The Knight Protector Discontinued
with Lady Vi
Located Here
with Lady Vi
Located Here
The four knights with Sir Vincent were interesting in their differences. The eldest and most quiet was Sir Robert. He had seen some of the world, and he wore his beard long and thick with pride. Of all the knights, he seemed to be the one who Sir Vincent sought out for advice the most.
The next oldest, and perhaps the closest to Vincent's age, was Sir Charles. He had the look of an aristocrat to him and was always teasing the youngest two. He wore one of those chin-beard goatees that made him look like, well, a goat. When he wasn't in his armor he seemed to be fashionably dressed, and he was always at the castle balls and other fancy functions.
Two knight apprentices, barely old enough to have graduated from squirehood, rounded out the group. Blond Michael was the one who dropped his rock on his foot - he seemed a bit gangly and too long-limbed for his body. The other boy was Henry, a fresh-faced, dark haired lad perhaps barely nineteen who seemed like he was too gentle to be on the wielding end of a sword.
As he stripped off his shirt, scars were visible across his back and sides. They were simple things expected from anyone who had spent time in the battlefield. Lovise might have had one or two of her own. One scar stood out, though; on his right shoulder blade the swirled cross, a sign of Cadeyrn's Clan, was branded. The second son of Guorthigern had made a name for himself as a ruthless, godless, and merciless warrior. Rumor had it that he had been betrayed by one in his close circle less than ten years ago. The traitor had escaped, but not before separating Caderyrn from his left hand.
Gultaem (Meatlug backwards) had a sister who was Trimmastotter. His name is Valorn, son of Guorthigern, of Cadeyrn's Clan.
Marcus' mother is Duchess Georgina, his father was Samuel, younger brother of King Gregory.
The next oldest, and perhaps the closest to Vincent's age, was Sir Charles. He had the look of an aristocrat to him and was always teasing the youngest two. He wore one of those chin-beard goatees that made him look like, well, a goat. When he wasn't in his armor he seemed to be fashionably dressed, and he was always at the castle balls and other fancy functions.
Two knight apprentices, barely old enough to have graduated from squirehood, rounded out the group. Blond Michael was the one who dropped his rock on his foot - he seemed a bit gangly and too long-limbed for his body. The other boy was Henry, a fresh-faced, dark haired lad perhaps barely nineteen who seemed like he was too gentle to be on the wielding end of a sword.
As he stripped off his shirt, scars were visible across his back and sides. They were simple things expected from anyone who had spent time in the battlefield. Lovise might have had one or two of her own. One scar stood out, though; on his right shoulder blade the swirled cross, a sign of Cadeyrn's Clan, was branded. The second son of Guorthigern had made a name for himself as a ruthless, godless, and merciless warrior. Rumor had it that he had been betrayed by one in his close circle less than ten years ago. The traitor had escaped, but not before separating Caderyrn from his left hand.
Gultaem (Meatlug backwards) had a sister who was Trimmastotter. His name is Valorn, son of Guorthigern, of Cadeyrn's Clan.
Marcus' mother is Duchess Georgina, his father was Samuel, younger brother of King Gregory.
Lady Vi said:Traveler said:Lady Vi said:Traveler said:Lady Vi said:Traveler said:Lady Vi said:Traveler said:Lady Vi said:Traveler said:Lady Vi said:Traveler said:Lady Vi said:Traveler said:Lady Vi said:Traveler said:Hi Lady Vi,
I have a fantasy character who I'd love to play against your queen in the queen/soldier plot you have. If you'd like to discuss a long term RP with me 80% story, 20% sex, please let me know.
The Soldier/Knight
1. Protagonist knight
Sir Marc Édouard Vincent
Age: 31
Height: 6'3"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Armor, Appearance
Personality: He is very loyal, almost to the point of being considered unwavering in his duty. He has a hard exterior and keeps people at arm's length.
Possible RP ideas: He could be a guard to take someone through dangerous territory, an adversary on the battlefield, or a knight who harbors a secret love for someone he cannot have. He might also be a frustrated soldier who can't seem to catch some rogue... someone who perhaps works as a waitress at a local inn or in a nearby shop he frequents. Ideas are welcome.
Thank you,
Sounds wonderful to me! If he's up for a challenging assignment, I think I have just the queen for him (and a couple plot ideas to boot!).
Her full name is Sigrun Isarandr Afkarrisa Thrimasdottor, but she prefers the nickname "Lovise". Her brother is a northern king, famed for his superior navy and fierce armies. Two years back Lovise was sent south to marry an older king. The marriage was a political one, meant to solidify an alliance more than anything else. She went into the arrangement knowing this, but the culture shock has been a bit much.
Prone to flying into drunken rages, Lovise hasn't made many friends in the south. She can behave well enough for court functions but grows bored quickly. Hobbies like hunting and swordsmanship aren't 'ladylike' enough for the noblewomen of the south and it has proved impossible to find a man willing to risk his reputation against her. Simply put: the queen is miserable and her behavior shows it.
She often escapes for days at a time, only returning when her husband finally sends out a search party. It has become quite the joke among the nobles, something that embarrasses the king deeply. He can't lock her away for fear that her brother will intervene, he certainly can't execute her... So instead he assigns a loyal knight as her companion and protector. The knight's task? Keep her out of trouble as best as possible.
Seeing as Lovise is just bored and lonely, having a friend around is sure to do wonders for her attitude. She's a deeply caring person, if you can earn her affection, but she's too open (and impatient) for court games.
After the knight has been in her service for a while (perhaps falling in love), I was thinking that the king might ask him to help her towards an 'accident'. Or for a slightly less cliche development: the pair go off on one of her jaunts in the countryside, only to have the king poisoned while they're away. The court would blame the volatile and absent queen (probably her companion as well). Maybe they go into hiding while trying to sort the mess out, posing as a married couple.
What do you think? Any input?
Lots! Queen Sigrun's husband, an older man, should need an heir, yeah? So has the queen already provided one, or is one still in the works? Is her husband, perhaps, uninterested in women and has a male 'adviser' who he favors? Or perhaps he already has sons from an earlier marriage (the woman had died) and so he needs no heir, only the political ties that marriage to Lovise gives him?
We can throw in the idea that the king's oldest son, a wormy and spoiled young man, desires Lovise for himself. Certainly she finds him undesirable and avoids him at all costs. Perhaps later it is revealed that the oldest son killed his father in the pursuit of the crown and, in his mind, the queen. He thinks that he can force her to his bed once dear daddy is out of the picture.
Maybe the Sir Marc and Lovise met a couple of time when he brought her back from her bored adventures, and so the king assigned him to the task full time. I can imagine that the other knights are having a field day that he got picked to take the babysitting duty!
Oh I like the idea of a nasty prince! I was leaning more towards having the king uninterested in women, but the prince is so much juicier! Heck, we could even use both ideas. If the king managed to father one heir, just out of duty, it could leave a bitter lover in the mix too. Someone desperate to blame the 'bitch wife' and protect the prince at all costs. If Lovise knew her husband was tumbling another man, she would certainly threaten him with it to get him to leave her alone when she wanted to run off. That would make her look like an awfully appealing scapegoat.
Maybe the lover killed the first wife, afraid that the king would change his preferences and choose her over him? The king of course would not know that; he's too busy ruling his kingdom. Maybe he's motivated by money and power.
Once the kind is dead and the queen the suspect, we'll have to figure out a way to reveal the prince's part in the regicide.Maye we can throw in a pregnancy for the queen, which she can claim is the king's and thusly take the throne by proxy with her coming child in line for the throne.
Sounds like a plan to me! Haha, if they haven't managed to sleep together at that point, she could always just lie about the pregnancy and tell Marc to "get busy" before someone does the math.
I figured that we could have some of his friends in the knighthood (people who would know that he could never let her kill the king, let alone be part of it) helping them from the inside. You know, feeding them information, giving them supplies and money, doing some minor investigations.
I like the idea of a supporting cast in the way of the knights. Also, the adviser/lover could have his own followers too; people who might see the son as a perfect puppet for their plans.
I think that we have a good foundation. Would you like to start the thread? maybe... hm. Should we start when she's out running around and he goes to bring her back, or when he is assigned to guard her 24/7?
Why not both? She's run off again and the king, fed up with the whole thing, gives Sir Marc his assignment starting with "Go get her". I'm thinking he's out with a group of his buddies, all 'looking' for her. She probably has a favorite place to run to (probably a nice camp in the woods near some game she can hunt) so the knights all know where to find her and it's not too high-pressure.
I like that. They might even have an understanding between the queen and her 'rescue squad', ha!
Okay, I think that we're ready.