Hello Sweetie (Qant x kat)

"Well you did cut me off, just as I was getting to the good bit, Sweetie" River grinned a bit, biting her lower lip in joy, as he smacked squeezed her buttocks. She hummed lightly as she felt his crotch against her, the suspense was hard to bear, as she just couldn't wait for him to mount her.

"Too long, Doctor.. way too long." River turned her head, to see if she could look at him. "I usually imagine you landing the TARDIS in my cell, and come out, pin me to the wall, and take me right then and there. Passionately, hot and steamy.. You know I like it rough"
"Well I suppose I can oblige you on that." He pulled her pants down further and felt her panties, "At least Stormgate allowed you to keep those." He gave a hard tug at the thinnest part of waistband and felt a nice rip, another tug and they were off. The Doctor was able to work his shoes off and slide his pants down his legs. "There we are." With a slight movement he had his member lined up with her slit. He rubbed it against hers and chuckled. "Are you ready love?"
"Stormgate did.. but you obviously don't" She grinned as he ripped them off. She didn't mind, knickers were unnecessary in her head. But then again, most clothes were unnecessary in her head.
River growled a bit as he just rubbed his erection against her. "oh yes.. Sweetie.. please!" she complained, willingly spreading her legs for him. As much as she liked the handcuffs, she hated the fact that she couldn't have her hands on his body.
Another throaty chuckle left from his throat, "I find them tedious," he told her while he kept rubbing at her entrance. She spread herself for him and he could see her hands wanting to move. Being the clever Time Lord he was he removed his jacket, Sonic still in his coat pocket, and casually tossed it near her hands. "Thought I would make myself more comfortable." Unbuttoning his cuffs, taking his sweet time to drag it out for River and torture her more, and loosening his bow tie he felt that it had been long enough. He then lined his member up with her entrance and gave a hard thrust into her. The Doctor let out an audible moan as he was still slightly new to the whole sex thing. Once he was all the way in he had to give himself a few moments to adjust to her.
River grumbled and she tried to move herself closer to him, as he continued to tease her. The soft thump of the sonic landing on the bed, did not pass River by, and she looked at it with a pout. Being only able to see him out of the corner of her eye, River made a very unhappy noise. "Doctor.. please" she begged, as he began to undress, that was just not nice.
But then he finally pushed himself inside of her, instantly making her moan. It had been too long. But then he didn't move, which didn't pleased River at all. So she moved herself, as much as she could, with him laying on top of her.
The Doctor was surprised at River. He purposefully placed his jacket and Sonic down by her hands for a reason. Yet she did not take it? Interesting. He supposed that she would do so at the most opportune moment for her. Little mattered now, he grew comfortable at the sensations that were running through his body and he took hold of her hips while she tried to move on her own. With a firm grip on her waist he pulled his cock out part of the way and thrusted it back into her warm folds. More groans came from him as he pounded his way into her. "Oh my, that still feels new!" As he continued his motions he felt himself grow in a haze as sensation and instinct took over his movements, speed and power of his thrusts slowly increased as this haze ca,e to overtake him.
It would be hard to River to reach the sonic, with her hands bound, and him pinning her to the bed like he did. If he ever moved, she would reach for it, but right not, that just wasn't a possibility.

A moan escaped River as he pulled himself out halfway, only to thrust right back in again. "Well.. it is hardly used honey" She teased. Pleased with the face that he finally started to fuck her properly. Making her wimp and moan as his speed and power increased.
The Doctor pushed himself up off of River to allow himself to thrust harder into her. Her words had him laughing a bit and had him stop thrusting a moment. While he appreciated the gesture that River meant but it just sounded funny to him. Once he calmed down he was able to say, "I love you sweetie." He picked his momentum back and was able to reach deeper thanks to his new position.
River moaned as he thrusted back into her. His next words surprised her. She wondered if he had said this before. In his time stream. She had only heard him say it twice. So every time he did, it meant an awful lot. "And I love you, Doctor" She smiled a bit, just as he came back even deeper than before, making her moan again.
She made an attempt to reach his jacket, but simply couldn't reach it. Hoping that he would free her at some point, she gave up and just relaxed as his erection filled her out so wonderfully.
River did her best to reach his Sonic, but just couldn't get it into her hands. He stifled a small laugh and stopped to reach for his Sonic. "Since you need me to break you out of everything." The claw of the sonic extended and opened and the light glowed it's rich green color. With a buzzing sound he pointed at the keyhole to the cuffs. A click of them and the tightened cuffs loosened and he took them off her wrists. "Better now?" He said as he dangled them in front of her before tossing them aside .
"Much better" River smiled. There wasn't much she could do. But she could pull off her tank top, then grab a hold of his hands, and pull them forward, so her would lay fully down on top of her. Then she could turn her head and nuzzle her nose against his cheek. Holding him close like that for a minute. "I don't need you to break me out.. I just need you" She whispered against him.
The Doctor sighed as she nuzzled to him and latched herself on to him. Who was she? While he had met her, that was just time. He knew where they were and that she was running forwards while he was back tracking her; she was scattered across all his life. He needed to know who she was to him, now, in this moment, to him. How was he able to let someone so close who he didn't understand. Perhaps they were just feelings that were beginning, or radiated off of her from his future self. All he could gather were bits and pieces. And those bits and pieces he could glimpse in her yes, if he peered close enough. How quickly he had managed to unravel layers of the strong, strong woman to where she showed her needs and wants.

He cupped her cheek in his hand as he decided to look closely at her. What does her past hold for him? He felt her strength from her, her quiet softness, her knowledge. It all kept him anchored. He found himself craving it. "I need you to," he told her softly. He then kissed her again as he feverishly kissed her lips and her neck, moaning as the sensations returned.
River look at him, as he looked at her. She could nearly see the cogwheels tuning. It was clear from the blank wondering look on his face, that he didn't know her yet. And yet he said that he loved her. How could he know? It was the seemingly never ending puzzle between the two of them. He knew her, in her future. And she knew him in his. There was nothing simple about. Except for the constant feeling that drew them together. River couldn't remember a time where she hadn't wanted him, in one way or another.

She smiled a bit as he said he needed her. Again, how did he know? Or was it just something that she felt? River knew it. She knew how her existence depended on him. But she couldn't tell him. Telling him would alter everything, and she wouldn't risk that. River kissed him back longingly. Longing for him, and for him to know her. It literally hurt her, to see that he didn't.
But there would be plenty of time for her to grief over that, later. Right now he was there, and so was she. And he knew her well enough to rip her clothes off. That was good enough for now.
He needed her? Why would he say that to someone he barely knew... than again they had participated in coitus on previous occasions. Didn't Amy and Rory embarrassingly explain to him, after he had discovered their intimacies under the control console, that it was something that couples did when they were in love or some other rubbish like that. So why now? Was it an emotional impulse, had the feelings that he felt on their adventures finally boiled up to this moment and he just let it out?

He didn't know what to make of it. So, uncharacteristically of him, he let it go. He pushed himself inside of her again and continued to thrust, murmuring sweet nothings into Rivers ears as he did so.
River moaned as he continued to move inside her. All she could do was think how much she loved him, and how he didn't know yet. If things proceeded the way they had so far. She wouldn't see him again, where he knew. He was slipping further and further away from her, and there was nothing she could do about it. River hated it, she absolutely hated it. Why did it have to be this way.

"Sweetie" She wimped as he continued, bringing her closer to the unavoidable orgasm.
The way it sounded made him worry a bit and almost made him want to stop to make sure she was alright. Though this new feeling of adrenaline and tingle had him driving to finish. He shifted positions as he lifted her spread legs on to his shoulders and had her pelvis in an upward angle. He lost speed, but gained power behind his thrusts with this new angle. There was a pit in his stomach now as he watched her, something was wrong.
If he was worried from that whip she had made, he would have to be even more worried. As he lifted her legs and put more power into his thrusts, it only made he moan and wimp more. River reached out and clasped the sheets, as she pelvic muscles started to tighten around him. "Don't stop.. so .. close!"
The Doctor could feel a tightening in his groin as he kept up his pace. He held her close, not wanting to let go as he may not get the chance to do this again for awhile. There were other adventures to be had and River had to eventually go back... or did she? They were in a time machine, they could bend the time to what they wanted. She... never had to go back! They could keep going and have all the adventures that he supposedly was going to have with her and then they could go back the exact moment they left Stormgate to put River back in the prison. He couldn't believe he hadn't thought of it before! He was so busy thinking of the time they had that he forgot what he was still doing. His member twitched inside of her and then felt a torrent of cum spurt from his tip inside of her as he continued to buck as hard as he could.
River moaned as her orgasm rolled in over her. She felt him come inside of her. But as long as he continued to take her, so roughly. Her muscles continued to spasm around him. "OH god.. Doctor!" She almost screamed. River felt her whole body shake, as she kept coming. Her heart was in her throat, as she tried to focus on breathing, when she wasn't moaning.
The Doctor spasmed a bit more before coming down from the rush that he was feeling after cumming inside of River. He pulled himself out of her and fell to the side of her. Immediately missing the connection and warmth he pulled River closer and held on to her tightly. He buried his nose in her hair and took in a deep breath as he took in the sweet scent of her unruly mane of curls.
As The Doctor collapsed on the bed, next to her. River took a moment to catch her breath, before she was pulled close to him again. Now finally being able to lay her hands on him, she stroke his neck, and kissed his cheek, as he buried his nose in her hair. River lay her leg in between his, as half of her body lay on top of his.
He continually breathed in and out as he committed the scent to memory. As he did so he quietly breathed out, "Who are you River Song?" How could a person who randomly popped into his life have such an affect on a nine-hundred year old Time Lord? The last Time Lord in fact. He had gone through so many female companions, none that he could remember save for Amy, but none made him fell this way before. "What is so special about you that you can do this to me?"
River leaned away a bit, only to stroke his face, and look into his eyes. Usually she was able to brush off his questions of their past or future easily. But not now. The intimacy of the moment was too great. And the look in his eyes, told the clear story. He actually didn't know. River wanted him to know, more than anything, but she knew that she couldn't. He wasn't meant to find out now. The fact that they were so close right now, when he asked the question, made tears come to her eyes, knowing that she couldn't tell him. "Spoilers" She whispered and forced a smile to her lips.
The Doctor looked at her, desperate to hear her answer, holding out a small string of hope that she would be honest with him for once rather than have to rely on diversion so that he would have to find out on his own at the right place and at the right time. He understood that there are fixed points in time but is everyone on of their meetings such an instance? Still he saw the pain that it brought her to think that she had to withhold everything unless he knew it as well. Tears weld up in her eyes and he knew the answer that was coming. As she whispered he mouthed the word with her and sighed, trying to hold back anger want. His restraint normally knew almost limitless bounds, but the unfamiliar feeling of desperation was a rising tide within him. "Time is always in flux dear, it can be rewritten. What's a few spoilers to a time traveler?"
River shook her head, as a few tears fell on his chin. "If I tell you, it will change our history. And I can't do that, love. I won't.. not one line" She stroke his hair again. "You know I love you.. isn't that enough.. for now?" She hoped it would be. It might be the last time that she was ever this close to him. It was always like that. She never knew when it would be the last time, so she made the best out of every time she saw him. She had to.
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