Life at Sato Manor {Sweetnothings}


Sep 28, 2013
Zhao took a moment to fix his tie as he finished washing his face in one of the manors many bathrooms. He considered himself a rather lucky man for several reasons; chiefly was his prodigious firebending abilities that had allowed him to get this job as a bodyguard. Second was the high salary and great living quarters he got as a result of this job. Third and last was that he got to guard one of the most attractive women in Republic City.

Ah yes, Asami Sato. After her old man was arrested for his involvement with the Equalists she had been put as the head of the company. A very busy job, and dangerous too, which led to him being brought in as her bodyguard. In his three months on the ob so far he had saved her life about... 5 times now, had always been there for advice when she had concerns. At 26 he was her senior, and had a little more life experience as a result.

Zhao swept some of his hair from his face, the clean black locks swept into a tight and short style. he brushed a little dust from his black suit coat and headed out of the bathroom, starting to move down toward the dining hall where lunch was waiting. "Sorry about the delay Miss Sato, there seems to be some problem with the sink in that bathroom," he explained.
Asami Sato sat in her chair in front of her mirror as one of her personal servants fixed her hair. "You look beautiful, Ms. Sato." She said. She smiled at the mirror towards her servant. "Thank you." She heard two bells which signalled lunch was ready. She stood up, her body covered in a trousers, brown jacket, and laced up boots. She got up, bowed to her servant and walked down the hall to the dining room.

Asami smiled the people she passed in her mansion. She started to think about Zhao. Where was he? She sighed as she began to think where he was. He might as well be getting washed up. She sighed softly and took a seat where she usually sat next to her bodyguard. She looked at the dishes of food. Noodles, dumplings, and other delights. She picked what she wanted and began eating.

She heard the footsteps of her guard. They were all too the familiar. He had saved her from death many times. She trusted him with her life. She smiled up at Zhao. "It's fine. I understand the plumbing doesn't work all the time." She was starting to get used to being called Miss Sato. "Eat." Asami gave Zhao and pleasant smile.
"Well whoever you got to work the piping deserves a smack on the face," he said, managing to smile warmly at her. Zhao approached the table and took his usual spot at her side. As ever the chefs had done a wonderful job, the sweet scent of their cooking filling the air and almost had the bodyguard salivating at the prospect of a good meal.

Zhao got comfortable in his seat and pondered for a moment just what to start eating. Finally he took up one bowl of noodled that had been flavoured with Hawk-Ox beef, giving off a particularly strong scent. He ate slowly and carefully so he didn't wind up staining his expensive clothing. After all, Miss Sato had paid for the uniform out of her own (Rather deep) pocket.

As he took up one dumpling a thought occurred to him, and he quickly looked to the raven haired beauty "Ah... so what do you plan on doing today ma'am?" he asked. Zhao was contractually obliged to do whatever she wished and accompany her wherever she wanted to go... and hopefully today she'd want to go to the pool again. He had certainly gotten an eyeful last time she went swimming in her private pool.
Asami covered her mouth as she giggled at his comment. "I certainly hope it isn't someone important." She replied. She twirled her chopsticks between her fingers as it was something she usually did at the dinner table. It was a bad habit ever since she learned how to use them. She adored her private chefs. She only got the best in Republic City.

The 19 year old watched Zhao look over the food. Her eyes fell over his features: his jawline, his eyes, his hands, and his fit torso. She bite her lip before snapping out of her little daydream. 'I was not fantasizing over Zhao. Yes, he is a handsome man, but he is 5 years older than me, and I would be judged if anyone saw me.' She thought to herself. It was more of a warning to watch where she looked in public.

Asami picked a dumpling up, dipping it in Soy Sauce. She hummed a soft lullaby her mother taught her before she died. She looked up at her guard and smiled at what he said. "I was thinking about taking a swim today. And this time I was hoping you'd actually join me in the water," She answered after she finished chewing. "After all, you look like you need some sun." She joked. She laughed softly and took some noodles onto her chopsticks and ate them.
Well... that was certainly a mixed result. On the one hand he'd get to see his employer in skimpy swimwear again, but on the other hand he'd have to join her and risk a good deal of embarrassment. After all, she was likely to catch him peeping on her, or even worse she could catch a glimpse of him with a hard-on. Without loose pants like these, well a hard-on would be difficult to hide, and he could wind up losing his job as a result.

But then again, Zhao could hardly just turn down the offer. He'd run the risk of offending Asami, and he certainly didn't want to do that. "Well um..." he trailed off and slipped the dumpling into his mouth, taking a moment to munch on it and buy himself some time to think. This was certainly a very nice offer, but a delicate situation that could end fairly badly.

"Yes I suppose that I am a little paler than one would expect. But that's just natural back in the part of the Fire Nation I come from," the older male explained with a small shrug. Zhao looked up then "The thing is though, I don't know if I have swimming gear of my own, ma'am. Unless there's some around here I can borrow?" he asked.
Asami looked at Zhao as he contemplated her offer. She really wanted to see him swim. She never got to see what he looked like underneath the uniform. It would be so worth it if people saw her looking. By the tightness of his clothes, she could see how toned he was. She would do anything to see him without his uniform on. She quickly grabbed another dumpling and ate it to suppress a moan threatening to escape her lips. She would be caught dead if anyone heard her.

A small smile pulled on her lips as she listened to him. She figured that would why he was pale as both Bolin and Mako were pale like him. It was most likely where he was from. She tapped her fingers on the table and chuckled. "Of course I do. In your quarters, there's a wide variety of swimming gear you can choose from. I did some shopping before I hired you. I would want my most loyal man swimming, too." She giggled before she began eating more of her noodles. She gave him a look which told him she really wanted him to swim no matter what.
"Oh... really?" Zhao asked, mildly surprised by the revelation that she had bought clothing for him. He really needed to check his things more often, all he really ever used in there was his bed and his adjacent bathroom. There were entire drawers in there he hadn't even bothered to check in the past, so he supposed it made sense. "Well that's good to know then. Count me in," the older man remarked, trying to sound calm and collected.

He polished off the last few noodles in his bowl, and then the dark-haired male proceeded to push it off to the side for the maid to grab later. "Well, I'll meet you there then," he said, standing, bowing respectfully and then walking toward his room in the neighbouring wing of the mansion. Zhao undressed, revealing his toned and athletic build before pulling on a pair of red swimming trunks with a white trim around the legs. He sighed an headed out back to Asami's pool, sinking down into the cool pale blue water.
A sly smile pulled on Asami's lips. "Really." She answered to his question. She tapped her fingers on the table, smirking up at him. She knew how rarely he checked his drawers. She figured he probably needed to more often. Later, she should put something in his drawer and see if he finds out. She'd have to do that. She looked up at him and nodded her head. "That's great. I can't wait to see you swim with me." She tried to make it sound like she wasn't that excited to see his body. She grinned to her self as she finished her noodles silently.

She finished her bowl and stacked it with Zhao's to make it easier for the maids. She looked up at him and smiled. "Of course." She stood up as he bowed, and she responded by bowing back. She pushed her wavy hair out of her eyes before walking to her room. She undressed and studied her body in the mirror. In her small daydream, she saw Zhao behind her--naked as well--wrapping his arms around her smaller body. The thought sent a shiver through her body. She quickly got dressed into her red bathing suit with a towel. She hurried down to her pool and saw Zhao already in it. "Couldn't wait, huh?!" She laughed, jumping in behind him.
He let out a small yelp when the teenage heiress leapt into the pool, the ensuing cannonball of water almost bowling him over and knocking him forward a few steps. "Aha... I guess not..." he replied, managing a wry smile. Zhao turned and then he was almost floored again by the very enticing sight of his employer in the tight red material of her swimsuit. She was... certainly something. No wonder she had so many suitors with a body and face like that.

Zhao was quick to shake any dirty thoughts from his head, reminding himself that this was still his boss and that he couldn't do anything that would risk his employment here. "Looking good Miss Sato..." he said awkwardly, taking a moment to scratch the back of his neck. "And this is a great pool you got here too, you really spared no expenses when it came to having it upgraded," the taller male said.
Asami opened her eyes underwater, admiring Zhao's body. His back, his toned torso, and how the bathing trunks fit his body. She groaned underwater before swimming up to the surface for air. She smiled at him. her green eyes shining in the light reflected by the pool. She felt her cheeks heat up at the sight of Zhao. Was he looking at her? She thought herself crazy and forced her eyes towards the water, moving her hands over the surface to create small waves.

She was his boss. She paid him to protect her. She couldn't have him see her looking at her. She cleared her throat and smiled up at him awkwardly. "T-thanks." She was never this nervous around him. She bit the inside of her cheek to warn her to stay away from that path. She smiled at him and nodded. She dog paddled her way over to him. "Come on." She took his hand and pull him under the water with her. Asami's hair floated above her. She smiled at him and contemplated whether she should kiss him and say it was an accident. Surely he would think it was an accident too.
Was she blushing right now? She certainly seemed awkward around him, and she was usually fairly confident all things considered. Well if she was looking for his attention she certainly had it, but Zhao wasn't sure if he should make a move on her or not. Again, Asami was his boss and if he did something she didn't like, well he'd be out of a job and out on his ear and he certainly didn't want to have togo searching for a new job in an economy like this.

Zhao looked her way as she paddled towards him, and he managed a wry smile when Asami took his hand. The bodyguard was quick to follow after her as she requested, and the two were soon side by side under the gently lapping waves of the pool. He managed to look her in the eye for a moment and he strongly contemplated kissing her soft lips, letting his fingers entwine with hers for just a moment. Should he go for it?
Asami hoped that he didn't notice her blush and the awkwardness between them. Usually she was calm around him and confident. She shouldn't have looked him, and she should've waited before coming up for air. She saw Zhao looking at her. Was her daydream true? She would very much like to that to happen, but she didn't know how people would react. Asami Sato going out with her bodyguard might as well sound like a headline.

She smiled back at him, catching his smile before she was under the water. She looked him in the eye then down at his lips. She wanted to, and she was going to do it. She couldn't hide what she felt for him anymore. After Mako, it was hard being lonely. Asami leaned in and pressed her lips to Zhao softly. She wrapped her arms around him protectively, air rushing out of her nostrils.
There was a moment of hesitation on Zhao's part when those wonderful lips pressed into his own, the sensations sending tingles racing down his spine. Was this really happening? It felt real enough, and the bodyguard could feel the bubbles of air flow from his nose as their lips kept pressed tight together. He leaned in then and returned her affection, one hand resting on the back of her head while the other slid down the side of her chest.

Finally the two emerged from the water, and Zhao still had his body pressed tight to Asami's shorter frame. His lips parted from hers, and the firebender could feel her taste linger on his lips. "Well that was.... amazing Miss Sato..." he said, managing to smile her way. "But... are you sure we should be doing something like this? I am your employee after all..." Despite his concerns, he showed no sign of disentangling his body from Asami's own.
Asami was even taken back when she kissed him. It was the heat of the moment. She had pent up feelings for Zhao she was only now willing to express her feelings for him. She wanted to feel his strong arms around her waist. She wanted him so bad. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he returned her kiss. She felt his hands on her body. She had to admit she liked feeling them. Maybe she wanted to feel a little more, but a woman of her status shouldn't be thinking of things like that with her bodyguard.

The non bender opened her eyes once they were above the water. She gasped for air and leaned against Zhao, taking in slow breaths. She rested her head against his own lovingly. She smiled at him and touched his cheek. "Call me Asami, Zhao." She whispered. "Zhao, you don't know how long I've been having feelings for you. You are my employee, yes, but it doesn't mean we can't do things. I don't mind facing the criticism." She said softly, kissing his cheek.
Her admission of affection was in all honesty rather heartwarming, and it sent a little bit of colour to Zhao's normally pale cheeks. "Well I... um..." he trailed off. If she was willing to risk it, well he owed it to her to try too. And given just how beautiful she was, well he could do far far worse. "I certainly am honoured Miss Sa-... Asami. Sorry, it's a little awkward to adjust to using your actual name." Well if the relationship worked out, he'd adjust.

He hooked a strong arm under her backside and then raised her up a few inches so the two of them were at eye level. Zhao kissed her again, soft lips pressed to his own while his free hand ran down the side of her cheek in an affectionate gesture. He pulled away again and grinned her way "I don't mind admitting that I've been attracted to you... pretty much as soon as you hired to me."
The affection she showed definitely made Asami's cheeks turn red. It wasn't normal for her to do something like this. She only had done it a once or twice before. She was used to the men telling her how beautiful she was and how much they loved her. It felt nice telling Zhao how she felt for him. "It's all right. You'll get used to it, and Miss Sato makes me sound old." She replied. She would do anything to stay with her body guard.

She was a little surprised when his arm was around her waist. She looked into his eyes and smiled before she kissed him back. She moaned softly against his lips. It was so nice to be in a strong man's arms. She brushed a hair out of his eyes and smiled at him. "Some of the reasons I hired you was because I thought you attractive." Asami admitted. She giggled and kissed him once. "Take me around the pool. I can't get into the deep end without being completely in the water." She grinned at him and kissed his cheek.
"Really? How naughty of you..." He managed a smirk her way when she made that little revelation. He was surprised but he didn't mind, since he would have done the same if their situations were reversed. It was a good thing the walls around the poolside were so high up, it meant that no journalist would be able to sneak in and catch the two of them in a compromised position such as this. Didn't matter, he'd kick their asses if he caught them.

With his hold around her still firm, Zhao started swimming to the other end of the pool while holding his attractive lover upright. "You certainly picked a good day for this Asami, the sun is magnificent today," Zhao said, as they reached the deep end of the pool. He held her close to his toned frame, his hands freely roaming down her back. "So what did you have in mind for us today? Your humble bodyguard is at your service..."
"Don't say that." She giggled. She ran her hands over his muscled chest and sighed. God. He's the perfect man for her. Someone who could protect her while he loved her. She glanced at the high walls that were installed when her father was here. She hated the journalists that would make up stories to ruin anyone's reputation. She understood her father, but her own would devastate her. If anyone saw her like this with Zhao, how bad that would be.

Asami wrapped her arms around his neck, hoping she would lessen the weight he would have to carry in the water. She rested her head in the crook of his neck while he swam over to the other end of the pool. She smiled and kissed his cheek when he complimented her choosing skills. She closed her eyes, almost falling asleep in his embrace before he spoke again. She opened her eyes and peered up at him. "Well, now that these revelations are out of the way, I feel like we should just...hang out together today."
Zhao wouldn't have minded if she slept on him then and there, he was more than capable of supporting her weight against him after all. When she looked up and spoke he continued smile her way "Well I don't mind that at all Asami. i'd like for the two of us to get along perfectly," he explained, continuing to grin. Man he was lucky, dating the most beautiful woman in the city.

He was gripped by a strong desire for her, to claim her in every possible way. There was a mild age gap, but there was something very appealing about being the most experienced one in the relationship. He leaned in and started to run his lips along the side of her neck, nibbling and kissing at the sensitive flesh to get her motor running.
If he was silent any longer, she must likely would have fallen asleep. She knew he would be fine with it, and he was comfortable after all. Maybe while everyone is asleep, she'd get him to her room and they could sleep together. That sounded appealing. She smiled and nodded. "Then it's a date." She joked. She ran her fingers along his back, sighing softly.

Asami was surprised when he began to kiss her neck. She gasped slightly, ready to protest it, but damn it felt good. She moaned softly, tilting her neck to the side to give him better access. "That feels so good, Zhao." She whispered. Instead of moving away, she moved her hands down his chest to the top of his swim trunks.
It was certainly good to know she was enjoying it. Had she asked he would have stopped immediately but he pressed his lips along at her insistence and started to work over more sensitive parts of her neck, continuing to tease at her with his teeth. She was so damn hot, and feeling those slender digits roam over the top of his trunks was enough to make Zhao grin.

He moaned against her pale flesh and then started to nip at her collarbone just to excite her more. Zhao moved his head back and looked her in the eye, the blood racing down his body and pooling in his large cock to stiffen his manhood inside his shorts. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're turned on right now..." he purred softly in her ear.
Asami was surprised by her own reaction. Under different circumstances she would've told him no and that this was wrong, but she was lost in her own love for him. She wanted him to be her first. He was 5 years older, and she was pretty sure he had way more experience than she had. As he placed more kisses against her neck. Those soft lips on her ski was enough to seend her over the edge.

When he moaned against her skin, it sent a shudder down her body. It felt too good to even be true. Asami let out a complaining sound when he pulled away. She, however, continued moving her handsfurther down his trunk. She stopped where his crotch was and smirked. "I'd say you're right." She whispered. She felt the bulge in his trunks his cock was creating. "Ooh." She whispered.
"Well I really should do something about that shouldn't I? After all, I'm your bodyguard and I should be on hand to guard your body from your own lust..." Zhao explained in between low growls of pleasure. Well it wasn't the most sound logic ever, but hell it would make some sense. And with the way she was fondling her crotch it was clear she wanted some action too.

He swept Asami into his arms, holding her in his toned arm bridal style as if she was weightless. "So... I hope you don't think me too presumptuous for asking this, but would you like to have sex?" he asked casually, continuing to grin. Zhao leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the forehead, a gesture of affection to show that he cared deeply for her.
Asami listened to Zhao explain everything to her. She mustered a light giggle and an affectionate kiss to his cheek. "That sounds exciting." She whispered in his ear, lightly biting his earlobe. She wanted to rip her bathing suit off and let him take her right there. She could imagine that happening, and it sounded very possible. The idea of finally having sex with someone like Zhao made Asami crave him more.

She gasped as Zhao picked her up and carried her bridal style. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I would love to, Zhao." She answer his casual question. It was weird since she figured they knew they were going to do it anyway. She nuzzled him and kissed his neck, leaving small hickeys.
Now the question was, should he bring her out of the pool or just take her here? Well... the latter was certainly the more arousing option, so he saw no harm in going for it. And Asami was a tough young woman, so he saw no need to start off easy on her. Zhao's strong hand sudenly gripped her bikini top and almost tore if off her with a swift tug of his arm, leaving her lovely breasts on display.

Then went the bottoms, tossed up onto the side of the pool to leave his employer fully naked. Dear lord she looked good, amazingly attractive with such a beautiful face too... Zhao was quick to slip his trunks off, and then the two were left floating together naked in the water with their warm bodies pressed tight together. "Well.... this is certainly something I never imagined doing when I woke up..." he remarked before starting to nip at her collarbone.
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