Hello Sweetie (Qant x kat)

Eyes closed as he internalized the surge of emotions that came from River's stubbornness. A shaking smile worked its way on to his face as so many thoughts passed through his mind. What if he needed to save her at some point and he wasn't there to do so? What if she dies and he's not there to say goodbye or save her? He wasn't going to just let this one walk out of his life like the others. He's had to let so many friends and companions go to this point and there was always the surge of sorrow to see them go, but this was on a different level than the others. This was his wife! How could he just stand bye and let her do this to him?! Small tears streaked from his shut eyes before he opened them and took a short breath as he felt himself prepared to burst. He made sure to look at her when he said, "I suppose it will have to do." Another short breath as he did his best to hold back everything.
What she wouldn't know, and he did. Was that she would die some day. And he had already seen it, in the library. Where she was now trapped inside of a computer. Forced to live forever in a digital world, where nothing ever changed, and everything just kept going. He had seen this already, but she had no idea that that was what was coming for her.

River stroke his cheek, as he spoke. It killed her to not tell him everything. Everything they had done, or would do. And why she meant so much to him, and he to her. But she couldn't, he wouldn't know it yet, but he was the one that told her not to. She pulled herself closer to his face, and leaned down to kiss him tenderly. "We're both here now.. who knows when that will happen again. Let's just enjoy it.. there will be time to worry later" She put on a brave face for him. Of course she knew that he would see her again, quite a lot of times. But only he knew how many times she would see him again. And it was very unlikely that he would tell her.
The Doctor remained in blissful ignorance of the Library as all the memories of the previous incarnation died with him. It was the only way one man could remain sane for nine hundred years with all the events that have transpired. Though he was aware that there have been those that have come before him, but he just couldn't remember anything. He had once asked Rory if he could remember all of the two thousand years that he had been on the Earth carrying around the Pandorica and guarding Amy's cosmic ICU. He said that there were some times where he could remember, like it was a door that opened at random times. He had yet to feel that phenomena, but he hoped that something from his past lives could help him figure things out and perhaps figure out ways to save her in any situation.

He tried hard, trying to delve back into his memories, but nothing happened. He took a number of deep breaths to quell his fluxing emotions before returning to his normal state. "Right." He said, oddly chipper, as he grabbed for his bow tie and coat. "Then let's have na adventure, shall we?"
Of course. When there was anything he didn't feel comfortable with, like, emotions he couldn't control. The Doctor did what he always did. Run. Looking down in the mattress as he got up, River put on her usual front. Not showing him how much it hurt her, that he would run from her as well.
"Sure, Sweetie." She kept her back to him, as she put her clothes back on. Just needed another moment to compose herself, before her front was back up. When she turned around to face him, it was back up, along with a slight flirtatious smile on her lips. "So, where do you want to go?"
Redressing himself in his proper attire he had to think on where to go. "Hmmm, well let's see where this old girl landed us." With a snap of his suspenders he was off and running back to the center of his TARDIS. His return to normal wasn't something unusual for him, he had an uncanny way of compartmentalizing emotions. Some considered it running away from the problem, and God forbid someone run from River Song. It wasn't running, it was just choosing to save the time for emotion later and move on. "Come on love, time waits for no one... except me!"
River followed him with quick steps. "So where did we land?" She asked, looking at the monitor at the console. Even though she had some knowledge of the TARDIS, she knew far from everything, and he would know better what the monitor said now.
He arrived at the console and hit a few buttons. "Breathable atmosphere, dry arid climate, fine to me." He then stepped outside of the box into a a large plains area. He looked around to see that it stretched in each direction. Suddenly he felt a large figure zoom past him, causing him to spin on his heels to get a look at it. Several more passed him by and he got a better look. Six shooters on each hip, big hats, and all heading towards a small town on the horizon. "Oh boy, it seems like we've found ourselves in the old west!"
Turning to look at the figured that rushed past them, River's curls bounced a bit as she did so. "So Earth, I take it?" Why did he always end up landing on earth, when there were so many planets to choose from? "Should I change?" River asked, arching an eyebrow at him. She was pretty sure he wouldn't change, it was rare that he wore anything else than that tweed. River however liked to dress to fit in. Her personality was usually enough for her to stand out anywhere. And she did like those corsets and flaunting dresses, that the saloon girls wore in that period in time. Although, thinking about it, The Doctor might not have one of those in his wardrobe.
The Doctor looked on as the surprisingly fast figures moved in on the town. "Yes, Earth. Where else could you find an authentic western experience?" Now that he mentioned that he remember his fondness of Earth. It must be due to his fascination with the human race. Such a fascinating people. Joined the universe a little too late, but their history is quite unique. He heard loud bangs and screams coming from the town and it sounded like someone needed help. "You might want to do more than just change, River."
"Too bad you don't have any guns in there" River shook her head a bit. She never shot anyone, if she could help it. But she still thought that a gun was a good thing to have in any situation. If nothing else, than to save your own skin. And yet, River didn't waste any time, before she ran towards the screams, assuming that The Doctor would follow. Like he always did. It might be foolish, running into danger like that. But that was how it seemed to be, running with The Doctor. You ran towards the danger, nearly as often as you ran away from it.
"You know how I feel about guns and shooting people." She shouldn't even get him started on... him. The one who betrayed he stood for, all for the sake of war. River decided to stay in her wares and ran to the town. "River!" He called after, but she just kept running. He groaned and took chase. "I really think this is more of a time to stand back and asses than get involved! We could possibly be tampering with a fixed point in time!!!" As they neared the town it turned out that it wasn't really a town after all, it was a fort. The large wooden barrier surrounding the area. "Wait, where exactly are we?"
"You tell me, honey, you're the time traveller" she said sarcastically. River knew all to well that he rarely landed where he planned to. When they had both come to a stop, river turned to face him. "So... Assess. What do we do now?" Her hands were at her hips, as she turned her head again and looked at the area.
"Well I would gladly do that... if we hadn't ran off from the TARDIS to this gunfire." Speaking of which he saw a horse come around the barrier, though it wasn't moving like a horse. The bandit looking fellow on top certainly was human. The horse though didn't look organic, it had an unnatural sheen and was moving at an alarming rate. Guns were raised and The Doctor acted quickly. He grabbed the Sonic out of his pocket and pushed River out of the way while he aimed it at the "horse". The beast sparked and fell to the floor, guns firing off in a complete different directions. The bandit fell before them and The Doctor looked quite pleased. "Looks like we might get our answers."
"Like you don't prefer a bit of trouble" River huffed. The TARDIS wouldn't be much help now anyway, except for shelter. And where was the fun in that? To hide away. This was supposed to be an adventure, and hiding away in the TARDIS. As fun as it might be, wouldn't be very adventurous. River could only stand by and watch as he made the 'horse' fall over. "Oh good, enrage the locals. Great start honey" Looking around to see if there would be more guns fired in their direction, when it didn't look like it, she walked out towards the horse. "If this is the Wild west, something is definitely off.. Are you sure we're on earth?"
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