Feral Pokemon (Ren Olvry x Vmpdevil101

Idly placing the pokeballs off to the side, he somewhat returned the hug, wrapping some of his tails gently around the girl. Whatever was in them, he couldn't care less. All he cared was that he had a fun new human mate whom he'd stick around to see what would happen, not to mention if his seed might take hold. How it might possibly work with a human, he hadn't a clue, but it was a curious thought nonetheless.

Upon the kiss to his face, however, he blinked in curiosity, deciding in turn to test something out. Nuzzling against her cheek for a moment, he gave her cheek a small lick before turning his head a little to give her lips a slight, experimental lick. He'd seen humans do somewhat similar; he figured if it worked for them, maybe it could be enjoyable for him as well. Claiming a human already had been, after all.
Ami looked at him a little shocked yet curious at what he was doing when he licked her lips she opened her mouth slightly letting his tongue enter her mouth just a little. "You are an amazing ninetales." she whispered to him and hugged him and then picked up the balls and released her Pokémon. A female ninetales stomped her foot and flipped her head like she was mad at Ami. "I'm sorry Nini." she walked over to her other ninetales petting her and she huffed away mad and Ami chased after her.
Rather curious about the touch when she opened her mouth a little, he let his tongue flick slightly against the girl's own. Something he'd definitely have to try more of later, he couldn't help but think; perhaps around nighttime when it might be a good time to mate again, in his mind. For now, he glanced over to the other Ninetales as it was released from its pokeball, his eyes wandering the female fox's form for a moment.

'What are you so mad about?' he asked after chasing after both of the two females, though to the human girl, it wouldn't come out as such words.
Ami looked over her shoulder at the new male ninetales she'd sort of caught and then smiled thinking he was helping her. Nini turned her head looking at him "What's it to you stray?" she said her voice like music to the ears. Nini turned swiftly running back over to the male pokemon making Ami come off balance and fall onto her ass. Nini walked over to Ami rubbing her face against her and her head pulled away quickly "What's that smell." Nini said backing away from Ami "What'd you do to my Ami." she growled at him showing her teeth
'Stray,' hm? Well, he couldn't exactly deny it, strictly speaking. But of course, with her nose, it was only natural that the female Ninetales would catch the scent of what had happened just earlier. Wandering over himself, the male fox sat himself a short ways from the females; one his mate, the other probably intended as his mate before he'd chosen to claim the human girl.

'I mated her. And before you'll likely get angry at me further, she fully accepted it,' he replied, casually as could be. As if to prove it, he stepped closer to Ami, nuzzling a little into her neck and giving it a small lick before his crimson eyes turned back to the other Ninetales.
Ami looked at him with a large smile as his tongue touched her neck and she shivered with excitement as Nini's snapped at him to get him away from Ami "She's not aloud to be your mate." she hissed at him preparing herself for a fight Ami looked at Nini "Nini it's ok he's a friend." Ami touched Nini behind the ear and Nini calmed down her tails lowering "You better be glade Ami stopped me or you'd be dinner!" she rubbed up against Ami trying to get his scent off Ami.
'Jealous?' the male smirked slightly, plainly not threatened in the least whatever the female fox did. She could try and scare him off from the human girl all she wanted, he'd chosen his mate, that was all he particularly cared about. Still, it was going to be easier for him if the female wasn't so aggressive; he at least needed to do something about that. 'Nobody said I wasn't allowed to have more than one mate, so long as your human girl has her time with me as well...' he grinned somewhat playfully, leaning over to nibble gently at the female Ninetales' neck.
Nini jumped away from Ami and him shocked at what he was trying to do. She liked the thought of breeding with him after all he was a rather good looking male ninetales but he ruined her Ami. Ami smiled "Nini you should breed with him he's so cute and fluffy and he'd be a perfect mate." Nini looked at her then at him "What'd you do to my Ami?" she licked Ami's face trying to convince her not to like him.
'I mated her, like I said, and she most assuredly enjoyed it,' he replied, just as casually as before. Leaning over, he nuzzled a bit back into the human girl's neck, giving it a few more gentle licks before tilting his head over to flick his tongue over the female Ninetales' own tongue as the other fox licked the girl's face. 'I'll certainly not object to having two mates, especially since she seems to approve,' he offered, flicking a few of his tails along some of the other Ninetales' tails, a few of his other tails stroking along the human girl's back.
Nini glares at him and Ami moans out when she feels his tongue against her neck and Nini looks at him when their tongues touch and she looked at him then at Ami she figured why protest she'd get to mate with him and Ami seemed more then happy to share him with her. She moved over to him and placed her smaller head under his and rubbed against him. Ami grinned widely and clapped her hands together "Yah i'll have baby foxes!!!!" she said with glee
He gave a little grin at the female Ninetales' exclamation, nuzzling back against her. Baby foxes indeed, though he was still curious whether any such thing would happen with the human girl herself. He'd have to keep an eye on that, at the very least. Well, he still had more than enough energy left even after what happened earlier, and perhaps his other newest mate would... enjoy the show. So he moved himself over a little and atop the female fox, nuzzling into her neck and moving his tails down to direct the female's tails to the side and out of the way. His tails stroked lightly over the female's as he did, and he shifted his hips a little to more properly begin to mount the female, his quickly growing member moving toward the female fox's slit as he worked to find it.
Nini held still letting him climb on top of her to mount her like any normal male pokemon would do to a female before mating with them. Her tails split making it easier for him to enter her. Ami stood there watching him as he mounted her ninetales and for some reason she felt a sort of jealousy of Nini. Nini picked her hips up moving so that it would be easier for him to find her entrance.
Letting out a slight, lustful growl as the female rose her hips for him, he shifted his hips a little more to line them up with hers. Succeeding at that soon enough, he began to push himself into the female fox. Nibbling at her neck, he occasionally cast an amused glance toward the human girl herself, noting perhaps a hint of jealousy. Worked fine for him, in a way, though he didn't want to completely leave that other chosen mate of his out. While most of his tails stroked along the female Ninetales' tails, two of them reached over to Ami to stroke over her arms, giving her a slight tug closer. He still had some things he wanted to try, after all, and he had two females that were going to be sharing him anyway.
Nini purred out in pleasure as she felt him line himself up with her and then slide into her. Nini looked over at Ami as she noticed the bit of Jealousy in her eyes and she felt bad for making her master jealous but she couldn't help but enjoy the pleasure. Ami looked at him as his tail stroked her arm softly and pulled at her to get her to move closer. Ami moved close to the both of them wanting to be with him more then anything right now.
More and more he sped up the pace into the female Ninetales, enjoying the female fox's warm depths just as he'd enjoyed the human's earlier. Smirking slightly as his human mate indeed moved closer, he shifted a little on the female fox he was now mating so he could lean his head closer to the human. Still speeding up the pace into the fox, he lapped just slightly at the human's lips, eager to test a bit more of what he could find there now rather than waiting, to enjoy both of his new mates while he had them both here.
Nini held still to let him have his way knowing she needed to probably share him with Ami. Ami looked at him and opened her mouth a little feeling his tongue against her lips and she picked herself up moving even closer to him loving the taste of his tongue on hers. Nini shifted her hips so as to help him with his thrusting.
Letting out another small, lustful growl, he shifted slightly further on the female Ninetales, keeping his head pointed toward the human girl. Speeding up his pace still slightly further, he pressed his muzzle slightly against Ami's lips, his tongue pushing on a bit further. Eagerly it lapped against the girl's own tongue, enjoying the taste of it even as he thrust as far into Nini as he could go as he felt himself getting closer and closer to release, most of his tails wandering the female fox's form to try and bring the female fox even closer as well.
Ami reaches out holding onto his head lightly opening her mouth kissing her back playing with his tongue with hers. Nini backed into him her body growing closer to climaxing with ever thrust of his hips. Nini purrs out in pleasure as she cums around his cock as he thrusts into her his tails playing with her body as Ami's hand rubs against Nini's side.
The Ninetales' eyes steadily closed in content as he enjoyed all the sensations from both his mates, particularly his tongue playing along Ami's and his member buried deeply into Nini. Giving a final, hard thrust as he felt the female fox come to her release, he hit his own release as well, pouring his seed into the female just as he had with the human earlier. His body tensed over her as he did, claiming his second mate in the same day and by no means any less satisfied for it.

'Yeah... I could definitely enjoy it here with the two of you as mates,' he spoke with a light smirk as he moved off the female Ninetales, giving her neck a small nip and a few gentle licks to follow it. Nothing that would show thanks to the fur, unlike on Ami, but something to just as well claim her as his own all the same. Two mates all for himself; not a bad turnout at all, he couldn't help but think as his tails brushed lightly over both females' bodies.
Nini laid down on the ground satisfied with the out come of what just happened. Ami's hand played with Nini's soft fur and she laid her head on her stomach with joy "Little babies!" Ami said with glee and Nini looked up and licked Ami's face. Ami hugged Nini and then looked at him and hugged him wondering what she should call him. "She's going to give you a name." Nini chuckled in amusement as Ami thought for a name to give him.
All he really gave the matter of apparently having a name coming was a slight shrug, his head tilting slightly to the side in curiosity as he watched Ami. He didn't care too much what she ended up calling him, so long as it didn't end up changing his rather perfect situation here. And children... yes, definitely at least one with the female Ninetales, but he was still curious if it would happen with the human girl. Giving her neck a small lick as she hugged him, he leaned his head down to nuzzle against her stomach for a moment, giving it a small lick as well and glancing back up to her in interest to see if she might pick up his intent for the action.
Ami looked down at him as he licked her stomach and she wondered if he though she was pregnant. She wasn't sure if it was possible for humans to become pregnant with a pokemon she was sure she was probably the first one to try it. "I think I'll name you Brute." she giggled and Nini huffed "Or fluffy." Ami said pointing a finger and Nini laughed rolling around.
He didn't seem to get an answer to his little inquiry, but ah well... he'd find out in time, one way or another. On the latter suggestion of his to-be name, however, he gave a slight scoff. If they decided to call him that, there might be some issues, soft and fluffy though he knew his own fur to be. 'You can laugh, but I don't mind the first name, at least. It fits considering how I claimed you two as mine without minding any protest,' he commented with a little smirk, albeit only for the other Ninetales' benefit, since the human likely wouldn't be able to understand them. No doubt he had his pride, but if nothing else, he was a pokemon that had claimed a willing, if not at first, human mate; surely he deserved that much. Though his head did soon dip lower to nuzzle slightly between Ami's legs, giving her covered slit between them a single, firm lick before he began to trot off toward exploring his new 'territory,' such as it were, glancing once back to the two females to see if they'd follow, or perhaps more so show him around.
Ami thought about the name as Nini seemed to be laughing at her words "Ok so no on fluffy... Brute it is." she said pointing her finger when she felt Brutes nuzzle up against her inner thigh and his tongue firmly licked her sweet spot. Ami cooed out covering her mouth with her hand and then watched him trot off. Nini sat completely up watching him as he trotted away and seemed like he wanted them to follow. Nini stood up stretched and followed close behind him. Ami sat there for a few seconds and then stood up on her feet and walked over with Nini.
'Brute,' then... suited him fine. Perhaps it would give others the idea that he was dangerous, which he decidedly was, especially if they might ever choose to try and get between him and either of his two mates. They might share him, but he didn't intend to share them; that was how it was in his mind. So teasingly as the two females followed behind him, he flicked his tails up, showing off some of his hind end and part of his member for a moment with a playful little smirk on his face. 'So what's interesting to see around here, then?' he asked, mostly for the benefit of Nini who could actually understand him.
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