With Wind and Sound [BlinkyWinky & Raziel99]



A young woman stepped out of a techmaturgical vehicle and into the entrance of Piltover, the City of Progress. Strands of blue hair whipped out behind and around her, staying afloat by some unseen wind. Likewise, her own body seemed to glide peacefully and her robes billowed out around her. She raised an angular chin, blue eyes looking around expectantly. Ah, there it was. A few seconds of waiting was rewarded by the appearance of her beloved Etwahl, the very instrument she would use to entertain the guests at her concert tonight. It floated smoothly under her fingertips, and she walked along, starting her voyage through the city's streets.

The woman was Sona, and word of the strings player leaked out of Demacia and into the rest of Valoran, providing the musician with plenty of new venues to perform at. Tonight would be her very first solo performance outside of Demacia, though it was not her first time performing in the wonderful city of Piltover. The first had been with her band, Pentakill, along with friends Mordekaiser and Karthus. League business had put their band plans on hold, and Sona decided to venture in a solo career outside of her time fighting with the Institute of War. It was a much more peaceful life, following her dreams and becoming a musician. People respected her even though she was mute, and everything was okay because she tended to speak to people through her songs, inputting so much emotion that listeners were often moved to tears, and she was even able to minorly augment emotions with her playing. They didn't call her the maven of the strings for just anything, and the girl was an expert at what she did. With one hand movement, she could slice and object into pieces. With another she could heal the gravest of wounds, and with another still she could increase movement. Apart from that, she could do many more things with the instrument, but those three were primarily what she was known for, in and out of the Fields of Justice,

Sons glided along the streets, nodding and playing a tinkling tune of greeting to the people she met, hands rushing over her instrument as if knowing what they were already going to play. She marveled at the city's energy sources and inventions, deciding that it was probably one of the better places she had visited. Finally, after a stroll along the streets to the inner part of the city, she arrived to where she would be staying: the Piltover Inn. The name was simple enough, but the inside was simply gorgeous, and the place itself often held many important visitors, anyone from muaicians to inventors to fellow League champions. It was here that she requested a room at the top floor of the Inn, the floor that held many of the visiting League champions and summoners, and she was excited to see whomever else was staying at the Inn.

A quick scan around notified her of Lux and her brother Garen, a pair of skilled champions in their own right, hailing from the mighty city of Demacia. Sona smiled to herself; she was very find of the two, and they often spent much time together as all three of them were accounted as part of Demacian royalty — Lux and Garen by birth, and Sona through adoption into the House Buvelle. Other rooms indicated various summoners within, and still others were empty. Then, as she neared her own room, she sensed someone she had not sensed or heard before. Mulling it over for a minute or two, she paid it no mind and entered her room, beginning to practice for the concert that night.
Death is like the wind; always by my side.

It had been the first time he took step on a land that wasn’t Ionia, and the man looked around. The air felt dirty to him, industrial, foreign. He immediately wanted to turn back, to return to his homeland and continue his quest there, but he knew the answers he looked for were no longer in that land. And if he returned, it was only a matter of time until he would be found and killed. After all, he was still wanted for the Elder’s murder, and the real assassin was still out there. He had yet to uncover who it was, but a lead was found.

The League had been a reliable contact, and had offered him a sort of Amnesty while he was there. It would be useful to stay there for a time, to gather more leads to the assassin and to rest up, maybe even gather some connections so he wouldn’t be left with his back to a wall. But his enemies resided in those walls as well, and although a blade into his back was unlikely to happen while in the care of the League, he couldn’t be so sure of that after he walked out of the doors. Movement would have to be swift. It was good that that was what he was known for.

But first, he had to make it to the League headquarters. And night would soon fall on the land. Travelling in the dark, no matter where in Runeterra, was always a bad idea.

With a few questions he was easily led to the Piltover Inn. It wasn’t something he was used to, the Piltoverian décor nor the open generosity of the populous. Maybe he had been running for too long, to be unused to such kindness. Either way, another kindness shocked him: A room was already booked for him, on the top floor of the Inn. Apparently even though he hadn’t had a single match in the Fields of Justice, he was still a Champion as they said, or at least one in hire of the League. The room was reserved specifically for him, the Summoner who did it unlisted. It didn’t matter in the end, and he headed upstairs, having his dinner sent up soon after. He didn’t think showcasing himself in the Inn would turn out well, especially being so close to Ionia.

As he walked the hallway to his room, he noted the stares and glares from the other people. Apparently his story and arrival travelled fast, and some of the people didn’t seem too happy to see him there. Either way, they didn’t vocally protest, nor did they hassle him, so he stayed quiet until he arrived in his room. He found a hard spot on the floor, sitting with legs crossed to go into meditation, interrupted only by his food coming in, and a strange sensation that came closer to sunset. It was as though all the weight came off his shoulders. It was enough to break his reverie, eyes opening as he heard a melody, strangely soothing. He couldn’t help the narrowing of his eyes at the interruption, but he managed to push past it.
An hour's time passed since the start of Sona's rehearsal, a tiring but necessary procedure that went with being a musician. Feeling hungry, she stepped out of the room and to the hallway, sending a message with a nearby inn staffman for a request that food be brought to her quarters as soon as possible. All was calm as she examined a painting on the wall to her left , holding up a hand to touch the exquisite brush strokes, when her ears suddenly picked up on a sound behind her. The sensation was much like savoring a morself of food— each one had a distinctly different flavor, though in her case it was a different tonality for each of them. She memorized most champions "sound print" from the League, and she smiled as she recognized who it was, turning to see the beautiful, smiling face of Lux.

"Oh!" the petite blonde squealed, "I wanted to sneak up on you, but almost no one can these days. Anyway, I heard you were having a concert tonight. Good luck! My brother and I came from the Institute of War to see you."

Sona nodded in return, her smile growing bigger. Her hands played a tune that the other ecognized as thanks.

"Oh, well, there's no need for that, sweetums. Besides, I'll tell you another reason why I'm here." Lux's eyebrows bounced up and down as she leaned in closer to whisper. "That new guy, Yasuo, he's here. In that room." She pointed to the room across from Sona's. "You do know who he is, right?"

Sona shook her head, her hands playing a tune that indicated confusion.

"They say he killed someone...his own elder, when he still lived at Ionia. Of course, the League offered him some sort of protection in return for his services but, you know. He's kind of famous now. Anyway, I'll see you later, hun, I've gotta run!"

Lux set off down the stairs, a faint glow illuminating the area around her, leaving Sona to ponder on what she had said. A minute or two later, a staffman brought up her requested meal, and she retreated into her room to eat. It wasn't until another hour passed that she decided to make her usual rounds, offering free tickets to champions and summoners alike. She left the room across from hers alone, internally debating on whether to approach the newcomer.

The girl herself was born in Ionia, but upon deciding that the particular part of her life was behind her, she took a deep breath and knocked on the closed door, playing the same soothing tune from before, her hands nervously plucking away at the strings.
While Sona had the luxury of freely moving the hallways, that was something Yasuo could not risk, not until he was safe in the League Headquarters. Too many people wanted him dead. So he kept in quiet contemplation in his room, occasionally breaking from his reverie to take a bite of a rice ball before letting himself fall into deep thought. Many things still plagued his mind, mostly being the identity of the Elder’s killer, but many other pieces were missing. They used a wind technique, so who else in Runeterra knew of wind techniques that could kill? Why did his brother come after him, knowing it would be his death? And what was that sound coming from the rest of the inn? Was it another assassin for him, trying to either draw him out or make him go insane with sound waves?

He was so lost in thought that he jumped when there was a knock at the door, the melody being played once more. Yasuo stood, a hand resting on the hilt of his blade, as he slowly walked towards the door. He checked the edges of the door for some sharp poisoned edge that could come out, and when he was satisfied there wasn’t he opened the door.

He saw the woman before him, and his eyes scanned her quickly, then the rest of the hallway before turning towards the woman. She was beautiful, sure, floating off the ground with her instrument, and it was a fight to control his emotional state. Could she be trying to lull him into a sense of safety? “Hello…” He said after a moment, the hand moving away from his blade. “Can I… help you?”
A look of horror passed the young woman's face as she saw the man's hand at the hilt of his sword, but the feeling quickly passed as she sensed that she was in no real danger. He was...careful, it seemed. A moment of silence passed between the two of them as Sona pressed a palm against the strings of her Etwahl, letting the lingering sound dissipate into the air. She picked up a hand and waved, coupling the action with a friendly smile. Quietly, she retrieved a slip of paper from the folds of her robes, proffering it to him, not forcefully but with sure excitement.

The small rectangle of a recital ticket introduced her as "Sona Buvelle, the Maven of the Strings," and although she had not met this man before, she felt obligated to give him an invitation. She was to know him soon enough within the League, and she felt that a proper introduction should be in order. Playing the floating instrument, her fingers flawlessly plucked away again, creating a beautiful, fast-paced melody. Then, sending forth her thoughts, she told him, Hello...my name is Sona. I, too, am a champion from the League, and I was wondering if you would like to attend my recital tonight. It's just in the next building over, and many other champions and summoners will be there. Perhaps it would be a perfect time to get to know some of those you will possibly be working with. Well, myself included. Her voice came out a smooth soprano, sounding within Yasuo's mind only, a tone that seemed to exude sincerity and friendliness.
The first part of confusion came to him as the woman waved and smiled instead of saying anything. Oh lords, please don’t say she is one of those kawaii-desu types. He had enough of those ignorant foreigners when he did guard duty in Ionia, he didn’t know what he would do to those he found outside of his element here in Piltover. She silenced her instrument and went into her robes, offering him a slip of paper. He took his cautiously, looking it over.

Sona Buvelle. Ah, he had heard of her talents with music, but he hadn’t seen it himself. He was usually too busy with training when she was in Ionia for concerts, solo or with Pentakill. He also remembered she was mute, which explained how she was acting, and he immediately felt sheepish for presuming so much about the woman. That was, until she entered his mind to speak. He listened for a long moment, thinking her words over. It seemed the paper was a ticket after all.

“Normally, Sona, I would deny such a request.” He said, folding the ticket in two and sliding it into his obi. “However, I haven’t been able to make a single concert of yours, even though I have had meaning to. I must say that it is an honor to meet you in person.” He bowed low, his head angled up to look at her. “They call me Yasuo. I’m sure my story has come across to the League already. Some company would be good as well.” He managed a soft smile that didn’t seem forced. “My time is yours after the concert if you wish. However, I must head inland to the League at dawn.”
A sparkle danced in Sona's eyes as she watched his acceptance, excitement turning over in her mind. Fantastic, her mind voiced to the man, Yasuo...yes, my friend just told me about you, actually. You may have heard her in the hallways. She's a spritely little thing, blonde, with a giggle for a laugh. She looked away sheepishly for a moment, realizing that she admitted to conversing about him. Anyway, I do...I do know of your history, but only the general idea. Maybe you could enlighten me on the way to the recital hall?

Sona glided back a bit, allowing a space for Yasuo to exit, motioning for him to walk with her. As she stood back, she got a glimpse of him in his entirety: a strong, muscular build in all bodily aspects, a strong jaw covered in a day's worth of stubble or so...he was a handsome man, and Sona couldn't fathom why anyone would dream to hunt him. He looked peaceful and sharp of mind, not like a killer.

I was born in Ionia, she started off, thinking fondly of her childhood memories. Then I was adopted by a Demacian woman, and that's where I reside now. Of course, I always find time to travel in other places. The Noxians would've minded me visiting their city-state, but most of them also enjoy my music. She walked down the hallway and stopped in front of the staircase. I do appreciate your offer, and I look forward to getting to know you. In any case, if you want to make it to the Institute of War, there are only two ways to get there: by travel, and by summoning. Being summoned by a summoner is always the faster way, so I'd suggest you talk to a few of them at the concert tonight. The crowds love a champion with a story. Sona smiled again, this time turning to make her way down the steps.
He wasn’t completely surprised that his arrival caused at last some conversation among the other champions. After all, a good deal of them would have been from Ionia, and they would have professed his guilt long before he could profess his innocence of what he was charged. Yet with her description about who she spoke with, it didn’t sound like any champion from Ionia he knew. But the figure was familiar, maybe he passed her in the hallway earlier? If so, she was as cold to him as any other.

The invitation to walk with her surprised him, but she moved back for him to exit the room with her, and he couldn’t help but be worried by how easily she trusted him. But, any friend would be useful in these times. He nodded his head, turning into his room to grab his travelling cloak, throwing it on before stepping out, making sure his room couldn’t be tampered with. He let her lead the way, mostly because her instrument was bulky enough to take up the hallway, but he didn’t fall behind, preferring to stay close to her aura.

He listened to her story, nodding slowly to himself. He didn’t know she was from Ionia. “My story is quite simple, really. During the Noxian invasion, I was tasked with defending one of the Elders. I was brash enough to think my blade could end the war, and instead went to fight. When I came back, the Elder was dead. They believe it was by my hand, because there is none other in Ionia who uses a Wind technique.” He shook his head slowly. “It was my fault the elder died, but it was not by my hand. And I will find who the killer was. That I swear.”

He was quiet for a moment as she spoke about the Institute, and he shook his head at her offer. “Thank you for the tip, but I believe I will take to it by foot. After all, this is my first time outside of Ionia, and I think I want to see the land on the way to the Institute.” He took a step back to let her down the steps easier, before following her down. Yasuo had time to admire her a little more. She was a pretty thing, and he could see something building between the two of them in normal circumstances, even if her clothes were a little lewd.
It was common for champions to have some sort of significant history that ultimately propelled them to join the League, including Sona herself. Though hers was, admittedly, not as exciting as some, it bound all of them together in a way that was understandable and even respected. Even some of the Demacian champions like herself had respect for Katarina, leader of the Noxian High Command. In her eyes, Yasuo was no different as he, too, came from a background of turmoil. He may have been hated by the Ionians, but he would be respected by the rest of Valoran for his story of innocence and seemingly supreme fighting power.

The girl stayed silent for some time, mulling over his story in her head as she lead the way out of the Inn. Dusk had fallen over Piltover, and the last remnants of the sun could be seen as a hue of orange and pink that settled at the edge of the horizon, expanding into a deep blue as the color stretched across the sky. Already she could see the citizens arriving at the recital hall, gathering at the front of a white building with columns and a grand entry way of mahogony doors. She smiled; it was a rather large crowd, and the larger ones seemed to calm her nerves a bit more.

The walkway to the side of the building was much larger than the halls of Piltrover Inn, and she hung back for a second to walk next to Yasuo. Do you want to go to the Institute to find information that will help you find your killer? I know not of anyone who explicitly states they use a wind technique...the blade mastery of Ionia is unparalleled by any other place...Irelia, Master Yi, and yourself...all champions who can use blades exquisitely. Then again, I could be wrong. They arrived at another door to which Sona entered first, directing the Yasuo to a section of seating out in the hall. It directly faced the stage, and it was considered to be prime seating within the house. Lux was seated there already, as was Caitlyn and Vi. Sit there with your fellow champions or in the back somewhere if you prefer not to be seen. I am quite honored to meet you, and I do hope you enjoy my music. Sona smiled once more then disappeared behind a heavy red curtain.

The concert started right on time, with the lights dimming as Sona stepped out from the curtain, a heavy techmaturigc spotlight lit heavily on her face and body. She had changed clothing, donning a stark white set of robes that no longer had sleeves but were much more revealing in the front, showing off ample cleavage. After a wave hello, she begun to play her Etwahl, fingers moving gracefully across the strings. She required no set order of songs, nor did she need to memorize songs because they always a came from her heart, changing and adapting to her emotions. The music brought the audience on a ride, using a central melody that she manipulated at different points to portray happiness, sadness, love, and other strong emotions.

At the end of the concert, the woman gave a bow and descended the steps of the stage to the audience, accepting the various compliments and thanking her guests. Then, after the crowd around her died down, she slipped out of the same door she and Yasuo used earlier, waiting for her companion to come out.
Yasuo was silent as they left the inn, letting the mutual silence go between the two of them as they walked into the night. The sunset was a beautiful ray of light across the sky, although different than what he remembered seeing in his time in Ionia. It could have been simply the change of location, or something that was in the air given the heavy technological use in this city, but it was filled with hope for him for the first time in many moods. He managed a bright smile for the first time in a long time.

He walked beside Sona but a step behind for her to lead the way, as much as a bodyguard would do for his charge. There were a lot of people in line for the Recital Hall, and he would have thought he would be waiting for a long time if he wasn’t with the Maven herself. The ability to not wait in a sea of eyes and hands was a marvelous thing, to be sure. She led him to a spot that seemed to be the prime seats for the presentation, and he held back the urge to whistle his approval of the situation.

He heard her words, mulling them over as she spoke to him. “It was not those two, I know this for face.” He said, half to her half to himself. “It is possible I will find the answers I seek while I am at the League, but I honestly doubt it. It is more a safe haven, to make sure I live long enough to find these answers.” He turned and bowed to her before she left, before taking a spot in the back, not wanting to be disturbed or to leave his back open to any who could cause ill to him.

As the concert started, he couldn’t help but frown at the change of clothing Sona had made, even more lewd than her previous outfit, although he could find an attraction in such clothing. After all, it highlighted her own features a little too well, and he found himself growing fond, maybe even attracted, to his companion. But he push those thoughts from his mind just as she started to play. It was truly a magical performance, feeling his emotions pushed this way and that. She was truly talented in her craft, and he could only aspire to bring as much skill and mastery to his own abilities.

It was nearly a standing ovation when she finished, and he joined in, clapping surprisingly loud for a man that was almost hiding in the back. He waited for some of the Champions on his level to leave before following, nodding his head to Sona. “That was a masterful performance. I am thankful that I could attend such a performance.”
Waving a hand at Yasuo's praise, Sona simply grinned, her face lighting up from his words. It was as if her whole body appreciated the compliment: her hair fanned out behind and above, her skin glowed with a certain radiance, and her robes swayed in some invisible wind, but one could feel an aura of happiness coming of the girl. She pushed her Etwahl to the side of her, having no need to practice or use it at the moment. It created more space, and she wouldn't have to worry about something so bully in front of her. It was rather large, and as much as she loved playing it, she had to admit that its bulkiness could get in the way sometimes.

Thank you, she said, donning a smile that made her blue eyes sparkle, even in the dark of night. I appreciate your kind words. It's wonderful when I know I'm playing for someone who has not heard my music yet...it propels me to do my best, and for that I thank you. You are an interesting man, Yasuo, and I think I will do well in getting to know you. Sona began walking out and toward Piltover Inn, though her pace was leisurely and calm.

Nightfall blanketed the sky in a mix of deep blues and black, and some stars could even be seen through the hazy lighting of the techmaturgic lamps illuminating the streets. Citizens of Piltover waved as the pair went by, though Sona couldn't tell whether they were directed to her or the man slightly behind her. Stopping at the inn door, she asked, Yasuo, do you plan to travel alone to the Institute or would you like some company? I have no concerts or any pressing matters to attend to in the near future and although I was planning to travel back to Demacia, a detour and additional stop along the way wouldn't be awful. Please, do consider my offer. And with that, she turned and opened the knob of the inn door.
It was easy to tell that she was happy with his praise, she absolutely glowed at it, and Yasuo couldn’t help the smile that came to his face as well. She had that effect on people. Her instrument was moved out of the way, but he didn’t know if it was to make more space or so she could move closer to him, and he immediately thought of what she could be thinking of him. Could she want closeness to him, or was she simply making room for them to walk comfortably? He shifted himself, his left side – his blade side – to her, showing that he trusted her enough to make his weapon useless against her. Walking on her right, they headed back to the Inn, although he wasn’t in any hurry, and neither was she it seemed.

He couldn’t help but beam at her words. So that performance was for his benefit, as a first time watcher? He felt honored. Her smile made him chuckle softly, so happy she was at his enjoyment. “So that performance was for me? Well, Sona, let me say, if you normally played half as well as you did today, you would woo myself and the entire world over.” So she seemed interested in learning of him at least, and he couldn’t help a surge of pride that came with that. “I do not mind the time we spend. You are the first compassionate soul I have met since I started running.”

Yasuo greeted the waves of the people with a nod of his head, although he was unsure whether they were for Sona or himself. Either way, he did it just in case. She stopped at the door, and he found himself listening closely to the words that rang in his head. He reached out, a hand on her shoulder to stop her. He was surprised with just how soft the skin there was, but he immediately pushed that thought away. “If you wish to be my travelling companion, I shall accept. However, I had thoughts of simply having myself summoned to the league to start quickly on my search. We can meet there?” He smiled as he walked past her into the inn, making a beeline to his room. His sleep that night was the most restful in years.
It was a wonderful feeling to know that Yasuo enjoyed her company, and Sona couldn't help but think fondly of him as he strode past her and into the inn. That night was one filled with calm and rest for the girl. Walking up the steps and to her room, she set her Etwahl at the foot of her bed and drifted off into a deep slmuber.

While most of the patrons inside the inn slept, there were those who were very much awake, outside in the dark of night. A strange man, neither champion or saummoner, stalked along the streets. He was not dressed suspiciously , for her was donned in normal travel garb, but he carried a blade at his side. He seemed to blend in with the shadows, and he was a man that one could easily miss had they not been looking carefully. Just as he passed Piltover Inn, he paused, looking up to the highest floor of windows, eyeing one in particular. It was then that the man entered the building by climbing its stones as hand and footholds, tumbling through an open window of the room. He searched through it, turning over each available space, obviously looking for something...or someone.Once discovering that he was at a loss, the man briefly contemplated entering the hallway to continue his search, but he thought better of it and instead turned and exited through the same window he had come through. No one below noticed, and the inn staff (along with most of the guests) were unaware of what had just happened. Surely it was bound to leave surprise in the morning....

And so it was.

Just as the sun rose the next morning, Sona woke to the sounds of people talking in the room opposite her own. Quietly, she glided into the hallway and to the entrance of the other room, looking onto the sudden commotion. Pillows were strewn everywhere, the bed was tossed, and a chair was overturned...she knew the room was vacant yesterday, and it was unnerving to see something so barbaric, as if the person who did it was upset that they did not find what they were searching for. Then it dawned on her: could this have been an attack meant for Yasuo?

Sona walked to the room next to her own, knocking firmly (but not intrusively) on the wood door, a sense of urgency relaying within the knock.
Yasuo awoke early the next morning to the sound of a commotion outside in the hallway. Before he could make it to the door, though, there was a sharp knock on his door. He was defensive, hand on the hilt of his blade as he opened the door, to let out a sigh and relax when he saw Sona. He shifted to look past her, out into the hallway. “Something serious has happened.” He said, without her needing to say anything about it. He slid past her, heading to the empty room to see what was happening.

He wasn’t surprised with what he saw, the room trashed, furniture thrown around as though a giant child was throwing a temper tantrum. He was surprised the window wasn’t busted open. He looked around, but he knew what the culprit was without it. It was more assessing damage and seeing if there was an underlying cause other than searching for him. Satisfied, he left the room to find Sona.

“Assassins, probably ninja. Horribly incompetent, by how they searched a single room, and not even the right one. It’s not surprising.” He turned from her, looking back to the open door, where summoners were now scoping it out. “But they won’t be around here now, at least. If we can get to the Institute soon, there won’t be anybody injured here. Would you mind leading the way? An escort would probably be the best idea for now.”
Of course, Sona answered, Just let me get my possessions packed and ready. She disappeared behind the room to her door, leaving slightly ajar. Seeing as she arrived by a techmaturgic powered vehicle, she had little belongings— mostly just clothing and money. The only bulky item she kept with her was her instrument, and she pulled it along with her as she exited the room, also carrying a bag across her back. Summoners were still crowding in the other room, but the other champions on the top floor didn't seem to mind the commotion. In fact, they were probably sleeping, as was typical of them. Especially for the ones who had just come from the Fields of Justice, rest was an important part of the following couple of days.

Finding Yasuo's door slightly open, she gently pushed it open and sat on a neatly made bed, waiting for him. She faced the window, thinking about how the two of them would travel. Would it be by foot? By some sort of vehicle? Or perhaps by one of the inventions created by the tinkering mind of Heimerdinger? Not that she minded either way because she just e joyed having another person's company. It calmed her, and she had always been the type of person to travel with a companion. Even within the League, she was mostly summoned to support the team, and that was often the way she liked it.
Yasuo was left to his own room as she left to gather her on things. Since he was a lone traveler, on the run, he carried precious few items: His sword, a small knife for skinning animals and as a tool, spare hair ties, his chopsticks, and a small coin pouch. An extra set of clothes was in a pouch, but other than that he lived off the land when he could. After all, when the whole country is after your blood, you didn’t trust many people.

By the time Sona returned to his room, he had untied his hair, running a brush through it to make it smoother before tying it back up. He took great care in it, watching her sit from the corner of his eye. The silence was almost unbearable considering how talktative they were. “I think we should simply be summoned to the League, to get there as soon as possible. As much as I enjoy the thought of exploring the land, I think safety is the first issue here, especially with a ninja on my tail.”

He turned to her, stepping over to her with a smile. With an easy motion he took a knee before her, a hand reaching to rest on her knee. “You have given me a great gift, Sona. You have gifted me with your music and your friendship, something I have been lacking in during the recent years. I owe you a good deal. Just say the words of request to me, and I shall fulfill them for you.” He smiled warmly as he stood, stretching, feeling a few pops between ins vertebra. “We should leave soon, so please, lead the way. I’m sure you know where to go better than I.”
A tingling sensation ran up Sona's leg when Yasuo touched her, and even though her robes covered her knee, it left behind a peculiar reaction that she couldn't quite place. It was confusing and pleasant all at once. The girl looked away, blushing slightly as the man in front of her stood once again. He reminded her of the urgency of leaving, and she stood up again to lead the way out.

If you want to be summoned, a summoner at the Institute will have to call upon you. Now, usually it's to participate in a fight but I'm sure I can ask a favor of those who would gladly help us.

Sona walked out of his room and down the steps to the first floor. A lounge area was situated in the front of the inn, along with a small counter for drinks. Looking around, she could spot two summoners already— Veravada, a female, and Don, a male sitting next to her. Both were nice people, but they were not the influential type that Sona was searching for. A couple scans later, and she pinpointed who she wanted to talk to: Hosgood Rivers, a well known summoner who had chosen Sona quite a few times.

Wait here, she said to Yasuo, leaving him for just a moment and walking over to the summoner. After explaining the basics of her situation, the summoner agreed to have others sommon them. Contacting them on his end would take less than five minutes, and then they would be free to go. She returned to Yasuo, an amused expression on her face. I think I have just agreed to fight for him the next time he needs to summon a champion. It is no matter though, that time will be very far off from now. Right now, you need to know the basics. The summoners will teleport us from here to the Institute, the feeling may be a bit uncomfortable at first, but you will get used to it over time.

Just as she finished, a familiar white light began to glow around the two, and she grasped her companion's hand. For just a moment, the air turned warm, much too warm, and then hot as a blinding flash engulfed them then spit them to darkness. Then, a falling sensation overcame them and they were suddenly spit out again, landing on their feet. The whole process took less that three seconds, by it felt like an eternity.

Sona looked around. Yes, this was it. The Institute of War. The building itself was large, much taller than the recital hall, and the two had been transported to right outside of it. Around the building seemed like psuedo-walls that she knew held the arena for Summoner's Rift. Around them, a small town was built that mostly held food and lodging— compliments to the champions or the spectators of the event. And here we are. Sona smiled. I hope the teleportation wasn't to uncomfortable?
He was unaware of the strange sensation his touch gave Sona, which made him surprised when she turned away from him for just a moment, a red tinge on her face. But she came back from that feeling soon enough, after he reminded her of the haste they needed. She moved quickly to find a summoner, and Yasuo followed her, although he kept his distance as she made a beeline to a man in purple robes.

It seemed easy enough for her to get him to pull strings, and it was a short wait until they were actually pulled across the Aether. She was right, it was a strange sensation, although not wholly unpleasant except for the blinding heat. His eyes closed until he found solid ground with his feet once more, and he looked around at the new location, pushing aside the wonder at such power, to pull people from anywhere in the world to this location.

“It was a strange experience, to be sure.” Yasuo would have said more if he didn’t notice someone coming towards them, intent on their footfalls. He took half a step backwards, unsure of the thoughts of this person, but they were moving in haste, and that was never a good sign.

The Summoner stopped about three feet from the two of them, delicate hands raising to the hood, lowering it to show a feminine face, long black hair falling out of the hood. The woman offered a warm smile. Ah, Lady Sona. And I assume that this is Yasuo, then? The woman turned her full attention to him, bowing slightly. I am Trish Silverblade, and I am the one who set up your transport and preparations for your acceptance to the League. It is good to see you here in one piece.

Trish turned to Sona, tilting her head slightly, her voice turning from an echo around the three of them to something going into her mind. Are you ok with showing him around, or would you prefer me to? He’s a good looking man, I surely wouldn’t mind the time with him.
As was the case with most summoners, Trish spoke through thought. Many of them had gotten so used to be able to communicating from within a champion's mind that they often switched from verbal to non-verbal communication when in the presence of champions. Sona smiled when she saw Trisah approaching, tightening her grip slightly on Yasuo's hand to notify him that Trish was an ally. It was highly plausible that it was she who summoned them, and after Trish made her introduction, Sona discovered it to be true.

Thank you, Trish, Sona responded, making her thoughts clear to both her and Yasuo. We arrived just as Hosgood said we would. Indeed, it is good to see the newest addition to the League in good health. Then closing her mind so she spoke to only Trish, she added, I am going to show him around for now, though I don't doubt that you would have a pleasurable time with him. He is rather handsome, isn't he?

A familiar sparkle showed within Sona's eyes and she grinned, looking from Trish to Yasuo and back again. It wasn't all that scandalous for champions to engage in relationahips, and the same went for relations between champions and summoners. Nidalee herself was dating a summoner, and it bothered no one. It was just amusing to see who paired up with each other.

Out loud again, Sona addressed both people. Perhaps, Trish, you could join us for an evening meal after we have seen what there is to see. Would that be alright? And Yasuo, what you like to see? Shall I show you around or would you like to get situated in a room first?
Yasuo felt out of the loop when Trish and Sona were speaking to each other through their minds. It was a little unnatural to think that these two women were speaking to each other just a few feet from him, and he couldn’t hear their words. The silent giggle that came from Trish didn’t help much, and he started to wonder what the two were scheming.

The two of them were looking back and forth between Yasuo and each other, and that sparkle that was in both of their eyes put him off guard. Sona masked hers well enough, but Trish was far more blatant about it. He recognized that sparkle, it was the same thing he saw with some of the more lewd Geisha’s in Ionia. Lust. He managed to stay silent, but now he worried about another measure of his safety. Was he going to be a plaything between the two of these women now? Sure, he wouldn’t mind Sona as much, but he did not know this Trish woman well, and her eyes were showing hunger like a bestial predator.

Trish didn’t hold the smile that came to her face at the invitation. Of course I can join. Afterward I will be tied up in the last of my preliminary work, but by the end of the week I will have rank of High Summoner, and my time will be both more constrained and free. She offered a wink to Sona, keeping Yasuo out of the loop with one more message. You shouldn’t be a stranger, Sona. She turned from the two, heading inside.

Yasuo had a small frown on his face, but he masked his confusion. “I think a tour around would be better, so I do not get lost later on. Being able to scout out locations that could be useful would be good for me, I think.” He bowed slightly to her. “So please, lead the way.”
With Trish leaving to head inside the main building of the Institute, Sona watched her enter before turning to Yasuo. She was sure he hadn't caught even a hint of what she and Trish talked about, and she aimed to keep it that way. She didn't want to scare him off, and frankly, she wanted to spend a bit more time with him. Looking at the frown on his face made her let out a small mental giggle, though she composed herself quickly.

We shall start with the most important place here: the Institute of War. She pointed to the building directly behind them, to the place Trish disappeared off to. There are many things you must know about this place before you start, whether that time is tomorrow or in two month's time. I will show you how the summoners do their work through us. You, like all of us, have already undergone the League judgment, therefore you will be admitted inside, freely walking through the doors. Then afterwards, I will take you to the facilities around town, so you are accustomed to those as well. The Maven turned away from him then, gliding toward the building.

The doors were ornate and the building itself was styled in grandeur. It was tall and stark white with columns holding the roof up. Ancient runes were carved in the stone above the finely stained wood doors, and golden knobs and hinges finished off the polished look. Sona turned one of the knobs gently, stepping inside and holding the door open for her companion. White marble flooring graced the feet of each visitor, intricate paintings were decorum on the walls, and a high ceiling allowed for the space to be comfortable and intimidating all at once. After the foyer where there were two check-in desks (summoners and champions, and then spectators), two hallways to either side branched off while the back held a door almost as big as the entrance door. To the side of it, on the wall, a label read "To Summoner's Rift."

What would you like to see first? Sona asked Yasuo, gesturing to the three directions: forward, left, and right.
Yasuo watched Trish walk off before turning to Sona, wiping the frown on his face, although the look that Sona gave him read her mind to him all too well, and suddenly he was curious. How much would she be showing him? She wouldn’t be moving to make this personal? Of course, he had no problems with that, but she was being overly cautious with what she wanted if that as the case. But she took over easily enough, going into talk about the future.

“Ah yes, the judgement. More of a psychological profiling, but fits the same.” He crossed his arms as he listened. “You seem to have this down well. Are you a common helper of those new to the League, or am I simply getting special treatment?” He managed a soft chuckle as he turned, following her into the main building proper. He frowned as he looked at the outside, knowing what to expect as he entered it.

As he assumed, the League meant grandeur, and although that wouldn’t be his normal style, freedom and safety were two things that were priceless to him. He looked around, signing in at the desk quickly before turning to her, hearing her question. He looked between the paths, thinking of which would make a faster route, before he spoke up. “Let us go forward. After all, it is the only path one needs to take in life.” He managed a smile as he moved closer to her, lowering his head so he could whisper to her. “Indeed, forward would be a very good way to go. It gets everything into the open quickly, and then we can proceed to… better things.” He walked past her, turning when he reached the doors to wait for his guide.
Special treatment? Sona shook her head, although she couldn't deny that he was the only person she had done this for. Once inside the building though, she let Yasuo make the choice of what direction he wanted to take first. He chose to go forward towards Summoner's Rift, as did most champions and budding new summoners. She was, however, surprised with what he whispered in her ear, and she raised her eyebrows at him while he walked off to the far door. Was he giving her advice about life in general or was he suggesting at something a little more personal...a little more intimate. Whatever it was, it nagged at her mind even she followed him. Nodding at the gentleman who was stationed at the doors, he smiled at her and opened up a door so both Yasuo and herself could enter.

Only summoners and champions are allowed through this way. It makes for easier traffic of people, and it also provides for a more comfortable setting for those champions that tend to get a bit more nervous before entering. Sona lead Yasuo through the plain gray room, with no windows or other doors. It was lit with torches lined up on the walls, the fire creating interesting shadows that danced across the floor. In the center of the room was a square that dipped lower into the ground, though it was lowered only by three stairs that surrounded the square on each side. A circular section in the middle of the large section was what Sona lead him to. This is where the summoners transport us to the spawning fountain on either side of the Rift. From there we fight while they stay here in this room directing us on where to go, what to do...if the process weren't so tedious and official, I might even say it's fun.

Sona turned to him then, a strange look of amusement flitting in and out of her eyes. Between the champions, the spats we have through the summoners quickly become the norm. Some of them like to engage in other...more interesting activities. A hand reached up to push aside his traveling cloak and caress the part of his chest that was left bare, her hand barely brushing the skin there. She herself had never done it with anyone but there was an attraction to Yasuo that she could not deny herself.
The two of them were ushered into the room, a light guard for the moment, but he could see there being a need for a heavier guard in time to keep crowds out of the room. The room itself was massive, it had to be for a large group of summoners to call those to the rift to fight. He knew of the safeguards and defensive measures to keep power limits and to make sure death was not a permanent thing. It was an intricate system, one that he was sure he would enjoy, the thrill of battle over and over again. Yet he knew that it would be a while before he could have time to do his search once more.

“I can see how such an intimate thing could be fun at times.” He mused to himself, turning to look over the room. “If only Summoners could know the thrill of battle how we know it, yes? It would be a rather interesting experience for them to have.” Yasuo turned to Sona, but she was soon closer than he had thought.

“Interesting activities?” His voice was questioning, but his face showed that he knew what she meant as she moved close. He felt her hand brush the cloak aside to touch his bare chest, and he easily pushed closer to her. “Sona.” It was a soft voice as he moved closer, an arm wrapping around her form to pull her flush against him. She was light, probably part of the magic that had her float instead of simply walk. He moved close, his lips finding hers, a hot kiss, but light and tender as a first kiss should be. However it wasn’t long before he broke it, his eyes locked onto hers.

“If that is what you want, we should probably retire and do this tour some other time. I am sure that taking such times in here would be a bad idea. At the very least, we could be interrupted.”
Just as he asked the question about the other activities, Sona could tell that he knew exactly what she was talking about. He took a step closer to her, connecting his chest to the palm of her hand. She shivered when he spoke her name, and she could feel the sound resonate down to where her hand laid on his skin. As she looked up to him, an arm encircled her waist, a gesture that was firm and gentle all at once, and then he pulled her to him, making their body gently crash together. The movement was laden with lust from the both of them, and Sona eagerly angled her face up to meet his kiss, her hand running up his shoulders and around his neck.

The kiss was hot, sweet, electric, and so many things more, and the girl could hardly hold herself back. Yasuo pulled away, leaving her breathless and gasping for air, but her hunger was yet to be satiated as a haze of lust fell over her. She finally understood the kind of attraction that was held while being in the arms of another champion...it was one thing to know the skill and power of a man in battle, but quite another exciting thing to know the skill and power of a man in bed. Her arms reached out for him again, but he easily deterred them, explaining their situation. It was true that they could be easily discovered here, and she let out a brief mental giggle.

It would be amusing, to say the least. Not many people would mind, but word of it will get put to the public, as all scandalous things do, and you may walk out in a week's time being the most popular male champion. In any case, I know of a place we can stay where we won't be disturbed. A flirtacious look crossed Sona's face, a sly and almost lustful smirk playing upon her lips.

She glided to the door and exited the place, grasping onto Yasuo's hand and pulling him along with her. She could feel heat building within her, an uncomfortable situation to be in given the fact she was moving, but she managed to mask it well enough to make it unnoticeable to the other visitors. Stepping outside, she pointed to a building that was far off from the Institute, situated at the edge of the small town. There. That is where all the champions go to rest...we created it as something of a private place to talk amongst ourselves. There are rooms above the first floor, they are quite comfortable, I can assure you that.
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