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Obsession, What song do you have on repeat?


Jun 23, 2010
I've got an idea for a thread.

What's your favorite song or current obsession? What song do you have on your playlist and have played at least a hundred times on repeat?

Here's mine, it inspires a lot of my writing.

Zombies Galore said:
It's pretty much fuckin' great, in my opinion.

Have you heard their Hall & Oates cover album?
Of course! I've had the worst Hall & Oats obsession since I was a girl and I just had to listen to it when they covered it. I Can't Go For That for that is my favorite song that they covered, Inara has such a beautiful voice. I saw them when they first started out in a little club down town L.A. and I was living in East L.A. with a friend of mine.​
Guro said:
Of course! I've had the worst Hall & Oats obsession since I was a girl and I just had to listen to it when they covered it. I Can't Go For That for that is my favorite song that they covered, Inara has such a beautiful voice. I saw them when they first started out in a little club down town L.A. and I was living in East L.A. with a friend of mine.​

-dies of jealousy-

There is little I have to say about the subject beyond that.
Haha gawsh it was all coincidence, there are so many upcoming bands that I've seen from the start, it's so amazing to live in L.A. you go outside and you just see art everywhere in everything. I saw Mars volta when they first started out as well.

Where do you live? If you don't mind me asking~​
I live in Oregon. I might be moving to Chicago within the next few months, depending on how things pan out.

I think seeing art everywhere would be really awesome. My town's really artsy--there are lots of murals, lots of walls and trains to tag, art galleries--but nothing on the scale of LA. About the only thing we have to offer is that one of the members of Electric Six was born here.

EDIT: Also home of Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters.
I've never been anywhere farther than las vegas, I'm so horrible with snow. I heard it snows a lot on Chicago, is that true?

Oh it is amazing, doesn't matter what day or time it is, when you stop out into the city you can just feel amazing, I would always go for walks when I lived there, though it can be a little dangerous. Oh wow! I didn't know that to be honest, must be pretty nice.
I've never been to Chicago, but given it's in Illinois, I'll lay down money it snows a lot.

About the only long term effect Ken Kesey has had on this city is the profound amount of hippies that go here to die.

Don't laugh. XD I have an odd taste in music. >.>
The sign of a true nerd. >3>;
This song wants to make me save the world again.


And this song will play when I begin my homicidal war on spammers.

O-o although im sure Zune Lies, The most played song on My play is... Utau Speaker By MC Illreme*

Here it is:

*MC Illreme is the same Illreme that made Kuru Kuru Rock from "We ♥ Katamari"


I've been playing this over and over.
Guro said:
I've got an idea for a thread.

What's your favorite song or current obsession? What song do you have on your playlist and have played at least a hundred times on repeat?

Here's mine, it inspires a lot of my writing.


Oh goodness, I dance to cocorosie hardcore!

For the longest Fucking time this wierd ass song was stuck in my head.

I'm beginning to like Legion more and more~ :3


x3 - I think this song/video would make a bad ass rp plot o.o;
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