Lost in the Wilderness Avatar rp (Mercenary+valkeryiefirestorm)

"Alright. I think I can manage that. So, who's this adoptive sister you have?" Jason asked her. He wasn't extremely curious, though Jason had to admit he was still wondering a little. He really just wanted to keep the conversation going. Jason didn't really like awkward silence, or usually really any kind of silence. It always put him on edge. Especially in a place like this.
"Neytiri Jakes mate" she said to him as she stopped and bent down looking at a track, she reached down and touched a small liquid blue pol and looked at the liquid that went onto her finger "blood of thantor" she said and stood up "and injured, mad defensive" she looked at h the human "when and if we come across this thantor do not raise your weapon at it it will only anger it more"
"Oh, so that's who the other Na'vi woman was..." Jason thought aloud. He listened to Maina as she examined the animal blood, then nodded in understanding. Jason tried to remember which one the thantor was, but there were too many alien animals going through his head for him to remember which one it was, especially in the na'vi native tongue. Jason had only taken a small course with a few pictures and a brief description. The only other experience he had besides that was the fight that he had almost died in, the one that lead to this.

"It's a bad habit, but I'll try not to." He told Maina, forcing his hand away from the gun slung around his shoulder. Hopefully they wouldn't get hurt, especially not severely. Or worse, killed. Jason didn't really look forward to that.
Maina nodded and walked forward but stopped soon afterwards when she spotted a large black figure on the ground, breathing heavily. She made the hand gesture for him to stay where he was at and she went forward and kept going when the thantor attempted to get up growling. "shh shh shh calm now..im here to help" she said to the thantor as she got closer. She held out a hand to it which it sniffed but then attempted to bite. she retracted her hand "I know you are frightened, hurt....you will not find injury with me only recovery" she said and held out the hand again "I will not hurt you please let me help" she said still trying to show the thantor that was growling at her that she meant no harm.
Jason nodded and stopped when Maina gave the signal. He watched with interest and yet a little impatience, tensing a little when the injured creature moved to attack. Jason's hand twitched instinctively, but he managed to keep it away from his gun, as Maina had instructed. He just waited and watched, hoping Maina wouldn't get hurt.
Maina watched as the thantor stood up holding two of its front leg on its left side gingerly. she stepped forward enough to let the thantor sniff her hand again and stay still "there now progress" she mumbled and went to the side where the injury was. She placed her hand above the legs joints and did not even flinch when the thantor growled "easy now ill get you better I promise you just have to trust me"
Did she really think the Thantor could understand what she was saying? Could the Thantor understand what she was saying? This is what was going through Jason's mind as he watched anxiously, obviously worried for Maina's safety. "Be careful!" he called down, stating the obvious.
Maina looked at him and shook her head as the thantor relaxed by her touch. She grabbed a nearby leaf and wrapped the injured legs up "lets get you some medicine in those wounds" she said to the creature and grabbed a nearby rock with some moss on it packing the wound "I wil get some in you" she said and petted the creatures head.
"Hey, uh, Maina...do you need any help?" Jason asked to her from the distance he was at, watching as she helped the injured creature. Jason didn't know why really, but he felt like being over there with her, helping somehow. And he didn't care too much for helping the animal in all truth, seeing she probably had it handled anyway. It was something about Maina, she seemed almost...exotic.
Maina stood up and looked at him "yeah I am fine just follow me back to the tree please so I can help this creature more" she said to him. Her tail flicked behind her as she walked byside of the creature a comforting hand on its shoulder as it walked to help calm it.
"Alright. What do you need me to do when we get back?" Jason asked the much taller Na'vi, following her. Even if it wasn't meant to, Maina's tail had an almost seductive sway to it, and Jason couldn't help but watch it, not exactly realizing that he was staring at her butt.
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