White and Blue Moons Bleed Black (Krystal_Atems_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Krystal sat in her bed in her large blue penthouse arpartment, meditating. She was having dreams of Rubeus, her one true love, her crimson knight. "Ruby.. please, come find me" she wished softly, tears coming to her eyes, and her long blue wavescovering her cherry blossom covered bedspread. It had been a millennia sin she had seen her love, and these dreams she was having were only making her need to be with him stronger.

Krystal knew some kind of evil was on its way, she just wasn't sure what the 22 year old looked around her room, grabbing her jeweled black crystal box with sapphires and rubies encrusted in it, and opened it, shocked to see that her favorite picture of herself, ruby and their only son charorite was gone. "Thats impossible! the only people who can open this box are myself and...ruby. But what cp0lould it mean?" she asked herself, taking out the heart shaped ruby necklace he made her and put it on, took a shower and got ready for her day, not knowing that today was the day she would find her love again, only she'd be fighting him instead of hugging him.
Serenity, also known as Serena, sat in her own room in her apartment. She had spent the whole night before at her window, staring at the moon, reminiscing about the times on the moon with her true love, her true diamond in the rough. She missed him so and every day and night wished he would find her soon. "Dia...Come back to me." She murmured before sighing.

She stood up and started getting ready for the day. As she put her own long blond hair in her signature hair style, she began humming their song. She had a feeling something big was going to happen today and for the occasion, she slid the diamond bracelet he'd made for her over a millennia ago. Grabbing her keys and phone, she headed out the door, sending her sister a telepathic message. "Krys, you ready to go yet?"
Krystal smiled. "Yup. Just leaving the penthouse. I feel like something coming bunny, and I don't know what, but I'm keeping on guard. I'm not sure it will be friendly." She replied, unlocking her lotus and getting in, starting it up. Krystal absentmindedly started singing her and ruby's song as she drove, landing at sere's apartment in a flash. She smirked at her sister. "So, where to today? I'm thinking the park is where we should be." Krystal said, looking to her sister, her blue eyes showing unexplained emotion. She knew today would have her transform into eternal sailor blue moon once again.

Krystal looked off into the distance, noticing some kind of ship appearing. She Pointed at it. "No, Sere look! It couldn't be!" She Exclaimed, still pointing. She was right. It was landing in the park. We've gotta get there Sere. They could be there." She told her sister, starting her car once more, and revving the engine, waiting to see if her sister took the bike or if she jumped in the passenger seat. She clutched her ruby necklace and said a silent prayer, wanting desperately to see her ruby prince again.

Meanwhile, Diamond was laughing maniacally. "Yes, that's right moon twins.. fall right into my trap. No one will be able to save you." He said, looking into a black crystal mirror and seeing them on their way to his ship. The ship where he would make Sere part of his side. The black moon.
Serenity nodded. "I feel something big too." She hurried on to get in the passenger seat. "Don't think I prefer your car over my bike. It's just faster since your car is out here." She fiddled with her bracelet anxiously. Hoping that she would get to see her prince once more. "I hope our loves are alright Krys." She looked worriedly in the direction of the park.

Rubeus was smirking as he walked to Diamond's side. "Everything is according to plan your highness."
"I know you don't, and me too bunny." She said as she took off at a speed of 300mph, landing them at the ship quickly, and transforming just in case. Krystal put a shadow magic bracelet on her sister's other wrist. "You know how weak it makes you. Now transform. We have no idea if this is some kind of trap. I'm getting very bad vibes." She added, looking at her sister in concern, praying they are alright. She had no idea what she would do if her crimson knight was hurt. She might kill something. Perferably emerald, since she's such a tool.

"It appears so Ruby. Luckily they're alone, but we still must be very careful. You know how the blue moon princess can get, should she be provoked." Diamond said, using the old nickname, but not knowing why. His memories of silver millennium were being clouded by wiseman. So he did not realise his true infatuation was because he is the white moon daughter's destiny.
Serenity smiled as Krys slipped the bracelet on her other wrist. "You're a life saver, Krys." She transformed. "If we feel we need to transform, there's always bad vibes involved and a possible trap. Thought all those years of us doing this would've taught you that by now." She half-joked. "Now let's go."

"Not just that your highness, but they can still alert the other senshi if we don't do this right." Rubeus nodded, not really registering that Diamond had called him by the old nickname.
"Right. I'll go in in first. You follow close behind." She said, walking up the steps of the ship.

"You're right about that ruby. Come, let us give the princesses a proper welcome." He said, his wicked smirk widening as he walked out to where he knew they'd appear.

Krystal let out an inaubible sigh of relief as she saw diamond unharmed, but still keep her sword cock protectively with her sister behind her. There was something very off about him. She looked him over, noticing his smirk. "When dia smirks, its never good" she thought to her sister as she listen to what he had to say.

"So, the white moon twins have decided to grace us dirty black mooners with their presence. What an honor indeed" diamond taunted, and Krystal gripped her sword, resisting the urge to hurt her old friend.
Rubeus followed after him with a smirk of his own. "Yes, quite an honor. I do wonder just what it is that has allowed us to receive such an honor." He taunted as well.

Serenity let out a soft sigh of relief as well to see both men were unharmed. She held back a gasp of pain at hearing the coldness in their voices and the taunts. She kept herself behind Krystal, afraid of what their loves would do to them.
Krystal's head snapped up when she heard Rubeus's voice. "Ruby... you would know better than I, since you lured us here." She taunted right back, a smirk of her own playing up on her lips. She had always loved that smirk, and she had been dreaming about it a lot lately. She was unsure of why they were being so cold to them. Didn't he love her anymore?

"So, Rubeus, why do you think this pretty penguin and her beautiful bunny of a sister have graced us with their presence? Have we done something that doesn't please the princesses?" Diamond said in an even more taunting tone, his smirk widening. He was enjoying seeing the younger moon twin squirm.
Rubeus laughed. "I don't know. It's possible that maybe our very existence was enough to bring them. After all, it's not like we're good enough for the high and mighty white moon princesses. They might think they should rid the world of filth like us."

Serenity put a look of determination on her face. She hadn't missed Diamond's use of their nicknames. It hurt her that Diamond could be so cold, but she was going to do her best not to let him see that pain. "Krys....something's not right about them."
Krystal raised an eyebrow, smirking back at Rubeus. "Oh yeah? What a pity that you would think that, my crimson knight. You make Charoite cry." She taunted back, indirectly trying to make him remember as she fingered the ruby heart necklace he had made her in silver millennium.

"Yeah. Something evil has definitely sueded them. We've gotta figure out a way to make them remember." She told her sister telepathically, squeesing her hand for support. She knew how hard this was on her sister. Diamond was wounding her soul pretty badly right now.

"You could be right ruby. Seems that they are wishing we were dead. Look at how they stare at us. I see your distain, serenity." He said, still taunting, but focusing only on Sere now. He knew it would be best to leave Krystal to rubeus.
Rubeus rolled his eyes. "Charoite? I know not of who you speak dear princess. Not that it would likely matter if I did." He smirked. "Gonna go cry and snuggle with a teddy bear?" He taunted. He then looked to Diamond. "Of course they are, we're nothing but filth beneath their dainty little toes."

Serenity nodded. "You take Rubeus and I'll take Diamond." Her head snapped up at hearing Diamond address us and she stepped to be alongside Krystal. "If you see any disdain in my eyes Dia, it is disdain for whoever it was that clouded your mind with such hate."
Krystal stepped toward Rubeus, smirking at him. "You should know better to think that, ruby." She said as she walked closer to him glabbing him by his ruby necklace. "Hard head." She stated simply before pulling Rubeus in for a deep kiss, silently hoping this helped him remember. She had wait to find him for a millennia, she was not loosing him now to evil, not if she had anything to say about it.

"Ah, but you're the one who hates serenity. I pursued you for years and you never gave me the time of day. Why? Becuae I was just a black moon slave, and nothing better to you" he said simply, watching for a reaction.
Rubeus had been about to retort until Krystal pulled him in for a kiss. It shocked him at first, but it did the trick, his memories began to flood him as he pulled her close and returned the kiss.

Serenity shook her head. "That's a lie. I never hated you. Not even all those years ago. My Dia..." Her eyes held her love for him, a love over a millennia old. "If I hated you and never gave you the time of day, then why do I have this diamond bracelet you gave me back then? If I hated you, I wouldn't have kept it or worn it." She removed her glove so he could see the bracelet, glinting in the light. She stepped forward, closer. "Look, you even inscribed it." She carefully turned the bracelet so he could see the underside and the inscription that read, "To my love bunny, Always yours, Dia."
Krystal stroked his hair with her gloved hand, deepening the kiss, being in his arms again causing her to transform into her princess dress. "Ruby.." she murmured into this kiss, pulling him close to her. She didn't want him to leave her sight again now than she had him in her arms.

Diamond looked to the bracelet and then back to Sere. His showed north but love and remorse. " "Bunny.. I'm sorry. I said such terrible things." He said in almost a whisper, squeezing her hand before pulling her close. He nuzzled her neck gently. "Can I have a kiss, love bunny?" He asked, his eyes unsure.
Rubeus held her close, running his fingers through her hair. "Krys....forgive me?" He asked telepathically.

Serenity's eyes showed love and unshed tears of joy. " She held him close and stroked his hair. "Oh Dia....you don't have to ask." She kissed him, her hand gently cupping his cheek.
"Of course my crimson knight. You don't even have to ask" she replied to him telepathically, savoring being in his arms once more. She couldn't imagine life without him, and now she didn't have to. "Let's go back to my place love. The car's outside." She told him telepathically, reiterating her idea telepathically to Sere.

Diamond kissed her back, pulling her into his lap, as he was sitting on his throne. "I have no idea how I could have ever doubted you. My beautiful love bunny." He told her telepathically, running a free hand down her back. He had missed her so much.
Rubeus smiled softly against her lips. "Missed me that much love?" He teased.

Serenity grinned. "You were led astray love. It's not your fault. Anyway, come with me, back to my place. Well, technically its mine and Krys's in a special way. But please?"
"You have no idea, my ruby prince." She said with a laugh, giving him a small kiss before taking his hand and returning to her normal clothes. She smiled at him.

Diamond nodded. "Of course bunny. But what do you mean its Krystal's too?" He looked at her kind of confused, kissing her head softly and taking her hand. "So how do we get back to your places?" He asked, and Krystal smirked.

'We drive of course. Hop into my lotus. I'll drop you and Sere off, and then ruby and I will go back to my place. Ruby, how's sapphy? Is he brainwasjed like you were?" She asked, concern and guilt in her eyes because she just realized this.
Serenity returned to her normal clothes as well, walking with Diamond."Special case. Our father in this life owns the building."

Rubeus shook his head. "Not like we were. Somehow, he was able to fight Wiseman's manipulations where we failed."
Diamond smiled. "I see. That's cool. I'll want to meet him at some point for sure. But right now, I just want to be with my love bunny." He said, kissing the top of her head, and following her out. He was glad to have his love back, and no one would take that away from him. Just him and his bunny. That was the way he liked it, and that was the way he wanted it to stay. He didn't know what he'd do without his bunny.

Krystal squeesed his hand. "That's good. Sapphy is quite stubborn, so that's probably why. He should know he has a place to stay if he gets sick of being on the ship." she said sort of cryptically, knowing somehow the younger black moon prince was listening. In silver millennium, she had always known when he was listening. It was just a feeling she had. She supposed that carried over to now. Krystal kissed Rubeus's cheek and smiled again, unlocking her car. "Alright, everyone in." She said simply as she got into the car and started it, waiting for the others to follow.

Diamond got in the back. "Sit with me bunny?" He asked, his eyes showing his slight insecurities. In all his many lives, he had never been able for the life of him figure out how he landed such an amazing woman. Diamond formulated a plan in his mind, deciding he would ask her to marry him tonight, since it was supposed to be a full moon tonight. He manifested the ring and hid it in his jacket pocket, smirking to himself. He wondered if Rubeus had a similar plan. So, he reached out to him with his mind, purposefully blocking the twins out. "So, ruby any plans to ask penguin to marry you? I'm gonna ask bunny in the moonlight tonight after dinner. It's gonna be very romantic." He told the flame headed man telepathically, smirking still, but this time it was a good smirk, not an evil one.
Rubeus laughed at Krystal's words as he climbed in the passenger seat beside her. "Him? Get tired of being on the ship? Nah, he'll have a field day cause we're not there. Doing stuff like running around naked. At least I won't have to worry about burning my bed sheets anymore." He shuddered before smirking, knowing as well that Sapphire was listening in. He heard Diamond and held back a chuckle as he blocked the twins on his end. "Of course. But tomorrow night. There will be a blue moon then."

Serenity giggled and climbed in the back seat, snuggling up to Diamond. "Of course Dia." She was glad to have her Dia back and she would do whatever it took not to lose him again.
Diamond smiled. "Sounds perfect ruby. She's gonna flip. You'll probably make her cry, so get ready for waterworks on her side, ruby. You know how she is. The toughness is just an act." He told Rubeus, smiling still and pulling his bunny close to him. there was no way in hell now that he had found her again that he was welling her go. He kissed her softly smiling stupidly. 'i'm so happy to have you back bunny" he whispered into her ear, cuddling her close.

Meanwhile, Krystal squeezed Rubeus's hand before driving off, landing at sere's apartment pretty quickly. "Bunny, we're here!" She said with a smile, as she leaned in to kiss Rubeus softly. She couldn't get enough of him. When diamond got out, he picked Sere up, and carried her bridal style. "See you guys later." He said with a smirk, carrying Sere off and to her penthouse apartment.

Krystal kissed Rubeus again, and when she broke it, she said softly "I love you, my crimson knight" and then she drove off, landing at her penthouse garage easily. She parked and shut the car off, smiling at him and giving him another kiss. "This is a shortcut. Just go to that elevator, hit top, and you'll be right at my penthouse." She said, smiling at him.
Rubeus smirked. "You're one to talk. Last I checked, Sere is the queen of the waterworks." He waved to Diamond and Serenity when they were dropped off. He kissed Krystal back and smiled. "I love you two my blue jewel."

Serenity giggled and leaned against Diamond as he carried her. Once they were in the elevator, she pressed for the top for her apartment. "I'm so happy to have you back Dia. It's been way too long."
Diamond smiled and and kissed her softly."I agree wholeheartedly, bunny. Now that your in my arms again, I never wanna let go." He said, smiling as the elevator doors opened and he carried her over the threshold. It was a very nice apartment.

Krystal smirked at Rubeus. "Good. Now, how's about we retire to my room and celebrate finding each other again?" She said with a widened smirk, wondering if ruby would carry her like dia carried Sere. She took her seatbelt off and waited, her smirk widening. She couldn't wait to make char again. It had been a millennia since she had been with her ruby prince.
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