Not All Hatters Are Mad (Me & Blue Hatter)


Apr 10, 2014
Azeal was her name and she was a blue haired girl with a pair of dark red eyes, she was of slender build her height only 5’5 and her weight was only 100lbs. She had palm sized breasts but this was all hidden under the armor she wore. She was a knight to the White Queen and the only Knight that was female in all of Wonderland. The White Queen had gone away after her sister was dealt with and when she had come back she had brought a girl with her, this girl she had entrusted the duty of knight hood to. Azeal was young and spoke with a thick accent close to the Hatter’s yes her accent was slightly different.

She was born far north in Wonderland but her family had been slaughtered when the Queen had found her but Azeal had saved the Queen from being killed by the same monster who had killed her parents. Now she had just been sent on a small errand for the white Queen, the March Hate had ran out of an ingredient so she had to go get it for him. Unknown to Azeal the Hatter was looking for her as she headed towards the forest on the back of her horse. “If you go now you can catch her Hatter.” The Queen spoke to the orange haired man.
Ah, Wonderland, the wonderful, terrible, beautiful, ugly, magnificent and wretched place all rolled up into one tidy-- or not so tidy-- bundle of randomness and impossibility. Nothing in Wonderland was ever as it seemed, nothing could ever be judged by its appearance alone, and Hatter was no exception to that. Perhaps that was why he liked Wonderland so much.

Not so long ago the Jabberwocky had been defeated both the Queen of Hearts and Knave of Hearts had been banished by the White Queen. After the downfall of the Queen of Heart's rule Hatter had returned to his old tried-and-true trade of hat-making, his one true passion in life-- okay, one of two passions in life, the other being tea. It was nice to be back making hats again even if Hatter still felt rather empty and useless. He still felt as if a part of him was missing but he could not figure out what it was for the life of him...

Hatter did have a friend however-- he had many friends including the March Hare and Cheshire Cat-- but this friend was more than just a friend, or at least she was to him, and she had much more... muchness than the other people he knew. (But he would never tell the White Queen that, not after he had told her that she was the "much muchiest person in all of Wonderland"). This friend was named Azeal and Hatter had quite the eye for her, though admittedly he himself wasn't entirely sure what the feelings really meant. Or what anything meant for that matter. Did anything in Wonderland ever mean anything?

He had been attending to the White Queen earlier in the day after delivering to her a new hat he had custom made just for her most queenly of noggin and during this time had curious asked about the whereabouts of Azeal because he had not seen her in some time. The Queen had informed him of her general location and had said that he could still catch up to her. He wasn't entirely sure why he felt compelled to go after her but nonetheless he found himself standing at the entrance to the forest that the Queen had directed him towards. The forest was a dark, dreary and vile-looking place, but then again most forests in Wonderland looked rather similar. He stood there, half of him telling him to enter and the other half telling him to hightail it back in the opposite direction. But he had come all that way, he supposed it would be silly not to enter and try to find Azeal... Maybe... Possibly...

No, a Hatter was a man of his hat-- or word, rather-- and if he said he was going to do something he was going to do it! Yes! Yes, rightly so! Yes! Maybe. Maybe tomorrow. Was it time for tea? Hatter shook his head, no, no, he needed to stop getting side-tracked. He took a deep breath, gathered his courage, and stepped into the dense, dark forest...
Azeal turned her head once again as her horse let out a grunt and put his hooves down. “What is it?” she said to her horse. “I go no farther something is stalking us.” He said and looked up at her. “Alright, I had a feeling we were not alone.” Azeal uttered and jumped from her horse pulling her sword from her sheath. She heard branches snapping and leaves rustling in a north ward direction and this made her tense ready to spring or doge an attack. She knew not what was chasing them but she would put an end to it for sure. She turned around and suddenly her eyes landed on the Hatter who came into view then something looming over him.

“Oi, down.” She yelled and ran towards her friend suddenly knocking him to the ground as a huge paw swung smacking her across the face slicing through the metal of her helmet. She suddenly sliced her sword out taking off the massive creatures paw, she heard an angry roar of pain then suddenly the creature ran the other way vanishing into the darkness. Azeal looked down at the Hatter blood streaming from the claw marks in her flesh. “Are you alright?” she said and helped him to his feet as she sheathed her sword and pulled her helmet off her head.

She shut her left eye, blood seeped over it and down her face yet she seemed to smile slightly staring at the Hatter from her good right eye. “I have no clue what that was but the Queen must know. I must get back to her.” Azeal said wincing as her hand moved to her face and she put her hand over the wounds. “Well I never, such a rude beast.” Azeal muttered as she suddenly lost balance and fell backwards but her horse was there propping her up with his flank. “Don’t just stand there man, get on my back and hold onto her, we are returning to the Queen.” The horse said.
It all happened so fast... Before Hatter knew it some creature had charged him, knocking him off of his feet and onto the ground. And then, just as quickly as the creature had appeared, it howled out in pain as Hatter's face was splattered with crimson blood, and it darted off.

"Ach, you vile Hell creature of the Wonderland! Tha's right, be off with ye!" Hatter shouted after the beast, his voice dark and crackling, his eyes red with anger. But he soon heard a voice, a familiar voice, and though it took a moment for his fractured brain to register it, his eyes faded back to their normal green color and he blinked the rest of the darkness away.

"A-Azeal?" Hatter stuttered, his voice too returning to normal. It had been easier to find her than he had anticipated, though he wished it had been under better circumstances. "I'm glad to see you again but-- oh, your eye! Wait, you mustn't leave!" He reached out to grab her hand but he was not quick enough... Azeal lost her footing and fell against her steed. Hatter quickly scrambled to his feet to try to grab her.

"O-oh, right, right, o-of course!" Hatter told the horse as he swept Azeal off of her feet-- she was quite light-- and eased her up into the saddle. Once he had her secured he climbed up himself, albeit a little clumsily, and sat himself into the saddle. It wasn't large enough for two people so he brought the weakened Azeal into his lap. "Alright, lets go!"

He held tightly to the reigns with one hand while his other arm clamped tightly around Azeal's stomach. It had been quite some time since Hatter had ridden a horse but hopefully there wouldn't be much to it...
Azeal groaned as her horse made its way towards the castle and she lifted her head staring up at the Hatter. “You sure care for her Hatter, it shows too. Azeal is lucky to have someone like you around.” The horse muttered walking as his tail twitched back and forth. “Why were you looking for me, the Queen should have told you I was out looking for stuff for the March Hare.” She said and then she let out a sigh her head leaning against the Hatter’s chest. She knew about his change when he grew angry it didn’t seem to bother her though.

“Did your other side take over again, that blasted beast must have brought memories back for you.” Azeal said letting her head rest against his chest. “Uh my eye will be fine, though I don’t think I will be seeing out of it again.” She muttered and laughed softly as the horse made its way into the court yard of the castle. “You know Azeal maybe you should be more careful next time.” The horse muttered to her. “Oi, shut your yap would you. I had my helmet on and I saved both your skin and The Hatter so cut me some bloody slack.” Azeal snapped.

Azeal and her horse always argued but right now she was in to much pain to deal with the horse right then. “Would you just be silent, my head hurts more than you can understand.” She whispered. “Azeal, oh my, what happened to you dear?” The White Queen said as she made her way out of the castle and towards them. “Ah Hatter you found her, good. Take her to the Hare he will help her but do not leave her side.” The Queen said seeing how Azeal leaned against The Hatter seeming to want to have him nearby.

Azeal let out a sigh and shut her good eye as the Queen’s other knights helped the Hatter down from the horse and she leaned against The Hatter’s chest. “I know you will take care of her.” The Queen said and nodded to the Hatter as they were taken to the March Hare. “My my not good, not good at all. Good thing you were there, she will not see no no not out of that eye again.” The Hare said as she was brought into a room and put on a bed. Azeal grasped at the Hatter’s hand refusing to let go of it, she didn’t want him to go.
"Everyone should have a Hatter around," Hatter mused to the horse's comment about Azeal being lucky that he was around. "We are useful creatures... most of the time." He had tried to make a joke about it but, admittedly, he was in far too dire of spirits to laugh at his own joke. But making such remarks was something he often did when he was stressed or worried, perhaps it helped him cope with it. Somehow.

Azeal soon asked him why he had been out looking for her. It surprised him that she was still conscious after that blow, and especially considering the blood she had lost. Still, he knew she was a tough woman, far stronger than he could ever hope to be, and he rather admired that about her.

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?" he countered her question with a question of his own. In other words, he wasn't entirely sure why he was looking for her. "As for the attack... I would rather not think about any memories it may have conjured. Now please, rest my dear, you need it."

Hatter couldn't help but smirk a bit as Azeal and her steed bickered back and forth and it was clear that she wasn't going to be getting much rest on the ride back. He lightly combed a pale hand through her lovely blue hair that Hatter always found quite captivating, so much so that he often found it difficult to try to think of a hat design that would suit her head and her hair... But there were other things to think about right now than hats, despite how important proper and stylish headwear always was.

Soon enough the three of them arrived back at the palace and Hatter eased himself off of the horse. Carrying the young woman tightly and carefully in his arms Hatter was taken to see the March Hare, and though he wasn't aware that the Hare had any real medical skills, he couldn't have been any worse off than Hatter was who knew next to nothing about first aid. He laid her carefully down onto a nearby bed but when Azeal took his hand he lightly squeezed it back.

"Do not worry, my little bat, I will be right here and ever by your side," he told her, a very faint smile at his pale lips.
She laughed thinking of his question and she smirked figuring something out yet she said nothing. When he said he would stay with her she calmed down and lay back as her face was tended to by the March Hare. “Hare, remember you just need to seal the cuts up, do not worry about my vision.” Muttered Azeal as she looked at the rabbit as he worked her. “Alright yah sure thing on it.” He grunted and went on working on her face and that just made her smile. She was glad to have friends like the Hare and the Hatter around.

“The answer to your question Hatter, A Raven isn’t like a writing desk and a writing desk is not like a Raven if you think about it its not that hard. But here is one for you, why is the sky blue and the grass green? Why are the flowers living yet dead?” she said and turned her head and sighed as the Hare sealed her wounds and then opened her bad eye. You could see that her eyeball had been scratched and was turning white. “Yes you shall not ever see out of this eye again.” The Hare said and let het shut her eye.

“I told you I don’t need that bloody eye, just wrap me up please.” She said. “Alright.” Grunted the March Hare as he wrapped her head up leaving her lips, nose and good eye unwrapped. “I will leave you and the Hatter for now, you really need to rest.” The Hare said. Azeal nodded her head and watched as he left, then she stared up at The Hatter. “I am glad you found me and I am glad you were not hurt, I am glad I managed to save you and protect you.” She whispered and curled up on her side refusing to let go of his hand.

She would never really want to wear a hat but she promised herself that if he ever made her one she would wear it. “Come and sit or lay down you need reast as well.” Azeal said and pulled him down on the bed beside her aware that her armor had been taken from her body and she was in her garments. “Ah my armor is gone, no wonder I feel a lot lighter.” She said and then moved and lay her head down on The Hatter’s chest, she shut her eyes and let out a happy sigh.
Why was the sky blue and the grass green? Why were flowers living and yet also dead? Hatter wasn't entirely sure how to answer this riddle, despite how Azeal seemed to have so easily been able to answer his, but he didn't want to tell her that. For some reason he felt as thought he couldn't tell her that he didn't know how to answer her riddle, not after how many riddles he himself had spouted. So instead he placed a pale finger lightly to her lips.

"Sssh, quite my dear, let him do his work," he said simply, a very faint smile at his lips; the smile, however, was forced. He was far too worried about her to smile on his own accord.

The bandaging of Azeal's wounds went quite quickly, surprisingly quickly, and Hatter had to wonder just how sufficient the job was, but he knew that he had no right to question the Hare's handiwork, not when he himself knew so little about medicine.

Hatter also felt quite bad that Azeal had lost an eye, terribly bad, in fact. Part of him couldn't help but feel that it was his fault; why, if he hadn't gone out to look for her he never would have been attacked, she never would have had to rescue him, and she never would have been scratched. She would still have her eye and she would still be the most beautiful creature he had ever known-- not that she was any less beautiful now. He wished that there was something he could do to help her. He remembered that the Bandersnatch could remove and replace its eye and still have it function, and partly he wondered if Azeal could not do the same somehow. Perhaps she could use a Bandersnatch eye as her own? Well, maybe that wasn't the best idea...

Soon enough the Hare left and left the two of them alone in the room. While Hatter usually felt at ease around Azeal-- or at least as much at ease as he could ever feel, which wasn't really all that much-- right now he felt awkward in her presence. He felt guilty to be in her presence. And though he still clutched her hand in his he wondered if he had any right to be so close to her after he had cost her so much.

But Azeal tugged him down to the bed and he complied and sat down at the edge of the bed. His thumb gently ran against the top of her hand. "You look... much better without the armor..." he said softly. But then his eyes turned away from her and toward the floor and for a few moments he fell silent.

Then, finally, after a few moments had passed he spoke again. "Azeal, I'm... I am sorry. This is my fault... I should never have come after you, it was foolish. I can understand if you dislike me now-- I can throw myself out of the room so you needn't bother and..." his voice trailed off...
Azeal went wide eyed with her good eye and blinked when she heard his words. “No it wasn’t your fault Hatter, I was glad to see you. It was an honor to save your life Hatter and I will never stop liking you just because of what has happened to me. No it’s my fault this happened to me, I could have just let the beast harm you but then my guilt would be too strong. No Hatter it’s my actions that cost me my eye. Do not blame yourself, I would save your life again and again if I must.” Azeal said as she sat up and wrapped her arms around his middle and laid her head against his back and sighed.

“You’re my first and best friend Hatter, you were there when no one else wanted to be. They all shunned me because of my blue hair but thanks to you I have more friends. I am covered with many scars, they hurt me yes but they show a point in my life that made me who I am today, I am not shamed by them. No Hatter, I shall never hate you or want you to leave my side. Promise me Hatter that you will never stop being my friend?” she said as she buried her head more into his back and her fingers gripped his stomach gently. “Remember it my duty as a Knight to protect those who are in trouble.” She whispered softly.

“I took an oath in front of you and the Queen that I would protect those who are innocent from the evil and the darkness that is in this world.” She said and let out a soft sigh. “I care for you more than you know, you’re the only thing that keeps me going on missions. You and silly hats and riddles, they make me smile.” She said and then she hugged him tighter as tears started to stream down her cheeks. “I need you in my life Hatter, don’t ever forget that.” She croaked as she felt the tears streaming down her cheeks from both her good and bad eye.
Despite her words Hatter still felt guilty, and whether the attack was entirely his fault or not didn't really seem to matter to him, perhaps it was simply easier for him to blame himself, as silly as that might seem. But he was thankful that she did not blame him nonetheless. Truthfully, he did not want to be away from her, and though he did not entirely know what the feelings he had inside of him were or what they really meant, he knew that he did not want to be apart for him, not now, not ever. She made him feel... good. She made him feel a little bit more sane, a little bit more normal, and that was no small feat.

"How could I judge your hair with hair like my own?" he asked her a little teasingly and brought one hand up to comb through his frizzy bright orange mane, untamed and wild as always. "I think that your hair is quite lovely. It fits you. I believe, that is."

Hatter was just as scared as Azeal, perhaps not physically so, though he did have a few physical scars, but mentally he was scared all over, so much so that his mind was fractured and his heart mostly splintered. Briefly his mind drifted back to that horrible day when the Queen of Hearts rose to power and had his quaint little village attacked and burned to the ground, he could still hear the screams and smell the horrid stench of blood, smoke and burning flesh. The cries for help still rang through his ears, the cries for help that he did nothing about...

He shook the thoughts from his head. "I only wish that for once... I could protect you," he told her honestly.

He smiled a little when he felt her head rest against his back. Why did it feel so good to be touched by her? What exactly did it mean? It was so confusing. But moods and emotions that were simple for other people to understand were difficult for him, his mind was still very much that of a child in that regard.

"And I care for tea-- I mean you-- more than I care for my hats," he told her and slowly turned toward her. He placed a hand under her chin to lightly raise her head up toward him and he gave her a somewhat lopsided grin. "Well... almost more..." he told her and hoped that she would know that he was teasing her.
Azeal couldn’t help but smile when she heard him speak then she stared up at him when he grasped her chin and tilted her head up. “Your hair is awesome.” She said and then bit her lip as her tears stopped falling. “I know you care more about me than tea and your amazing hats.” She whispered and then blushed slightly. “I know one day you will protect me but you have already since the first day I met you Hatter.” She said and shut her eyes but moved her hand up and gently grasped his own hand that rested under her chin.

I think I know the feeling you speak of Hatter. I can’t remember the name for it since it’s the first time I have ever really felt it.” She said and then leaned forward and lay her head against his chest. Azeal could hear his heart beating away in his chest and it made her smile and sooth her. She licked her bottom lip and then let out a soft sigh, she was not about to let him go that was for sure. “Hatter you’re a good man, did anyone ever tell you that ever?” she asked and then lifted her head and stared at him.

A smile was on her lips and she kept his hand against her chin before she moved it to her cheek. She liked the way he was touching her face. She didn’t know why but to her she wanted him to keep touching her. “You’re always going to be my best friend and my most favourite person.” She said and let out a soft sigh. She could hear her heart rate slowly going up and she gulped slightly wondering if he could hear it.

For some reason she found that her body was now starting to act strange because of how close she was to The Hatter. “I like you more than my sword and my armor.” She said since those were her favourite things after the Hatter. She buried her head into his chest and let her hair fall around her, it was very long hair that came to her waist, she liked her hair herself and thought that was what made her look her most beautiful.
"A 'good man'?" he asked curiously, raising a fuzzy orange brow. "I can't say that the expression is entirely familiar to me, I'm afraid. I'm most often called 'mad', though I'm not entirely sure why, I don't consider myself a mean or angry person... Maybe a bit odd, peculiar, crazy, strange and..." he paused for a moment when it finally dawned on him. "Ah, maybe that's why..."

Hatter let his arms come around her back and he pulled her closer against his chest. He enjoyed the warmth her body provided him, enjoyed the comfort of her soft flesh and sweet scent, her soft hair. He nuzzled himself lightly against her. This was all such a strange feeling to him and he didn't entirely know what to make of it or even how to react to it, so instead he simply let his body act on his own and follow its own instincts. Hopefully his body would not guide him in the wrong direction.

"And... I like you more than my hats and my tea and... and... well, anything else that should be liked with great muchness," he said rather matter-of-factly with a nod of his head. He leaned down to rest his face against the top of her head, but not before removing his tall cloth hat and setting it aside, which allowed his frizzy, fuzzy orange locks to spring out into their full glory. His eyes closed. His heart felt funny, his stomach was sent aflutter... Such confusing things. Was he sick? Perhaps the Hare should look over him, too...

"T-this may sound strange but... I suddenly feel the urge to... how should I explain it? To place my lips... against your own," he said. "A 'kiss' I believe?" Indeed it had been many moons his lips had touched those of another. Would he even remember what it was?
Azeal looked up when he removed his hat and she smiled seeing all his hair, she liked his orange hair and how it stuck up everywhere. She then felt his head rest against her own for a while, she loved this feeling and the way his body was against her own. She blinked suddenly though and stared up at him when she heard him speak about kissing her on the lips. She blushed madly and gulped softly unsure what to say, she had never been kissed in her life ever before. She gulped once more and then just sat there grasping him.

“I’m not sure what that is really, that has never happened to me before.” She said. Azeal would do nothing to stop him though if he wanted to kiss her. “Do what you want, I am not as smart as you.” She said softly and then rested her body against his once more. A shiver went up her spine, her heart raced harder and faster in her chest. She felt a lump form in her throat and she wondered why she was getting so nervous. She trusted the Hatter and she knew that he would never do anything to hurt her, he cared for her.

She could hear his own heart thumping away in his chest and she guessed he must be nervous as well. “Hatter, you’re not as mad as they say you are, do not listen to them.” Azeal said and she shut her eyes and bit her lip. If he wanted to kiss her then she would let it happen though she had never been kissed before. Hatter would be her first kiss ever, was she ready for something like that? Somehow she knew that it seemed right with him and whatever he did. “Just do what you think is right Hatter.” She said softly to him.
Indeed Hatter was nervous, very nervous, but in a way that wasn't so unusual for him. "You are far smarter and far stronger than I," he said, tilting her head up again to face him. With his arms around her back his hands began to caress up and down against her, up to her shoulders, massage them, and then back down again. Her body felt so soft and delicate that he was almost afraid that he would hurt her if he touched it too roughly or in the wrong way... But following his instincts, he continued to caress her shoulders and back.

Finally he leaned down to kiss her, but his lips stopped just a tiny width away from hers... Was he doing the right thing? Was he doing this right? What did this mean? Well, if he never took a risk, he would never get anywhere in life...

"Call me... by my name... Tarrant," he said softly as his lips finally pressed down against hers. At first her froze, almost surprised by the feeling of her warm lips against his own, but after a moment the feeling passed and he pressed his lips a little firmer against hers and his eyes fluttered closed.
She blinked when he spoke his name, he had never told her to call her his name till now. She guessed it meant a lot for her to know it. She must be that special to him that he wanted her to say his name. She was about to speak until she suddenly felt his lips push down on her own. Her face went beet red and she let out a soft groan. She felt her own eyes shut tightly and she pushed her lips up against his own when he kissed her with more passion. Azeal smiled into the kiss as she grasped gently onto his jacket leaning into him some more. She really did not want to pull away from him, she had never felt so safe in her life.

Azeal felt herself flush more but she refused to pull herself away from his kiss and his touch. Soon she had to pull away for air and she let out a whimper, she had not wanted to pull away. “I never felt anything so…so interment as that Tarrant.” She said softly and smiled at him gently. She leaned up and kissed his lips once more pecking them as she clung to his jacket. If she had wanted him to stop or gone she would have said so by now but she seemed to want him close by. “I….think….I love you…Tarrant.” She said and suddenly hung her head a bit ashamed of what she said but she couldn’t hide it any longer from him.

“I figured it out and that is how I feel for you, I was not sure at first what they call it but now I know. I understand if you don’t feel the same way. Since you care for my Mistress the White Queen.” She said and then leaned her head against his chest. She was worried and scared that he would push her away now that she told him how she felt for him. She was worried he would not feel the same way about her but she knew she just had to tell him. Azeal softly buried her head back into his chest but her heart was pounding in her chest loudly.
Hatter was, understandably, quite surprised by Azeal's confession of love. It was a word that Hatter rarely heard anyone speak of, a word that many in Wonderland seemed to have forgotten or perhaps tried to forget for one reason or another. The land was, perhaps, too random and broken for anyone to truly remember what "love" meant or what it was. But Azeal knew and he was quite sure of that.

"Can you... hear my heart beating?" he asked her after a moment of silence. "As fractured as this heart may be, it beats... only because of you, only for you. Yes, I-I truly believe that-- no, I know that-- I love you more than I love all of the tea in Wonderland. And then some. It... warms my soul to hear you say that, and even more so that I might be able to return such feelings. Yes, I... love you, too."

Hatter had been having a hard time figuring out what his fluttering stomach and aching heart meant, what his strange feelings and emotions meant, but once Azeal mentioned "love" it all made sense to him. Suddenly everything had become clearer, everything had fallen into place. As crazy as it sounded Hatter was in love, truly in love. It felt good, it felt right, and it felt... well... strange. But he couldn't complain, he was rather used to the strange. And in this case he rather liked it.
Azeal smiled as he said he loved her and every time he said that he did it just made her smile more. “It means so much to hear you say that Tarrant. I am glad that you return the same feelings I feel for you.” She said and lay down on her back and shut her eyes. “I guess I should try to get some sleep but I don’t want you to leave me. Do you promise that you will stay here with me and not leave?” she asked and stared up at the Hatter as she cocked her head to the side. Her own heart was beating hard and fast in her chest.

“I am glad that your heart beats for me because mine beats for you. It means so much so much that I finally have someone who cares so much about me.” Azeal whispered and pulled him down against her and then buried her head into his chest. Azeal just kept her head against his chest as her eyes shut, she was trying her best to get to sleep. It was hard for her to sleep though from all the pain that was going through her young body. “Ah… eye still hurts.” She said but she didn’t seem to care that she was blind in it.

Azeal shifted once more and then she finally found a comfortable position. “You smell good too, like leather and tea.” She said as she buried her face into his jacket. “Please don’t leave Tarrant I fear my nightmares will come back.” She muttered. He was the only one who seemed to be able to keep her nightmares at bay. When she was younger she would have him come and stay with her while she slept and everyone notice she would sleep alright. She knew her life would suck if she did not have Tarrant in it and she was thankful he was there with her.
He smiled happily at her words. Never had the crazy Hatter ever felt so happy or so at peace-- and peace was almost always in exceptionally short supply in his life. He nuzzled himself against her, enjoying the feeling of her warm, soft body against him, and he kissed her forehead.

"I will stay here and hold you in my arms all throughout your slumber," he told her, his lips not yet leaving the flesh of her forehead. Despite the armor she wore and the muck and grim she would trample through while doing her knightly duties, he skin still smelled sweet. Her scent made him feel happy, it made him feel loved and it made him feel safe. All of these things were things that Hatter had rarely felt when not in Azeal's presence.

"I will always remain by your side, like a cup matched with its saucer, never to part again," continued Hatter and he nuzzled closer to her. "Please, rest now, you need it. I will be here and you will remain in my arms. I promise-- Hatter's honor."
She smiled happily and blushed some when he kissed her forehead. “I trust you Tarrant, I like know you add tea or hats to everything.” She said and shut her eyes. “I will try my best to rest though my body still aches a bit.” Azeal whispered. She liked how he kept his lips against her forehead and she leans into his body some more as she cuddles up against his body the best she could. Soon she felt herself slowly drifting off to sleep, safe and sound in her Hatter’s arms. She knew she would not have her nightmares which made her happy as she thought about it. She let her sleepiness take her over and soon both her eyes shut.

He would be able to hear her hear calm and her breathing become slowly and soft. She snored as well but not that loud as she started to dream about how she and Tarrant had first ever met. She liked this man so much, she would be glad to know that he felt happy and safe around her and being with her. She slept on for a few hours her dreams were never getting mad, thanks to him being there she just dreamed of peaceful things. Though at midnight she woke up slightly and stared around her wondering where she was.

She felt him there beside her and she seemed to relax remembering what had happened to her. “Tarrant, you really didn’t leave my side.” She said softly and bit her bottom lip. She smiled and shifted so she was laying on him with her head against his chest and her body against his own. They were still under the blanket and he was lying on his back. “You smell so good, you’re so comforting.” Azeal said happily as her hands grasped his chest slightly. She wondered how much longer she would have to stay in bed because of her injuries.
Just as he had promised, Hatter stayed by her side all while she slept with his arms tight around her, almost fearing that if he let her go that he may lose her forever. As she slept he caressed up and down her back, massaged against her spine and her shoulder blades, and every so often gave her light kisses along her neck and face. Perhaps it seemed silly to do but for some reason he couldn't keep himself from doing it. Was this what true happiness felt like?

He had drifted off to sleep himself a few times though he never slept for long as he wanted to be sure that he awake when Azeal awoke. Ever loyal was he. And when she finally did wake he was relieved to see that she seemed to be feeling at least a little better.

"I never break a promise," he said simply, reaching up to run a pale hand through her lovely blue hair and then down the back of her neck.

Though the bed was not the most comfortable thing he had ever slept on he had slept on far worse-- including, but not limited to, the ground, a bathtub, numerous chairs, a wooden bunk in the Queen of Heart's dungeon, an old wooden chest, a metal slab, and the occasionally but rather random times he had slept standing up, and that was no small feat, but for a man that could Futterwacken so ferociously, why, sleeping while standing wasn't so hard at all.

But despite the lack of much comfort that the bed provided he found it much more comfortable with Azeal resting atop of him. Her warm body soothed his muscles, her sweet scent and soft flesh made the bed infinitely more bearable. She was light enough that he had no problem breathing and she caused him no real discomfort, but most of all he simply enjoyed being so close to her.

"Is your body still sore?" he asked and brought his hands back down to rest them on her shoulders, silently offering her another massage, though he wasn't sure how good he was at such a task, he had never really given anyone a massage before-- she was his first.

But wait... Back to the previous point, he was laying in bed with Azeal, she atop of him, and he was embracing her. Now that he thought about it... Wait... It started to sink into his splintered brain now piece by needle-thin piece...

Oh dear.

Usually when a man and woman were in bed together it wasn't usually just for simple hugs and massages, didn't they usually... do that? Hatter had never done that, or he wasn't sure that he had ever done that... maybe... possibly. It was hard to say. He would have to go with a mostly convincing "no" with a very small "maybe"... Anyway, back to the point, in bed a man and a woman did that... Was Azeal and himself now supposed to do that too? He supposed he didn't mind if she didn't, but... Oh, poppycocky, maybe his mind was simply running away with him yet again.

Still, he couldn't rid himself of the thought, and he felt his body slowly beginning to react to it, to warm, his heartbeat to quicken just a bit. "Azeal, p-perhaps... you should get off of me..." he said trying to sound less startled than he really was. "It isn't that I don't enjoy being here with you, it's just that... well..." How was he supposed to say it? It wasn't that he was scared of being intimate with her-- not entirely, anyway-- but he didn't want her to feel his body reacting to her, he didn't want her to feel the bulge below that he was sure was growing, and he didn't want her to feel his warming body. What would she think if she realized that he was becoming-- how should he put it?-- excited with her? Would she think less of him? Would she be disgusted, offended, displeased, angry, annoyed, frustrated, resentful, indignant, irritated, balked, crimped...?

His mind was running away again...
Azeal loved the feeling of his hands running over her and through her hair but she frowned slightly when she was asked to get off of him. “I don’t want to.” She said unaware of what he was thinking inside his head. She heard his heart rate speed up and his body slowly getting warmer, she felt a bulge pushing against her thigh. Azeal blinked and then moved slightly and stared at the bulge in his pants and cocked her head to the side curious. “Oh my, am I causing you that? Sorry Tarrant.” She said as her face went beet red yet she didn’t move off of him. “It doesn’t bother me, I think I saw this happen to the Knave once.” She muttered.

“I am not sure what is happening but I hope it doesn’t hurt too much.” She said and looked down a blush coming to her own cheeks. Her heart had been racing and all this time she has been unaware of the wet spot that had formed in her panties. When she moved from the Hatter’s lap she noticed a wet spot from where she had been sitting. “Oh my I think I am leaking.” Azeal said and bit her bottom lip a bit. She stared at Tarrant now scared that she had made him angry. “I am sorry I left that mark on you, it seems my panties are rather wet for some reason.” She said. Azeal couldn’t believe how her body was acting and she had become aroused.

Azeal was now confused, she didn’t want him to move away from her and she wanted to stay with him. “My body has never felt this way before, do you know what is happening to me and to you Tarrant?” she asked and cocked her head to on side. Azeal suddenly moved her hand down and grasped gently at his crotch and she blushed feeling his massive cock inside his pants. “Wow.” Was all she could say as she stared at the wet spot in her panties. Azeal bit her lip worried that she had done something now that made him angry at her. “It’s really starting to bother me, I am so hot and wet between my leg. Azeal grumbled to herself.
Hatter was far from mad-- in fact, he had been worried that she would be mad at him-- but he was rather confused as to what exactly he should do. He knew what these things meant, and he believed that Azeal probably knew, too, considering the fact that she had known more about love than he did, or at least more than he remembered about it. And it wasn't really painful, not yet anyway, but if things continued...

He was a little disappointed. He had rather enjoyed their loving cuddling and caressing but now he'd gone and turned it all up-side down and got the both of them all hot and bothered. Why hadn't he just kept his mouth shut?

But on the other hand, what if he could become closer to Azeal this way...?

"I believe you know what's happening, my dear, but like most of us in Wonderland, I believe you have forgotten since love, too, seems to have been very much forgotten throughout the land... But you have reminded me," he said, though he wasn't entirely sure what exactly he was saying. "The one thing that lovers do... they make love... That is the root of the issue. You know that, don't you, Azeal?" A small smile came to his lips. "Love."

"That is a symbol of my love for you," said Hatter when Azeal's hand came to grasp his bulge. He let his own hand hesitantly come to graze against her panties and to feel her own wetness. "And this... is a symbol of your love for me, is it not?"
She cocked her head to the side understanding slightly what the Hatter was saying to her and she nodded softly. “Yes it is a sign of my love for you Tarrant. I think I am starting to understand what is going on with me.” Azeal said and then let out a gasp and moaned when he touched her panties. She could feel his warm yet pale hand against her wet pussy through her panties. “I like your touch, down there Tarrant.” She said with a huge blush on her cheeks. She leaned against him resting her head on his chest slightly as her hand moved over his bulge. “You can do as you please, show me what is happening to me and you.” She said.

She was going to let Tarrant follow his instinct and take charge. She had always been the one that protected him and tried hard to make him happy but now it was his turn. “I want you to take charge Tarrant, make me happy and protect me.” She said as her hand moved up and she gently touched his cheek. “I love you Tarrant and I want you to do what you think is right. I am not mad or anything with you, right now all I want you to do is give us both….ah…what is that word….well make us feel good.” She said unable to think of the word pleasure, it was hardly used in Wonderland and they both knew that but he was wiser and older than her.

Azeal squirmed her body slightly and stared back down at the wet spot in her panties. “It feels strange how wet I am down there.” She muttered. Azeal still was blushing badly from what was going on with her body and between them. “I want what my body is telling me but I am unsure what that is. Please make this ache I am starting to feel go away.” She muttered and stared up into Tarrant’s eyes. She then moved her head and leaned up kissing him on the lips happily enjoying the way his lips felt against her own once more. Azeal had never done anything sexual before yet with Tarrant by her she knew that she could trust him and what he could do to her.
Truth be told, Hatter wasn't entirely sure he knew what he was doing, either, but it didn't seem extremely difficult in theory. His body was guiding his movements, perhaps he could simply let his instincts take over.

He was determined to make her happy no matter what, and to pleasure her no matter what, even if he did end up looking a little foolish or amateurish in the end. He nodded his head at he words.

"Focus only on me, I will make you happy," he whispered to her just before her lips met his. His eyes closed as they kissed again and his left hand came up to lightly caress at her right cheek and the tip of his tongue traced against her lips as if testing things. His left hand drifted down from her face to down her neck, and he lightly caressed down to side of her neck, then down her shoulder, down her arm, her wrist, her palm, and his fingertips twined between hers. He broke their kiss long enough to bring her hand up between them and he kissed her palm and each of her fingers, then the top of her hand for good measure... When he brought her hand back down he kissed her lips again deeper and rougher than before... Perhaps he was slowly starting to get this swing of this.

While he kept his left hand holding her right, his own right hand drifted down between her legs and he used his ring and index finger to graze against her wetness. He eased them under the band of her panties, then, and his thumb found the tiny nub of her clitoris, and he gently grasped it between his thumb and forefinger and gave it a small twist, a small caress. Yes, as much as he wanted to make her feel good, he also wanted to be gentle with her, gentle as a lover should be.
She nodded her head when Tarrant told her to focus on him and that is what she did. She felt his lips move against her own and then his tongue against her lips. She shut her eyes tightly and kissed him back hard on the lips then moaned as his tongue snuck into her mouth. She felt him exploring it as his hand moved and grasped her own. She could feel every gentle movement of the Hatter’s as his hand grasped her own and soon they were holding hands. She gasped as he broke their kiss and moved their hands up and she felt him kiss every inch of her hand, she blushed from his actions but she couldn’t help but smile at him.

Azeal then moaned as his lips moved back to her own and she kissed him back on the lips the same. She would allow him to explore her mouth if he wanted, it didn’t bother her. She felt their hands still together as his other hand moved down her body. She felt it against her wrist, her hand and then even the lower it went. Her eyes suddenly went wide though as his hand snuck into her panties and gently against her clit and then she cried out as he pinched it. She had never felt so much pleasure in such a short time and she loved every moment of it. Her body relaxed into his and she spread her legs softly mad her panties were on.

Azeal then cried out a bit her pussy was starting to slowly get wetter from his warm touch. She stared up into his eyes and he could tell that she wanted it when he looked into her eyes. She nipped his bottom lip panting softly, she breathed the best she could through her nose then she pulled away. “Ah don’t stop Tarrant. It feels so good and I want this, I really do.” Azeal said and grasped his chest with her other hand as she nodded. She would not tell him to stop nor would she stop him from making her into a woman, for making love to her.
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