Feral Pokemon (Ren Olvry x Vmpdevil101

Both Nini and Ami looked at his member even the small bit that he was allowing them to see and they both blushed it was easy to see more so on Ami's face then Nini's as she turned her head prancing up next to him leaving Ami to walk behind them. "We could go to the lake that's where Ami's friend Alex is." she said moving in front of him "Alex is really pretty!" Nini said with joy walking backwards. Ami watched them as Nini danced around Brut like she was talking to him or something.
A slight smirk came across his face as Nini spoke, his head tilting slightly to the side in some interest. 'You say 'pretty,' so I guess you mean another female? I'd almost wonder if two mates aren't enough for someone like me, but sure, we'll see this 'Alex' anyway,' he playfully commented, giving the female Ninetales' muzzle a small lick or two, even now rather enjoying lightly teasing and playing with his two new mates. And if there were a third to take, well... he wouldn't exactly complain. On to this lake for now, then, he supposed.
Nini flicked her tail about skipping off in front of both of them to lead Brute to the lake. Ami looked at Nini as she happily showed them the way "We going to the Lake Nini?" she asked her face turning red at the thought of the lake. Nini turned around nodded in excitement "But you know Alex is there and Alex doesn't like you, or really anyone." she muttered playing with her bottom lip. Ami looked at Brute "Well maybe I'll take you both so Alex will see that there will be baby ninetales coming." she nodded to herself. Ami knew Nini always watched Alex from a far it seemed as if Nini liked Alex a lot. "Brute you'll really like Alex he helps out on the farm a lot and he's actually really pretty for a boy." Ami said shyly
So it was a boy after all... ah well, so long as he didn't get in the way of one of his new mates, 'Brute' wasn't likely going to have any issues. Not that he could help but... remind the two once more that they were his, a tail each slipping between Nini's and Ami's legs to rub momentarily against their slits, albeit covered by clothing on Ami's part. That particular tail also flicked a little over the human girl's stomach, the male Ninetales' interest in seeing if anything could or would happen there still lingering. 'So I suppose that would be this 'Alex,' then?' he asked, glancing over to the lake and the boy around he'd caught some scent of when they'd almost arrived.
Ami looked at Brute blushing when his tail brushed against her wet pantie covered sex she wondered why he keep touching her there but soon brushed the thought off her mind when she heard Alex yell "Get those damn Ninetails away from here Ami." Ami's head popped up to look at Alex as he glared at her "Hi to you too Alex." she said as Nini sat down and Ami continued to walk. "Stay there Brute." Ami said looking over at him holding her hand up like he'd listen. Nini looked at Brute with a grin "You know if you follow her you'll see Alex likes her but she has no idea." Nini said laying down on the grass "Or maybe she has a thing for Pokémon not humans." she laid her head on her front paws and licked them
His ears flicked up as soon as he heard the yell, and eyes calmly glanced over to the human male a short ways away. 'You mean like me? I am the one that claimed her as a mate, after all, and I'm certainly not going to let some human take her from me,' he replied with a light smirk. 'I may just have to show him that she's mine, if he does desire her, just as I would others if it seemed they desired you. You're both my mates now, after all,' he added somewhat thoughtfully, casually defying the little 'order' and padding along after Ami, one of his tails stroking along her leg as he reached her. For now his crimson-eyed gaze calmly fixed on this 'Alex,' curious what he might do if he really did like Ami in that way.
Ami walked forward to where Alex stood eyeing her. "Hey Alex guess what..." she began jumping when she felt Brutes talk against her. Ami turned to Brute "Brute go back by Nini Alex really doesn't like Pokémon." she whispered "Don't worry Alex isn't a bad guy." she got down on her knees looking at Brute "I'll try and convince him your a good Pokémon then he'll love you just as much as I do." she hugged him and kissed him by his ear.
'Just as much?' He hoped not, in a way, but ah well, he still had a small... show to put on. After all, he didn't care if this Alex was good or bad, only that he didn't try and take Ami for himself. For now, though, he gave a slight nod, nonetheless nuzzling against the girl's neck for a moment and giving it a small lick around where he'd left his little mark on it with his teeth earlier. Tilting his head over a little, he gave Ami's lips a somewhat firm lick, pushing his tongue past them to enjoy the taste of her own tongue again as it lapped against it for a few moments before he pulled away with a teasing smirk. With that, he trotted off back to Nini for now, laying himself next to her and resting his head lightly over hers, his crimson eyes nonetheless still fixed on Ami and Alex, making sure nothing would happen that he didn't like.
Ami watched at Brute walked back over to Nini a little surprised that he licked her lips and she started blushing. "You got a new pokemon huh?" Alex asked from behind her and Ami jumped and turned to look at him. "Kinda..." she said moving her hair over her neck so he wouldn't see the love bite on her neck that Brute left. "I wanted you to see him. He's so cute and big and fluffy." she grinned as his eyes darted over to Brute "What'd you name him fluffy or something?" He asked with a grin knowing Ami very well. "No!" she blushed at the thought of her naming him fluffy. "Of course not." he teased her. "His names Brute." she grinned at him "Like Brutus?" he asked and she shock her head "Just Brute." he nodded "So... I'm guessing you want me to go over there to meet the fluffy thing?" he asked and she nodded "On one condition..." he said with a playful grin. "Ok what?" she said tilting her head to the side "How about a date?" he watched her and her eyes widened "ah... no." she said flately "Ok a kiss then?" he chimmed and she thought about it and nodded "Just one kiss then." she leaned in and went to kiss his cheek and he turned his head making her kiss his lips.
His ears flicked up from where he rest as the two humans spoke, trying to catch as much of it as he could regardless of distance. Crimson eyes narrowed slightly as it went on, especially on the mention of a 'kiss.' So he did fancy the girl, then, and if she allowed him, he was even going to get in the way. Perhaps not, considering her following action that, so far as he could tell, was merely going to be a kiss on the cheek; he could allow that much. Not so much what the boy chose to pull next, however. Growling lightly, he quickly got up and darted over to the two, using a few tails to push Alex away from Ami and casting a somewhat fierce glare up to him. "Mine," it could almost sound like he growled out.
Ami felt Alex's lips on her and her eyes flashed open the first thing she thought was 'What's Brute gonna think?' she quickly went to push Alex away but it was to late Brute was already there pushing him away and growling at him. "It's ok Brute." Ami cooed to him petting his head softly "Alex is an old friend of mine..." she looked up at Alex "That wasn't cool Alex." he rubbed his head "Sorry... looks like you have another male admirer as well." he motioned his head to Brute "He your boyfriend now?" he asked jokingly "He'd be better then you." she snapped and he looked at her a little taken back by her comment "Sorry... I shouldn't have kissed you like that." he stared at Brute and growled back at him as if saying 'yeah I can do the same thing'. Ami punched his arm "Stop that he's just a Pokémon."
So the girl disapproved of that act... good, then. Visibly calming down as soon as he took note of that simple fact, he let his tails fall again, his head nuzzling up a little against the girl's hand. His only reaction to the boy growling at him, however, was a slight scoff in the way of someone who didn't care about the act. 'Just a pokemon,' however, wasn't exactly a comment he could let slide, and thus one of his tails pointedly reached up behind Ami to brush gently against her neck, at the same time drawing her hair away from the mark he'd left there. With that done, he nuzzled a little against the girl's stomach, his eyes lingering on Alex to see how the one who apparently might wish to steal one of his mates away might think of it, another of his tails meanwhile sliding gently up one of Ami's legs.
Alex watched as Ami hugged Brute and then his eyes narrowed as he say the mark on her neck "What's that on your neck?" he asked looking at the mark that Brute had left on her neck. "Oh Brute gave it to me." she rubbed it looking up and rubbing it like she didn't want Alex to look at it. "He acts as if you belong to him isn't it the other way around?" Alex scoffed with a chuckle. "Well... yeah but no... ah..." Ami said trying to think of how to explain what happened without making Alex freak out. "What the hells that thing doing?" he snapped grabbing Ami and pulling her away from Brute as his tail traveled up her leg. "Didn't you say it mated with your ninetales? cause I think the thing wants to do the same thing to you." he stated holding onto Ami tightly.
A slight growl rumbled from the Ninetales as the boy suggested he belonged to Ami. No, perhaps he was a pokemon, but she was his, as he saw it, and to him that was all that mattered. Glaring slightly at Ami, he flicked a tail up again to brush momentarily across the mark he'd left. Annoying as it was that he couldn't very efficiently communicate with her, he still hoped that and glancing briefly from it to Alex would get across the point that he wanted her to explain. Sure he didn't expect the boy to like it, but well, that was his problem, not Brute's. The Ninetales had already claimed his mates, that was just how it was. Even then, he slipped most of his tails between them to somewhat forcibly separate them, afterward placing himself just in front of Ami.
Alex looked at the mark on Ami's neck "That perverted pup marked you didn't he?" he snapped at Ami and she frowned she wasn't sure how to answer that question. "Well yes." she said and his eyes went wide "did you let him?" he asked and Ami looked away nodding "Did you like it?" he asked like it was disgusting and she bit her lip she didn't want to tell him the truth but she didn't want to lie "At first no... but then..." Alex stared at her like she was some kind of freak "You liked it?" he barked and she looked up at him and nodded "Ah..." he stared at her like he didn't know what to say.
Frowning just slightly, Brute nuzzled gently against the girl's stomach, a few tails gently stroking along one of her arms. However much the boy was causing him problems, he himself didn't exactly want to cause too many problems for one of his new mates. After all, however... well, admittedly brutish he could be, that didn't mean he didn't care. Giving her arm a slight tug with his tails, he tilted his head momentarily back in the direction of her home, glancing up to her to see if she'd go. Even then, he glared slightly at Alex, glancing momentarily to Ami then back to him as if to tell him to apologize for hurting her in such a way. The Ninetales intended to let it go for the most part, but he wasn't just going to completely let it slide.
Ami stood there looking down at Brute as he nuzzled against her stomach she enjoyed his soft fur on his tail as it brushed along her arm. She knew he would never really cause her problems or at least not on purpose. Ami felt him tug on her arm as she stared Alex down and she turned around and followed behind Brute but stopped and turned around running at Alex and she nailed him in the face sending him down to his ass. "Don't make fun of me!" she huffed then walked away following Brute as Nini sat up looking at Brute "She's never done that before." Nini said tilting her head to the side watching Ami as she walked up to them muttering to herself about how mad she was. "Lets go!" she barked at them walking past them. Nini found it amusing and quickly trotted after her.
Brute blinked in surprise, glancing quickly back as the girl broke from his, albeit loose, grip. Rather hoping she wasn't rushing over to give the boy anything good, he was not by any means disappointed with what happened. A very obvious amused grin came over his features as he walked away with Ami and Nini, a few of his tails gently wandering over both of them. 'She's also never mated with a pokemon before. Day of firsts for her, I can imagine,' he replied. Intent on not keeping Ami angry whatever the case, Brute wrapped a few tails loosely back around her nearest arm, stroking gently up and down it as he trotted along at her side. Giving her hand a small lick, he moved a little to lead her toward her home itself, hoping to see what it was like actually inside there.
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