With Wind and Sound [BlinkyWinky & Raziel99]

The kiss left her flustered, needy, and much too hot for her own good. Yasuo was, in fact, quite the charmer and she had no intentions of letting him go. But the kiss had to end, and she couldn't help but giggle as she reminded her of their dinner plans. Yes, it had nearly reached nightfall, so Trish was bound to be waiting for them. Alright, if we must go, let us be off! Sona said, gathering her skirts and leading the way out, knowing her Etwahl would follow.

Much smiling and nodding was given to the people as she glided by, and even some children ran to her, hugging her legs and giving her kisses on the cheek. It seemed that she was a fan favorite because of the innocence she portrayed through her music and the inability to speak. She thought it silly, but the citizens of Valoran had their own reasons for supporting certain champions.

The walk to the tavern took all of five minutes, and she gladly pointed out different places to Yasuo along the way. The buildings all looked somewhat similar as they made their way back to the center of the town as all of them were made of the same pristine white stone. Shops, inns, a bank, a pub...they passed each of them, finally arriving to the tavern in which they were to meet Trish.

It was obviously made for wealthier members as not only the outside was clean, but the inside was as well. Neatly cut, deep-toned wood tables and chairs were arranged into organized rows, and many people were already seated. Boisterous laughter, loud talking, and the occasional yell could be hears but it was by no means a rowdy crowd. It was the end of the week, and many travelers and summoners came to relax.

There, said Sona, pointing to a table in the back where Trish was seated. Come, you don't want to be molested by other women, now do you? A small smile turned up her lips, though she wasn't going to tell him that she was serious to some degree. As they walked along, another person could be seen leaving Trish's table, and she immediately recognized who it was. Katarina du Couteau stepped past her with a nod, though she stopped in front of Yasuo, eyeing him in the way that a lioness would watch her prey.

"Sona, dear, I see you have extended your friendships to the men outside of Demacia. Good choice, although I do think the ones from my homeland are the best. Rough, demanding, they know what they want...in all situations." Katarina put a hand on his bare chest, stroking the muscles there. "I do hope to see you on the fields of justice, Yasuo. Don't worry—we all know who you are." She glanced to the Maven once more and left.

Sitting down at the table, Sona greeted Trish with a smile and sent her Etwahl off to the corner of the room. It was always quite bulky in crowded places, and she could do little else then to send it off. Periodically, it came back sometimes but it was an easy fix as the girl sent the instrument off again.

"Would you like a drink this evening?"

The voice came suddenly, and a server appeared at their side. He winked at Trish and sensually touched Sona's shoulder as he waited.
Yasuo was silent as they walked through the paths in the slowly dying light, making no comment but offering soft smiles whenever Sona was approached by others. A few turned his way, and he noticed a few of the children turning to him, inquisitive, although they didn’t approach him. That was ok with him, though. After a few matches in the Fields of Justice, he was sure he would have his own groupies. Not that he needed any.

They walked into the restaurant, and he saw how crowded it was. It was so crowded he couldn’t believe the haste that she found Trish in there, although telepathy was probably a good thing to have in situations like that. Still, the room was nearly full up, and it was a miracle they were able to move through the people. Sona’s presence was probably the only reason why. Of course, as they approached the table, another person stood and came towards him. This time, however, he knew who it was and was ready to respond.

He was silent as he listened to Katarina speak, his eyes fire both dangerous and tempting as they went over her. It wasn’t long before she moved close, putting a hand over his chest. She tried to leave, but he stopped her, a hand grabbing her shoulder. He was close behind her before she could turn around, leaning down to whisper in her ear before she could do anything.

“Apparently Noxian men aren’t rough and demanding enough, since you’re not moving to a whim. You should find someone better suited to breaking through your façade.” He could feel Kat stiffen at his words, and she turned to face him, a mix of rage and sudden desire in her eyes, a tint of red on her cheeks, but she was silent as she walked off. Yasuo turned away, a satisfied smirk on his face as he moved to sit at the round table, himself, Sona, and Trish making a triangle around it.

The voice of the waiter brought Yasuo’s attention, but his eyes narrowed as he watched the waiter’s hand, a reaction that made the man pull back. “Bottle of Sake, warm.”

Trish turned to Yasuo with a smirk, although her voice addressed the waiter. “Piltover cola with rum on the side, thanks.”
Sona watched Yasuo's interaction with Katarina, struggling to hold back a laugh. It wasn't often that men could pull such a reaction from the girl who was an important member of the Noxian High Command. Just before the door of the tavern closed, a highly audible squeak came from a rather large rat that had made its way inside, and a knife protruded from the animal. No doubt it was one of Katarina's throwing weapons, and Sona just smiled and shook her head, knowing that the redhead was likely angry.

You may have upset her, she said, amused. Turning to the server, she ordered her own drink as well. And I'll have a sparkling citrus mix, thank you. The drink would've been likened to a mimosa, as it was a bubbly white wine mixed with a citrus cocktail. Subtly, she moved her shoulder out of his grasp even as he pulled back his arm.

Clearing his throat loudly, the man took a step back. "I will get those for you right away. And as we understand that many of our guests come from different places, all our meals are custom made. Just tell me what you would like when you are ready."

He stepped back, bowed, and turned to leave. So Trish, Sona started, What kind of juicy chat were you having with the eldest Du Couteau? Plotting a Rift tactic, or plotting an abduction of some poor, innocent man? She giggled lightheartedly and reached under the table to place her hand on Yasuo's leg.
Yasuo seemed disinterested in Katarina’s reaction, mostly because it was the reaction he was aiming for. He noted what she did but otherwise ignored it on the trek to the table, sitting in their positions. Still, he thought about the fireball for a moment more. Sona seemed eager to work with Trish on him, maybe she was setting him up for other encounters with others as well? Her warning of others touching him didn’t seem to bring revulsion in her, but anticipation.

He chuckled at Sona’s words. “Perhaps a little, but she should keep quiet if she doesn’t want a retort. The drinks were brought with haste, and Yasuo quickly downed the small glass of Sake, a hand on the large bottle of the warm liquid. Trish carefully measured and mixed her drink before taking a satisfied silent sigh. However her head perked up as he heard Sona’s question, and she chuckled.

Oh, Katarina? No, she wasn’t openly plotting with me, at least. And I’m not a good controller of her. No, she came to me asking if I knew the newest to join the ranks of Champions. You should have seen her face when I told her that I was having dinner with the man! She seemed to be really eager to join the League of Boners tonight. Shame, and then Yasuo flustered her so well. She chuckled, turning to the man.

Of course, we need to see how well the man can take care of himself with two women. Isn’t that right, Sona?
The drinks were broufht promptly, and though the server didn't openly address the two women, his eyes looked on lecherously at the cleavage and bare skin, practically visually molesting them. But Sona paid it no mind as she took the drink, daintily sipping the citrus drink slowly, carefully. Alcohol was something that she didn't trend to take well, so it was best for her to drink with caution. Blue hair flyed up and equally blue eyes twinkled as Sona nodded her head enthusiastically in response to Trish's question. Oh yes, she began to add, He has already proven himself in strength and technique with his fighting skills...I'm sure he's happy with showing us a small favor like this, aren't you, Yasuo?"

Her head turned to look at him, and her hand traveled from his knee to his thigh, feeling the muscles through the thin material of his pants, and stopping just short of his groin. Then moving her hand down, she repeated the process once more, inching her fingers up higher, and then dropping her hand back down to her side. She sipped on her drink once more, a slight pink on her cheeks from her boldness. She caught Trish's eye, winked at her, and then put her drink down. Indeed, the liquor was already making her a braver woman.

I think I'm hungry, now...oh so very hungry... Her eyes flitted from Trish to Yasuo as she waved a hand to signal the server over.

"What can I get you this evening?" he asked, not bothering with the attempts at sexual attention anymore. "Remember that we serve anything and everything. Our chef is excellent, and we carry the freshest ingredients."

Is that so? Sona projected out to him as well as the two sitting beside her. Without breaking her eye contact with Yasuo, she said, I'll have an ahi tuna with a bit of wasabi to...spice it up. And I think we're going to need a side of fresh oysters, please.

The server eyed her carefully but nodded, turning to the other two at the table.
Yasuo was probably the only one at the table that could hold his liquor for any amount of time at that table. Trish took more than Sona, but not much more than, and because of her abilities she was an… interesting drunk. Still, she was sober enough for the start of their conversation, eying Sona as the woman moved closer to Yasuo, her hand moving on the Samurai’s leg. To both tease and test her, Trish entered Sona’s mind, putting the image of the summoner kneeling before the man, his length in her mouth, head bobbing slowly.

Yasuo seemed caught off-guard by Sona’s question, finding the tint of his cheeks increase suddenly for the first time in many years. “Ah… Yes, I am happy about such a thing.” He found his eyes averting to the table, then his bottle of sake, which he poured a glass and downed.

Yasuo didn’t miss the eye contact that Sona had with him the whole time of her order, but he didn’t turn away from her as he spoke his own order, as though he was ignoring the waiter. “Bowl of rice and fish, and I think some fried eel would be good to try in this good company.

Trish finished her drink, turning to the waiter with a grin on her face. I do think I need a new drink. As for food, I think I need a bilge brat as well as pundi rice and calamari.
Thoughts of pleasuring Yasuo flashed through Sona's mind, entertaining delicious possibilities she had yet to try. One of him taking her from behind, one of her lying on top of him as they pleasured each other with their mouths, one of Trish giving him head and—

That wasn't right.

A strange feeling came over Sona as she watched the scene play out, with Trish taking Yasuo's length into her mouth, tongue playing over the head as she took him deeper still. It was erotic to watch, but it made her chest feel tight in...envy? Yes, that's what it was. It should be her doing that, making him feel pleasure. She flashed and angry look to the summoner, but it quickly subsided as other, more interesting feelings took place. A brief image of the three of them having a heated night in the bedroom flashed through her mind, making her smile. Yes, that's what she wanted.

After everyone had ordered their food, the server awkwardly shuffled away. Sexual tension was so obvious that anyone could almost see it in the air, surrounding the trio's table.

Thank you, Trish, that was a lovely image, Sona said to the summoner as they waited for the food to arrive, smirking at her as she said the words. Why don't you share that with Yasuo here, I'm sure he'd find it lovely as well.
Trish watched Sona’s reactions and her mind carefully, seeing the pull of envy and lust as she interrupted her thinking, then seeing it shift to something with all three of them in play. She had to admit, that thought brought a wave of need through her body, making her feel uncomfortable in her robes. Her body squirmed ever so slightly, and she couldn’t help the smirk that crossed her face as he heard Sona speak, lifting an eyebrow.

I don’t think that would be a good idea, Sona. I don’t think overloading the man’s mind is a good way to start the evening. Anyway, you already seem to be straining his pants to the breaking point, and I don’t think he brought extra with him. A soft chuckle left him, echoing through the room. But I do think I have something else for you, Sona. Yes yes, something you would enjoy greatly.

With that she sent another image, one of the two women kissing wildly, Trish lowering the other to the bed, hands roaming, fingers playing first with Sona’s breasts, then further down, finding her core. Rubbing and fingering her until she was worked into a frenzy, and even more until she came. Oh, Trish could already hear Sona’s moans in her mind, and a devilish grin crossed her face.

Yasuo, however, was left to look between the two women locked in this mind war of lust, and he stayed silent even as the food came, taking the first bite before simply watching the two of them. It was entertaining as anything he had seen, and he was sure the two would be so far over the edge of lust that the night was going to be hot and needy. He just hoped he had the energy to keep up with these two women.
Sona looked over to Yasuo, excitement shining through her eyes. It was funny to know that the man had no idea what was going on or what exactly was going through her head. Then again, it left a lot for him to wonder about. She openly gasped as Trish sent forth another image, this time of just the two women. She could feel a familiar sensation flooding down to her loins, and her lips parted slightly, panting as she watched the scene unfold. Gathering herself, Sona continued the mental escapade. It was curious...she never had the desire to taste a woman before...she slid her body along Trish's, planting small kisses here and there until she was down at the apex of her thighs. She spread the moist lips and—

"Would you like another drink, ma'am?"
The waiter's voice broke through her mind, and Sona shook her head ever so slightly, dismissing him with a wave of her hand.

She crossed her legs, cutting the tuna in front of her into bite-sized cubes, then slowly eating them, keeping her eyes on Trish. Never before had she a desire to touch a woman, but the summoner called upon a deep, dark part of her mind that wanted to do all these things. The meal was eaten in quiet thought, the lust hanging over the two women even as the night wore on. In fact, it increased with each passing second, and Sona couldn't wait for it to be over.

Leaving payment in the middle of the table, she waited patiently for the two to finish, a smile upon her lips and a cloud of haze in her eyes.
Something within Yasuo told him that the two women were having some sort of mental quarrel, or maybe even play at his expense, but he knew better than to interrupt it. He simply watched the exchange through their physical reactions, picking up their gazes, smelling arousal in the air, the little twitches and blushes that went between the two and himself. He was never very good as such things, mental contacts, but he was sure he would learn it easily enough after a few League games opened him up to the possibilities that await such endeavors.

Trish watched both Yasuo and Sona with curiosity, eating slowly, trying not to squirm too much in her seat. It was all she could do not to dive her hand into her robes after what Sona retorted with. She had no idea Sona would be into women as well as men, and the fact that she was turned on by returning her teasing image broke her mind a bit. She cut off contact with Sona for a moment, yielding in a way as she ate as quickly as possible without looking rude.

Even if Yasuo was the first to start eating, he was the last one to finish, and he could feel both women’s eyes on him like hawks, or children waiting for dessert. Coin was placed on the table to pay for the meal and for a small tip, and Yasuo was the first one to stand. “Well then, since I do not know the way too well, please, lead me. I am sure there is still much to see.”
After Yasuo stood, Sona did as well, gesturing for Trish to follow suit. She lead the way out of the tavern, her Etwahl following loosely behind the trio, stepping into the crisp night air. It was considerably cooler, and she could feel the air as a chill against her cheeks, but it did little to calm the fire within her. In fact, it made her all the more aware of her position and subconsciously started walking faster, becoming impatient with the need that pulled at her mind and body.

Sona lead them to a larger inn that was more for the likes of the pockets of summoners, but they had money. And who was the receptionist to deny them? Saying no to two champions and a summoner was either very brave or very stupid, but either way, she would make sure they got in. The inside was quite large, and she spoke quietly to the woman at the desk.

"Three rooms total then, Ms. Buvelle?"

No, thank you. Your largest suite on the top floor will suffice.

"Here are the keys, ma'am...enjoy your night."
Suspicion and amusement were written plainly all over her face, and she watched the trio as they walked away and up the grand staircase.

As they walked along, Sona let out a small chuckle that resonated nicely in their minds. No doubt the desk lady would be interested to know what the three were up to. So you two know that this will ruin my image as the poor, innocent, orphaned mute girl, right? But it's quite alright. Let's just hope this doesn't get out to the public...or perhaps if it does, it will make us all the more popular. And as we all know, that always plays a role during the selection of the champions, whether people choose to acknowledge it or not.

She stopped at a set of double doors, unlocking the doors to show a small sitting area with a large bathroom and bedroom branching off on either direction. She moved to sit on one of the plush couches, knowing she was just stalling before the storm of heat that had yet rto come.
Trish stood at Sona’s beckoning, her and Yasuo following her out of the restaurant and towards the inn. Yasuo walked straight and stayed close to Sona’s left, but Trish was even closer to her right, chuckling silently and giving little ideas to Sona, some fun between all three of them, and some between either her and Sona, or her and Yasuo. Truly, Trish had no shame when she was drunk.

They walked into the inn, and the two were silent as Sona got the room, Trish noticed the reaction on the woman, and tossed her a small bag of coin with a quirk of her eyebrow before they followed the Maven to the top floor. Don’t worry, Sona. I’m sure they already knew that you weren’t so innocent. You should hear how the men daydream about you. It’s rather an interesting sight. There was a chuckle in her mind before they entered the room.

Trish was the one to close the doors and lock them, turning to watch Sona sit and Yasuo sitting awkwardly inbetween them. So she was the first to make a move, moving to the samurai, sliding behind him and sliding his cloak off. Yasuo, you look stressed, let me take care of this… The clothing came off easily, followed by his pants, before her hand took the stiff length, slowly pumping him. Sona, look at this. He sure has an impressive weapon on him.
Sona's eyes hungrily took Yasuo's length in, raking over his nude body in appreciation. A strange look crossed her face, resembling the face of a cat looking upon its prey, and she slowly bent over the man's lap to suckle lightly on the head of his manhood. She groaned; it was nothing like she'd ever imagined. It was better. She bobbed her head up and down in time with Trish's hand, undressing herself as she did so. Her dress and hair ornaments were tossed roughly to the side, leaving herself naked. She moaned as she lapped up the clear drops of precum. It turned her on so much to see that Yasuo was enjoying himself. But what about Trish? She wondered....

Getting up, Sona knelt by the summoner, moving Trish's hair to one side as she kissed her neck, grazing her teeth lightly at the soft skin. Hands roamed over the other girl's body, pausing at the breasts to cup them, then traveling lower to the sweet spot between the thighs to palm over her mound. She could feel Trish's heat even through the cloth of her pants, making her own center wet with anticipation. She began taking Trish's clothing off...first the vest...then the hooded tunic.... Only the pants were left, but the woman was nude from the waist up, and Sona suddenly wanted to feel how another woman would feel.

Her hands roamed over Trish's sides, relishing the soft flesh that was so different from a man's. Then reaching around, she cupped her breasts, fingers soft as a feather when she brushed over the nipples. In the moment of heat, Sona grabbed the summoner's face, planting a kiss on her lips, slow and sensual with the movements.
Yasuo was being tended to by both woman, his eyes falling to watch Sona’s movements as she lowered herself, feeling her mouth move onto him. He moaned out from the dual feeling, mouth and hand working his shaft. He half noticed Sona undressing, tossing her clothing to the side, but his mind was taken away in pleasure at the moment, head falling back onto Trish’s shoulder, noting the look of victory on the female summoner’s face.

But Trish couldn’t be ready for what happened next. Sona got up and made the first move, and Trish was losing herself in the passion. A moan rocked the entire room as she felt her clothes removed and hands on her breasts, lips on her neck. The undressing revealed several scars, the worst of them on the front of her throat, but she couldn’t think about hiding them, too lost in the feeling, feeling her core being pressed on before being pulled into a hot kiss. She returned it, deepening it from slow and sensual to almost a frenzy of lust and need.

Yasuo looked on with desire and need, and knew exactly what he wanted. He moved, sliding behind Sona. His hands found her hips, and with only a small teasing stroke of his head at her core as warning he surged into her, filling her to the hilt with his length. He moaned out, lowering his chest to her back, his lips finding her neck as his hips thrusted up into her, slow and unwilling to relent on the pleasure for the both of them.
Sona's kiss was broken out of a greater pleasure, and she cried out, tilting her head back as Yasuo entered her for the second time that day. Although she was usually able to concentrate her thoughts to one or two people, she had little regard for that now, which meant whoever passed by would be able to hear her moans and sounds of pleasure within their own mind. Moving her head so the man could have better access at her neck, she directed the overflow of pleasure and energy to the woman in front of her.

Roughly spinning Trish around, Sona got to work on her pants, pushing them down as far as she could without breaking contact with Yasuo. Trish's panties followed suit, leaving her bare for both herself and Yasuo to see. Her eyes took in the other woman hungrily, and she pulled their bodies together, wrapping her arms around Trish's neck to continue the heated kiss. Mentally, she begged Yasuo to go faster, as the feel of the two bodies against her own made her hot with desire and need. She wanted more, she wanted it now. A long moan came from her, followed by sighs and pants as she moved her hands lower to Trish's core, spreading the lips and teasing her entrance with a finger.
Yasuo groaned out as he felt Sona gripping at him when he slid into her. If it was even possible, she felt even better than when she took him earlier that day, and he could see that she was losing her mind to the pleasure now. He gladly redoubled his efforts, feeling her grip and pulse with every thrusts, a nice slapping sound of his skin against hers with every connection between the two of them. She bared her neck and he gladly took that, nipping and testing the skin there as his hands kept their rough hold on her hips.

Trish was in heaven right now, feeling the last of her clothes fall away from her, leaving her bare for the first time in years. She saw the hungry gaze in Sona’s eyes, and her own eyes matched it as she got one more gaze before being taken in the hot kiss once more. She moaned out as she felt the hand probing her womanhood, her hips pushing forward onto her hand, begging for more. A tease just wouldn’t do right now! Her own hands went over Sona, taking her breasts and tweaking her nipples before a hand went down, finding the woman’s core being pounded by the samurai. A smirk crossed her lips as her finger found Sona’s clit, starting to rub it fast, in time with Yasuo’s thrusts. I want myself some of that cock, Sona, and I’m going to take it after making you cum.
Sona's body exploded with pleasure.

Mmmhhh....Oh, god, Trish.... The moan was loud and clear, and her knees almost buckled when the summoner's fingers found the sensitive, already swollen button. Her legs spread a bit further, and she moved her hips back and forth in time with the pounding behind and the rubbing in front, panting as she did so. Leaning her head down, she suckled one of Trish's nipples as her middle finger entered her, bending and thrusting with the beat of the slapping sounds. It wasn't long before she added a second finger, wanting to pleasure her as much as she could.

Sona's own body was nearing her breaking point. Her head spun; the room seemed to be a whirl, sounds were all blending into a symphony of passion, and colors danced before her eyes. She could feel it, it was coming like a tsunami wave, strong and intense. Her legs stiffened as Trish pushed her over the edge of sanity, and she exploded in a high of sensation. Lips parted in a soundless expression of sensation, she threw her head up, letting her eyes roll back as the feelings washed through her. Her core pulsated in a spasmatic rhythm even as Yasuo pounded into her, and she let out a cry of pleasure, grinding her hips still into Trish's hand.

As she spiraled down from it, she removed her fingers from Trish, lifting them to see the thick evidence of her arousal. A split-second decision was made before Sona brought them to her mouth, sucking them clean of the cream, groaning from the taste. I never thought a woman could taste so good... She grinned and slid herself off the samurai's member, suddenly getting an idea.
Let's go to the bedroom. I want to try something...Trish, dear, do you think you could ride him? She made a gesture to Yasuo. But face me. I want to see you. Plus it allows me to do something else... A familiar sparkle reached her eye, and she lead her two partners to the bedroom, directing them to the fluffy bed with silken sheets.
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