Hello Sweetie (Qant x kat)


Sep 4, 2013
The Doctor snuck through Rory and Amy's flat doing a quick check. The Gallifreyan was quick and nimble on his feet as he looked through each room. He found Rory on the couch with the television still on. "Rory, check." He tip toed to the room and found Amy passed out on her bed, "Pond, check." He quietly closed the door and ran to the TARDIS. Feeling a bit weighed down by the married couple, The Doctor took on a solo adventure every now and again. He quickly ran around the TARDIS's console and threw all the switches to get her moving. "TARDIS, check." He then moved to a mirror near the console and checked himself, quaffing his hair to the left and straightening his jacket. "Cool factor," He then tightened and straightened his bow tie. With a smirk he said, "Check." Throwing the switch the TARDIS lurked into action as he shouted, "Geronimo!" Then he was off through all of space and time.

When he felt the TARDIS come to stop he limbered himself up before bravely stepping out of the Police with a bright smile. The environment he stepped out into was a dark and bleak one. "Ooo a bit dreary this place." He then saw the bars in front of him, causing a slight frown to mar his face. "I don't remember wanting to go to prison." Had he put in the wrong coordinates, or was the TARDIS just acting up?
River had become quite used to the life in prison, however much she hated that fact, she had. The only thing that kept her going, was that The Doctor from time to time, came and picked her up, to go on adventures. She lived for those days, rare as they were. River had, much to her disappointment, only managed to lure him into bed with her two times. Although it didn't always happen in a bed. One of them had been her first time with him. And the other had been his first time with her. The latter had definitely been the hardest to get him to do. She was pretty sure he had blushed all the way through it.

So when a boring, normal day in her cell was interrupted by the whooshing of the TARDIS, River quickly got up from her bed and put on her boots. Ready for anything. Her grey tanktop and olivegreen pants, wasn't as flattering as she would have liked. But she could make anything look sexy. It was all about confidence and attitude. And River had loads of confidence.

"I don't think anyone wants to go to prison Sweetie" River stated, standing by her very small and uncomfortable bed, with her arms crossed over her chest. "I'm glad she thinks you should see me.. even if you don't" Sounding part wounded, part teasing as she took a few steps closer to him.
The Doctor made a quick turn on his heels as he heard a familiar sing song voice. "Ah yes, I suppose I should be familiar with your cell by now, River." The infamous Doctor Song. Future wife. Time Traveler.... complicated. He patted both the left and right side of his chest and reached into both of his coat pockets in search of his small journal. "You'll have to excuse me, I seem to have left my journal in my other coat." Now how was he supposed to figure out when they were. He found it humorous that they were probably the only couple in the history of the universe that needed to know the when and neither the how nor where.

Her hurt tone was merely a ploy, nothing ever hurt River Song, at least what she allowed people to see. "Please, cry me a..." Dare he say it? "River." He then smirked and laughed at his own corny joke.
Stepping even further to him, left her only inches from actually touching him. River was clearly hoping to make him flustered .. again. "Let's go get it then" She purred in the smoothest voice. With them being alone, River always found it hard to keep her hands of him. Even if he still didn't know who she was. But they should find out where they were in their timelines before doing anything. It was the one thing about being married to the man, that irritated her. That they never met in the right order. Why did it have to be so complicated?

She just shook her head, smiling in pity of his bad joke. "I think you need a Doctor" She joked back, purposely being bad at joking.

Even though he hadn't planned on landing there, River hoped that he would take her with him now. Where ever it was that he had planned to go. She desperately needed to get out, even if it was just for the night.
Her closing proximity certainly had him on edge a bit. Being married at some point in the future to a known criminal brought its own certain... nuances. Though her smooth voice was music to his ears and brought a warm fuzzy feeling in him. All of it was just for him. It made him wonder if Amy felt this way when she and Rory talked like that? It might be an inappropriate question to bring up to the couple, then again he wasn't one for subtlety or formalities.

The Doctor rolled his eyes at her when she made her pun. "Now you see it's cute when I do it, but you just sound corny." He was about to bring her in the TARDIS but he stopped when he figured something out. "Ahhh clever, Dr. Song, but I'm sure that taking a criminal into a trans-dimensional ship is against some sort of law on here."
"Since when do you care about the rules? It's not like you haven't done it before.. " Or maybe he hadn't. But then, he did recognize her cell, so he had clearly been there before. But maybe he had just dropped her off, and not exactly taken her out before. "It's a time machine Doctor.. we could be back before anyone noticed that I was gone." Following him to the TARDIS, she stepped close enough to him, so the if he didn't step back, she would be pressing herself up against him.
If she had to use dirty tricks to get into the TARDIS then so be it. Sometimes needs must. But it did hurt her a bit to think that he didn't remember taking her out before. Every time she saw him, he always knew less and less of her. It was horrible and River hated it. But she knew she couldn't stay away either, she had to see him. She wanted and needed to see him.
"That's true. Rules are for suckers who don't have time machines." He snapped his fingers and the doors to the blue Police Box opened . "Come along, Song. I suppose a Doctor always needs a companion on his adventures." River was obviously trying to butter him as she got close to him. The feeling was warmly familiar and he couldn't keep from smiling a bit. He quickly peeled away and walked into the TARDIS, flicking on switches and turning nobs around the large console. "So, where to run to in all of time? The Pyramids to give Cleopatra and Mark Antony a run for their money, help Einstein with that tricky relativity, or just free-for-all?"
River smiled confidently when he finally opened the doors for them. As always it brought a rush of excitement with it, that she always loved. Stepping up behind him, River put her arms around his waist. "Hmm.. free for all.." She didn't really care where they went, as long as it wasn't a cramp prison cell, anything would be a nice change. For now she stood up on her toes to kiss his neck, while her hands stroke up and down his chest, on top of the shirt. "Or.. we could just stay in.." She purred in his ear. "Or find somewhere adventurous to .. have fun" River knew The Doctor had some sort of fetish for his control room. That being one of the two places they had had sex. But somewhere new might be fun. And she didn't just mean the pool.
Where to go, where to go? A question The Doctor never really had to ask that question as he always just flipped a few switches and they were off to somewhere. Usually there were problems to fix wherever they landed, but there were a few occasions where it was all play and no work. As River nuzzled into him and placed her hands on him it seemed that she had play in mind rather than work. Well, he supposed that the play she wanted required work. "Getting a little frisky aren't we, Dr. Song?" He wasn't going to readily admit to her that he was melting in her touch. The care and attention she gave him made him feel fantastic.
"Mmmm" She hummed, nuzzling her nose into the hair at his ear. "Want me to stop?" River asked in her best and silkiest voice. Her intention of snuggling up to him was quite clear. She loved to make him want her, as much as she wanted him. Even though they hadn't been together that many times, she missed his touch and the attention.
"Take me somewhere exciting" She whispered deeply, while pressing her pelvic firmly against his buttocks. intentionally raising the question of just what meaning she put into the words 'take me'.
The Doctors spine shivered as she nuzzled and purred into his ear. He let out a throaty chuckle, "I'm sure I couldn't get you to stop if I asked." She certainly was a frisky little jail bird, though he could relate. He spent a mere ten or so minutes in the Pandorica and he was dying to move and do things. Luckily Rory was able to get him out so he didn't have to figure out what years in there would be like. He could only imagine how River felt like spending years in a cell. He set random coordinates and pulled the main lever and the TARDIS was off to where and whenever. "Now now my cheeky Doctor, I'm thinking the kind of place your asking for isnt very far from your reach. That is If I'm correct, which I normally am."
"I'm sure you wouldn't want me to stop, even if you asked" She purred right back at him. Although he might claim not to, River knew he liked it. She bit lightly at his earlobe, as her hands started to slide further south on his chest, down over his stomach, to the front of his pants, where she grabbed his meat, through the fabric of his pants. "Not very far at all" she whispered, wanting him so much, that it came out clear as day in her tone of voice. Warm and tingling with desire for the man she loved so much. But who didn't seem to know her that well yet.
"So .. can you restrain yourself to go somewhere, or will you just have me here?" As much as she liked being had against the TARDIS's console, there was the slight chance of Amy or Rory walking in on them. Which River really wanted to avoid at all costs. But if he insisted, she could always try and be quiet.
The Doctor slipped from her grasp and playfully moved away from her. "I don't think my restraint is going to be called into question here" He moved up the stairs and around the TARDIS to toy with her. "I think the better question would be can you restrain yourself? Being the irresistible man I am." He was going to have fun with this one. A pent up River Song in the palm of his hand as he had what she wanted. Wait.... or was that a bad thing? Time to gamble.
"I've waited half a year, dear... No, I can't wait any longer" She followed him quickly up the stairs, and down the hallway. "Where are we going Sweetie?" she asked as she played along nicely, and didn't just run up to him, and jump him, like she felt mostly like doing. Why did he have to tease her so? couldn't he see that she was terribly horny? "Sweetie... I'm the one who's supposed to be a tease, not you.." She pouted as she followed him. Was he taking her to a bedroom? or somewhere a bit more kinky? Having only been with him twice, there was still the option that he had that side to. As if taking her against the console wasn't kinky enough.
She foolishly followed him into the halls of the TARDIS. She was now in his domain, and he was the master of these doors and hallways. He dashed in and out of doors in front and behind her like he was in an old crime solver cartoon. "Around and around I go, where will I end up only I know! The doctor in the TARDIS doesn't know!" The doctor referring to River. He saw that she was becoming slightly distressed as she lost command of the situation. "Oh you're not the only tease, love." He quickly got up behind her and slipped her wrist into a pair of handcuffs. "There we are, right where I want you."
It was quite easy to get disoriented in the halls of the TARDIS. Seeing as it had infinite space, you could get lost quite easily. Trying to keep track of where he was, was hard enough, and suddenly he was behind her, putting a set of handcuffs on her. "You remembered" She turned her head to smil flirtatiously at him. Oh she did love it, when he took the lead, and even more if he was rough on her. "What will you do to me, love?" She purred, clearly very excited about whatever he might do to her.
"Remembered?" Were handcuffs somehow important to his future with her. He didn't remember writing down about handcuffs in a journal entry. Blast, this was the problem with time travelers! They could never get in synch on anything. He shook his head to somehow physically shake that frustration away and focus back on the moment. The cuffs had her hands secured, that's what he needed. Though, unlike most people that tried to hold River he didn't soley rely on them to hold, as he was sure she herself was an expert in escaping multiple types of handcuffs. The Doctor placed a hand on her thig and ran it up close to her crotch as he neared her ear. "Wouldn't go like to know," h whispered to her.
River giggled a bit at his question. "Spoilers" She smiled at him. Successfully hiding the slightly saddened feeling at the thought that he had't seen her with a couple of handcuffs before. As far as she knew, it had been an ongoing joke between them. But not yet apparently.
Feeling his hand on her thigh, sliding up, made her shiver lightly, with a heavy breath. "Yes, Sweetie I would love to know.. but if you won't tell me.. show me" She turned a bit to meet his eyes, her own glistering with the desire she held for him.
The dreaded spoiler alert. It was Rivers cute way of saying that the information was something she already experienced with him in her past, but it would be a part of his future. Though how would handcuffs be a spoiler? It wasn't like either of them were going to handcuff each other in a fatal situation to keep them from doing something. He let that thought float away and refocused on his horny captive . He guided her through the halls and brought her into one of the infinite amount of bedrooms in the TARDIS. He gave her a nice push and leaned against the wall. "Now, let's see you work to convince me to let you out of those cuffs."
Seeing the bed made River grin, not exactly what she had had in mind. When she asked him to take her somewhere exciting. But it would do for now. She tilted her head a bit at his next comment, why would she want to get out of them? Well of course she loved the feeling of his warm skin beneath her hands. But she also liked the restrained feeling, and the fact that it meant that he was in control.

River started with kicking off her boots, so that she was now barefoot. Before she sauntered right up close to her husband, not breaking eye contact for one second. When she was standing right in front of him, she intentionally pressed her breasts against his chest as she leaned into him, to kiss him longingly.
What a show. He was hoping for more, but he couldn't say no to that look in her eye. Hips swaying and hands cuffed, she sauntered to him at his position on the wall. She kept getting closer, and closer, and closer, until she was pressing herself up against him. He felt her bosom intentionally press into him as she leaned in for a kiss. He kept his emotions in check and impartial. He broke it and smirked, "A convincing performance, Dr. Song... but not convincing enough. I think I need to see more."
"Well you can't really get to see more, when my hands are tied, and I'm fully clothed." she grinned a bit as she leaned in to kiss his jaw, tracing her way to his neck with kisses. When her lips got there she kissed and nibbled a bit at his skin there. With her hands tied there really wasn't much that she could do, with her front to him.

An idea came into her head, and she leaned away with a big smirk on her face. Turning around River used her hands to firstly stroke the front of his pants. And the move to unbutton them, as well and work on the zipper. Her hands went hunting for meat, once she got his pants opened. Hoping that he liked the treatment.
"Oh I'm sure some one as nimble as you could find ways to do so." Especially now as she was digging for meaty gold. Her sudden enthusiasm was a sign that she found a vein, pants open and hands running all over him. He quickly put an end to that and grabbed her hands. "Ah ah ah, that's enough of that." He pulled her hands out and pushed her on to the bed. He kept his pants unbuttoned and moved over to where he kept her pinned down on the bed. "I think you rather pushed your luck." Now she had him confident, and a confident Doctor was a good thing if you're on his side, but bad for you if you're against him. He pulled down her olive green pants and gave her bottom a quick smack to show her who was in charge at the moment.
"Well honey, there's only so much a girl can do, with her clothes on and her hands tied." River protested, still with a grin on her face though. Had he let her keep going, she would have shown her appreciation of him, in a more oral way. But since he had caught her off, he would have to do without that.
River was glad to see that he was confident now, as much as she loved the flustered and fumbling Doctor, the confident one, was far better when it came to sex.

She squealed a bit as she gave her butt a smack. More because she liked it than not. Not that she needed to me anymore aroused than she already was, but she enjoyed it none the same.
"I guess I just expected more from the infamous River Song." He gave her rump another smack, hand lingering on her cheek to give it a firm squeeze. He then climbed on top of her and made sure to keep her pinned underneath him. He bean murmuring in her ear while he ground his crotch against hers, "Tell me how long you've waited for this. I'm sure there were fantasies and imaginations of what you would do when we finally got to this point. Tell me what you thought of."
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