Clearity of the Mind and of Music (Yajirobe and Sweetnothings)


Jul 14, 2011
Roderick was where he was most at home in the world, and that was simply behind a piano, he felt so peaceful when he was there, as though the world was calm, everything was new, and everything was possible as well. Roderick looked up as he had his eyes closed, his music many times reflected the current mood that he was in, he had thought about this and found it to be rather true. The great mind of the young man thought about how people effected his music, he wasn't one to made a point of it, but he knew they had. He knew his music was most different when Elizaveta was around. While she happened to be around him, he knew too that he felt his muse. He had come to recently realize that the beautiful brown haired former tomboy was his muse. He had of course never told the woman this fact, he went so long without realizing it himself honestly.

He had to find a way to show this to her, make her understand his feelings. It wasn't a easy thing to do, he was always worried that someone more mainstream, more popular would win away the woman's heart before he could find the right thing to do to win it himself. Roderick took a deep breath as his fingers danced over the key, the anxiety that was felt within his heart, shown though his music as he continued to play, looking for an answer for his dilema. He finished playing the last notes. Roderick would have to find Elizaveta and deal with her in person, it was the only way he could successfully deal with his issue. How he was going to do so, he honestly had no clue at that moment. He would let the fact he had a long ways to walk to find her hopefully give him the time to think of a solution. He wasn't a idiot, he could come up with something tangable.
Elizaveta could only smile as she remembered her past. She had mixed feelings about it, though she usually didn't dwell on them though. Some days, she would be laughing at her past. Other days, she would be crying about it. That was why she had mixed feelings about it. She wandered through the market, taking graceful steps past other shoppers. She hummed quietly to herself. She was guilty of doing that all the time. It was always the same music. It was one of the pieces Roderick would play for her. She only smiled as she thought of the different type of music he played. It was as if his music was based on his personality. That was usually the case. She moved through the market grounds, picking up fresh vegetables and fruits. She wanted to cook for Roderick tonight. He was her best friend. Maybe a little more than that.

She ran through ideas of what to cook tonight. She decided on a soup. It was supposed to be cold tonight. That would certainly warm them up. She nodded mostly to herself and finished picking out tonight's ingredients. She walked to the farmer who brought the food. She pulled out the notes before handing him. "Szép napot." She said in her native tongue. She started the short walk back to the house where Roderick and her shared. She was thankful to be sharing a house with him. She brushed the strands of her brown hair out of her green eyes. She got home fairly quick, eager to see Roderick. She opened the door without knocking. It was her home too. "Roderick?!" She called out. She had a very thick Hungarian accent. Waiting for his answer, she walked to the kitchen where she put the basket of vegetables and fruits.
Roderick looked all over for the beautiful Hungarian woman, he knew that finding her wasn't going to be easy after a while, and he decided that he would be best served waiting for her to return home. He knew that she would, and that he would then have a chance to talk with the brown haired Elizaveta. He took a deep breath as he thought about it, fixing his glasses as he did so. They had known each other for so many years, and had gone though so very many thing together. He looked at a mirror that he passed heading into his home, he looked himself over and make sure that he was looking as proper as he could. He never liked to look like a Hayseed like some of the other countries tended to do.

Roderick heard Elizaveta call him out as he heard the unmistakable voice of the woman who he had been looking for a good part of the day. Roderick walked into the room and saw Elizaveta standing there with a basket of food, of course, he hadn't remembered. She had told him that she was going to go shopping, he felt like a bit of a dunce for not remembering the fact. He walked in and looked at the fruits and veggies all were the best of quality. He turned to Elizaveta and looked right at her, "Um, Eliza, do you mind if we have a bit of a um talk," he asked with a polite tone to his voice, the fact he shortened her name being a sign that the talk wasn't a formal one. "I was wondering, if you would rather go back into town and skip cooking for tonight. We can head in and have dinner together at some place nice, just us together, a sort of date," he said as he looked at her. He had put down the keywords and was no knowingly testing his luck with the beautiful brown haired woman.
Elizaveta rocked back and forth on her heels. It was a terrible habit. She picked it up when she was young and alone most of the time. It was quite funny once she started to think about it. For most of her young life, she thought she was a boy. She never had anyone to guide her. Then, she found out she was truly a girl by the most awkward situation. She remembered it clearly. It was surprising how things weren't awkward between Gilbert and her. Elizaveta was wearing her usual green dress with a white robe. It was her most beloved outfit. She usually wore it constantly.

Elizaveta was sure she heard his footsteps. His boots always made the same sound in the halls. She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. She always tried to look the best around Roderick. She had a feeling that she needed to impress him. She wanted him to like her the same way she did. She was unaware of his mutual feelings for her. She wiped her hands off on a towel by the oven and turned towards him. He had that look in his eyes. He obviously wanted to talk about something. She tilted her head slightly when he questioned if they could talk about something. He never used her nickname. "Of course, Roderick. What did you want to talk about?" She asked, concern in her voice. She thought it would be something bad. She felt her cheeks heat up when he suggested they go out on a "date". She hesitated on her answer. After a few silent seconds, Elizaveta smiled. "I would love to go out on a "date" with you." She kissed his cheek and walked past him. "Just let me get dressed!" She giggled. She was so ecstatic this was happening. Only thing that could ruin tit tonight was if Gilbert showed up. He had a tendency to pop up at the worst times.
Roderick looked at her as he knew that she would turn him down or think of something else she had to do. He was more then a bit surprised when he was not in fact turned down by Elizaveta. He looked at her and blinked as he felt her kiss his cheek, he smiled as he looked at her walk off and head off to her room. He smiled warmly as he looked around and walked to the phone. He knew who to talk to, if nothing else to bribe and keep out of his way, that was Gilbert, he would be so annoying and he wanted nothing to mess up their date either. He did just that, he bribed Gilbert to stay away, he gave him tickets to a heavy metal rock band performance. He had gotten the tickets as a favor for performing in public once. Still it was worth it to keep him away from them.

Roderick looked at himself and went into the bathroom quickly, he fixed himself up as best as he could. He was a perfectionist afterall. He looked at the mirrior and smiled just a bit as he nodded to himself and then fixed his shirt a bit before making reservations at a nice resturant in town, he knew that the atmosphere was perfect, the music being played was top notch, the food was top notch, everything was, but it just required a call to get a table, and thus he did as he knew he would have a bit to wait on Elizavera. He walked down and waited by the door leaning against the wall as he waited for her arrival.
All the things Gilbert would ruin for Elizaveta. She couldn't help but remember the many times before he had ruined dates with Roderick. All she ever wanted was to go a full date without seeing Gilbert's obnoxious face. Elizaveta wanted to punch something just at the thought of seeing him. She shook her head to remind herself tonight was only her and Roderick. She took her time picking out an outfit. She wanted to look her best for Roderick. After about ten minutes choosing between outfits she chose a simple black dress. It wasn't much, but it was her date night dresses. She rarely wore it, and she was surprised it even fit. She figured she was just lucky. She stood in front of her dresser mirror, fixing her hair in different ways possible until she went with a side braid. It looked nice with the dress.

Elizaveta went to her personal bathroom and brushed her teeth a couple of times then washed her mouth out. 'I'll cook dinner tomorrow night. I will make him feel special for treating me tonight.' She told herself. She said some words of encouragement to herself before walking out of the bathroom. She grabbed her flats and pulled them on. This was more girly than anything she had ever worn. It made her smile a little bit. She walked out of her room and down the steps slowly. "Roderick?" She asked, seeing him by the door. She blushed at the sight of him waiting for her. She smiled softly as she reached the floor. She walked over to him with grace and took his hand in hers. "I think I'm more than ready." She told the Austrian man. Once again, she leaned up and kissed his cheek.
Roderick looked at the brown haired woman and blinked, it was the only visable sign that he was surprised, but he very much was surprised to see the beautiful Hungarian woman in a dress like that. It made her looks so good, it showed off her amazing body, when he looked at her it was hard sometimes to thing a woman who looked like that ever could be confused for a male. He blushed slightly too as he looked at her, He offered his arm to Elizaveta as he opened the door with his other one and walked though it quietly and quickly as he found himself soon on the other side walking into town.

He honestly didn't care if people saw him with her like this, he knew that rumor had sailed so long ago. He walked with her making sure to follow proper directions to the location, which happened to be pretty close, it was a nice building, brick and windows as they looked into it, it was of a classical design as well, something that Roderick with his taste in classical things picked up on quickly. The Austrian man smile ever so slightly as he pointed their names out on a list for a table. "I do hope you enjoy tonight, I think I most likely should of done this long before tonight, Elizaveta," he said honestly as he looked at the beautiful woman walking with her to their seat as he looked over to notice that someone was playing music quiet well for the people of the restruant.
Elizaveta could see the surprise in the musician's eyes. Over the years, she knew what he looked like in a variety of emotions. She had become to like this face. It wasn't normal for the Hungarian woman to wear clothes like this. She only wore a dress during the day because that was her. She did almost everything in it, except for going out in dates. She felt her cheeks heating up even more when she saw Roderick blush. She hooked her arm with his and leaned on him. She wanted to enjoy the quietness between them. The sun was beginning to set. It was a perfect image for Elizaveta.

It was only now did she realize what they looked like. She remembered the days when they were together. It was a long marriage. She wished they were still together. She enjoyed those days with Roderick. She decided not to dwell on it. She didn't want to end up feeling sad for the rest of the date. She looked at the building they were to be eating at. She had heard pleasant reviews of the eatery. Elizaveta was surprised Roderick managed to get a table here. It did get busy. She looked at him and smiled. "I'm sure I'd enjoy tonight. I was waiting for you to ask me on a date," she told him truthfully. She ran a hand over her single braid to the side. She followed him to their table. Tonight was special for the Hungarian woman.
Roderick looked at her and could tell that this was something that was far bigger to her then he first had figured it would be. He nodded hsi head and smiled, at her, as he looked right across as Elizaveta, Roderick was happy she agreed. They hadn't done this in forever, and he too missed the times when they were together, it seemed like such a long time ago. He knew now he didn't apperiate the fact he had her as his wife before is fell apart and even after it had he hadn't. He wanted to win back the Hungarian woman, show her that they were indeed right for each other.

Roderick looked at the musicians, they were good playing classical music most likely made in Austria was common place. He ordered the house special for that night figuring that if it was good enough to be a special that it was good enough for them to enjoy. He then looked over at his date softly, "Well, Elizaveta, I have to admit, I was a bit surprised that you took me up on my offer. I thought you and Gilbert might of started to date recently truth be told," he said as he looked at her. He had been rather jealous of that , he was worried about losing her, something that made him realize that he had such strong feelings for her in the first place.
Elizaveta clearly remembered their days together. She enjoyed those days being his wife. It was always filled with fun and laughter. She wished they never separated, and it was due to a number of things; the loss in the war and other things. Sometimes she wondered if Roderick missed their relationship. She certainly didn't regret having the Austrian as her husband. Other days, she felt horrible like she had caused their marriage to break. She took this as an opportunity to show Roderick that they had to be together, that they missed each other.

The Hungarian listened to the sweet sounds of the classical music playing. It reminded her of Roderick. She got a funny idea that he'd go up there and start playing for her. That's not Roderick at all. She reminded herself. Elizaveta was pulled away from her thoughts when her former husband started to speak. She raised an eyebrow and shook her head, giggling softly. "You thought I would choose Gilbert over you? He's so immature. You have nothing to worry about, Roderick. I wouldn't say no to a date with you," she answered. She sat crossed her legs under the table and went through her menu. She was giving him bits and pieces in her words that she still had strong feelings for him.
She was right, he wasn't the type to go up an play the piano in this place when someone else had the gig to do so. Now at home, he would surely love to play the piano for her, and find new songs for which he could play to make her smile happily. That smile that happy smile, it was endearing to him and caused him to feel happy about being around her. He looked at her and nodded his head blushing agian slightly as he looked over at the musician, "he is good," he mused as he looked at him. He decided as he looked at he needed to tell her in a way how he felt about her.

"You know, Elizaveta, that a musician is only as good as his muse," Roderick said as he continued to look at the man, "if a man has a good muse his music is always better then when he doesn't," he turned his head to look right at her though his glasses, and smiled a bit more than normal, "I myself have a great muse, the best possible muse to be honest, and she has inspired me to make some of my best music ever," he said revealing in a way his feelings, but also the fact that he very much saw Elizaveta as his personal muse. "I think I would be lost without my muse, to be honest."
Though, Elizaveta knew Roderick would never do that, she had an imagination. She imagined him standing up and asking the pianist if he could play a song for her. He played her her favorite piece of music. She wished that could be true, but that seemed more like something Gilbert would do for her. So instead, she focused on the musician playing on the stage. She messed with the end of her braid as she watched him. She smiled, moving her head to the music absentmindedly. She heard Roderick comment on him. "He is, but I bet you're better," she complimented. She wanted to be nice tonight.

Elizaveta was only half paying attention to Roderick as he spoke. She was looking out the window, admiring the city. She swore she saw glimpses of Gilbert. Probably her imagination. She turned towards the Austrian when he started to really speak. She sat up straighter as he started talking about his muse. "W-wait...your muse" She asked hesitantly. She didn't know how she was supposed to feel. She blushed deeply and turned her head away. That felt like an honor to her. A muse for Roderick Edelstein. "I-I...I don't know what to say," she admitted, biting her lower lip a little.
Roderick looked at her and blinked as he heard her comment about the musician , he was an man who had a degree of pride, and he was feeling that was sort of a challenge to him. He smiled as he leaned over and nodded his head as he looked at her, "let me show you the fact that you are my muse," he said to her softly as he reached over and caressed her face, looking closely at it, as he leaned cross the table and kissed her on her lips, softly for a good moment before pulling away. He got to his feet, he had to prove this to her, he was a prideful man, not as prideful as other but still he had his pride too.

Roderick had to think outside the box, he had to do something different to win her over. Just doing the same old same old wouldn't work, he had to be radical, perhaps was the right word to use in this situation he had to win the heart of the beautiful Hungarian again, and he was determined with all his body and mind to do just that. He walked up to the man and smiled as he gave the man a tip to play a single song for the woman whom he called his muse. He played a song for her that was actually native to her own lands. He played with passion as the music came out. It was perfect, each not hit was right on time and right as it should be, he played with his eyes closed as he focused, it was common for him to do so, to think about his muse as he played and let the passion come out in the form of the music.
Elizaveta meant what she said. He was better than the man that was playing. She knew what it would spark in him. It would make him want to show her what he could do. She wanted him to prove her wrong. She wanted to see that he was brave and could do things as big as playing for in a public space. She blushed softly and raised an eyebrow. "Then, show me," she whispered. Her eyes were on him the entire time as he caressed her face. She waited for this moment for years. She closed her eyes, returning the soft kiss. It reminded her of their years together. She wanted to continue it.

The Hungarian knew what Roderick would do. It was almost weird how only moments ago she imagined him going up and playing her a piece of music. Her eyes were on him as he walked up to the musician. She watched him give him a tip so he could play. She rested her head on her hands to watch him play the piece with her pretty green eyes. People were all quiet now, wanting to see the strange man play for his muse. She sat up straight when he began to play the music. She was surprised that he began playing a song that she knew with her heart. Tears pricked the side of her eyes. They were tears of joy. He was doing something like that for her. When he finished the piece, people clapped for him. However, she stood up and ran to him. She practically threw herself into his arms. She hugged him tightly, burying her head in his shoulder. "Oh my God, Roderick. That was beautiful." She whispered, a few tears managing to roll down her cheeks.
Roderick hadn't expected that he would play so smoothly but he had, he stopped and took a deep breath as he opened his eyes and looked up. He heard the cheers for him as he turned to see something, he looked for Elizaveta and saw her a moment before she hugged him, he turned a bright shade of red as he returned the hug to the Hungarian woman, letting her head rest against his shoulder. "He looked at the beautiful Hungarian woman and smiled before he kissed her lips softly, pressing his lips against her own lips firmly capturing their attention completely for a good moment or two letting his passion show though in a second way as he held her. He heard more cheering at this which caused him to break the kiss and blush again looking at her.

"As I said, you are my muse, the reason I play with my eyes closed is cause I picture you when I play my music," he said softly as he took her hand into his own and walked back to the table sitting next to her at the table as he felt light on his feet, like something glorious had just happened to him , something special something that was incomparable to anything else in his whole life. He looked at the waiter and blinked as the waiter offered them a free meal for his performance as payment in kind for playing for them that night.
Elizaveta didn't care about anything else in that moment other than Roderick. She was overwhelmed with feelings. One of them love for the Austrian. In the five minutes, she realized how much she loved him. She didn't care what people thought of her as she ran to him. She wanted to show him how much she loved him. She wrapped her arms around him while she embraced him. She smiled and returned the soft kiss. She cupped his cheeks in her hand. This was way better than she expected to go. It was the best night of her life. She couldn't think of anything better than this moment, kissing the crush of her dreams. She wondered if this was the beginning of a new relationship.

"Aww. That's so sweet. I don't doubt that's true, though. I bet you do picture me when you close your eyes," she whispered against his lips. She got up from his lap and blushed softly. She fixed her dress and gripped his hand tightly She was only slightly embarrassed about her reaction to his playing. She sat down back in her seat and flipped through the menu. She glanced up at the waiter. "That's wonderful! Thank you for the offer!" She exclaimed cheerfully. She giggled softly and took Roderick's hands. "I love you, Roderick," she told him. It was the truth.
Roderick was so very happy to hear her words, they were perfect, "I love you too Elizaveta," he replied looking at her a softer than normal face shining as he looked at the woman. Having her in his life was so very important, he had feelings for her strong ones, and now he was glad that he had acted to show her that he had them. He kept her hands in his as he looked over at her moving closer to her with his chair as he wanted to be right by her now. He thought about all they had been though in the good and the bad times, they had really seen so much, and dealt with it together, they were so much better at least opinion together then they were apart.

"I want to begin our relationship anew, I want you to be my woman again, I want to retake our vows to each other once again, my love," he said making it know what his intentions were as he kissed her cheek softly looking into those endless eyes of her, that caused him to find yet more inspiration within them. He held her hand as he made this statement. He knew that she was the only one he would ever want to have as his partner in life. He hoped she felt the same way, and he felt kind of proud of himself for being able to go though with this all and show the beautiful Hungarian beauty the affection so rightly deserved.
It meant the world for Elizaveta. She finally had the love of her life back. She never stopped loving him, even after their relationship ended. Her green eyes practically sparkled with love. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek. She wasn't thinking about their date. She was thinking about him. He was so right for her. She could never be with anyone else. Not Gilbert, not Ludwig. It was Roderick. She wished she could lean over the table and kiss him, but it was impolite to do that here. Instead, she decided to do something special for him. Just a nice soup for him. Her soups were one of the best in town. She knew Roderick would love to have some.

"That's wonderful, Roderick. I want it to be like our first wedding. Don't you remember? It was beautiful," she said it almost dreamily. She would do anything to relive their wedding. She blushed softly as she realized what she sounded like. "Sorry for pressuring you. If you don't want to do it like a wedding, I'm okay with that," she told him. She left out the anxiousness in her voice. She was afraid she was coming up with things too early. It wasn't her fault. She was really excited they were doing this again. She let go of his hands, a little embarrassed about her outburst. She ran her hand down the braid while looking at him. She had a different expression. It was one Roderick hasn't seen in a while. Not since their marriage.
Roderick looked over at Elizaveta he had not seen her like this in a long time, a very long time, he blinked as he heard her question and then thought about it, it was hard for the naturally stoic Roderick to keep up that appearance this night and in this moment, he was rather happy too. "Our first marriage, I do remember that, it was the best day of my life," he said as he looked over at her and smiled slightly as he saw that their food was coming to the table, it was a salad for him as he was not so hungry as he had been nervous before he had talked to her and the whole date made the Austrian a bit on edge. He took the time to take a bite of food, to give him time to think about what she had said more clearly as it gave him a break from even having to talk at all.

"A wedding it is, a normal wedding or how ever you so wish it to be, I know your far more knowledgeable on such things then I am, Elizaveta," he said softly as he knew it was true. "I will arrange for the music and make sure that the place we have it is good enough," he said using his words carefully, "that means you just have to get the whole what we wear, who is coming stuff done and of course if you have ideas on the where and such go ahead, and you can help me on that as well," he mused as his logical driven mind took the problem and quickly went over possible solutions to the problem that happened to be before him before giving said answer to Elizaveta, it was natural for the dark haired Austrian male to think like this.
Elizaveta started to wonder what she was going to eat. She was too busy being excited over their new relationship. She was mentally going through a list she had of who to invite. Basically everyone. Though she didn't want to invite Gilbert, she would have too. She didn't want him to feel bad. So, she decided she would have everyone there. It would be a nice day just like the one all those years ago. "I know. I remember everything. It was an amazing day," she whispered. She smiled at Roderick. It was the day she felt like a woman and not some tom boy. She was his wife, not a friend. She remembered everything about their marriage. She hated that it had to end. It was all because of choosing the wrong side and losing. It was fair.

Elizaveta smiled at her fiance. That's what they were. They were going to get married once more. She rested her head on her hands as he spoke. "Well, I guess it's a woman thing," she remarked. She had to admit it was a woman's gift. She decided what she wanted to eat while he talked. "You are more than welcome to pick out the venue and the music, Roderick. You're good at that," she told him. She figured out what she had to do before he even said it. "All right, but you have to come to the fittings for your groomsmen and people," she told him. She smiled at the waiter as he brought over their drinks. She was so thirsty. She grabbed a straw and placed it in her cup of water. She took small sips though she wanted to drink it all down.
Roderick smiled glad that she had agreed, he had place of the wedding, he had an idea already in his head, he would just have to see about the dates it would be possible to use it. He could picture how it would look, how she would look, and how he would look. He could see it all playing though his head, so perfectly, to the sounds of a musical piece. He hated for a long time that they broke up, that they were apart it felt wrong, he felt incomplete without her in his life. Something missing like a puzzle piece that is just one piece sort of completion. She was the thing he realized recently that brought a sense of completion to his own life.

Roderick looked as he looked at the water, he was thirsty as well, playing a piece of music was far more challening on a body then one would thing about. "Well, of course, I would expect to have to do that my dear," he said looking at Elizaveta without realizing he had slipped the term of endurment in, but he would of anyhow. "He turned and quickly ordered the house special a kind of salad made with chicken, that looked wonderful to him. He looked at her and looked down as he thought about something else, "One thing, last time...well this time, I was wondering if you would be up for having a family of our own?"
Elizaveta was grateful she had something to drink. The straw served as something she could bite on. She still had her old habits from when she was little. One of them being not able to sit down. She was always craving an adventure, but now she had to sit down and listen to Roderick. She couldn't spoil anything for him. Not after it was her fault they lost the war. She still blamed it on herself, even though she knew she could've done something. They just had to take actions. She regretted having to lose Roderick. He was the only thing that made her happy. He was there for here when she needed him, and she was there for him when he needed her. They were perfect for each other.

Elizaveta had notice Roderick looking at her glass of water. She debated whether or not to offer him her drink. She didn't want to embarrass him though, so she kept it to herself. She tapped her fingers on the cup and smiled at him. She wondered what music he would pick out. Perhaps their wedding song, the song they danced to at their reception. She started to wonder what would happen if they got married again. She looked at him and smiled brightly. "Really? Of course I would, Roderick! I've always wanted to have on of our own." She answered with a gleeful tone.
"Yeah, that is the idea," he said nodding his head as he looked at her, he knew that they hadn't been the most passionate couple ever, it was one of the signs that they would perhaps face the trouble they had. Yet, he wanted to show her some of the passion that he had for her, also was ready to settle down. "I was thinking about the old days,but then we didn't need any kids cause we had the little ones roaming around our house it was like having kids without them being our own," he said looking up as he remember the days long ago when the two youngsters hanged out at their home.

"Now though, they are grown, and well, it is time for us to have that family just us," he said as saw his salad brought over as well as Elizaveta's food and started to eat to buy time as he finished his own thought. "Well, I think we should have a spring wedding, the flowers are in bloom and it is the sign that live has been brought back after a cold winter, as the wedding will be a sign of us recommitting to each other," he said with a calm but not the normal stoic look on his face.
Elizaveta could already imagine what their life would be like with children. It would definitely be better than before. There were some passionate moments in their previous relationship, but it never evolved into something more. She always wanted to indulge in her passion for Roderick. She wanted to show him just how much he meant to her. She looked at him as he started to speak. "Oh yes. I remember the little ones. Those were the good old days," she said softly. She smiled up at him. She almost giggled at the fact when Roderick mistook Feliciano for a girl when he was little. Those were the fun times.

The Hungarian nodded in agreement. "I think it is time for us to start a family. It would be right to have one," she replied. She looked up at the waiter who brought their food. She took out her fork and began eating her pasta. She smiled softly before glancing up at him. She chewed as he spoke. When she was done, she raised an eyebrow. "A spring wedding? I never thought about that. I like the sound of it, Roderick," she admitted. She truly did like the idea of having a spring wedding.
Roderick sat back in his chair as he looked at the looked at the food then up at Elizaveta, he remembered the old days well, they were fun, but he felt a desire to out do them, to make the future far better then even the heights of the past. He ate for the most part quietly, after he head that she agreed with him on the idea for a spring wedding. He finished looked up, "So, now, it does seem that we have things moving along well already," he said with a kind tone to his voice before taking another bite. He was sure they would have everything set before they had the big day.

Roderick finished the meal thinking mostly about it, about the new status between himself and Elizaveta. He looked at the brown haired Hungarian smiling as he finished the meal, before he put down the money for it, "shall we walk home, I believe tonight is suppose to be a beautiful clear night, and the start shall be far easier to see this night then they normally are," he mused to her after thinking about it for a good long moment. He got up and offered her his hand to take as he led her out inclearn night sky. He had been right, there were many stars that could be seen as they walked, Roderick noticed something and pointed to it, a shotting start, of course he was sure that Elizaveta knew what it meant.
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