Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Krystal had been feeling very sick these past few days, even throwing up a few times. "Ugh, what is happening to me? I've had all my shots.." she mused, looking around her giant blue bedroom in the imperial palace on the moon. Her long dark blue hair tails blew in the wind as she Walked out to the balcony, looking out to earth. "Oh Atem my love, I'm so exited for our wedding. Hopefully mother will let me go down to see you." She said, her big glacier blue eyes dreamy. There were a few things she had to attend to before leaving for Egypt though. The first being getting dressed. She was still in her pajamas.

Krystal happily dressed, singing her and Atem's song softly to herself. She knew there was something going on in her body, but she didn't know what. Once she was properly dressed, tiara and all, she slipped of to the infirmary, where she told the mercurian doctors her symptoms and they took some tests. She would have her answer shortly. She hoped she would be okay to see her spiky haired Egyptian god tonight. She loved him so much. A few moments later, a nurse came into the room she was laying in, smiling widely. "Princess, I am pleased to announce that you are pregnant! About 2 months along. I'm so happy for you highness. Pharaoh will be quite pleased I am sure." She said, smiling again at the blue moon princess before leaving the beautiful princess alone with her thoughts.

"I'm pregnant?!?! Oh, this is happy news, but I'm afraid of what Atem will say. Who knew that one night together after our engagement would change our lives forever." She thought to herself as she rubbed her stomach a little, getting a vision of their baby boy. "Marik. I'll name him Marik." She said with a smile as she left the room to prepare to go see Atem and tell him the shocking yet happy news. Krystal changed her dress at least 10 times before settling on a dark blue Egyptian cotton one that Atem had given her. It was his favorite dress on her. The young princess then painted her nails and toenails the same deep blue, smiling at her good handiwork. Next were her sandals. She chose dark blue leather ones with sapphires beaded unto them.

When she was done dressing, she put on some light make up and looked into the mirror, smiling. "Perfect" she concluded, and was off to the throne room to ask her mother if she could go down to earth to see her handsome pharaoh. The queen simply nodded her head and Krystal bowed thank fully, manifesting some moon roses for her mother and kissing her cheek.

"Thank you mother." She said with a bright smile and another bow, disappearing and landing right at Atem's chambers. She knocked lightly, hoping he was not sleeping, as it was around midnight his time.
Atem was not asleep. In fact he was very wide awake, staring out one of the windows, looking up at the moon. The moon where his beloved Krystal lived. How he missed her so and usually spent his nights looking out at the moon when she was away. He was shocked when he heard the knocking on his door. Not many would dare to knock at his door, especially so late at night. He turned away from the window and headed toward the door.

As he got closer to the door, he almost gasped. He wasn't expecting her. Was that really his beloved at the door. He cleared his throat to slightly dampen his excitement as a precaution just in-case. Finally he opened his door and smiled softly before pulling her into his arms and kissing her. "Krystal, my beloved. Not that I'm not happy to see you but what brings you here so late?"
Krystal looked at him in all his handsomeness, kissing him back softly. They had never been formal anyway. "Something wonderful has happened my love." She said kind of cryptically, cuddling close. She wanted to tell him, but was unsure what to say. She kissed him again softly, pulling him over to the bed, where they had had their first time.

The words were at the tip of her tounge, but she didn't quite know how to say it. Krystal wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his chest for awhile. The scent of his body always calmed her down, no matter the sitchuation. She picked up her head an looked straight into his eyes, and as icy blue met blood red, she murmured. "Atem, I'm pregnant."
Atem was excited and anxious to learn what Krystal's news would be. But he could still be patient with her. And so he sat with her on his bed, holding her close. His eyes widened when he heard her tell him she was pregnant.

He then smiled excitedly and stood up with her in his arms, holding her by her waist as he swung her around with a laugh. "My darling, that's wonderful news." He set her on her feet gently and kissed her.
Krystal smiled. "I'm so glad you feel that way my spiky haired Egyptian god. I love you." She said as she kissed him softly, Pulling him as close to her as she could and flopping down on the bed. She loved the feel of just being able to lay there with him, cuddled close for as long as possible. She sensed something on the horizon though. Something that even though was dark, was also light. She knew it was Bakura. Had he decided to do his annual birthday kidnapping early? She sighed inwardly. Baki was her best friend besides her sister; but even she got tired of seeing Atem in a heated battle against him.

Krystal cuddled up close to her fiancee, kissing him softly and singing their song. It was soothing to be with her love again, even if it had only been a week or too since she had seen him. When they were married though, she would be able to spend every waking moment with her love, and she was euphoric. Nothing could be better than being with her shadow king.
Atem smiled. "And I love you, my blue-haired moon princess." He kissed her back, holding her close. As they laid on his bed, he couldn't help but lay a hand on her stomach, in awe of the little life he knew was growing inside of her. A little life they created. Knowing that they were expecting a little one made him all the more excited for their wedding. A day after which, he would always be able to have her by his side.
Krystal smiled, cuddling close and kissing his cheek softly. She was relishing the feeling of being with him, putting her hand over his on her stomach. "I had a vision my love.its gonna be a boy. I was toying with the idea of naming him marik. What do you think my love?" She asked him with a light smile, laying her head on his shoulder. She loved being with him, she loved him. There was nothing better than being with him. She could hear the sound of his soft heart beat, and it lulled her off to sleep, dreaming of a time when Baki and Atem could get along.
Atem's grin grew. "A son huh? I would be just as proud if it were to be a boy or a girl. Marik....the name is perfect." He kissed her one more time and gently stroked his fingers through her hair. When he saw she was asleep he smiled and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. "Goodnight princess." He fell asleep soon after, dreaming of her and their unborn son.
Krystal slept peacefully, but what she saw in her dreams confused her. She was dreaming about a different time altogether! It was A time where she had exes galore climbing her, Atem at her side and other weird happenings. She didn't get it. She still slept peacefully next to her love though, squeesing his hand in her sleep. She liked being able to be with him. It was something she missed when he was not with her on the moon or she was here on earth.
Atem squeezed her hand back in sleep, his arms wrapping tightly around her and pulling her close. He always slept peacefully when she was with him. But when they were apart, he was lucky to get sleep at all. That was the effect she had on him. He wouldn't have it any other way though.
Krystal slept peacefully still, dreams of her son and being with Atem running through her mind. She cuddled close to him, aware of who was coming. She could sense him even in her sleep. "Baki" she breathed out, before she started to snore lightly, deep in sleep. She didn't sleep much when Atem wasn't with her. She could sleep, but she much preferred having his arms wrapped around her. He kept the bad dreams away. He kept her free from nightmares of the inevitable fall of the moon kingdom after her death.
Atem didn't hear the whispered name from Krystal's lips, being too deep in sleep himself.

Bakura had to keep from chuckling aloud as he sneaked into the pharaoh's chambers. He knew Krystal sensed him coming. She always did but still made it quite easy to 'kidnap' her anyway. Carefully, he disentangled Krystal from Atem's embrace and headed off with her, leaping from the Pharaoh's window for a quick escape to the ground below.
Krystal awoke with a start, fearing something had happened. She relaxed when she saw Bakura carrying her off on his black horse. "Hi Baki." She said with a smirk, kissing his cheek. She didn't particularly like it when Atem and he fought, but she loved being with Baki. Atem may hate him, but he had hallways been a sweetheart to her. She knew she would miss him when she became queen of Egypt.

Krystal never really knew why the handsome thief kept kidnapping her, and frankly she was rather curious about it. She had never asked him though, in fear she would not like the answer. She loved Baki. It wasn't the same way she loved Atem, to be sure, but she did love him. She wished so hard that Atem and he could get along. She knew if the two of them could just talk, they'd be friends. Even if neither of them knew it. The were both much alike.
Bakura chuckled as Krystal awoke. "Hello to you too Krys." He carried her on to his usual spot and sat her down. He loved his best friend and was quite jealous of the Egyptian pharaoh for being able to actually have Krystal. And because of that refused to actually try to be friends with Atem, no matter how much his friend asked him to.
Krystal hugged him. "Missed you Baki. Feels like forever since I saw you." She said with as smile, laying her head on his shoulder. Atem thought that Bakura was evil, but she knew better. She knew about his past, and tried to make him feel better. Krystal didn't like what Atem's father had done to his village but the one power she did not have was to change the past. She didn't care what Atem said about him. She knew she was always safe with her Baki.

"So, to what do I owe this kidnapping, Baki? To afraid to kidnap me on my wedding day?" She said with a chuckle, kissing his cheek softly again. She wished she could have invited him, but Atem wouldn't have liked that. He would have scolded her. He would have said "Krystal my beloved, I know you two are close but he is just to dangerous to have at the wedding." She could could almost hear his voice now, but could sense that he was still sleeping. She would let him. Krystal knew how little sleep he got when she was gone from his sight.
Bakura chuckled. "Not of your pharaoh I'm not. I just know better than to anger you. Plus there's also your sister and your guard to deal with as well. I'm not stupid. That Mars would love nothing than to set my ass on fire. Even if that's the only thing you leave unscathed once you're done with me."
Krystal laughed. "True, true. And nobody's afraid of Atem. He's a Teddy bear" she commented, laughing still. She cuddled close to him, shivering in the breeze. Why was she always so cold? She knew better to than to tell Baki about marik. He was very protective of her. If she told him, he might kill Atem. Krystal kissed his cheek, arching into his touch. Why did the two most important men in her life have to fight all the time? It hurt her to think about it.

Krystal smirked at Baki. "Is it present time, Baki?" She asked, looking every bit like an excited child. He always gave her the best presents.
Bakura snorted. "Maybe to you he is. But then again you two and your shadow powers...quite ruthless. The people here definitely don't want to go against him in a duel for their lives. They'd rather Priest Seth." He sighed and draped something over her. "You're always cold. You're gonna get looks shivering in the desert."

He sighed and dug something out. "Of course its present time. That's usually why I kidnap you so I can give you your present in peace." He handed her a wrapped box
Krystal smiled. "Aw, Baki... I wish everyone else could see the part of you I do. The good I know lurks inside you, thief king." She said as she opened the box to find a gold sapphire and lapis encrusted bracelet. She could tell he had made it, just by touching it. He was hallway such a good black smith, she asumed this was a similar concept.

"Baki, its stunning. I'll treasure it." She said with a large smile, kissing his cheek in thanks as she laid her head back on his shoulder and manifested a gold bracelet with onyx encrusted in it. She manfested a similar box to Baki's around it and handed it to him, smirking widely. "A present for a present. Hope you like it Baki." She said, cuddling close. She missed spending time with her Baki. He was like another brother to her.
Bakura chuckled. "Ever think they won't see it cause I don't want them to? Maybe I don't want to get all close with everyone like you'd prefer. For a tough princess, you can be as naive as your sister in that area."

He groaned when she gave him a present. "You defeat the purpose of my gift to you being a birthday gift if you give me something."
Krystal laughs. "You know I just like spoiling you Baki." She said with a smirk, nudging him to open it. She knew it was an early birthday present, but she still wanted to give him something, since she didn't know when she would see him again. Baki was unpredictable in when he would kidnap her, apart from her birthday. He never knew when she would see him until he was practically there.

Krystal cuddled close to her friend, kissing his cheek. "I know you only show your soft side to me cause you looove me." She said with a giggle. She was speaking of friendly love though of course, not knowing that the handsome thief king loved her loved her. "Just open your present Baki." She added, kissing his cheek again before laying her head on his shoulder.
Bakura rolled his eyes. "As you wish princess." He teased before he opened the box, his eyes widening almost comically. "But....why? Why must you spoil me so. You take all the fun out of being the thief king." He pouted.

"Yes I love you. I tolerate your sister though. You two are a package deal. Sometimes I wonder how the Pharaoh managed to snag you without having someone for your sister." He meant a different love than what he knew she meant.
"Seth loves Sere to his core, but she doesn't realize it. She's to busy planning her wedding to that jerk endymion. I feel for my friend. She has hurt him so deeply and does not even know it." Krystal said with a loud sigh, putting her birthday present onlike wh her wrist. She didn't like what her sister did to Seth, but she forgave her because she knew her sister didn't know. "Do you like it Baki? I hand made it." She added, smiling at him. She missed how Baki could make her smile no matter how sad or frustrated she was.

Krystal hugged her friend, cuddling him close. She knew there was something he wasn't telling her, but she did not press. She knew Baki would tell her whatever it was when he was ready, but what she didn't know was that he told her every time she saw him. Krystal looked up to the moon dreamily, smiling at it. "Someday I'll take you there. To my home. I know you would just love it. All the peace might make you a bit crazy though. Baki, don't forget no matter how long you live, that your soul is not black like you think it is. I know you to well to even think for a moment otherwise." She said, kissing his cheek again. It was so nice to be with him. She was sad almost. She didn't want to leave his comforting arms. Krystal loved Atem to her soul, but with Baki it was different. With him she didn't have to worry about duty or being proper. It was a calm feeling.
Bakura had to hold back a chuckle. It seemed that he had more in common with Seth than Krystal knew. Definitely more in common with Seth than with that idiot Pharaoh. If only Krystal knew she was hurting him likely as deeply as her sister hurt Seth.

He turned away after she kissed his cheek again. "Then maybe you do not know me as well as you think. I do not think my soul is black. I know it is. He sighed and turned back around, scooping her up in his arms once more, leaving his place and heading back to the palace. "Time to return you to the almighty Pharaoh. Normally I enjoy those battles with him. But this time I'll return you before he has the chance to come fight. Consider this my wedding present to you."
Krystal looked at him, just watching. Something about Baki was different then the last time. She sensed a deep sadness in him. She wanted to fix it, but didn't know how. Something told her it had something to do with her. It hurt to know she could possibly hurt him so deeply. "Baki... whatever I did, I'm sorry. Please don't be sad." She looked at him with her big blue eyes, feeling as though she would cry, but she stopped herself. If Atem were awake when she got back and saw she was crying, a battle would ensue anyway. She didn't want to see that happen.

Her mind wandered a little as they rode back, unable to control her feelings. She knew she had hurt him, but she couldn't figure on why. Why would the great thief king Bakura be sad because of her? It didn't make sense.
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