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The Exiled King's Revenge ((KolathxKannaxSelfi

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Jan 9, 2009
Alphis watched the battle from high on his tamed drake. The creature brought fear with it making all but the stoutest hearted quail in fear at it mere presence. Staring down he laughed as his troops easily breached the walls of the city. The walls had kept out some of the greatest armies the world had ever known but with the aid of his black magic his men easily overwhelmed them. The moved quickly taking defenders down quickly, flowing over the city like a black cloud. Soon the only thing that held them back was the keep itself. Made with magic from times long forgotten even his magic empowered soldiers could not breach it. the magic had to be over overpowered by him directly, and he knew just the place.

After all he had played in this keep as a child he knew everything about it as well as where the two girls that he was after would be. With a simple thought he guided the beast up toward the platform at the top of the keep used by the kings and queens of Thrisis for generations as a place to lead any siege from. It was protected by the most powerful magic shield ever made and was said to be able to withstand anything. He would see about that, pulling his mask down he came level with the platform looking for the two queens he had come for, his sisters.
Syeira had opened her doors for her little sister, knowing that they would be eventually facing the same enemy. She had her army and scouts, as did her sister. The various messengers and scouts had returned to them saying that it was the intention of their enemy to come up against both of them. Sure, once their father died, he had split the kingdom between the two of them, and their armies had respected the girls enough to listen to them and obey and follow their lead.

They had an older brother, though "had" was certainly a key word. He had been five years older than Syeira, and when she and her sister were still really young, he disappeared. After more than a year without hearing a single word about him, they had come to believe that he had died, and no one had told them any different. Why were these thoughts going through her head? Here they were, facing a rider with a vicious, hideous drake, and all she could think about was the happy boy that she had idolized growing up.

The older queen had her long blonde hair braided back away from her face, and the fair skin of her face was starting to show signs of fatigue, especially around her aqua eyes. She was exhausted, and with battle looming on her doorstep for days, she hadn't slept a whole lot. Her hands came up to rub her eyes and focus on the masked man before them, knowing they were safe on the platform for the time being. But anyone who could tame such a beastly drake had to have some powerful magic, and she felt a little iffy standing there in front of him.
Pya was standing next to her big sister on the platform, that looked over the battle at hand. Her blonde hair was blowing in the wind. Watching her men get slaughtered gave her a feeling of great sadness. She was never one for violence. So when her sister, Sveira gave her the chance to combine armies, she gladly took it. Pya gave her sister control over her army, knowing that her sister would be able to govern them better than she, herself ever could. She looked at her sister with pride. Sveira was always the strongest. When their brother teased her about something, Sveira was there to chastise him, and then hold her when she cried.
Pya noticed the drake and her emerald eyes widened. It was a massive beast, and she somehow knew that they wouldn't stand a chance if that monster, or its rider breached their magic field. Staring at the night, she began to think about her brother. He had vanished when she and Sveria were young; both believed he was dead.

Pya put her hand on her older sister's, I'm going to check the supplies, and the wounded. She turned around and walked through the arch to the castles battlements, keeping her head low, she walked down another fight of steps to the heavy wooden double doors to the Sveira's castle, her white dress flowing behind her. She felt something off of the knight on the drake, that she had felt before, Pya just didn't remember where she had felt it.
Alphis smirked down at his eldest sister, he knew her so well always the one to stand up for Pya the youngest. It only made sense that she now stood in defiance of him. â??Well my dear queen. You seem to stand alone how does it feel to know that your sister will not face me with you?â? it wasnâ??t true but he was one to work with half-truths and lies to make his enemy think what he wanted.

He made a wide sweeping gesture across the battle field taking in the armies that had separated for the time being leaving many dead both on the defended wall and in front of it. â??You canâ??t win, you know that my army is endless. They will climb up the bodies of their fellows and breach your wall if you force them too by hiding behind this shield.â? His eyes shone a deep crimson under his mask, â??All you have to do is lower the shield and face me and it will all be over quickly with no more loss of life.â?
Syeira sighed and nodded as Pya told her that she was going to go back down into the castle. The older girl had always been the one daughter that had never been afraid to get her hands dirty, whether it meant with dirt, sweat, blood, or leading her soldiers into battle. Her little sister had always been far more delicate and sensitive than Syeira. She had been a prodigy for battle tactics as well, though having a battle on her doorstep certainly changed and limited their choices in strategy. She had done her best to defend her home, her sister, and their armies. Now, it was looking rather futile to continue this fight, as their opponent’s army was many times larger than theirs.

Her eyes had been on their army, willing them to keep fighting as hard as possible for their queens and homes. Her head snapped up when she heard that voice from the other side of the barrier. She sniffed in defiance and me this gaze. “I fail to see just what my sister has to do with this. She hates war and would rather care for the wounded. And for that, I love her dearly and hold her in the highest respect.” She refused to give into his half truths. She folded her arms, the nails of her right hand digging into her left arm as she watched him. “No one has ever gotten through this barrier in the past when it was raised, nor will they now. Neither you, nor your captains will succeed. Plus it is impossible to simply climb or fly above the barrier. It is not a flat wall for your little pet drake to take you over.” She growled softly and shook her head. “Besides, there is no reason for me to lower it for you. You will not make me.”
Pya was tending to the wounds of men who really shouldn't be fighting the war, and holding back tears. Some of these men she knew, some of these men he had grown up knowing. A few of them taught her to ride horse back, or fight with a sword. Pya tended to the last solider who had been wounded, and then walked to the chapel to pray.
Kneeling in front of a bench, she asked for guidance and strength. Please give me strength in this time. Making the cross over her body she rose and then went back into the castle and into her room.
Once there she opened the chest that she had at the foot of the bed, and took out a long sword. Kneeling, she unsheathed it, on the blade it said, "Tribuo mihi vires ut ego have nullus. Tribuo mihi virtus ut sulum perdo spes. Tribuo mihi regimen of meus Senior quod Savior." She smiled, remembering what it said, Give me strength when I have none. Give me courage when everyone loses hope. Give me the guidance from my Lord and Savior. She whispered, sliding it back into its sheath, she tied the leather strap around her waist, she stood and closed her chest. Pya then hurried back to Syeria, her purple dress flowing behind her and the deep green of her cloak billowing out as well.
Alphis laughed shaking his head. â??So be it their deaths are on your head.â? He quickly conjoured a missile of pure force and sent it hurdling against the shield. He had deliberately made it too weak to break the Barrier but it was enough to make the shield buckle a little. He growled as though it had not done what he wanted. â??Hide as long as you wish but soon you and your kingdom will be mine.â? He turned the drake away flying down toward the camp set just out of magic range.

His army had pulled back from the walls and were now busy making dinner out of the food that the Druids and Clerics had produced. Refusing anything Alphis walked to his pavilion, taking one last look up at his sisterâ??s tower and smirked, â??Soon my sweet sisters, very soon.â?
Syiera gasped and threw up a secondary spell to reinforce the shield as he threw the missile toward it. No one had manifested the power to make the shield ripple, much less buckle the way it did, in more than a thousand years. But that attack made her eyes open to the fact that if he could do that, then he could probably tear the shield down for a straight on attack. They would never survive if that were to happen!

As soon as his mount turned away to his camp, Syeira turned to her sister. “Pya, it’s up to you if you want to come with me. I’m going down to talk to a couple of my captains about leading a head on attack on them now. But if you don’t want to come, then I understand. I want you safe, but that's completely up to you.” She hugged Pya before she took off, racing down the stairs to the war room.
Pya returned to the wounded one last time. Have faith men! We will win this war! You were not injured in vain! She told them, trying to lift their spirits. I prayed for every last one of you. We will succeed!! Leaving them she returned to the platform on which her sister stood defending her kingdom.
When she heard her sister's words, Pya looked into her Syiera's eyes. I will travel with you until the edge of the earth, Sister. I won't loose you on some battlefield and not be at your side. She hugged Syiera back and nodded. I have my sword. It completes me. I will be safe as long as I have it at my side. Then she followed her sister to the war room.
Syiera nodded and sighed softly, glancing at the few people gathered in the room. She shouldn't have expected that her younger sister would stay behind while she went up against their opponent, almost completely alone. She met the gazes of the captains in the room, all of them waiting to order their troops according to her commands. She twisted her hands slightly before she managed to speak.

She lifted her head and spoke strongly, masking her fear and worry as best she could. "Pya and I need a small contingent of men to follow us. Their attack has been halted for the time being, and we want to take this opportunity to strike back and strike hard." The nervous faces of the captains took a moment to estimate their potential losses before they finally agreed. She gave a soft sigh of relief, and her hand moved to rest on the hilt of her sword. "Now let's get this all figured out."
Pya was behind her Syiera, her arms crossed loosely across her chest, something she had done as a small girl when she was afraid or uncomfortable. She listened to her sister speak, then she came forward. I am, by nature a healer. So if there's anything I can do to aid you in this fight then let me know. She looked around the room before continuing. I know if, God forbid one of us dies the other must take her place as Queen, but I am going to be coming with on this final attack. She paused again as mutters and murmurs bounced around. Holding up her hand, she stalled it. Her power as Queen even reached her sister's castle. Gentlemen, please, if I may. Taking a deep breath she told them, My sister was always there for me when I was younger. She would be there when I was teased or cried. Now it's my turn to pay her back for her kindness. Pya looked at her sister. My dear Sister, my Queen. I will be with you until the end. She knelt before Syiera. We are ready when you are, Queen Syiera. Pya looked up and took her sister's right hand. Kissing the knuckles, she rose. I love you Syiera. I would give my life to make sure that nothing befalls you. She turned back to the men. You ready for this men? This is our kingdom you're fighting for, your freedom... And you're Queens. She added the last part and looked around meaningfully at each and everyone of them. Nodding she looked at her sister, On your order, Sister. We will move. She smiled, her eyes glowing with warmth and love.
The generals stood there in a bit of shock. How could both the queens be planning on leaving on a attack. They watched as Pya made a heartfelt and inspiring speech and at the end were once again shocked. Could the queens really mean for both them and their generals to leave the castle on an attack? One of the older and more experienced generals stood, â??Your majesties, surly you do not plan to leave the castle leaderless? We will pick out our best men to go and defend you if you both insist on going but you cannot expect your generals to go as well?â?
Syiera shook her head and smiled. "My sister is getting a little ahead of herself here. Of course I don't plan on leaving no one in charge while we're gone. And none of our generals are going to go. And you, my friend, are going to take our place while we are gone. Let us just hope it's not permanent." She turned to the rest of the gathered generals. "The rest of you are going to gather your best and most obedient men to come with us on this mission."

She smiled and turned to exit the room, allowing the generals to the tasks that she had left for them. She made her way to her chambers to put her armor on, making sure each piece was secure to her body. It took her quite a bit to check each piece, but once she was ready, she went out to check the few troops that she had asked for.
Pya looked sheepish. Forgive me my queen, I spoke out of turn. I need to learn how to curb my tongue. I was just thinking about all our wounded and I acted rash. She knelt before her sister, and looked down, You will always be the one who will make the orders, I am but you humble sister and the healer. I do not know what to say in times such as these. She got up and moved to just behind her sister.
After her sister gave the orders, she followed Syiera out of the room and up to her own chambers. Once there she grabbed a small pouch that contained a few items that she may need to heal the wounded. Patches of cloth and herbs. Looking around at the room that her sister had given her when she first came here, she bid it farewell. Rushing back out of the room; her cloak billowing out behind her she met back up with Syiera.
The generals had down their work well. Before the queens stood a dozen or so men all clad in deep black cloaks the seemed to absorb the light around them. They were the dark cloaks, specialists at covert work and silent killing. There were a few others that had been given the cloaks as the queens were now offered them. They were the personal guard of the queens refusing to leave the protection of the queens to anyone else. â??We stand ready our queens.â?


Across the wall deep at the heart of the enemy camp stood their target, he looked at the gates and smiled as though he could see what was being planned behind that wall. â??Well well, we will have to wait and see just how good you all are.â?
Syiera had no idea that their movements were being watched by their opponents' leader, and she graciously took the cloak that was offered to her, and removed her own. She sighed and anxiously rested her hand on her sword again, her hand opening and closing around the pommel, using it as a source of release. "I pray that tonight will go well for us, that we will be victorious in our battle, finish what we need to, and return home to a pint of ale, a song, and a hero's praise. We cannot allow for our enemies to overtake us and force us to give up our homes." She smiled and waited for the silent acknowledgment from those who were going with them on this mission. "When you're ready, little sister, we will leave." She wrapped a protective arm around her younger sister and kissed her cheek lightly.
Pya entered the room as the general was handing out the black stealth cloaks. She walked over to her sister she smiled and accepted one, inclining her head as a form of thanks. Looking at the group of people around her, she sighed. Pya, herself had no idea what was going to happen in the next couple of hours, and neither did these men. She knew her services were going to be needed. She hated that fact. Pya had a strong spirit, but she had a weak stomach for those who were injured.
She walked beside her sister, and rubbed her back in a loving manner, I've always been partial to mead, Sister. She smiled comfortingly at her. She hugged Syiera back. I am, my Queen. Let's get this done quickly and, She looked at the room full of men, I don't want to heal anyone, I don't want to see anyone injured, there's too much of that now. So be careful gentlemen.
Alphis laid his trap making sure that the weakest men were on sentry giving the assult force every chance. But at the same time making sure it didnâ??t seem to easy. He laid in his bed waiting for the queens to come and make his job of conquering them all that much easier.
Syiera nodded and wrapped her cloak around herself. "If we are fortunate to make it through, allow me to be the one to kill the enemy's leader who seeks to call himself king." She quickly laid out the strategy to those who were going with her and her sister, answered a few quick questions, and was soon stepping out into the shadows, leading the way to the barrier and to the enemy encampment on the other side. Of course, the older girl knew how to lift the barrier from the inside with her magic, but from the outside, they would have to rely on the general that they had left in charge. She concentrated for a moment, whispering the words she had been taught when she was young, and a small section of the barrier rose, allowing enough time for the men and her sister to go through before she followed and let it fall closed behind them.
Pya looked on in admiration of her older sister. She hadn't been taught that sort of magic, just spells to heal. She followed close behind Syiera, her sword drawn. There were already Bogey men in the shadows and they scared her. She wasn't wanting to do this. She kept getting a bad feeling about it. To comfort her, she struck up a conversation with her sister. My Queen, doesn't the black night seem familiar to you? I keep thinking I've met him before. Do you feel the same? She suddenly stopped talking and nodded her head to in front of them. I see men. You want our soldiers to take care of them? There were a few figures up ahead.
The few men ahead were nothing more than the sentries that Alphis had left for them to find and kill. There was nothing that would stop them from taking these men out. Everything would seem perfect till they were right where he wanted them.
Syiera knew her sister wasn't so comfortable in such a situation, and it was well known to the elder sister to stay silent in such a situation, but she was going to do her sister any wrong. "His voice is certainly familiar. But I'm not sure from where." She slipped forward as she saw what her sister was seeing, the men before them. She nodded silently to those soldiers that had come along with them, giving them permission to dispatch those few men that came up against them. "It's quite all right, my dear sister. Our men will take care of these soldiers before we continue onto more pressing matters."
Pya wasn't so sure that his voice was familiar, it was just something about him that was a feeling or his aura; something. She sighed and nodded. As their men moved to take out the few sentries scattered before them, she turned away. It was then that the hairs on the back of her neck stuck out, something bad was going to happen.
Pya nodded, I know, my Queen, but.... She looked up at the sky, clouds were moving to obscure the moon. Unless you can have a spell that allows you to see in the dark, we're about to be in a very tight situation. Pya placed a hand on her sister's shoulder, Queen Syiera; be careful. I'm having a bad feeling about this. She hugged her sister tightly. I will always love and care for you, my sweet sister. If we die tonight, I will wait for you at the Gates of Heaven. she whispered into her ear before moving forward along with their soldiers.
Syiera hugged her sister back, silent and calculating. She knew the risks of being out in the pitch blackness of the night, but she trusted the soldiers that they had brought with them to do what was necessary. They knew what to do in the dark, knew how to use the lights of the the various campfires to get toward their goal. One captain used hand signals that the older girl had been trained to understand, saying, "Not much opposition. Stay cautious. Do what needs to be done." She sighed and relaxed a bit, slipping into the shadows among the tents. She beckoned her sister toward her, signing back to the captain to watch their backs, and made her way toward the largest tent at the center of the camp, unknowingly walking into a trap.
Pya followed her sister closely, her hand on her sword ready to draw it if necessary. She looked all around her, making sure they weren't followed. As they passed by one tent, she saw a man laying on a cot. Tapping her sister, she motioned that she was going to check on him. It was impulse to check on the wounded, regardless if they were hostile or not.
Pya walked into the tent and over to the man who was wounded. His left leg was bandaged poorly up and it was swollen. A look of pitty crossed her face, Let me heal you solider. Pya reached into her satchel of herbs and grabbed a few that were known to reduce swelling and infection. Speaking in Latin, she said, Bind these wounds and heal. Keep this solider away from infection. Heal this limb. His leg glowed a faint yellow and then it vanished. Pya unwrapped the bandage. You'll have to keep off of it for a few hours, but you should be fine. Nodding and giving him a small encouraging smile, she went back out to rejoin her sister.
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