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Celebrity Crushes

The Pariah King

Dec 29, 2013
The Pariah's Kingdom
We all have Celebrity Crushes, so let's hear who it is that Blue Moon lusts after the most! It might be wise, since we're talking about real people and not fictional characters, to exclude any celebs who are currently under aged. That's just a suggestion, of course. I'm not really sure how the rules would apply in this particular discussion.

Anyway, my top two would definitely be Selena Gomez and Ariana Grande. Both of these girls are young, sexy as all hell, and they seem to be pretty down-to-earth. Neither one of them really does the whole attention-whoring thing that young starlets are so very prone to doing. That kind of behavior is a huge turn-off for me.

I used to be a huge fan of Hilary Duff for the same reasons. Sadly, Hilary has faded from the spotlight in recent years. It's such a shame. She had such a pretty voice.

In other news, I have a huge man-crush on Ian Somberholme. I'm a straight male, but even I have to admit that that man is all kinds of handsome.
My biggest two are Emily Kinney and Ashley Rickards. Emily plays Beth on The Walking Dead, and Ashley plays Jenna on Awkward, two shows I very much enjoy. They have that right combination of adorableness and general physical attractiveness I just love.

Not surprisingly, they're both years older than the characters they play on TV, but I was surprised to find out Emily Kinney is actually older than I am. I never would have guessed.
I don't get celebrity crushes, but I do have celebrities whom I think are unfairly pretty and if given the chance could probably seduce me in a matter of seconds.

1. Tom Hiddleston


2. Paul McGann - I know he's old enough to be my dad but I don't care.

Lets see, I tend to go for girl next door types..

Diane Lane at any age

Deborah Ann Woll

Amy Adams

Amy Acker


Need I say more?
Those Tah-Tahs...-makes grabby hands-
Bryce Dallas Howard

Natalie Portman

Mila Kunis

Heather Graham

Woody Harrelson

Jennifer Jason Leigh

John Malkovich
  • Paul Walker
  • Taylor Lautner
  • Rob Lowe
  • Johnny Depp
  • Tom Cruise
  • And all that good hunky men
Rave said:


Need I say more?
Those Tah-Tahs...-makes grabby hands-

She is pretty frickin awesome. I love her in every role she plays. She's funny. I guess I should add pictures of my guys. But I'm sure everyone knows who Tom Hiddleston is.

I don't care how weird this one may sound ...

But Jackie Chan

The man does not look his age ... at all. He keeps in great shape.

That's not all by any means though he was one of the first ones I ever had.

Lemme see ....

Antonio Banderas [Especially when he did Zorro in "The Mask of Zorro" ... very nice]
Elijah Wood [He's actually done some pretty good roles]
Undertaker & Kane [I know they're wrestlers and it may seem somewhat like cheating ... but they're still real life people and technically celebrities, with the latter having done a major role in the movie "See No Evil"]
Matt Damon

I feel so stupid. My mind has drawn a lot of blanks ...

Bleh, annoying.

Anyways, that's a very short list.
Jakie Chan!? While I wouldn't say I've got the same bromance going for him that I do Ian Somberholme, I do love that man. He's a great actor and he does so much for charity - same with Jim Carry, who is another actor that does not really look his age imo.

It's nice to know that in a world full of so much shit, there are stars out there that care.
Am I bumping this 10 year old thread just to post pics and gifs of Mike Patton?
Yes. yes I am. mike-patton-961.jpg mike-patton-faith-no-more (1).gif 1mda.gif 308full-mike-patton.jpg giphy.gif
mike-patton-faith-no-more (2).gif
Anyone who can sing 6 octaves is worthy of my love and affection, lol.
Anna KarinaAnna Taylor JoyMegan Thee StallionMonica Belluci Kiko Mizuhara

Dpr IanLouis GarrelJason Behr Elias Rønnenfelt Matthew Gray Gubler

I don't have a type, I stg
Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, the gymnast Aly Raisman

And a lot of classic actresses- Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, Sophie Loren
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