Clearity of the Mind and of Music (Yajirobe and Sweetnothings)

The embarrassment from flapping around looking like a idiot soon faded away as he felt the warm embrace of the Hungarian beauty. He blushed a bit though as well, as he returned the hug in kind to Elizaveta. "I guess I didn't know what that was, that had never happened to me before. I never came down here to swim always other things to do and stuff to get done."

He thought about something as he looked down at the brunette for a moment and nodded hid head to himself," Elizaveta, would you be so kind sometime to show me how to swim," he asked, it normally would be super embarrassing but in the state he was in it was best t learn. Plus, he knew he could trust her to keep it from becoming to embarrassing as well. He knew too that it would give them something to do together which was nice as well.
Elizaveta had to admit she felt bad for him. Never before had he learned to swim, and here she was in the water with him. It was weird considering she was going to teach him how to swim. She looked up at him as she hugged him. Her eyes had a certain twinkle. One that showed she really did love him. "Well, Roderick. It was called a fish. There are many more in the river, so get used to the feeling." She told him before kissing his cheek.

After seeing how scared he got over a small fish, Elizaveta took it upon herself to help teach him. Almost right after she had thought that, Roderick had asked her to show him how to swim. She smiled and nodded. "I would love to, Roderick," she gave him a soft kiss then pulled away. Then, she started to teach him the moves: Moving his arms, kicking his legs, and other basic things a new swimmer would need to know. She was more than happy to help him.
Roderick looked at Elizaveta, he felt nervous but he felt less nervous just cause she was there and she was so willing to help. That was part of the reason he had such strong feelings for her. She was a kind woman who supported him for so long, and yet, stupidly, he had not been able to see just how much she did to support him. He smiled as he worked on swimming, he got her help as she showed him and corrected him while he practiced swimming in the river. At first it was strange, the fish, the water, all so strange to him, yet as he worked on it with her, he was able to progress pretty quickly, himself always a pretty quick learner as he enjoyed his time in the water with her, and also being so close to her the whole time as well.

Roderick walked up to her and then swam up to her smiling, "thank you, love," he said as he looked at her, he knew that giving someone a nickname was a sign of endearment. "Love, think we can slip out of this water and have that amazing lunch that you made," he said as he slipped his arms around her waist, luckily they were standing in shallow water. He looked at her giving her a look and then kissed Elizaveta on her lips wanting to feel her lips against his own. It was something that was just sheer magical to the Austrian male, the Hungarian woman made him feel such strong feelings that no one else could ever cause.
There was something different about Roderick. Elizaveta could never figure out what it was. She had thought that maybe it was because he was more passive than others. He didn't demand things like Gilbert, and he wasn't so strict like Ludwig. He was perfect. Everything about him was admirable. For the past half hour, she taught him how to swim, float in the water, and get used to the feel of the fish. She particularly wanted him to get used to it, so they could come here often. Staying in that house with little ones would not work if it did happen. She just found herself lucky she had someone to love who was so nice.

Eliza splashed her face in the water and wet her hair. It felt so nice being able to enjoy the river with Roderick. She gasped softly as he swam up to her and spoke. "You scared me to death, Roderick," she told him, smiling up at him in a lovingly way. Love. No one had ever called her that before. "Of course. Lunch sounds nice, doesn't it?" She leaned against him as they stood in the shallow part of the river. What happened next certainly surprised her. Elizaveta felt Roderick's lips against her own. Without hesitation, she stood on her toes and kissed him back. After a while, she pulled away and blushed softly. "Come on," she took his hand and walked to the bank, climbing up and grabbing a towel to dry off as she walked to the picnic blanket.
Elizaveta was surely one of a kind a woman beyond other women. He knew this, and had known this for a long time. He just had spent to much time ignoring his own feelings for the woman. He loved how adorable she could be, how it felt to kiss her, how her body felt pressed close to his own body. He couldn't ignore this anymore and he was more then a bit happy that he finally got the courage up to action upon the feelings that he had for the beautiful Hungarian brunette. He took her hand in his own and went over to the bank, there was something sweet just about holding her hand, he felt warm inside being near her, and he couldn't explain it in any other fashion then using the word love.

Roderick took out a towel and dried himself off as he made sure the blanket was still as it should be. The perfectionist part of himself, he knew was there and to many was annoying as well. Yet, it was who he was, and he couldn't be someone different like Gilbert who was far different in that regard then himself. He smiled as he saw that the blanket was spread out right and sat on it as he looked over at Elizaveta. He knew that she had cooked, and he knew that she could cook, she had done so for himself for so long, that he grew to love everything that she made. He patted the blanket next to him as he got out the food for the both of them before smiling, "it looks amazing, truly a great lunch," he complimented.
Roderick was the kind of man Elizaveta could think of all day. Just his personality, the way he acted, and her feelings for him was enough to make her swoon over him. All she wanted to do was be around him all day. He was her muse. It was certain they would be together for the rest of their lives. That's all that mattered to her. He gave her a warmth that no one could give her. Not even Gilbert when they had dated for the short period of time. The Austrian was the true one for her, and nothing would change that.

Elizaveta took her towel and dried off before wrapping it around her body. She tucked in the top layer of the towel into the first layer before sitting down on the blanket. She was glad she still had it in their house. She had since her childhood, and it felt so nice to lay down on it again with someone else. She looked up at Roderick and gave him a soft smile. She let him take out the food since he was being a gentlemen. Then she settled into the blanket then grabbed her sandwich. While he talked, she unwrapped the foiling and took a bite. "Thank you, Roderick. I'm glad we get to eat out together," she kissed his cheek and crossed her legs as she continued to eat her food.
The stoic Roderick blinked in surprise at the kiss as he looked over at Elizaveta. He paused as he nodded his head as he felt his face turn a bit red. It was proper to treat a woman correctly. He had been brought up to have good manners, it was what was expected of him and that was thus how he had became overtime. He looked at Elizaveta, she was not the normal of what one thought of when they thought of a woman. She had grown up a tomboy, which made them naturally different from one and other. Yet, perhaps it was this difference early on that caused his attraction to her then and why he wanted to marry her the first time.

Roderick ate his food quietly for the most part listening to the sounds around him. "You know that some of the best ideas come from just paying attention to what is around them, such as music. Many artist figure out songs from the sounds of nature and then we try to simply copy then in new and unique fashions," he said as he looked at the tree that was above them. It was a simple fact, but it was true fact, he knew this to be the case, and he could understand why. There was so much in nature that was worthy of being copied or borrowed from. As well as in humans, which could cause one to want to do something impossible or make something great. He ate a bit, "it is really good," he said openly to her telling her his opinion of the food.

(So very sorry, I somehow lost this one on my list of rps if you don't wish to reply that is understandable again sorry)
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