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Obsession, What song do you have on repeat?

I tend to have that effect on people. I have some online friends convinced that I just radiate awesome.

can listen to that one for ages
For the moment, it's Happiness is a Warm Gun.
John has an amazing voice. ♥

Amusingly enough, my current Musical Obsession happens to be a song called "Ride Into Obsession" by "Blind Guardian"


HIM - Right Here in My Arms

ahwiothqpt I've had this song virtually on repeat for the past few days <_<;
I've been pretty angry lately so I've been listening to Bad Luck 13

And I throw in a little old Blood for Blood just in case I start to feel too emo.

Zombies Galore said:

      • Oh my god, I love that song. D:
        I thought I was a lonely Cee Lo fan.


      • [video=youtube][/video]


I am old schooling it at the moment. Though before this it was: [video=youtube][/video]

Before that it was Cee-lo Green. That man is a genius.

      • I'll drink to that.

        Here's another one I'm hooked on.


They're both haunting, yet both give me tinglies...down...there o.o


Even though I have no idea what they are saying this one is my favorite for writing

This one is for when I want to feel sad for drama rps hehe
Misanthropiclove, you seriously win for listening to Poe. I haven't thought of/listened to that song in years!

I'm alternating between two songs at the moment:


Classic rock.


And a contemporary version of a classical operatic score. XD Bit of an odd combination, I suppose.
You know, ever since I've been playing Solipskier, this tune was just so fun to listen to. What is it, you ask?

Joe Stump's Speed Metal Messiah.

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