Lost in the Wilderness Avatar rp (Mercenary+valkeryiefirestorm)


May 21, 2013
Jason Maverick had come to this job looking for money. Be a mercenary fora group of miners while they got resources from a different planet, one called Pandora. Seemed easy enough. What he didn't know was there was intelligent life on the planet, where they were mining. Not very advanced life, but they put of surprising resistance. And so, the final battle had begun.

_ _ _ _ _

Jason began waking up, looking around as his yes blinked open. Memories began flooding in as he slowly got up. They were fighting the Pandorans, the Na'vi. It was the first he had actually encountered them, and given if they weren't charging at him and the other soldiers with the intent for killing them, Jason probably wouldn't have pulled the trigger. But from what he remembered, he barely did anyway. And he didn't remember hitting anything either.

But looking around, more memories began flooding in. there were dead bodies all over, both Na'vi and human. They, the humans, had been winning, but then something went wrong. He remembered fighting in the sky, and then a rumbling on the ground. a stampede. That's how he'd been knocked out. One of the beasts had smashed into a fallen log, and a large piece of bark had hit him in the side of the head. They had lost the ground battle, and from what he could tell, the battle in the sky as well. He saw the flaming wreckage off in the distance.

It was just him now, and he decided to survive instead of panic. Jason started foraging from the dead soldiers' bodies, grabbing extra ammo and rations. Luckily, his breathing mask had stayed intact, but he grabbed another one just in case. Then Jason continued his foraging.
Maina bit her bottom lip and looked woefully at Mo'at as the devistation and the battle died done. Her heart sank as a ikran layed not 10 feet from the hiding spot where she and MoMat ehre. "Calm now child I know your heart morns for ther bonds and hearts but Eywa called upon them and they made there choice to defend there home" Maina nodded "but still I must attend there may yet be still some with hearts beating" before MoMat could say anything , Maina ran out of the spot checking the creatures laying on the ground for any signs of life. She stopped at one seeing the gills of a injured Ikran move in shallow breaths. She rested on her knees in besides the Ikran and ran her hands along the body to calm the creature. She noticed the one of the wings was bent at a unatural angle. She bit her bottom lip and grabbed one of the protrusions and made a bond to talk to the Ikran to let it know she was here to help the pained stricken thing.

The Ikran settled down and closed its eyes temporarily as the calmness of the Nav'i came threw the bond. Maina set forth into helping to men the wing back into is proper allignment, she was infact unaware of any human survivors that fought against her people nearby. Her hands grasped the wing and moved it into pllace with a quick jerk. THe IKran let out a shirl whail of the sudden pain but was soon calmed by the gentle soothing strokes of her hands on its crest "your alright now winged one the pain shall be a temporary but you will fly again" she said to the Ikran as she detached the teemporary bond and stood up. The Ikran stood up as well and flapped its blue\green wings and gave her a chirp noise almost as if saying Mthank youM before taking to the air to seek its rider. A smile came across Mainas lips as she saw the Ikran fly off.
Jason froze as he heard someone talking. Whoever it was, it wasn't human. He peered over the log he was now behind, seeing as what looked like a female Na'vi mending a wounded creature. Was she out here by herself. He didn't know, but he wasn't risking getting found by a group of Na'vi. Jason slowly began walking away, but there was a sudden *snap*! He looked down, his heart beating fast. He had just stepped on a broken branch, and that was easily loud enough for anyone in the area to hear. Too late for getaways now.

"Hold it right there!" Jason shouted at her demanding through his clear mask. He raised the SMG he had at her quickly, but soon dropped it. "Gah!" He cried out in pain, shutting his eyes tight to hold back tears as he clutched his upper right arm. Jason looked down at it, noticing a large gash, remembering the large arrow that had skimmed his arm. The adrenaline had been holding the pain at bay, but not any longer. Well, that was it. He had been revealed and dropped his only defense. He was done for...
Maina heard the branch snapped and quickly turned, a defense crouch she immediatly went to. Her green eyes narrowed and she took a couple steps back in the crouching position stepping into a couple of the suns rays peaking out from the jungle canopy. A hiss came from her lips as she saw the gun pointed at her, her left hand going to her only weapon a knife tied to her skirt at her hip. She blinked as she saw him cry out in pain. She stood up hissing again then her eyes layed on the gash on his upper right arm. She stepped forward and placed the knife back at her hip. "You can get that infected you know" she told him, her words where perfect english but with a na'vi accent behind it. "If you lower your weapon I can help you to much death and injury has been placed here today"
Jason looked up at her as she spoke to him, somewhat surprised that she spoke English. But he was even more surprised that she was willing to help him. He didn't know what else he could do, and if there was, he doubted it was a better option. Jason looked up at the large cat like creature infront of her, nodding in agreement. "Al-alright. Th-thank you." Was all the soldier managed to say as he sighed, breathing heavily. Whatever happened next, he would accept as fate.
Maina went forward and grabbed his arm gently looking at the wound. She then realesed his arm and went over to a nearby tree and took off a leaf after she seemed to ask permission to take the leaf from the tree. She came back and in the distance between both of them picked up a small amount of a moss like substance. She grabbed his arm again and placed the moss like substance on the wound "to take away pain and poision" she said to him and ripped the leaf in half and wrapped it around the upper arm to hold the moss to the wound. She then looked at him and pointed to a direction "your so called camp will be that way dreamwalker, that bandage will hold up till you reach ther. I suggest you do not stray from the path for it may be your last" she said to him, she then looked up at the sky as she heard a Ikran let out a roar followed by a larger roar. A smile came to her lips then she looked at the human the smile faded, she then turned and started walking away. Her tail flicked to the right a bit as she walked back into the suns rays her markings that where of unusual color showing in the light.
Jason tensed up and flinched away slightly, just out of habit. But soon enough he calm down and forced himself to let her help him. Jason watched the Na'vi as she worked, and found it a little silly when she asked the plants for their permission to help him. But he couldn't help but stare at her. Now that he watched one of these creatures with out them without them attacking, they seemed more exotic, and a lot less savage. Or at least she did. But his stupor of watching her was ended when she applied the makeshift bandage to his wound. He trusted she knew what she was doing, considering the Na'vi had been on Pandora for sometime. Then she told him the direction of the base, and instructed him to go there. This brought up more questions for Jason.

"How many of us are left? And what will I find at the base besides supplies. I thank you for helping me, but I can't just go back there. I don't know what to do. I need...guidance. I won't survive on my own, and I don't want to have to fight the Na'vi anymore." Jason told her. It was true, he had no clue what to do now. He didn't want to just try and survive, he'd probably only make it a few days before some Na'vi hunted him down and killed him. He didn't want to fight them anymore, both to survive, and deep down, meeting this one, he really just didn't want to.
Maina stopped and rolled her eyes abit "dreamwalker just go to your camp there is nothing for you here, you and your kind have destroyed are home. In choice I choose to help so maybe you can learn that you can not take what is not your or move people forcefully from there home" she said to him
"Look, I really didn't know what exactly was going on until this last battle. And then I only fought in self defense. I know we were attacking but if u could have just left I would have. And if dreamwalker is referring to controllers of Avatars, I'm not one of those. I'm just a normal, weak human. Look, I know there's nothing for me here, but there's probably nothing back at the base for me waiter. I'll probably just get killed by something on my way back anyway. Look, I don't expect you help me more than you already have, but I want to make up for what I've done if I can, as much as I can." Jason said to her. It was mostly truthful, but it was also in part to he wanted some bit of protection from being hunted down by other Na'vi.
Maina turned to look at the human "fine you shall be judged rather to stay or go by jake" she said and nodded for him to follow. She only walked at a pace he could follow ocassoinally stopping and helping a creature of pandora that was wounded or injured or at least there for some that took there last breaths. She shook her head as she stood up from being in the last moments in a golden\purple Ikrans life "such sorrow" she looked hearing movemnt and smiled seeing her adoptive sister walk near the tree of souls. She went up to her and made the 'i see you' gesture and talked to her in there native language. Neytiri looked at the human male that had followed Miana "you will be judged rather or not you will stay or leave with the others"
Jason followed her as well as he could, though the man was much less nimble and smaller, making him take longer to get through the jungle brush than it did the Na'vi leading him. Luckily she slowed down enough for him to be able to keep up as he followed her. She mentioned judged, which made Jason not feel good about his odds. He didn't have much going for him to convince this Jake guy to let him stay. 'Jake', what a surprisingly human name for a Na'vi. Then he remembered that there was an avatar controller named Jake. Had he really joined up with the Na'vi? Guess he'd find out soon...

(I was thinking this would take place soon after the others had left...)
(Oh opps sorry sbout that)

Maina looked at the human and nodded for him to follow again as she led him near yhe begining of he tree of soles. Where Momat sat with a male Na'vi talking. Neytiri smiled at the male and went up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. The face of jake the Na'vi moved to face her and smiled but soon it faded when he saw the human. "Jake Maina says that this one is injured and the others have left" jake nodded and stood up and went to Maina ,did he hurt you sister?" Maina nodded 'no' "only freightened me a bit " she went to Mo'at and hugged her "I'm glad you are safe daughter" Mo'at said to her as she hugged her back.
Jason watched them warily, but didn't reached for the SMG slung over his shoulder on a strap he didn't want to seem hostile, especially not with where he was. When he heard the others had left, he felt a sudden feeling of doom. Now he had no way off if this planet. If they didn't help him, nobody would, and he would have a very small chance of making it on Pandora. He stated quiet, waiting anxiously.

It's fine.))
Maina watched the human carefully as Jake went over to him "so what side where you on?" he asked him as he stood there watching him, his arms crossing over his chest. Maina's green eyes darted to the area around her then back to the human as she waited for a response from him to Jakes question. Mo'at stood and walked over and stood next to her biological Neytiri and her adopted Maina.
Well, there was no use in lying. "I was with the other soldiers. But I didn't fire except for at the stampeding beasts." Jason told him truthfully. He honestly didn't know whether or not they would give him aid, but he had plenty of doubts. He also hoped as well. He hoped for his life.
"Those beasts are living things! They have souls! And are by eywa we are no more beasts then you stand!" Maina yelled suddenly. Neytiri turned and looked at Maina and went to her. "They only did what they felt necessary to defend there home no more then you dreamwalkers empty headed and loud like children!" She yelled again. Mo'at touched her this time but both women where shrugged off and Mainas form ran away from the others, jake could only sigh and shake his head.
Jason just looked at her with disbelief, watching as she ran off. "If it makes any difference, I doubt I managed to kill any, or even wound one." Jason tried to defend himself, though he spoke in a hushed tone because he knew it was a poor argument. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. I don't know much to any of your ways, only the ones of Earth. Which I admit can be very flawed." Jason said in a slightly louder voice. He still wondered what Jake's decision would be.
Jake looked at the human "she is senstive about the creatures of pandroa, she feels there pain,hurt, love all those emotions" jakes tail flicked to the left "you got a name soilder?" Maina at the mean time had scaled up a large tree and was now resting on the branch her back to the trunk.
"Private Jason T. Maverick." Jason said as an answer. He looked directly at Jake as he said his name, but then his eyes wandered as the rest of his body remained still. They wandered until they settled upon Maina, watching her.
Jake looked at where his eyes layed "leave her alone private she handles on her own now let's know besides being in the army you where a miner weren't you?" Jake asked. Neytiri walked over to Maina and sat down with her on the same branch and layed a hand on her shoulder in a effort to comfort her. Mo'at looked at the two males "another soilder of the jarhead clan?" She joked with jake.
"No, actually, uh, sir. I was just for security at the base." Jason told him truthfully. Though honestly, if he had been hired as a miner, back then he probably would have had no problem. With it. But the reality was he hadn't been, and he wouldn't be as okay with it as he was then.
"uhhu security, don't get trigger happy here and you can stay for now" he told him. Marina bit her bottom lip and looked at Neytiri and gave her a small smile "I just get upset when the creatures get hurt" Neytiri nodded "I know Miana its ok"
"Really? Thank you so much, uh, sir. You probably just saved my life. If there is anything I can do, don't hesitate to have me do it!" Jason offered, wanting to repay Jake for letting him stay. He gave one last glance up at Miana, then looked back at the recently appointed leader of the Na'vi tribe.
"Maina!" Mo'at shouted at her "come here" she waited till maina was with her jake and the human before she spoke again. "Jason I may have find away you can help pay back which is damaged and lost... you help and learn our ways from Maina since you will be living with us" maina bit her bottom .lip but did not say anything. Jake just chuckled at Mo'ats statement
Jason looked at Maina, then back at Mo'at. It seemed fair enough. "Alright. I can do that." Jason said. He wondered what it would bs like, learning how they thought about things, how they did things. How did they control those creatures, and get along with them so well? And what did they believe in? Jason had his own beliefs, religiously anyway. And he doubted he would change them. But he would definitely learn what theirs were.
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