Lost in the Wilderness Avatar rp (Mercenary+valkeryiefirestorm)

Maina sighed and walked over and sat on a nearby fallen log and waited her tail flicking behind her. Jake looked at the human "I suggest you watch your tounge around Maian she is short tempered but she is responsible and caring, she will teach you ways even I, Neytiri or Mo'at do ot yet fully understand" Mo'at nodded and turned and walked back to where she was sitting at.
He turned to look at Maina as Jake talked about her, then he turned back to Jake. Jason gave him a bit of a questioning look when he said '...do not yet fully understand', wondering what exactly that meant and how this female Na'vi knew more than them. "Okay. Thank you again, Jake. I mean, uh, sir." Jason told him, looking back at Maina. He wondered what he was supposed to do know, whether or not he should go to Maina or something else.
Jake nodded and walked over toy where he was sitting as well as where Mo'at went back to her spot as well and sat down. Maina bit her bottom lip and crossed her legs as she watched the others and her people. Neytiri went and sat beside jake a smile in her face. Maina sighed and rubbed her arms slightly as she still sat down.
Jason didn't really know what to do now, awkwardly looking over at Maina again. He decided since it was what he was told to do, he would go to Maina. Jason walked over to her, somewhat averting eye contact as he made it to the female Na'vi who had showed him mercy. "Uh, hi. I guess I'm supposed to be with you, then? I guess now is a good time to start learning as any." Jason said to her.
Maina looked up at him and nodded "well then come on you can learn to care for those creatures injured that where injured during the battle" she told him and stood up and began walking in a direction towards a area she knew that there where maybe injured creatures. he sighed seeing a fallen direhorse trying to stand up but unable to due to a leg being injured, "easy, easy" she whispered and placed a hand on the direhorses side.
"I...guess I can do that." Jason said. He was never much of a medic. In fact, he didn't know almost anything beyond first aid. He followed her as she walked, and they came into an area where she found one of those horse creatures the Na'vi rode, which was injured. "Are you sure I should do this with an actual injured animal first? Maybe I should just practice with the medicine and stuff first before trying a real injury." Jason said unsurely, honestly not wanting to mess up.
"Just watch soilder and learn" she said to him and made the bond calming the creature. She looked at the human and pointed too two near by fallen sticks and a large leaf that had fallen "grab those for me please" she said to him as her hands ran over the injured leg to see where the break was.
Jason watched, and he didn't know if he was staring because he thought it was weird, interesting, or cool, as Maina made her connection with them animal. But his stupor was broken when Maina pointed at what she wanted off of the ground, silently telling him to get them. Jason nodded in response and grabbed the sticks and leaf, carrying them over to her. He took a step back and watched what she did with them.
She grabbed the sticks and leaf making a splint for the dire horse after she set it back into place. She clicked her tounge and helped the dire horse up to its feet. "Easy brother easy it will heal in time it will but for now it will hurt, I wil take care of you till then" she said as the horse breathed out and in from the pain.
Jason just kind if stared, admittedly thinking about how weird what Maina was doing was. Talking to an animal? Calling it brother? It might of been the ways of the Na'vi, but Jason didn't see himself being an alien horse whisperer in the near future.
She smiled and patted the side of the Direhorses neck gently and led the creature to a small area near the tree of souls where several other creatures from a thantore, direshorse's, Ikran's all that where injured and needed healing. She undid the bond and let the dire horse walk to the other direhorse and nickered in greeting. Maina smiled as she saw that they could and probably would get along. She looked at the human "lets go I suspect there's a lot more injured creatures"
Jason just followed and watched, honestly wondering what it would be like t be bonded with another creature would be like. The intertwining of minds, even with animals. It was strange and convenient that all things from Pandora could do this, almost like they were meant to work to get her naturally. "Alright, then." Jason replied, following Maina.
Maina walked back into the wilderness still looking for surving creatures of Pandora. She walked for a bit before stopping seeing nothing. "well I don't think there is any around in this direction" she said to him
Jason barely heard her, off in his own world a bit as he followed her. "Alright then. I assume where just going to look somewhere else, now?" Jason asked, standing behind her. He was always in to taller women, and he almost felt like joking about it too her. Though he didn't really want to hit on whhat he could tell was Jake's probably adopted daughter. Not did he even know if she would get the joke, or how she would react if she did. So he decided to keep it to himself, though he couldn't help but stare up at the noticeable size difference between them.
She nodded "yes I have scoured this part of the forest but need to search the other part" she said to the human. She noticed him staring at her and she looked at him and raised a eyebrow "something off?" she asked him. Her tail flicked behind her "then if possible we may come across some of your comrades and you can get some equipment off of them maybe a couple rebreather masks" she said as she started to walked off in the opposite direction.
"Alright, let's go then." Jason sighed, a little boredly. He looked up at her, then down to her tail, watching it swish around abut. "No, nothing's 'off'. Everything's fine." Jason told her, but you could somewhat tell he was thinking about something he wasn't telling her. "Maybe we might. It would be good to have more back ups masks, just in case. Maybe I could get more ammo, too." He said to her, turning and following the Na'vi. He did feel kind if sad to think about just seeing those soldiers as extra supplies. He didn't exactly support them, but they were still people.
Maina kept walking till she came across some small battle area. she sighed seeing that none of the creatures where not alive. She kept walking but not before stopping and grabbed a large leaf and started placing extra rebreathes that where on the ground and any ammo she could find on the ground in the leaf as she tied it to make a makeshift bag of sorts.
Jason didn't want her to do his work and just watch, feeling that would be unfair to her, so he began picking up masks and ammo with her. "Sorry that no one here's alive, creatures included. But thanks for helping me with this." Jason said to her, throwing another mask and a few clips into the leaf.
"It comes with a price to protect our home these creatures new by eywa and made the choice themselves" she said to him as she stopped and picked up a smallrock and ran her fingers on the smooth rock. She looked up at the sky as a shadow passed overhead. "a ikran" she stood back up
Jason listened to her as she spoke, then heard something he didn't really recognize. "Eywa?" He said to Maina questioningly, as if to ask what it was or meant. Then he saw the shadow cross over them. Jason looked up, his hand instinctively going to his sub-machine gun. He caught a glimpse of the large, flying creature.
Maina looked at him as he went for the gun. she placed a hand on the gun and nodded 'no'. "eywa is our deity our our god in your terms" she said to him
"Oh...so I assume I'm going to be gearing more about this 'Eywa'?" Jason responded, thinking the answer would be yes. He honestly wasn't too excited about that. But he'd rather learn the culture if this tribe than be stuck in a forest with larger killing machines of creatures and poisonous air.
"yes and check your tone human" Maina barked at him as she stepped over a fallen log and waited knowing the log may be a bit of a challenge for the human. her arms crossed in front of her chest as she waited. Her black hair whipped a bit in the wind when a breeze blew threw. She closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of the wind.
"Alright, alright. Don't get your animal skin in a twist." Jason said as he made the effort to climb over the log. He jumped and grabbed hold of the bark, managing to pull himself up and over the fallen tree. "So, what should I know first?" He asked as he landed in front of Maina on the other side of the log. Jason had to admit, she looked almost...attractive to him, something you wouldn't really expect from a different species, especially not one that didn't even have electricity. But with the wind blowing her hair and her stance, she was, in a way, beautiful.
She looked at him "well honestly just don't make anyone mad around here and you will be fine as well as jake is protective of everyone especially Neytiri my adoptive sister" she said to him and kept walking
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