Clearity of the Mind and of Music (Yajirobe and Sweetnothings)

Elizaveta moved the food around on her plate. It wasn't that she wasn't hungry, she was just bored. She always needed to do something, and sitting down to eat wasn't the best thing to do. She often like to reminisced their past with the two young ones. They were quite the handful, but they were never their's. She wanted her own children with Roderick. She looked up at him and smiled softly. She nodded to herself and continued eating. She was already imagining what it would be like for them. For her, going through the phases of pregnancy. She smiled at the idea as she ate.

Elizaveta started to wonder how they were going to tell everyone that they were back together. It most likely wouldn't be a surprise between their friends. Everyone wanted Roderick and her back together. She soon finished her meal after the Austrian. She pulled her hair back and smiled. "I think tonight would be a perfect night to walk home," she told him. She looked out of the window and saw the stars. Tonight was perfect. She got up after taking his hand and followed him outside of the tavern. She looked up at the sky and saw the numerous stars. It was beautiful. She saw the shooting star, and instantly knew what she wanted to wish for. 'I wish that I would be pregnant with Roderick's son after our wedding.'
As Roderick walked with Elizaveta, he looked up at the sky, it was such a beautiful night, he smiled as he walked with her, hand in hand. He felt a calmness about himself as he walked across the town, staying on the side walk the whole while. He felt comfortable with the brunette, something that he didn't feel when she was away, a comfort and warmth that caused him to smile as he looked at her gently before kissing her cheek stopping for a moment as he turned to their home.

He knew that they would have a lot of work and preparations to do for the wedding, but he also knew that they would all be so worth it. For Roderick, this was a rebirth of something special, he knew he had to guard it carefull and watch it and support the growing relationship. He held the door open for Elizaveta as he let her slip by him into the house. He followed her closing the door behind himself, "I think I am going to get some sleep, thank you for an wonderful knight," Roderick said before kissing Elizaveta and heading towards his room.
Elizaveta couldn't think of another time she saw so many stars out here. It really was a beautiful night. She felt good being out here with Roderick. It was an intimate moment for him, just being close to him. She laced her fingers with his, gripping his hand tightly. It had been a while since she was this comfortable outside. She usually tried to stay away from people who knew their past. She hated being questioned about it. It always made her uncomfortable.

She looked up at their home and nuzzled against his after he kissed her cheek. She made a checklist of what she would have to do tomorrow. Most likely write out invitations and send them out. Then there was picking out bridesmaids. Elizaveta already didn't want to go through that again. She absolutely hated picking people. She walked inside the house as Roderick held the door for her. She pulled off her shoes and set them by the door. "Of course, Roderick. See you in the morning," she replied after kissing him. They were going to marry again. She bit her lip and watched him walk towards his room. "Roderick, wait!" She called out and sort of ran to him. "I wanted to try something--and tell me if you're not okay with it--but I want to try, you know, sleeping in the same bed?" She asked a little awkwardly. Her cheeks were bright red by now.
As Roderick walked, he figured that they would head to their home and head to bed, it would be the same thing that they had done countless times when they were married and even after they were married, perhaps that was a great sign that the closeness was lacking in a lot of ways even when they were married. He looked at his door, it had been such a nice walk, it had been so pleasant and calming even for the stoic Austrian male. He paused as he heard her call out to him and turned towards Elizaveta right away as he heard her words to himself.

He paused as he looked at her and saw her running to catch up. He could tell just looking at her that something serious and important was on her mind. He knew normally she wasn't so loud about getting his attention. He looked at her and waited for her request or statement for himself. He raised an eyebrow and blushed a great deal as he looked at her, sleeping in the same bed as the brunette, he looked at her and nodded his head, "it is fine with me, I hae nothing against sleeping in the same bed with you, Elizaveta, it shall be interesting and I think plesant as well, perhaps also inspiring as well," he mused as he thought about it for a moment before he had made the statement to her. He held the door open for Elizaveta to enter into the house, figuring this night having her near him in the same bed would be very different and hopefully much more enjoyable than the averge night.
The young Hungarian knew it was a bold move. Who knew how Roderick would react? Elizaveta even thought it was a crazy question. Now that she thought about it, they didn't even sleep in the same bed during their marriage. Even though she liked their marriage, it didn't feel like one. They never did the normal things spouses would do. She found it awkward not to sleep in the same bed. Many nights during their union ended with tears on the pillow. She could never explain it to him. He wouldn't understand her reasons. It was just who he was.

Elizaveta stopped in her tracks when she caught up to Roderick. She stood with her hands behind her back. It was clear she was nervous. She was hoping he would say yes to her. She actually liked the idea of sharing a bed with him. Perhaps things could happen. Elizaveta! Keep those thoughts out of your head. You just got engaged. Of course you will be marrying him, but that will have to wait. Family is after. She scolded herself mentally. She saw him nod, and she squealed with happiness before catching herself. She listened to him as he talked, a bright smile on her face. "That's great, Roderick! Oh, thank you." She threw her arms around, hugging him tightly. A kiss was quickly placed on his cheek. She pulled away from him and walked inside his room. Her eyes took in everything. "Perhaps I might have to move some of my stuff over here if we plan to continue sleeping with each other." She suggested.
Roderick thought about the idea of Elizaveta for a good long moment as he looked at her and nodded his head, "Tomorrow, I shall go though everything and figure out what will be the best way to combine your room and my room into a single room," he said after he clearly thought about it for a good moment. He figured that he would be able to figure out the best combination of things to move over and to add together while not taking up to much space, the organized mind of Roderick was good with such things as this, and he knew that he could handle it much better the next day after some sleep, versus now.

Roderick walked into the house knowing that Elizaveta was following him, he had blushed a bit at her kiss and hug. How that beautiful Hungarian woman always caused such a reaction from the stoic Austrian was something he wasn't sure of but he knew it happened. Roderick moved somewhat quickly towards his room and looked at the bed, it was going to be interesting to sleep with Elizaveta. He took off his clothes, properly folding them up as he put them on the cabnet one article at a time before he pulled out his simple blue sleep pants and slipped them on. Leaving himselef just in his underwear and the sleep pj like pants as well.
Elizaveta thought it was a good idea. They were going to get married in the spring. It only seemed right to get used to one another in the same bed. Roderick did say he wanted this one to be better than their last one. The first thing to make it better would have to be sharing a room together. "That's perfect. I'm okay with doing it tomorrow." It was much better than doing it now. The Hungarian was tired. It was a long night for both of them. She liked the walk though. Holding his hand while looking up at the stars. It was perfect for here. It was the ideal date.

Elizaveta could see the blush on Roderick's face. He was doing that often. She found it really cute someone like the Austrian was blushing so much. She nuzzled him softly before looking around the bedroom. What would she have to bring in here? Clothes, maybe a dresser. Clothes! She didn't have her pajamas. She cursed herself for not getting the earlier. She looked at Roderick as he undressed. She blushed deeply before looking down at her feet. She didn't want him to see her starting at him like that. It was too late now to go back and get her clothes. She knew she would just have to suck it up and go with it. She slowly took off her dress, leaving her in her undergarments. She folded it and placed it on the floor. She glanced up at him, hoping it was okay to be like this.
Roderick was glad that Elizaveta had approved of his idea about waiting till the next day to move their things around. He knew he would have to move things aside, he would have to throw out old things he no longer used, and he would have to make room so that Elizaveta would have room to put her own things. He knew that it would be a decent challenge, the two of them had afterall lived in the house for a good long while and when such things happened, stuff just got collected and added up over time.It was just the natural order of things, and he would have to go though and get rid of so much of the stuff that he would be able to give away to those who could use his things.

The Austrian looked at the brunette for a moment and saw the dress come off. He knew that Elizaveta had a great body, but he had never seen it witout a dress covering it. He turned a dark redish color completely as he looked at her, his face lighting up like a christmas tree light as he slowly gathered himself. The Hungarian woman was in his mind as beautiful as any piece of music he could make, there were was no music really to match her looks. He smiled softly as he slowly returned to normal as he pulled down the covers of the bed and kissed her lips softly once before laying under the covers and waiting for the brunette to join him on the bed, most likely to snuggle up close fot the night.
It only seemed right to do it tomorrow. They could better assess the situation. How would I move my things over here? Is there enough room in Roderick's closet to bring my dresses over? I certainly hope so. Some of this stuff in here might have to go. His room looks worse than mine... Her thoughts were starting to scatter. She pulled herself back to reality and clear her throat. She honestly couldn't wait until she moved into his room. Their friends would be really excited to find out they were getting married again. She was certainly looking forward to it. It was right. They lived with each other now, and they were married before. They were more than used to each other by now.

Elizaveta was nervous he wouldn't like it that she was almost nude. She was scared he wouldn't like her like this. She bit the inside of her cheek, glancing up at him anxiously. Was he blushing, too? At least he was blushing with her. Her cheeks were bright red, almost the same color as his. She pulled a strand of her hair out of her eyes. So he doesn't care. That's good. Maybe being like this with each other will make us more comfortable with each other. We are planning o start a family after all. The Hungarian was having pleasant thoughts. She got into the bed and crawled under the covers. She moved close to Roderick, laying her head on his chest. "I love you, Roderick." She whispered softly, promptly closing her eyes to rest for the night.
Roderick looked at the brown haired Elizaveta out of the corner of his eyes as he smiled, he then looked at her and then took a deep breath, hearing her words caused his heart to beat a good bit faster for a moment, "As I love you, Elizaveta," he said kissing her forehead once before finding the best position to sleep in. THis had been a big day, a huge day, so much had happened this day and he knew that the impact of the day would be felt for a very long time afterwards. He smiled as he restedhis head against the pillow, he felt happy, more happy than ever. He knwe that things were moving in a good direction, he felt confident in that and that things would only get better.

Roderick got up the next morning slipping from the bed and decided to do something different than normal.He had to make her something to impress, he took a deep breath and the started to make some kiserschmarrn, as well as some apple strudel to go with it, and some coffee was being made at the same time, he took the meal once completed and carried it upstarts, quietly as he smiled, seeing that Elizaveta was still asleep, he carefully put it on the table next to her side of the bed and shook her gently. He then smiled looking down at her, "Good morning," he said to her softly as she turned, he moved the tray so that she could see it and eat it in bed.
The Hungarian had pleasant dreams that night. Who wouldn't? She was about to get married. She was certainly looking forward to that. They would start a family which was a dream come true. She always wanted to have a family with Roderick. It was a shame they didn't think about it during their first marriage. Her main dream during the night took place a couple years from now. They already had a son, Lukas, who was four years old. He looked like Roderich with the purple eyes, but he had her hair. Elizaveta was pregnant with their second child, which was clearly visible against her dress. The Hungarian never wanted to wake up from those pleasant dreams.

Elizaveta didn't bother waking up with the sun hit her eyes. She wanted to continue it. It was so nice, she wanted it to be real. It had to be real. Perhaps she should tell her new love about it. Maybe they would make it real together. As she slept, she could smell food cooking. She questioned whether or not he was cooking for her. He never cooked in the house. There were time where he did, but it was usually her who did that. She opened her eyes slightly, wanting to go investigate. The willpower to finish her dream was stronger though, so she closed her eyes again. She was awakened when Roderich shook her slightly. She opened her eyes and turned to her side to look at him. She smiled softly and sat up slowly. "Good morning, love." She said softly before noticing the tray of food. "That's for me?" She inquired though she knew the answer.
Roderick was glad to be able to cook for Elizaveta and odder his head as he looked at the brunette for a moment as he looked at the beauty. "Yes, it is a traditional Austrian breakfast," he explained as he looked at it moving the milk down to the plate as well as the orange juice so that she could have either one to go with her meal. It wasn't like him to cook, but this was no normal time. He wanted to do something special for her that she would remember and enjoy a great deal.

Roderick sat down next to Elizaveta and relaxed for a moment, "now you relax here, I am going to be in my room packing up my things, this room is actually bigger. I didn't tell you but you have always had the larger room between the two of us," he explained softly as he go up. " now just relax and enjoy your meal. I will be in my too boxing things up and getting things down to the minimum that I will need," he said softly as he Gotham got up,and slipped outmoded the room and head over to his room to do,what he had told her.
Elizaveta had to admit. She was a little guilty she overslept which caused Roderich to cook for her. He never cooked except for a few occasions, but that was when she got sick. She wasn't sick, was she? She looked at him and smiled softly. "Austrian. If I like it, you have to teach me how to do this," she told him while she took the orange juice. She dipped her fork into the Kaiserschmarrn and took a bite. She groaned in satisfaction before continuing.

This was delicious. She couldn't believe Roderich went out his way to make this for her. She was so glad she had him in her life. It would be even better waking up to this once in a while. This was perfect. It was surprising she never had this before now. Elizaveta smiled at Roderich as she rested her head on his shoulder. "Really? I always thought you would have the bigger room considering it's your house," she murmured. She pouted playfully as he got up. She crossed her legs and continued eating her breakfast. "Okay. See you when you get back," she teased. She couldn't think of anything better than this. He cooked her breakfast, so for lunch she was going to make something special for him.
Roderick knew that she was going to love the apple dish and the shredded pancake as he smiled. It wasn't a hard meal at all to cook, really so he would have no problem showing her how to cook it. He went though his things working to bag up things and put it aside to give away. He than gather his things as he smiled warmly as he looked though his room. He serious was able to cut down the to a faction of what they were before. He picked up a group of them and carried them into Elizaveta's room and put them to the side before returning and moving the other of his clothes that he would keep into her room so he could put them away later.

He then moved one of the dresser from where it was to the room he was going to share with Elizabeta, giving them as much space as possible as he moved it next to her own dresser, and than sat down as he looked over at her. "I think when we have that family, we can use my old room as the room for them," he muses as he smiled looking at her and than took the plates from her. He took the plates down to the kitchen and washed them, before returning to his old room and creating more bags from stuff he didn't need anymore before taking that to town and giving it away, returning to his home afterwards.
The Austrian dish was perfect. Elizaveta was ashamed she never heard of it. If she had, she would've made it all the time for him. Now she had a perfect reason to make this. As he packed his things in his room, she continued to eat her dish while she hummed an old Hungarian tune. She made a list of what she had in the kitchen. The vegetables, fruits, and the other things she got at the market yesterday. She could make a nice soup for the both of them. That would be nice since it was getting colder outside. It was only right. He made her an Austrian breakfast, so a Hungarian lunch was in order. To her, fairness was everything. Life wouldn't be balanced out without fair and unfair.

Elizaveta continued to eat her plate of food before finishing it off. She set it on the bedside table and took small sips of her orange juice. Today was a very good day. Then an even better idea came to her. The river. They could go there and spend the day with each other. Nothing was better than spending a day by the river. She looked at him and smiled. "I can't believe we're already thinking about a family. It's not a bad thing, it's awesome. I just can't wait to have a family with you," she whispered quietly. She let him take her plate before leaning against the headboard. Once he left the house, she took a quick shower and got dress in a yellow, sundress that went to the middle of her thighs. She kept her hair out and waited for him to come back to the bedroom so she could suggest they go out to the river today.
Roderick walked back whistling a classical Austrian son as he looked around,MIT was such a lovely day. He smiled as he felt a great sense of inner peace as he walked down the path. It had been a perfect day for spending it outside. Perhaps he could talk Elizaveta in spending time outside, it was to nice to just avoid being outside. He smiled as he could feel that it would be a blue sky day where it wasn't to hot nor to cold.

As he walked to the house he walked inside and looked around for a long moment,"Elizaveta, I have a request for you," he said somewhat formally but he couldn't help but be himself as it were. "Well now, i think we should go outside today it is beautiful out there and so very peaceful," he said with a warm smile as he looked at the wall. He made sure he was loud enough that she would be able to hear him though he wasn't sure what part of the home she was in.
Elizaveta started to wonder if she had her bathing suit. Well, bathing suits. It was sad she never got to wear them. It was because she never had the chance to go out and wear them at the river. Roderick was never the one to enjoy the river. Maybe now since they were dating, he would like to go outside more. As she looked out the window, she could see it was beautiful outside. The sun was out, and it wasn't too cold. It was a perfect day to go outside and enjoy each other.

Elizaveta heard the door open and the sound of his footsteps. She walked to the doorway, but stopped there at the sound of his voice. "A request?" She called back out while she leaned on the doorway. It made sense if he would suggested going outside. "Really? I was thinking that same thing. We should go to the river today, Roderick. Isn't is a good idea? I like the sound of it. Please? Let's go to the river," she pleaded. While she did so, she walked to him and wrapped her arms around him from behind.
Roderick heard her reuqest and paused for a moment as he heard her say river. He paused for a moment not sure about the river, he wasn't a fan of the river for a simple reason, he didn't tell others about. He couldn't swim at all, he didn't thus have the best memories of the river when he was a young man. He let out a long sigh till he felt her arms around him and heard the tone that she used to get him to agree. He nodded his head, "Yes, sure, we can go to the river today, just not going to swim if that is okay," he said softly as he turned and looked at Elizaveta.

"Well now, I guess I better get things for us to take along with us," he said as he looked at her. He normally wouldn't want to go with anyone to the river, but for her he would head up and enjoy the peace and being with her more than anything else at all. He slipped away from her and headed up stairs and gathered up a blanket that he had in a closet in the hall, grabbing a blanket he tossed it over his shoulder as he than walked down to see if Elizaveta had anything she wanted to take also.
Elizaveta was aware of his fear of the river. Well, any large body for that matter. It was quite obvious if you knew what to look for because she did. She had Feliciano around when he was little. She had to teach him how to swim when he was scared of the water. Roderick was just like that. The Austrian wasn't fond of water. She never pressured him to tell what the river had done to him or why he never took lessons from her. It was his privacy and for his knowledge only. She respected that. She smiled at him as he finally agreed with her. "That's okay. Thank you!" She leaned up and kissed Roderick's cheek.

"Good. I'll make sandwiches. You'll like them," she nuzzled him before turning and walking to the kitchen after he pulled away from her. She made an Austrian sandwich for Roderick then made a Hungarian sausage sandwich for herself. She wrapped them up in foil then placed them in a basket. She carried it out and smiled at him. "Hold these. I'll get our bathing suits," she said before jogging to their bedroom to grab their suits.
Rodderick thought about the Hungarian in the bathing suit, it had been a while since he had last seen her in one. He knew she had a body that was amazing, matchless by any of the others they knew. He blushed a bit just thinking about her in the bathing suit. He blinked looking up and seeing her come down figuring out that he happened to catch himself in something of a naughty daydream that was connected to Elizaveta, he turned a tomato type of red as he looked at the woman for a long moment before smiling softly.

"Well, best we get moving," he said as he held the door for her. He took Elizaveta's hand into his own interlocking their fingers idly as they walked to the river. He wondered why he hated the water so much, perhaps it was cause he was from a place that was naturally landlocked and not on any big bodies of water like most every one else he knew was. He paused as he looked at the spot, he took a deep breath as he reminded himself that he wouldn't have to swim this day. That he would get to spend time with Elizaveta as well a large plus too.
As Elizaveta gathered up their bathing suits, she started to think about some things. She had to admit they weren't the most modest thoughts. Even she was a little ashamed for thinking of Roderich that way. The Austrian would probably never think of her the same way. So, she gave herself a little scolding, telling herself that those kind of thoughts could wait until they were ready for something like that. Anyway, they were getting married. What was better than that? Today was just a day they could hang out together.

"I'm so excited!" She giggled after tucking the bathing suits on her arm with the basket of food. She hummed softly and held Roderich's hand, squeezing slightly. While they walked to the river, there were some people saying hello to them. She said hello back, more than happy to meet people. When they got to the river, she set the basket down with the bathing suits in her hand. She passed him his and smiled. "I'll turn away and get dressed. You can do the same so we're not looking at each other. All right?" She said, turning and walking to a distance that was shaded by trees. There she stripped off her clothing and slipped into her two piece bathing suit that was green.
Roderick wasn't one to normally be out of his best clothes but this was different then normal. He undressed changing into the fancy swim trunks as he then made sure he was presentable before making sure the blanket and the food were organized correctly on the grass so they would have the ideal amount of shade for the both of them. He was excited and nervous about this day to spend with Elizaveta.

Roderick saw the brunette as she walked back up. He turned a red shade right away. He looked over her beautiful body as she was closer to himself. No one could compare not even that Ukrainian woman in the looks department. He relaxed on the blanket tapping a part of it welcoming her to sit on the spot as he enjoyed the natural peace of the moms net that spread so easily over everything around.
Elizaveta could only hope he would like the bathing suit. She has specifically chosen it for him, hoping she would catch his attention. She wasn't really looking for anything in return, but anything was better than nothing. She heard him setting up the blanket and the basket of food. She couldn't get enough of his perfectionist personality. He always had to make sure everything was right. That's what she loved about him. She had to admit she didn't know what to look forward to.

As she walked up to him, she felt her cheeks blushing after seeing his reaction. At least she knew he liked it. She held her hands behind her back while nervously playing with her fingers. This was all she needed to know he really liked her. She walked to him and sat down next to him on the blanket. She laid her head on his shoulder and smiled. She enjoyed the silence for a couple of minutes before standing up and taking his hand. "Come on. We're going in the water," she told him as she dragged him down the bank. She let go of his hand and jumped him, shrieking briefly at the temperature. With a laugh, she waved him in. "It's perfectly fine, Roderick!"
Roderick looked and rested his eyes having Eliza eta so close to himself was nice, very nice in fact as he smiled content lay fry the moments they were sitting there. He was completely unaware as he found himself moving towards the water and felt a great sense of nervousness, but for Elizaveta he would deal with it the best he could any other case he would of been gone right away. He looked at the water as he then saw her jump in joyfully.

He looked at the water and put his hand I'm. It was cold, he blinked as he took a deep breath and walked into the water going up to a point where the water came up to his waist. He looked over still nervous about being in the water not going deeper or more away from the bank he came in on due to the fact he didn't know how to swim. He jumped when he felt a fish brush up against I'm and splashed around till he found his way back to his feet and blushed out of embarrassment.
Elizaveta enjoyed the warmth Roderick gave her. It was pleasing considering it was starting to get into the colder months. That would explain the water. Even though it was cold, she still enjoyed it. Now that she thought about it, she wanted to teach Roderick how to swim. She still didn't know why he never learned, but she would be more than happy to teach him. She could see the nervousness on his face as she called him in. She smiled softly and waded into the water until it was up to her neck

After a few moments of just wading in, she dove down and swam for a bit. She resurfaced and gasped, giggling as her hair was in her face. She pulled it back and looked at him. She waded over to him and nuzzled him for a bit before going back to enjoying the water. It startled her when he suddenly jumped up and started splashing around. She held her chest before laughing at him. She walked over to him and hugged him. "No need to be afraid of a fish." She teased, kissing his shoulder lightly to soothe him.
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