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Nightstalker ~ Gypsy Prisoner ~ DarknessEmbraced666

Placing the fresh clean white sheets on the bed he smiled and whistled softly, a small spring in his step as he did it. His eyes meeting hers briefly, giving her a wink as he took a few quick sips of his coffee before walking casually across towards her as she sat on the chair. Turning around he lowered his body slightly as he spoke. "Natalya climb on, take a shower together with me."
When he returned to where she was, she smiled slightly as she watched him kneel before her. Smiling again, she moved forward and climbed onto his back, laying her head down against his shoulder with a soft sigh. "That sounds nice." she said softly while wrapping her arms around him.
Feeling her arms around his neck and her resting lightly against his back he stood slowly and walked casually out of the room down the long carpeted hallway to the bathroom. Setting her down gently he reached in adjusted the small metal taps to the right temperature giving her a soft kiss to the cheek.
She closed her eyes as he carried her out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom, softly beginning to hum to herself as she held onto him. It was the same song she'd been singing the other night. When he sat her down, she smiled slightly up at him before watching him start the water. But when he kissed her on the cheek, she blushed a little with a soft chuckle.
Her enchanting voice was sending shivers and sparks through him as he pulled her under the running water with him, large strong muscular arms that supported his large strong hands easily soaped up her back and buttocks giving them a gentle squeeze as he kissed her lips. Words whispered. "Love your voice."
Standing up, she joined him in the shower and smiled up at him as he began soaping her up, continuing to softly hum as she stood in his arms. Never would she of imagined that she would be standing in the arms of the same man that had been her judge merely days before. When he squeezed her buttocks, she blushed a little and sighed while gazing up at him as he kissed her. "The gift of singing ran in my family." she whispered. "Before the raid upon our caravan, my family were known as great singers. But... but now there's only me left and I'm just a dancer."
He smiled at the blush and her words as he continued to soap up all over her body, his large strong hands easing her legs slightly apart as he cupped her sex. Thumb gently rubbing her engorged and sensitive bud of flesh.
She felt him ease her long legs apart and she mewled softly before feeling him cup her sex. The feeling of him rubbing her engorged clit made her gasp and shiver. "Do... do you always.. Mmm." she mewled softly and shivered again while leaning against him a little.
Hearing the gasp escape her lips and feeling her body shiver as she leaned against him he softly kissed her cheek, tongue licking slowly across her neck. Breath hot on the exposed flesh as he spoke in a whispered tone. "Do I always have to enjoy your beautiful body. The answer to that is yes and so I should. I am a very lucky man."
She closed her eyes again as he kissed her cheek then ran his tongue along her long neck, making her gasp and shudder a little. As he spoke, she turned her head a little and opened her eyes. "Why?" she whispered to him, her eyes moving to gaze up at him.
Feeling her head turn towards his, their eyes met as he listened to her whispered words. Softly kissing her lips his large strong soaped up hands continued to tease and explore all of her body, gently pinching her engorged bud his lips lowered to suck on her breasts as the water cascaded down over both of them. "Natalya you are worth every minute of this time, I should be paying you something instead of just possibly my love."
She became silent when he kissed her again, sighing as his hands continued to move along her body. When he pinched her clit, she jerked slightly with a ragged sigh and a moan. The girl buried her hands into his hair and shivered against him while moaning his name softly. She continued to enjoy his touch until he spoke again and she looked at him again. "Paying me something?" she asked him. "You believe I should be paid for this?" She slowly but reluctantly pulled away from him with a soft whimper, looking up at him with wide eyes.
Feeling her pull away from him, their eyes met and locked as he heard the whimper. His heart ached as the words had seemingly come out wrong. Shaking his head only slightly he spoke in a whispered tone. "I mean you are worth it, oh forget it I can't explain it any better but you think I mean you are a prostitute which you would never be to me." He started to leave the shower as tears rolled down cheeks.
Natalya stared up into his eyes as she waited for his reply, stepping away from him until they were separated and she wrapped her arms around herself as she stood under the water. As she stood there, she felt a strange pain in her chest and she pressed her hand against her breast with a sigh. But when he began to leave the shower, she reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him to a stop before gently drawing him back to her and she pressed herself against him, burying her face into his chest with a sigh.
Feeling her pull him back towards her before burying her head against his chest he softly kissed her lips as his long strong arms surrounded her body. One hand moved to turn off the taps, the cascading water stopped as he stepped out of the shower with her. His words whispered. "I am sorry."
She wrapped her arms around him with a soft mewl and she closes her eyes as he shuts off the taps and she slowly steps out of the shower with him. Hearing him whisper, she looked up at him and she smiled slightly. "Don't be." she whispered to him. "You've nothing to be sorry for. I just... heard wrong."
His large left hand took the towel draping it around her body as he stepped back a little from her, his eyes meeting hers as he dried off before sliding his robe on. He needed something to drink and it would be a perfect time to add some rum to his coffee, his words whispered. "I will always regret what I just said, dry and go back to bed. I am going to make a spiced coffee for myself"
She slowly pulled the towel tighter around her small body and shivered when he pulled back. She felt colder when he did that and she sighed while rubbing her arms, watching him dry off and pull on his robe. After hearing him speak, she bowed her head with a nod and a gentle sigh. "You'll... you'll come back to bed... won't you?" she asked softly.
Hearing her softly spoken questioning words he smiled back into her eyes and lightly traced two long thick fingers across her cheek and jawline. His own words softly spoken before leaving. "Yes I will come back to the bedroom."
Closing her eyes as he touched her cheek, she sighed before looking up at him again with a slight nod. "Okay." she murmured and watched him leave before drying off and retreating to his room once again. Climbing beneath the covers, she curled up beneath them while shivering a little and she closed her eyes to get some rest.
Leaving the bathroom he casually walked down stairs to the kitchen, pouring a coffee he added a few splashes of rum to it before making a tea for her. Still feeling like crap internally for what had transpired he stayed in the kitchen for ages, actually it was almost an hour before walking upstairs and into his bedroom.
When he finally returned to then bedroom, she was sleeping peacefully, curled up beneath her covers with a small smile on her lips. But when he entered, her eyes opened and she looked up at him. Shifting in bed a little, she yawned before smiling up at him. "I was beginning to think you got lost." she whispered, a playful lilt in her gentle voice.
He sat down on the edge of the bed, both cups resting on the bedside table briefly before picking his up and taking a few sips. The coffee and rum hitting the back of his throat gently but effectively as his eyes met hers, reaching out with fingers of his free hand to lightly caress her cheek. "No just thinking and still hating self for what just happened. Should just stay quiet."
She turned slightly so she was laying on her side and she closed her eyes as he touched her cheek, making her sigh softly with a small smile. "No, you shouldn't stay quiet." she said softly. "Everyone says something that comes out wrong. Besides, I like listening to you." She reached up and gently took his hand into hers.
He watched her body move more in the bed before feeling shivers down his spine and tingles through his entire body from her hand taking his. Smiling into her eyes he took a few more sips of his coffee before setting down and removing his robe. Pulling the cover back slightly he slid his body into bed and eased hers closer to him. "Natalya I do love you and owe you so much still."
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