Skyrim: A different Dragonborn [DonVoltonus & ChainedWings]


Dec 5, 2013
Saphira had been stuck in Riften's jail for a few days. Her lock pick had broken when a guard startled her, so she waited. And waited. With only a few hours left, she had thought she could sleep. But no, a Kajhiit woman could never get any rest, could she? It was the same in the dark brotherhood, and probably the same in the theives guild. One problem after another. Like when she had woken up tied and gagged, fully naked in front of two guards.

They had been fucking her for almost an hour now. Saphira had to admit it felt nice. Her body was covered in strings of cum, particularly her face and breasts, and she felt more inside her ass and furry slit. But she didn't like them. She didn't like what they were forcing her to do. So she slowly moved them over until she could barely reach her hands out to a sword. She moaned as she felt a hard cock spasm in her pussy and shoot a large , warm load of cum into her, and then she slit the ropes around her wrist, quickly pulling herself out of her two assailants, moaning slightly as they rubbed against her one last time, before she decapitated their owners. Blood gushed out of the hole and pooled with the milky goo on the floor. Still unsatisfied, Saphira leaned back and pumped her fingers in and out of her slit, feeling the human semen inside of her stimulating her even further. She quickly orgasmed and lay on the floor in a pool of cum and blood, the stench keeping her aroused. She wanted to stay but she knew she had to leave. She purred as she calmed down and then got up. Her tail flicked in satisfaction. She went to a small barrel on a shelf containing water and cut it open, pouring the contents on her. She repeated the action with two other kegs, fully cleansing her. Then she went to the cell next to her and opened it with the keys she took from a dead guard. A bandit was in there. He doesn't need how fur armor any more She thought. Saphira took it, and placed it on herself, cutting out parts of it to make it look feminine. She then placed the bracers on her arms and worked her way into the boots. They all fit surprisingly well. Finally, Saphira took the guard's two iron swords and sheaths, and wore them both at the right side. It felt weird to wear the brown fur clothes over her black & white fur skin. Her piercing blue eyes seemed to stare at nothing at all for a second , before she opened the door and left the prison.
As she slipped out, the sky was pale, the sun just rising over Helgen. The previous day had been nothing but rain and thunder, and as her execution was meant to be a public showing, they're postponed it until the next day. Screams split the are, close enough that she'd likely think she'd been found, but nobody came. A shadow swept overhead the ground shaking and rocks falling from the prison as something huge landed above, a flash of glinting scales. A mighty roar split the sky and fire spilled forth from above, the screams becoming pained.

A ball of fire shot by, inches above her head, singing her ears. It struck the wall of the two with a powerful shockwave of force, blowing a sizeable hole and scattering bits of gravel into her fur. A shout rang out. "Come, we should get the prisoners! We cannot let their crimes go unpunished, even for a dragon!" Footsteps grew near her, cold air blowing through the ruined wall, the snow-capped forest visible ahead of her, with little other choice of where to go.
Saphira hissed. Something always happens. DRAGONS. Of all times for them to come back, it's now. It could kill me or be a distraction. She heard the voices behind her. "How can they think about prisoners when a legend has come to life to attack them?!?" She asked herself, astonished. Seeing no other immediate way out, she leapt out of the hole and began sprinting through the snow, the cold hardly bothering her. She actually liked the cold of Skyrim. Elsweyr had been too hot and too boring. She picked annoying bits of stone out of her fur as she ran. There had to be a town nearby.
Smoke was visible rising from chimenys, a small town ahead, a logging town, complete with a small lumber mill. Nearly all the doors had been locked tight when the dragon flew overhead, but one was left open, just slightly ajar, the home apparently empty.

(Sorry for the shortness.)
Saphira managed to get all the way to a town. Most of the doors were locked, even the tavern. She was about to hide near the mill when she noticed a door was slightly ajar. Eager to find a place to hide, she entered. She stood still a bit as her eyes adjusted to the darkness inside, her night vision coming into play.

((It's fine. The length varies based on what's happening anyways. No worries.))
The room was empty, showing slight signs of a struggle, the door to the basement completely destroyed and blood streaking the floors. A growling, snarling sound came from below, paired with multiple, sickening crunches.
Saphira's silted eyes widened and she drew her two swords. She also prepared to use magic. She closely crept down the stairs before leaping down the rest, landing softly and raising her swords, ready to strike.
She would see the corpse of another Kajhiit. A pair of wolves had apparently entered his house when he left the door open, and were currently having their fill of his flesh. The growled, spotting the new target, turning and slowly stalking towards her.
Spotting the body of her fellow feline, she let out a furious his and leapt towards the wolves. She slashed down with one sword and the the left with the other, before spinning and slashing both swords at the wolves.
The growled, leaping to either side, one stayed in front of her while the other slipped behind. He snapped angrily at her, the other leaping from behind, claws digging into her armor, his full weight slamming into her back.
Saphira was about to launch a second attack when suddenly a wolf came from behind and knocked her forward. She tried to recover bit she slipped in a puddle of blood by her feet and landed on her arms and knees, the swords clattering out of her hands. She cursed, trying to get up.
(I don't think she had anything under the armor right?)
The beast growled, biting at the waist of her armor, ripping away a large portion of the pants and exposing her body to the cold air. He paused, sniffing at her sex before roughly mounting her, thrusting his furry sheath and bumping her red tip against her ass for a moment before finding his target and sinking his hot canine member into her sex.
Saphira almost had her footing when she was thrown off balance and sent to the floor again by a large amount of her armor being yanked off. Suddenly she felt another furry body on top of her. She recognized the position and knew what was to come. She was slightly disliking of it but before she could do anything, she felt the canine drive it's thick phallus into her moist slit. She moaned, unable to stifle it in time. Her womanhood was still slick from the humans, and that allowed the wolf's larger member to slide easily in her. She could feel the hard member moving inside her and setting off amazing feelings, it's size helping it slide against all the right places. She purred and then moaned, and she knew the other wolf wanted something as well. Her mouth and ass were open, and she really didn't care which one the wolf took.

((Well i didn't say anything about it so no, nothing underneath.))
(Don't see ass working well so...)
The wolf grunted and panted, thrusting roughly into her, his cock offering up a spurt of hot precum with each hurried thrust, driving deeply until his knot slapped against her lower lips. The other mounted from the front, claws digging into her armor as he thrust his slowly swelling cock in her face, his male scent thick and musky, canine pre splattering agianst her lips.
((Me neither, I just left it up to you~))
Saphira moaned as she felt more warm goo enter her, aiding the wolf's thrusts. Saphira was already bucking her hips a bit, enjoying it despite herself. She smelled another musky, sexy scent in front of her and tasted something on he lips. She eagerly closed her lips around it's member, sucking it off, deepthroating it, licking the head. She couldn't help herself, she just wanted more.
The wolves grunted and panted, thrusting roughly, the one behind driving his fat knot in, swelling wider as he humped roughly against her ass. The other wolf began to swell and throb, though his knot was simply too massive to fit past her feline lips.
Saphira's moans grow more intense as te wolves fucked her. Her netherlips were stretching wide to accommodate the knot and it felt amazing, and she could feel the knot of the second dog pressing against her lips as the head of it's cock presses against her throat. She pressed against the one at her legs harder and harder, until with a gasp, she felt the knot slide in, an she felt her insides held wide open.
They bucked and growled, reaching their limit. The one pulled himself tight against her, letting of short, fast spurts of hot, watery seed, the volume easily starting to fill her womb. The other began loosing his own need down her throat, the hot, salty cum quite easy to swallow.
Saphira moaned again, arching her back, the feeling of warm cum inside her turning her on even more. She could taste the cum of the one at her mouth and swallowed as much as she could, some spilling out of her mouth and dripping down her chin. Her inside felt warm and happy and they kept shooting into her. The knot stretching her slit formed a seal which kept the cum from spilling out, and she felt her womb stretch. She mewled in pleasure, desperately wanting something bigger to penetrate her cervix and push at her needy womb.

When the wolves finally stopped, they pulled out. Saphira could feel the goo sliding through the fur of her legs. She reached down and used her hands to play with her womanhood, Spreading it wide as she lay on her back. She opened her legs to the wolfs and asked, "Are you big bad wolves ready for another round?~"
They growled, switching places, one moving over her chest, thrusting his dripping cock in her face, the other lowering himself to thrust roughly into her pussy, the angle easily allowing him to thrust deeper. The beasts growled and thrust, their thick musk and the smell of cum filling the air around her.
Saphira took the first, still-dripping phallus into her mouth, some cum leaking over her breasts. Saphira sucked eagerly to take out the last strands of cum before bobbing her head back and forth, turning her mouth around the cock to stimulate it further. She moaned an arched her back as the second wolf thrust itself deep into her, it's head brushing against the tip of her cervix, making her blush and grind against it. All the wolf needed to do was slip the knot into her again and it would be past her walls.
The wolf seemed inpatient, driving his fat knot into her as soon as he could, whining at the tightness of her cervix around him. They seemed to be inverse of humanoid beings, their second climax coming sooner than before, fresh, feral seed spilling across her tongue and painting the walls of her womb in hot jets. From the position then now had her in, one of her swords was easily within reach.
Saphira moaned again and eagerly pushed herself against the wolves, allowing their hot cum to go deep inside her. She could feel her womb being filled with more of the warm goo and being slightly stretched. She also swallowed as much of the cum as she could from the first Wolf, but like before, some spilled out. Soon they were done, and pulled out of her. Saphira moaned as she felt the cum rush out of her again, forming a white puddle between her legs ands ripping down to her ass. She considered the situation. She knew the wolves were sexually satisfied, and now they would satisfy their hunger. Already they were growling at her. In a flash, she extended her claws and sliced through the wolves' flesh until her hand came to rest around their shivering hearts. She promptly ripped it out, plops mixing with the goo on the floor. Saphira giggled, a bit darkly, liking the smell of the blood, it's thick and slippery feel, like oil. It's warmth and smell and taste. She licked her fingers:

She realized she had to clean up, so she left the house. She was fully naked, but no one was awake at this time. She want to the river nearby and cleansed herself in it. She came back to the house. Most of her armor was in shreds, so she borrowed a well-cut tunic and dress, which were black and light green . The dead Kajhiit appeared to have owned leather bracers and boots, so she slipped those on, and belted the swords back on her waist. She the. Disposed of the body in the river, careful not to leave a blood trail. The body floated away, carried in the current. She then want back to the house and lay down on the bed, exhausted from all the fucking and running. She soon slept.
She would be awoken by an ear splitting scream, footsteps sounding outside. It was early morning, fog hanging in the air so thick one could only see a few feet away. The limp body of a Redguard slammed into her door, slumping to the floor outside. A roar rang out, reconizable at that of a frost troll, the huge beast rampaging trough the town, swatting the few guards there away like flies.
Saphira leapt out of bed, flying hard across the house, landing in a crouch whit her swords drawn. Then a this came at her door and she realized the disturbance was outside. Saphira hissed in annoyance. "There's always something...." She said, kicking open to door to behold the scene. She saw the frost troll. The troll is going to destroy the town.... I should probably stop it.... she thought. She dashed forward and leapt, driving her feet into the frost troll, kicking it down.
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