Feral Pokemon (Ren Olvry x Vmpdevil101

Oct 12, 2013
Ami had it in her mind that she was going to find herself a ninetails and she was going to breed it like no ones business. Ami was well known for the best and most well known breeder of almost all Pokémon. Sure she'd breed thousands now she wanted to breed a ninetails. She had heard that there was a feral ninetails somewhere around this location.

Ami had seen this ninetails once since she came out in this location a long time ago when she first started to become a world renowned Pokémon breeder. She smiled as she snuck around within the thickly covered forest that had soon enveloped her. Sure Ami knew the area pretty well she had lived here as a child so if need be should could run back home, but Ami felt beyond sure of herself.

"I'm going to find you... and catch you." she said softly to herself or maybe to the ninetails that was no where to be seen. She smiled to herself looking at the ground to look for any signs of tracks of the ninetails she knew lived in this area.
It had been a little while since someone had strayed into his territory, but largely speaking, it all ended the same way. He scared them off with some growling and a supposed aggressive nature, only for them to occasionally come back with some others for him to scare off just the same. None of them were quite a match, none of them posed an actual perceived threat to him... life went on, simply speaking. Though, in honesty, it had been a little while longer still since he'd seen a female; normally it was males that came around.

Letting his crimson red eyes gaze over the female's form, a few tails gave a somewhat interested flick behind him. So, feeling little need to waste any time in particular before likely scaring off yet another human in his little territory, the Ninetales pounced. Straight for the girl's back he went, intending merely to knock her down and stand over her with a slight growl, his tails nonetheless occasionally brushing against the female's legs.
Ami smiled with excitement that she had actually made it this far into the forest she knew that no one actually stayed this long in the forest without meeting with the 'dangerous' ninetails. She felt a sort of thrill race through her body as she walked around hearing noises that she suspected was just a normal thing for being so deep in the forest. Ami after a while of walking felt like an idiot for not having something a little more warm on and protective of her skin. She had on a pair of skin tight leggings that stopped just above her knees with that were black. She had on a very thin blue long almost dress long skirt that barely covered her ass with a white long duster jacket that stopped behind the knees and flared open in the front and was tide together at the top leaving her shirt viewable. She had on a pair of white ballet flats that seemed totally wrong for someone to wear in the woods but they felt right to her. Ami's hair was pulled back on one side in a French braid and the other side hung down and flipped out.

Ami felt something behind her and she slowly turned around when it hit her knocking her over onto her stomach. She feared it was something horrible standing over her but she prayed it was just that ninetails that she wanted to breed her Pokémon with. She slowly flipped over to see the Pokémon that had knocked her over. She sighed with relief as she noticed it was a ninetails "Thank god." she smiled looking up at the Pokémon that stood over her in a brutish nature. "Figures you'd be huge." she looked over the ninetails body to see which of her ninetails she be able to breed him with. "You're very pretty though." she reached up slowly to pet it.
The Ninetales' head tilted slightly to the side in curiosity as the girl spoke. More than seeming afraid, she seemed... interested? That was different, considering she seemed rather calm about it rather than openly being after him. He could respect that, in a way, but she was still an intruder. That would still have to be dealt with, in some way.

For now, though, he carefully calmed his stance, shifting himself to rest his forepaws lightly on her shoulders. Content to allow himself to be pet for now, he nuzzled his head gently into her hand, his crimson eyes wandering over the girl's form for a moment. Not bad, he had to admit, and there hadn't exactly been much for females of any sort, human or pokemon alike, around his territory for some time. Though there were still possible issues he was well aware of to take care of, and each of his nine tails curiously wandered her form, removing each pokeball they found and rolling them off to the side so that they wouldn't activate and he wouldn't have to deal with a likely to be aggressive pokemon as he had more than once in the past. Once he was satisfied that that was done, he tilted his head a little to give the girl's hand a small lick, his soft-furred tails sliding gently over her arms.
Ami looked up at the ninetales as it tilted its head probably wondering why she was acting so curious about it rather than running away like most others probably would. Ami knew if you were calm it was most likely that the Pokémon would be calm with you. She took a slow deep breath with a smile as he calmed his stance over her and then basically lay on top of her its large yet soft paws resting on her shoulders.
Ami reached up slowly petting the ninetales behind the ears softly with the flat part of her palm making sure not to agitate the ninetales. She smiled up at the large ninetales as he let her pet him gently. Her eyes widened in surprise as the ninetales leaned into her petting of him. She smiled softly at the ninetales “You like this?” she said softly so that she wouldn’t surprise it.

Ami could feel the ninetales tails running against her body and she giggled at the light touch “that tickles.” She told the Pokémon that laid a top her. “You’re a very pretty ninetales.” She whispered to him “I wanna take you home with me and breed you.” She smiled widely “I have female ninetales at home.” She hoped he could understand her or at least the part where she said she wanted to breed him. Ami’s hand continued to pet his head softly he was like a large stuff animal that she could cuddle with all night when she was alone. Her eyes watched him as his head turned and his tongue licked the inside of her palm. Ami giggled again when she felt the ninetales tails move over her arms. “That tickles.” She wiggled underneath him with a wide smile.
The Ninetales gave a slight nod upon her first question; indeed, it was fairly relaxing like this, enjoying the gentle touch. His ears perked up slightly in interest upon her offer, considering the possibility of taking at least one female Ninetales for himself for breeding. It wasn't a displeasing prospect, by any means, but... he was already here, and with her offering breeding in the way she had, he had his own little thoughts on the matter.

So he decided to push her a little, see precisely how far she might have been willing to go with that statement. A few of his tails thus strayed from her arms even as his head tilted down a little to snap through whatever was tying her jacket together that was beyond his care if it thus got damaged. The pokemon followed by moving his tails to push the jacket a bit further to the sides, leaving just the shirt that still covered her chest full in view. Interested as well to see how she might react after that, he nuzzled gently into her neck, granting it a few small licks as the tails that had moved her jacket trailed down her sides and to her legs.
Ami smiled at the fact he actually understood her. He was a smart ninetales which mean he was going to be perfect to breed her ninetales with. She continued to pet him trying to work on trust with him so that he’d come back with her to breed her ninetales with him. “You’ll love my ninetales they’re very pretty.” She grinned up at him

Ami flinched when he snapped through the tie that keep her jacket together letting it easily be opened. “That wasn’t very nice.” She said sternly to him as she reached up to look at jacket. Ami looked at him as his tails opened her jacket up to get full view of her shirt. Ami looked at him as he gave her small licks on the neck which she thought was more of a way for him to say ‘I’m sorry’. “Well I guess its ok I can always fix this jacket when I get home.” She said more to herself then to him.
Regardless of her little protest, he merely gave a slight shrug. For the moment, he didn't care much about whatever Ninetales she might have, pretty or otherwise. She was female, she was here, and she made what could be called a minor mistake in so casually mentioning breeding him. First, though, he supposed he had to give her the actual clue, since it appeared she wasn't presently catching it, rather dismissing his licks as an apology of sorts, he could only assume.

So, given that, he made sure his next moves would hardly be mistakable. Still resting himself over her and, effectively, keeping her from escaping from him, he nuzzled a bit further into her neck, occasionally replacing the small licks with gentle little nibbles, making certain to be careful with his sharp teeth. One of his tails meanwhile slid back up one of her legs and hiked up her skirt as it went, brushing the soft fur against her thigh and teasingly tracing the tip between her legs. He doubted, at least, that the girl would be able to mistake that for something else.
Ami looked up at the Ninetales as he lay a top of her holding her down with his large paws. Ami turned her head to the side as he started to nibble on her neck and lick it making her shiver. Ami turned her head quickly to stop him from continuing with the nibbling and licking of her neck it was making her feel very uncomfortable especially between the legs.
Ami’s eyes widened when she realized what this Ninetales was doing. “No!” she wiggled under him pushing her skirt back down “BAD!” she snapped at him flicking his nose softly to assert her dominance over him and she prayed this would work. “Bad ninetales!” she looked at him sternly.
The Ninetales only blinked in surprise as he was suddenly flicked upon the nose, glancing down with some curiosity to the fingers that had flicked it. 'Bad,' she said. Perhaps, but if she thought just that was going to do her any good, she was sorely mistaken. He was fully prepared to do things the hard way, but he far preferred to have the easy way. To have the female below him enjoy her 'breeding' just as much as he himself did.

Growling slightly in a form of his own dominance in turn, he wrapped a few of his tails around the girl's arms, holding them out to the side so she wouldn't be able to get in the way again. He'd enjoyed the petting, certainly, but for now until she submitted on her own, he'd just have to do without. With that done and having seen that she was apparently going to be obstinate to some degree, rather than hike her skirt back up, he opted instead to hook a few of his tails under it and tug it off completely, disallowing it to get in the way again. Satisfied that that was out of the way, he returned one of his tails between her legs, rubbing it more firmly at her covered slit. And while she'd sealed part of his neck to him, she'd only served to further expose the other side where his muzzle quickly went, resuming licking and nibbling gently at it as his tails did their work, between her legs as well as a few tailtips stroking over the arms he still held.
She looked up at the ninetales now knowing that she wasn’t going to be able to be dominant against this large beautiful Ninetales that easily would be able to overpower her if it really wanted to. Ami bit down on her lower lip nervous about the situation she had actually put herself in and she reached down to try and grab one of her pokeballs that she had brought with her and her eyes widened when she felt none of them. She could have sworn she put them in her pocket and then she realized that the ninetales probably got rid of them.
She looked up at him as he growled back at her to show off his dominance to her and she felt a slight bit of obedience run through her out of fear. When Ami felt his tails wrap around her arms to keep her in place she knew either way this ninetales was going to breed with her whether she was willing or not. Ami watched him as he yanked the skirt off of her body with a quick yank of his tail. She swallowed the large lump in her throat knowing it’d be better just to let it do what it wanted to her.
Ami felt his tail rub against her covered sex firmly over and over most likely trying to make her wet which wasn’t going to take it long she was already turned on. Ami thought to herself wondering if she was a pervert cause this situation was already turning her on. Ami moaned out in pleasure when he went to the other side of her neck licking and nibbling on it.
When his ears flicked up a little to hear her moan in obvious pleasure, he carefully released her arms from his tails' grip, trusting for now that they wouldn't get in his way again. Content with that thought, he removed his muzzle from her neck, most of his tails working to slip off her jacket and follow that with her shirt, allowing those articles of clothing to remain intact so long as she didn't try and defy him any further as she had earlier. One way or another, he needed them out of the way, else he wouldn't be able to have all of his fun.

Once that was done, only her undergarments remained. A few tails easily slipped down to tug her panties down and off, a few others trying to slip her bra off. Easily finding that he wasn't going to get anywhere with that even after a single moment, he leaned down to bite through part of it, letting his tails slip the ruined garment off of her from there. Running his crimson eyes over the girl's then bare form, he leaned back down to nuzzle his nose between her breasts, giving that area a firm lick before trailing some of the same over one of her breasts. His member between his legs was all the while going, pressing lightly against one of her legs and beginning to rub against it as he started to slowly shift his hips, letting his instincts to mate start up now the girl was bare but for her leggings and shoes and likely no longer resisting him.
Ami laid under him as his tails slowly released her arms as if it was trusting her not to run. Ami let the ninetales do what it wanted to her until she knew where her pokemon were. She looked down at herself as she noticed she was almost completely naked except her bra and panties. She felt a little safe with both these clothing on. Her eyes widened when the ninetales easily pulled her panties down and off her body.
Ami didn’t like the feeling of having something look at her with lust in its eyes. She watched as it bit down on her bra and ruined it and slipped it from her body. She couldn’t believe this pokemon was actually thinking it was going to get to have sex with her. Although the thought had crossed her mind many times what a human and pokemon child would look like or if they could even breed together.
Ami shock her head to try and clear her mind of that thought when she felt it’s engorged cock rubbing against her leg her eyes widened. She quickly flipped over onto her stomach and started to crawl away as quickly as humanly possible. She wasn’t ready to find out how a pokemon’s cock would feel inside her even though she knew if it did manage to get inside her she probably wouldn’t protest much, she’d have to let it finish.
The Ninetales merely blinked in curiosity as the girl shifted herself under him and to her stomach, thinking perhaps she, like female pokemon might, was merely moving to be able to present herself to him. When he quickly found that that wasn't the case, he let out a low, rumbling growl, not allowing her to get far before pouncing back upon her, a few tails latching onto her arms and once again holding them still, at the very least letting them hold her up. He'd let her have some freedom, and she'd defied him again; he wasn't about to allow her to do such a thing a third time. Twice was more than enough.

So still intent on having her for himself and even having her enjoy it, he slipped a pair of his tails under her. Each one coiled around a separate breast, giving them a light squeeze as the tips rubbed against the girl's nipples. While it was true he'd never taken a human before, he'd still seen them with each other, just a few times; he at least had some idea what to do, what the females seemed to enjoy. But then, his own enjoyment was of course a matter to consider as well. On such a note, he shifted his hips down a little, his member sliding up one of her legs as he sought to find with it her slit. It was only a matter of time before he did, and the first thrust he made certain to be the hardest, burying half his length into her in a single go. From there gentler thrusts followed, hoping to allow her to enjoy the feeling of his member inside her and to be careful enough to not actually hurt his new mate.
Ami coward at his growl when she heard it rumble around her as he pounce back on her this time making sure she couldn’t get away. Ami felt like an idiot she had a chance to get away and she didn’t and now she was going to be mating with a ninetales. Ami knew that she’d never was going to get another chance like that to get away now.
Ami’s body became rigid when she felt it’s tails run up her body and curl under her breast almost like what a human male would do to her if he were human. She turned her head to him wondering what he was thinking as he was doing this to her. She bit down on her lower lip sucking it into her mouth as his soft fur rubbed over her sensitive nipple making them hard and erect. Ami wondered if this ninetails was trying to make her enjoy this as much as he was and figured she might as well try.
She lowered her shoulders and picked up her hips slightly making sure her ass was in the air. She knew the sooner he was done the sooner she’d be able to get him to breed with one of her female ninetales and be able to leave him quickly. She felt his member rub against her thigh as if trying to find her entrance. She lowered her hips moving around a little to help him out without actually having to guide it with her hand.
Ami braced herself hoping this wouldn’t hurt to much when he actually found her entrance. She gasped loudly at the force of his cock as he thrust into her with a great amount of force that made her toes curl. Ami felt dirty for the pure fact that she actually enjoyed being taken by a ninetales. Ami noticed that his thrust become gentler in nature which made her enjoy it a little more then she’d have thought. Ami bit down on her lip moaning with every thrust of his hips.
Flicking his ears up in some attention as he noted the Ninetales look back at him, he calmly returned the girl's gaze. It wasn't that of a predator that his gaze appeared as, as might have been expected; rather, he was simply calm and determined, and if his actions were any indication, he didn't wish the fun to merely be on his end. If they weren't both going to enjoy it, then he simply felt no point in continuing. Since she was starting to move for him, however, he doubted such a sad ending would come.

And even more so his ears rose in attention as they caught sounds that obviously denoted her enjoying the attentions he was giving. Spurred on by that thought, he rested his soft-furred body further over her, his tails once again daring to loosen their grip on her arms but remaining coiled around them, albeit more loosely, stroking the soft fur against them. The few tails that had been idle for a short time in turn made their own move, two of them coiling around the girl's legs and spreading them a little further for him, while the last wandered over to brush along her stomach. Each tail now moving along the body of the female below him, he steadily sped up the pace of his thrusts into her, each one taking him a bit deeper until he could push all the way in, his teeth clamping gently over one of her shoulders in something of a mating bite as he continued to thrust.
Ami closed her eyes she was shocked at herself by just how much she was enjoying the feeling of this Pokémon being inside her. She could feel his soft fur press against her as she keep her back arched to make sure it was easier for him to slide inside her repeatedly. Ami noticed his grip on her lossen slightly but not enough for her to get away nor would she want to right now. She was actually ashamed to admit it but she was enjoying the pleasure she was receiving from this Ninetales.
Ami enjoyed the soft pleasing strokes of his fur against her bare skin. She felt the ninetales tales spread her legs further apart and she moaned out as he pushed himself further into her. Ami bucked her hips back into him for the first time wondering what would happen after he was done with her. She looked down as one of the last tails made it's way up her stomach and she smiled enjoying all the attention this ninetales was giving her body. Soft moans filled the air as his pace became quicker her teeth scrapping against her bottom lip as he pushed in further and further inside her and she wondered just how deep he could get inside her.
She moaned out loudly as he sank all the way inside her, her fingers dug into the dirt under her and then his teeth clamped down on her shoulder although be it gently sent her into over drive. Ami had never imagined she'd be able to cum from having sex with a Pokémon but some how this ninetales was getting her really close and she didn't know if she could hold back much longer.
Soon growling lightly in lust rather than the earlier threatening dominance as he thrust into the human girl beneath him, the Ninetales soon sped up his pace even further. Each thrust sent him almost all the way out of her before pushing himself quickly back to his full length into her, hot breath washing over her shoulder as he mated even more forcefully with her, certain by now that she was enjoying herself regardless. Gradually he quickened his pace and shortened his thrusts further as he came closer to his own desired release.

That itself came soon enough as he gave one final, forceful thrust into her. His teeth clamped down slightly harder, but still not enough to hurt, and his tails tightened around her as his whole body tensed. His hot seed was in turn released where he was buried deeply into her, his hips pushed against hers keeping them together until such a time as he was done, or he felt her finish; whichever came last, was his intention. When it was finally done, he slowly released her from his grip, teeth and tails and all. Nuzzling against her neck as he removed himself from atop her back, he gave it a soft lick, his crimson-eyed gaze meeting her eyes, curious to see what she might do next now she was freed from his intents.
Ami heard his lustful growl from above her and she felt a sort of lustful thrill enter her body. Ami wanted nothing more then to cum right at that moment but she wasn't close enough and she was sure he was probably a little closer then her. She felt her toes curl as his pace picked up and her body shivered with the want and need that would soon make her cum. She loved when he pulled almost all the way out and then slammed back into her deeper then every her mouth hung open panting like a female in heat. She was enjoying this lustful act that was happening and she prayed no one would find them.
Ami moaned loudly when she felt it thrust into harshly his teeth clamping down on her harder but without the pain her body tensed up and she felt his seed enter her and her body relaxed and released it's own orgasm around the ninetales large cock. She couldn't believe how great it felt to be the one this ninetales was mating with and she grinned to herself wondering if she could make this a regular thing. Ami turned onto her back looking up at the ninetales and she reached up and hugged him tightly.
Letting out a light, content sound as the girl hugged him close, he nuzzled further into her neck, shifting his body a little to snuggle up to her. Satisfied that he'd fulfilled his instinct to mate after some time, and fully intending to go after it more, he reached his tails over to offer the female's clothes back to her, save the bra that was too damaged thanks to his teeth ripping through it earlier to do anyone any good. Tilting his head a little to the side as well, he gave her neck a quick nip, enough at least to leave a small mark on her skin that would, for a time at least, mark her as his. And since such an act, he was certain, might have hurt a little, he gave that spot a gentle lick or two to help soothe it.

With that, he rose up slightly to glance curiously back to her eyes, looking for what she might intend to do now and fully intending to go with her one way or another. Couldn't lose his new mate, after all.
She looked at him as he nuzzled into her neck further snuggling up with him she loved how he felt against her bare skin. She looked at her clothing and smiled as she pulled it on and then looked at the damaged bra. She inhaled deeply almost a hiss of pain as he nipped her neck and then she sighed as he licked her neck. Her fingers raised up and touched her neck and she smiled knowing it was some kind of sign that she was his, and others would assume that she probably had some fun with her boyfriend if she had one.
Ami looked at the ninetales and smiled as he rose to his feet. "My house is just on the outside of the forest so you don't have to leave your home. Just come and get me when you need me." she smiled widely as she stood up petting his head softly. "I live at the big farm that is on the edge of the forest you live in." she started to walk away wondering if he'd follow her.
Tilting his head slightly to the side in curiosity as the girl rose, he himself rose up to all four feet shortly after. Vulpine ears perked up slightly as she spoke, and crimson eyes glanced momentarily in the general direction of the spoken of farm, knowing just where it was thanks to having explored the entirety of the forest in his time in the area. Giving a slight nod, he allowed himself a leisurely stretch before he followed close at the girl's side, his lightly waving tails occasionally brushing against her rear or the leg closest to him.
She pet him behind the ears as she walked back to her home "I think I'll give up breeding you with my other ninetales..." she blushed at the fact she wanted to keep him to herself "I think I'll keep you for myself." she lead him back to her farm where the pokemon she owned ran wild and playfully. "My pokeballs!" she shouted remembering the ones she brought but had left there. "I should go get them." she looked at the ninetales and hugged him "Wanna go back and get my pokeballs?" she grinned widely
A slight smirk might have come across the Ninetales' face upon the girl's next comment, though it was hard to say. Having another Ninetales to breed with didn't seem like a displeasing prospect, but simply having this girl to himself... well, that was even more pleasing. After all, once all the resistance had ceased, she was quite an... entertaining playmate, with the sounds she made and how much he could do with her furless body to bring her pleasure. Still, upon her request, he gave a slight shrug; he probably owed her that much, at least, and he was faster than her as it was.

So he darted quickly back to the place of their little romp, his tails retrieving the pokeballs that he'd removed from her previously and returning to her with them in short time. Letting her reclaim those, he glanced around the place curiously in the meantime, one of his tails ever so casually brushing over her rear.
She couldn't tell if that was a smile that had come across the ninetales face or not but she wasn't going to put to much attention on it. She started on her way back to the spot they were at when he ran off without her. "Wait..." she bit down on her lower lip stopping herself as he dashed off hoping he was going to get her pokeballs. She waited there for a while hoping that's what he was doing and when he returned with them she smiled widely running over to him and grabbing her and hugging him tightly "You are the best thing in the world." she kiss his face as she held onto him tightly.
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