Burned Bones and Broken Souls {1x1 with DarkMudkip}


Jun 3, 2013
((Let's start this off~~))

Elvira laid on the floor of the second story master bedroom staring up at the ceiling and watching dust float past. For five hundred fourth two days she had been waiting for a new family to move into the home, lightly pulling at her thick black locks. "Five hundred and fourty two days." She muttered. "I mean, I know this house is shitty, but it isn't that bad."
Rapid footfalls beat hard on the ground, a girl wearing a large dirty black zip-up hoodie manuevering through the foliage; her breathing comin out as heavy pants. She tripped over a tree root that stuck from the earth and she fell on her face before getting up and running again. She found a rather large old house and rushed towards the door, ripping it open and moving inside, shutting the door and leanig against it, panting hard before sliding to the floor
Elvira sat up quickly and blinked. Someone was in the house, a living and breathing human being was in the house. She didn't even have to get up, phasing through the floor she appeared on the stairs, looking at the dirty girl before her, glad people could see her, it made spying easier. True some people could see her, but other normal people could only get the feeling of being watched. "A kid..?"
She drew her knees to her chest and her body trembled, weak sobs coming from her person. She gripped the hood over her head before lightly punching herself in her head
Elvira perked and moved down the stairs. "Hey no.. Don't do that..." She moved over, reaching out to grab her wrist, but her hand just phased through her wrist, making the temperature drop a bit. "Shoot."
Elvira sighed weakly and looked down at her transparent hands. The only time she was able to touch things physically was either when really upset or when she concentrated extremely hard, but so far she was only able to push a tiny glass marble back and forth. That's it! Maybe she could knock the marble down the stairs! No.. That'd probably scare the kid. She sighed heavily and sat on the floor before the girl and made a face, leaning forward to try and see what she looked like under the hoodie.
Bits of blue peeked out from under the hood, streaks of black on pale cheeks. Removing her hood, deep fire red hair fading down to blue ends of hair stuck out short and matted, dark make-up running and forest green eyes puffy from crying.
She made a noise and sat down cross-legged in front of the girl. "Okay, so since almost everyone who entered this house can't see or hear me, I guess I'll just start off by introducing myself. My name is Elvira and I'm a ghost! I've been dead for two hundred seventy four years and this house has been empty for over five hundred days. I live here at this glorious mansion and apparently just about anyone's allowed in here, even ratty kids who appear to have run away." She rambled on, angry she had no one to talk to.
Elvira stopped talking, staring with wide eyes at the girl. "You can actually hear me?" She asked, stunned. "Oh thank heavens.. For moons no one has been able to hear or see me!"
"I hear you just fine...I'm kinda...more intune with the supernatural than most girls I know...I guess that's why I don't have any friends..." She said
Elvira was nearly trembling with excitment. "This is amazing! I mean I'm sorry I called you ratty, but I'm just so glad I'm able to speak to someone! It's been so long!" She stood up and started to pace, grinning widely, coffee colored eyes sparkling.
"I've been called much worse, ratty is a compliment..." Meadow replied. She tried to run her fingers through her matted hair, frowning when her fingers caught and tugged, "Damn..." She muttered. She played with her sleeve, "Is it cool if I...stay here...?"
"Well, I'm not really the land lord, so I guess. Everyone's kinda just forgot about this piece of property... It's actually really big, three fourths of an acre. It's kinda nice here, but it gets cold at night." She explained, plopping down on the stairs. "Everything should still work, but you'll have to turn on the gas lines, that's around back."
"The upstairs master bedroom has a view of the forest and the front of the yard... It's also the only door with a lock." She said and smoothed out her white nightgown; the same gown she had work since the day she died.
Elvira frowned. "You're hurt." She looked Meadow over and for the first time she noticed the scrapes and bruises on her face. "What happened, who did this to you?"
"That too, but you winced when you stood." She pointed out, then rubbed her head. "But it's not like I could do anything or force you to do anything." She shrugged.
She made a face and disappeared, appearing up on the roof. "Stupid kid.." She muttered stubbornly. "This first person I get to actually talk to and she's headstrong... She could've been talkative and fun, but no, she's a tough one.." She crossed her arms looking out across the trees.
Meadow sighed softly and moved upstairs, entering the bedroom and shutting the door. She moved over to a dusty and cracked mirror, dusting it with her sleeve before looking herself over. Unzipping her jacket slowly and pulling it gently from her shoulders, she slowly revealed to herself the purple and black marks decorating her pale skin. She frowned heavily and hugged herself in shame, dropping to her knees and doubling over
Elvira felt a heavy feeling of shame radiate from the house and she made a noise, waiting a minute before appearing inside. Seeing that she wasn't in the doorway anymore, she moved up the stairs and walked straight through the door, watching Meadow. "You're hurt... You should be at the doctors.."
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