired, the more so she was the more her two halves were in disharmony and it made her face ache where mechanics met bone. The doctors assured her it was in her head, but that dint make the psychosomatic symptoms leave…

She was an elegant woman dressed in her business attire, blazer and matching skirt, a soft blouse against skin that held a healthy glow to it. A gold chain hung at her throat, a woman's small ring hung on the chain just noticeable between the open button of her blouse. Her silver white hair several shades darker the chiefs from roots to shoulders, with even darker tendrils bleeding into a smoke grey and black from shoulders to ends, her long hair was pushed aside so she did not pin her own head as she waited in silence. To her right sat a handsome slender Hispanic man with almond colored skin and dark eyes. His beard was neatly trim, and he made that business suit look like it was something he was comfortable in, though he himself appeared anything but comfortable.
Sukoshitori Jeanne was a bit of a black sheep, even in the day and age they were in. It wasn't as if multi-racial children were uncommon, but they weren't often spoke about...or given such a prominent position of being an ambassador. Watching the cars roll by on the highway, Motoko had to wonder what the logic was behind it. She was dressed in her beige military uniform, one leg crossed over the other as she admired the beautiful weather.

Cybersecurity had already picked up whispers and voices of discontent. Some considered her presence a complete and utter joke to any form of diplomacy and was more like an American version of trying to shore up their own benefits...for what little they had. There was also a period of murky history regarding a plane crash, and a despondent father doing everything he could to see his little girl healthy and happy. A touching story that had a lot of political messages behind it, she had to wonder if it was truly as heart wrenching as it seemed or her father was just a very shrewd man to ply on the most emotional elements?

"Ma'am, we're here," the driver said, breaking her away from her thoughts as her red eyes scanned up at the building as she smoothly stepped out, straightening out her jacket before sauntering into the building, her heels clicking faintly. In the end, she supposed it didn't matter why, or how she was here at the moment.

Saito, she contacted, heading into the swinging doors. There was no such thing as too safe, and a building across was where the marksman was set up with his rifle, constantly sweeping his view with two other men for anything out of the ordinary on four different angles. Even supposed threats would be taken seriously, a shot ambassador would have grievous political consequences and weaken their stance in any future interactions.

All clear, Major. Saito assured easily as Motoko stepped into the elevator and watched the counter tick-upwards. She adjusted the cuffs on her jacket in idle boredom, pausing as the doors open and she moved out.

You think we're going to be having trouble? he asked. We haven't gotten so much as a blip on the message boards after the initial news reports.

A young ambassador that's half-american? I'm sure someone is eager to prove themselves over being a martyr. Motoko said dryly with a run through her purple hair and a light sigh. Keep me updated if anything odd is happening, Saito. And, with that...she knocked lightly on the door and stepped inside to where everyone was waiting. She heard tell that the woman was rather independent, she had to wonder if all of this attention made her feel slighted in some way.

"Sorry about the wait, sir," Motoko said with a firm salute.

"Miss Sukoshitori, I'd like for you to personally meet Major Motoko Kusanagi," Aramaki said as he stood up. "She is the commanding Field Officer for Section 9, and will be personally seeing to your safety."
When the door opened Jeanne spent a few more seconds rubbing her face, she couldn't say that her eyes hurt, because they were both cybernetic, but they felt full of grit and heavy. Could cybernetic eyes do that? She wondered.

"Miss Sukoshitori, I'd like for you to personally meet Major Motoko Kusanagi." Aramaki said and stood up.

Jeanne dropped her hand and forced the expression of discomfort from her face, no need to make the Major feel it was directed at her, though she did feel a hint of displeasure at being assigned a personal body guard, a commanding field officer or not... Aramaki stood, and so Jeanne stood, and so her aide Viv stood too. They were all standing in that big office all of them turning towards the Major.

"Major Kusanagi." Jeanne said and offered her left hand to the Major for a rather odd but formal greeting. It was not often dignitaries shook the hands of the people who were most often considered beneath them. But Jeanne didn't see it that way. "The Chief tells me you are his best, I am not sure I warrant the best, but since we are to be together for some time I thank you for what you do." She was a humble woman, not falsely so, but refreshingly aware that soldiers and body guards were people too. She gave a kind and to her best ability, vibrant smile to the woman. Her hand shake was firm for a human, as she shook with her right hand, and not her left. It was not known exactly how much of her body was cybernetic, but they did know her right arm and leg were prosthetic.

It wasn't so much as her despising those new appendages, but she was unfamiliar with them still, and her own strength sometimes escaped her causing pain to others when not meaning to do so. She also knew her limits, and with the level of fatigue she was pushing she would most likely crush some ones hand before she knew it... what her father had rebuilt upon her he spared no expense for, integrating the limbs of soldiers rather than those of civilians giving her a denser alloy and stronger grip what little good it could do her with only half her body being cybernetic.
"I understand that there have been threats..." In her line of work there always were... but it hadn't been one of those threats that had nearly killed her. No a random act of violence had tore the world she knew and understood from her grasp and made her what she was now. It was still a wound to her psyche despite all the head shrinking she had done... and her body still struggled with its self more so because of her half military cyberization. But that was a private battle she fought each and every day.
"I know there may be other things I need to know, but could we walk and talk?" Since she was up she was ready to go. She wanted to make it to her hotel where she could crash and bring herself back into sync once more... Mentally, physically, and emotionally...

She hated to show weakness, and the longer she went with out sleep the more so her weaknesses would be showing. "I hate sleeping on planes..." She admitted to the small group as they moved towards the door. "And I have a meeting with the Minister of Commerce at 0800 tomorrow morning."
"Thank you, and of course," Motoko said without delay, turning crisply to open the doors behind her. "We'll get you settled into your hotel room, Miss Sukoshitori." Where to start, where to begin...and how to begin it? She knew as much as the files told her of Jeanne, but there was always more...more mysteries, more questions...politicians never shown their true hand. But she had to admit that this one was younger, a little more naive looking compared to most.

If that was true or not, remained to be seen. But she escorted her down the hallway, and towards the elevator.

"Your arrival has been pinged by a lot of ultra-nationalist groups," Motoko explained. "Ones who think your...heritage, is more of an insult than anything. It's possible you're a target in any number of attacks from these radical organizations. I'm going to need copies of your personal intinerary and your staff list." she said. "And your firewalls will be scanned regularly."
As they entered the elevator Jeanne reached a hand to hold the elevator door... this time her right. As the other two settled into the carriage she called to the Chief and gave him a respectful bow. "Thank you Chief Aramaki, for you help in this matter." It was not a deep sweeping bow, but it held a certain respect to it. She released the door and looked to Viv when asked about her whereabouts and what nots. He pulled a small disk from his pocket and handed it to the major.
"Of all the things one might settle on to raise a fuss about..." She said with a wrinkle in her brow and a faint flush to her left cheek. The could have complained about her age, or her reason for coming rather than she being a dual national... She shook her head and looked to the Major, really looked at her.

"I understand that there is protocol for those who guard others, but I would ask, when we are in private that you please call me Jeanne, I do not wish to slander my family name for I love my family dearly, but it comes off and bombastic after awhile." She motioned to Viv and said. "This is Viv, he is both friend and assistant, he is the sole of my staff on this trip." For a dignitary she traveled rather light...
"I'll keep that in mind," she smiled honestly, taking the disk. "Your conference at 0800 is already being planned, we can discuss your route and back-ups on the way to your hotel room, Jeanne." They had plenty to go over, but that'd be the easiest thing for now. She wasn't one to hound a woman who seemed exhausted as it is, she was beautiful up close...was it heritage, or simply good money?
In the garage she waited for the Major to proceed her into the basement rather than demand her right as due a person of status... She really hated when people thought themselves better simply because they were of a higher financial or social status. She was a simple woman and tried her best to follow the rules, so long as the rules did not stop her from helping when she was able to give aid. She had been known to break a few, but she tried hard not to throw up red flags every where she went. It made it hard to be a good ambassador when people hated your guts. Worse if your body guard thought twice about protecting you. She followed meekly behind the Major to the secured parking garage where her simple unmarked car waited. A discreet black sedan with driver. The driver was a man from the city, a hired man from the car service. She did not bring an entire entourage of people when she traveled, in fact she hated to make a scene in such cases.

Viv opened the door for Jeanne and before he entered the vehicle he asked the Major where it was she would like to sit, and then moved to a different seat if necessary.

Jeanne rubbed fingers back and forth a few times over her forehead and was so doing when Motoko joined her. It took effort but she stopped herself from continuing when her personal guard sat down with her. Her brain took note of the shift in the vehicles suspension when Motoko sat down, 'She must have a full body prosthetic.' She thought but said nothing as she directed her gaze at the Major and forced her tired mind to pay attention at least for a little while longer.
Motoko folded her leg elegantly when she sat in front of Jeanne, it was hard to tell what sort of smile slid across her face. Amusement? Appraisal?

"It's hard to adjust to, isn't it?" she asked innocently enough, glancing at her. "The cybernetics, I mean."
A pale brow rose a bit at the smile, and dropped again when she showed at how good she was at both observation and deduction. For a moment her hand rose as if she might touch her forehead once more but she forced it down again before it reached its end goal.
"The final surgery was almost a year ago, and I still feel..." She stopped because how did you say it? How did you describe the war between what? Man and machine? She sighed and reached a hand to scratch at the back of her head drawing that rich mane of silver from behind her shoulders and letting it settle over one of them. The young diplomat shook her head and gave a chagrin. "Preaching to the choir." She murmured.

"Was it difficult for you as well?" She always imagined that it would have been simpler if her father had allowed a full body prosthesis rather than the Frankenstein reconstruction they had done to her.
"Paper cranes," Motoko answered somewhat thoughtfully as her foot gently rocked. "I got pretty good at them, actually...Origami is very difficult when you're not sure of your own body." When you switched over so young, everything was difficult...but she remembered how often she did the paper cranes, the motion was something she could do half conscious now.
For a moment Jeanne wondered if the Major was thinking about something else entirely, and so waited a moment as what she said seemed to have no pertenance to their current subject. When it was explained, she was grateful she had waited. "Paper cranes..." Jeanne said thoughtfully looking down at both of her hands now resting in her lap. They appeared perfectly normal, two very human, identical yet mirrored hands.

As they turned out of the protected Public Safety Section 9 building and moved out into the city so as to head to the hotel. In her mind she was already accessing instructions for making paper cranes. Vaguely she remembered having made some once. With her mother as they read a book for her schooling... something about a thousand cranes. In her head space she watched a small video and examined folding instructions. The artists hands were very precise in folds and scores. "I see." She said after while.

Shall I get you some origami paper Jeanne? Viv asked of her invading her quiet head space with a polite mental touch before he spoke. She stared harder at her hands and he knew she was thinking about it. Something pretty perhaps?

A faint smile came to her lips at that, and she gave a single nod.
Some paper, then.

He made a mental note on his to do list for tomorrow then looked up to the Major from where he sat beside his employer and friend.

"Is my itinerary satisfactory?" Jeanne asked the Major. She had several days of meetings with several prominent figures, luncheons and dinner dates as well as her official invite to the Prime Ministers ball in three days. She had a few things on there for her personal experience. A visit to the war memorial and museum. As well as a Kabuki play and gift shopping for friends and family back home. There were also several large blocks of marked time that said Personal... the time slots alternated, when she had a lunch date she had the large block in the evening, and when she had a dinner date she had the block in the early afternoon...
"You're a busy woman, Ambassador," Motoko smiled faintly, reclined back with her arm across the expensive leather. Real always just felt so much different compared to the synethetic stuff, even though it was getting harder and harder to tell the difference. Then again, how did she know it was real at all? It wasn't like she was flesh and really, what difference did it make that she liked it better?

Ah, there she went any rate, her personal time was a surprising portion of her schedule. That would prove a small bit complex, but Motoko knew how to blend into a crowd if she needed to. She would have thought a woman from the American Empire would be less concerned about sightseeing and more about political issues, but who was she to judge?

"Everything seems in order, I'll make sure your scheduled locations are clear before you arrive." Motoko murmured. "You'll be staying on the thirty fourth floor, and sharing a room with me. The password to your room will change every twenty four hours, and will be sent to you through an encrypted line." It didn't sound much like she had options.

But then again, Motoko knew how dangerous these terrorists could be if they really wanted to. Since Japan had become a rising superpower, patriotism hit the worse people and places. People who wanted worldwide unity were shunned-if a bit naive, the world wasn't like it used to be-, people who wanted integration were hated...crimes against police and other government officials was a steady cycle of cyberattacks and real ones. Somewhat harmless, but still with a consistent frequency.

"I trust that won't be a problem?"
Honestly her schedule was a bit fuller than she would have liked, but Viv assured her with the large blocks of time allotted for herself each day, she would manage the heavy schedule. If not they could simply cut away the excess fat. She gave the Major a slightly pained look... "I know." She said and it appeared as if she were not pleased with the schedule. The only thing on her schedule that she really wanted to do was to see the War Memorial, she actually had family who had served in that war. They were uncles and cousins, but they were still family. She felt it would do well to give honor to their sacrifices. The Kabuki play was the one thing that Viv wanted to do, and though she really didn't appreciate shopping so much these days, she understood his desire to bring home something for his family... and what she did, he did... if she didn't he didn't... Thus the extra pieces added into her itinerary. But she never explained these little details to those who worked with them from the foreign embassy.

"You will be staying on the 34'th floor..."

Jeanne registered her guardian was speaking but it took a few minutes for her mind to shift, and when it did...

"... and sharing a room with me..."

She blinked long at the Major as these words sunk past her exhaustion.
"Wait." She said holding up her hand to stop the Major who was still going on about how things were going to be. "You are going to be staying with me?" She asked to be sure she heard that right. Pale brows furrowed and fine lips pulled tight. Guards were people, they had feelings, and thoughts, and took up space... she had nothing against people, but she didn't particularly want to share her space with them. Her life was complicated, even more since the plane crash.

Jeanne appeared to be a well put together woman, but that was an appearance... she struggled with all sorts of new problems. Some of them she had a firm hold on, like her claustrophobia and fear of flying while awake, but that didn't mean they weren't still there, battering her psyche digging at her calm defenses looking for a moment of weakness to vent themselves. This usually happened through terrifying dreams that still haunted her.

The Major was a pretty woman, and thus far she had been nothing but professional and friendly, but Jeanne liked her privacy and the knowledge that she was safe from others eyes. It was one reason why she traveled light, just her and Viv...
"Don't concern yourself too much," she said with a polite smile. "I'm not exactly on a vacation away from work. It's more of a security precaution than anything else, I doubt you'll see me more than once in the morning. It's easier from a security standpoint, unless you would rather me come here every morning with a convoy, opposed to just me, Ambassador?" It was faster, safer, quicker...very unorthodox, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

After all, her father was still a notable general that had a lot of political clout. Granted, Japan was in no way pressured by the American Empire currently, but there was no sense in testing those particular waters over a dead body.
Grey blue eyes dropped at the thought of a whole retinue of men pressing in on her. She turned her eyes to the windows and watched the dying sunlight as that uncomfortable feeling pressed in on her once more. When she turned back she gave a nod to the Major. "It seems you are my guest for the duration of my stay." She said and gave that tired smile again.

She wondered if the Major had thought up the most unpleasant idea she could manage knowing her dislike for large groups and big fusses over her person, and gave that to her as an alternative to get her to agree to the stay with her. If she had... she was a shrewd woman.

The driver pulled up to the front door of the highrise hotel and stopped. The golden light that blazed from the glass doors causing the young Ambassador to squint even through the dark tint of the unmarked car. There was a brief moment where her hand rose but she curbed the action before she touched her face. Thankfully she was not the kind of ambassador who brought with it a large fan fare and media coverage... "After you." She said to Motoko.
Motoko smiled, stepping out of the car...her posture and movements were not unlike a predator in her element, every movement supple and limber. A woman who knew her place and what it meant to everything around her.

Saito? she asked faintly, glancing up at the building. It wasn't worth mentioning that Saito had made sure their trip was safe and harmless, barring a few cyberattacks that were easily dispelled. Still, it was a mildly concerning thought...

Perimeter is clear, Major. he assured, satisfied with that...Motoko moved inside and opened the door for her with a polite smile.

"Ambassador," she said coolly. "If you'll follow me, we'll get you to your room so you can rest." She seemed rather tired, but no more than any other diplomat would be after a long flight, she supposed.
Major, there is something that has come up that you should see. The grizzle voice of Ishikawa came over their secure line. He fought their war usually from home base. Always filtering the endless net for information usually by key words... I found it in a data package set to send to her father the General in 18 hours. It was the dummied image of the local news paper with pictures of a flaming fire ball engulfing an unmarked black sedan the date on the paper was tomorrow. The front headline read "A Nation Mourns; A Nation Rejoices"

Jeanne stepped out of the vehicle after she was given the okay, her right hand pushed off of the black sedan leaving dimples where she had pulled herself from the back seat, she didn't notice the three distinct marks on the left rear quarter panel she left behind.

Viv stood and gave them a glance, having been inside the car he had heard the metal softly groan and had become accustomed to these sorts of accidents when she relied on her cybernetic arm to help her up. He was sure if they simply allowed his friend to experience the full sensitivity to her synthetic skin she would know long before she began crushing metal she was going to do so... but it was hard when her nerves registered that extra sensitivity as pain.
"You two go, I will get the bags." He said as a man came out to help him.
...I see, Motoko murmured, heading toward the elevator. Well, they certainly were bold, weren't they? Saito?

I see it, Major...we'll double up security. Saito assured. We'll make sure nothing gets through tonight.

"Hm," Motoko murmured, arms crossing as she leaned against the back of the elevator. "Looks like you'll be getting your privacy after all, Jeanne," she smiled. "I've got some work to do."
The tired Ambassador lifted her head and looked to Motok. "Oh?" Brows drew together in question and for a moment it looked like she might ask. Not unusual for Ambassadors to do so given their need to be in control of things, but she let out a breath and let it go. She didnt have quite the power issue others had, and if Major Motoko Kusanagi said she had business it was likely in her interest not to detain her.

"I see." She said really know sure what else to say. They rode up the elevator the thirty odd floors and she followed the Major out as she was led to her room. She waited until all was clear if necessary and then entered the modest suite. "Is there anything I should know?" She asked. She didn't want a lot of words she was tired, but if perchance something needed to be said...

The fatigue was clear on her face though she fought it bravely, more so since the Major was there than if it had just been her and Viv.
"Get some rest?" Motoko said with a faint smile. "Try not to look so dead in the morning? Most politicians aren't fond of sleepy Ambassadors." Nothing she could say would help, and the less she presently knew. The better...still, some caution couldn't hurt.

"If someone doesn't knock, it's not anyone who needs to be inside." she murmured. "If that happens, contact me through the encrypted line that I gave you earlier."
Jeanne smiled faintly at the advice. "I will take it under advisement." She chuckled and moved inside. Her playfulness subsided when Motoko said something about knocking. A pale brow rose up before she asked. "What if the bad guys knock first?"

Viv was only minutes behind them and as they had paused to chat for a moment he caught up with them carrying two bags, one was rather large and honest to God gaudy as hell, the other was medium sized, and could have been missed by any one with how plain it was...

Jeanne stepped back a bit from the door holding it for Viv as he wheeled and carried in the two bags. She looked at him as he passed her and he grinned big, she shook her head briefly before looking back to the Major.
Well, she traveled light...but she traveled well enough it seemed. Generally you saw Ambassadors with a tiny bit more luggage...but that made things safer, she supposed.

"...Sleep well, Ambassador." Motoko chuckled, shifting from her spot to head down the hall. Thankfully, she made sure that she had all of her gear already here before she picked up Jeanne. It seemed like they were going to need it tonight. Saito would be set up across the building to give good protection for Jeanne in case the worse happened. And Ishikawa was scanning the cybernet for anything out of the ordinary.

Meanwhile, Motoko had stripped out of her uniform and slipped into something a little more combat ready. A skintight bodysuit with an armored jacket and thigh guards, as well as webbing settled around her hips. She was more familiar playing cat an mouse as she slid out a Seburo C26A from her dufflebag and slid a magazine in, chambering with a rack of the charging handle. It was a normal night, for the most part.

It certainly seemed quiet...and Ishikawa wasn't reporting much of anything, nor was Saito. But the forged newspaper was very clear...

Ishikawa, Motoko murmured. Run background checks on the employees here, scrub deeper.

Major? he asked curiously, even as he did as ordered. She hadn't thought a lot about it, really...mostly concerned with keeping Jeanne safe, with everything going so smoothly it made her a little complacent, but they were missing something. She was settled into a corner of the lobby, her optical camouflage allowing her to blend in. Saito had her room, so she felt fine leaving her be for the moment.

Even such a posh hotel as this got traffic all day and night, from drunken businessmen with gold diggers to young studs trying to impress loose girlfriends. Nothing out of place, everything seemed fine...and that made her slightly agitated.

Major, we got a problem.. Ishikawa murmured.
The elevator doors opened up to the thirty fourth floor, a cart rattling gently down the hallway as a smiling host politely nodded to guests and stopped at Jeanne's door, knocking. "Room Service!" he announced. that, all of the doors were hacked and locked...except for one. They were looking from the outside in, when in reality? It was always on the inside. Motoko almost kicked herself for not thinking of it otherwise, but now it was too late to regret.

Casually, the man slid out a suppressed MAC-10 from the bottom of the cart. And Ishikawa was reporting a spike in movement, all of them spreading out. They weren't aiming for just her...they were aiming for the entire hotel. They had ran a cursory check on the employees but nothing cleared, a deeper dig resulted in a large handful of the hotel employees, bellhops, maids...all of them with ties to a single Ultra-Nationalist Party known as Furinkazan.
"Oh my God Viv, could you possibly have picked a more..." She stopped herself a moment and stared at his huge gaudy case her brow wrinkled. She didn't want to insult him but the case was so out there... and she knew people thought it was hers.

"What? You no like the case?" He asked in a purring voice.

"No..." She said flatly her hand rising to rub at her brow.

"Good." He chuckled and reached up pulling her hand from her face. "Joo need to go to bed." He said intensifying his accent.

She sighed reached for her bag.

He allowed her to have it with out fighting her for it. She was independent like that after all.

There was a knock on the door and Jeanne turned towards it wondering what the Major forgot. She checked the link she programed and asked "Major?"

"Room Service."

There was a click on the other side of the door a sound the daughter of a General would instantly relate to danger. Viv was still grinning about the bags when her hand went to his chest and she pushed him into the next room knocking him over, just as the front door was opening.

A spray of bullets peppered the hotel room where they had been standing. Viv screamed as the bullets bit through the walls and showered them with plaster.
Stay low, but move! She said to him and pointed to the back of the room.
The man went to advance, but he didn't get halfway into the room before the window shattered behind them and a .338 round slammed into the man's chest. He let out a choked gurgle of pain as his gun sprayed upward, blood staining his white shirt as he hit the ground. Saito effortlessly worked the bolt of his rifle, his real eye focused through the scope. Well, look at that...the girl had some spunk, didn't she?

Major! Saito said quickly, Motoko was already sprinting up flights of stairs, weapon sweeping up every turn before picking her pace up again. They were coming...and it was only a matter of time now.

I know! There's more coming! Keep her in that room, Saito! Motoko ordered. Jeanne! she contacted. Everyone okay?
Viv scurried out from under Jeanne who remained low but stayed by the door so she could keep control of it. If who ever it was came through it they would find a half cyborg who knew a few things about self defense on the other side ready and willing to use those things even if it inadvertently killed them.

Jeanne! Everyone okay?

So far... She responded and pulled the door open when the glass shattered and the man fell to the floor. She looked towards the shattered window her cybernetic eyes searching the dark. I'm not sure I am grateful for your man across the way or disappointed. There was a hint of amusement to her voice even through the encrypted com.
It would be so much more fun if it was one of their own... She explained.

She moved out into the main room crawling combat style through fallen debris from wall and window until she could reach the dead mans gun. This she grabbed, and pulled back to the room she had shoved her aide into.
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