Peace Never Lasts Forever [An AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Malin's 1x1)


Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Life hadn't been perfect for anyone living in any of the great nations. But as of late, there didn't appear to be any exceptions. In fact, it tended to be worse in some places than others. Iwagakure had been the unfortunate yet simultaneously perfect example. How so? Simple.

It was the fallen figure's birthplace. There had been far too many rumors for her own liking of a civil uprising trying to happen. Many people hadn't liked the current leader, deeming him far too weak and incompetent. And while Suikoto admitted that their leader could indeed have made some better decisions, a civil coup was pushing it in her mind and eyes.

Therefore, it led the seventeen year old to leave her home, not wanting to be caught up in the chaos that would very likely begin.

However, her travels hadn't been as smooth as she'd hoped for several reasons. The poor girl had rushed and in the midst of her hurrying to leave Iwa, part of her had never taken the time to figure out exactly where she wanted to move to. Konoha and Suna had the best reputations by far and were good nations to reside in. Or so the rumors had said.

But even if either location would be where Suikoto desired to head to, there came in the second problem. She hadn't taken a map with her ... and had paid dearly for it. She'd almost headed the correct way, towards Konohagakure. But after the third day of her leaving Iwagakure, she had been captured, beaten, and interrogated by Kumogakure shinobi.

She'd been so confused and terrified at first. They continued to repeat a name .. Hyuuga or something of the like. What she'd meant was beyond her. But the only thing that had kept her eyes in place was Suikoto begging and insisting she wasn't one.

Well, that was what she believed had helped out, at any rate.

Needless to say, the Kumogakure nins which had found her were less than content when she took advantage of them having a massive meeting, the group seeming to be led by a renegade that wasn't fond of the Raikage and thus doing this all behind her back.

Suikoto had indeed gotten away after having been kept their prisoner for a long, painful five days. But now ... her escape may not even matter.

A weak cough left her lips as the limping teenager glanced around. She was tired, hungry, in dire need of medical attention ... and still lost. Her head shook weakly, causing some raven locks to move from side to side.

"You should have just stayed home. Nothing might have even happened ... " She scolded herself in a low voice, another shudder of pain rushing through her body. A low gasp and whimper left as her legs finally gave in and she fell to her stomach and onto the ground.

Trembling arms tried so desperately to push the kunoichi up .. but the efforts were in vain as she fell back. Her eyes fought, going back and forth between opening and closing quickly.

All this because ... of ... mistaken identity? What a joke ...

That had been all Suikoto could understand and gather from the recent captivity, at least. Tears of fear and frustration slowly fell down her white eyes, flowing down her face. Despite the color, she wasn't blind; though many did assume that. And while it made sense, she wished that label wouldn't have been put upon her.

What's it matter now? She added, her fists weakly clenching.

Her tears continued to stream down her face, some landing on dried blood where many wounds had been made; all in an attempt to get her to try to confess she had truly been a Hyuuga. And while it'd been tempting to give into the torture ... she hadn't for one reason.

Come hell or high water, she wasn't one, damnit! Though it did make Suikoto curious as to why they had assumed so. There had to be a reason ... right?

Her arms moved again, trying to force her into a slow, gradual crawl ...but even that failed. Her body shook as another low whimper left her lips, her head moving from side to side.

"I don't want to die .... not like this ... " She murmured, her sobs increasing and voice simultaneously getting lower in volume. Were anyone nearby, they'd realize in a matter of moments that her body was quickly losing the will to live; and yet there was still a very selfish part that was still determined and thus clinging on, not wanting Suikoto to perish then and there.

Still, facts were fact and right now ... Suikoto knew this was the worst situation for her to be in. She was lost .. and as far as she knew, no one was around. Her mind estimated that she had minutes, maybe hours if lucky enough, to keep living.

Everyone tended to remember the day that Konoha exploded. The awe and power of Pein, and all that had ensued because of it. It had made something which had seemed so far away at first become so much more visceral and real to everyone. After that day the war had been in full, and all through it they had lost a good people. Konoha however had survived, and Neji had somehow hung on to his own life through it all. At times things had seemed like they wouldn't have panned out, but somehow he had survived.

Since the war Konoha had been rebuilt, it had seemed like an impossible under taking, but with the village united and the war over all was at peace. Well for the most part, the aliance had ended and the world was silent, but the old words the calm before the storm still managed to sneak into Neji's head. especially with his new work. He still worked with Team Guy every now and then, but his new rank as given to him by Tsunade meant he had to take up a lot more work around him. There were fewer Anbu now then ever, and the position had seemed prestigous when he had gotten it, but now that had held it for a while he was starting to understand why not many people wanted it.

The work was far more dangerous as an ANBU, and in a world where no one trusted each other anymore the job description was so much more deadly then it had been before the war. The truce was over, and business returned to 'normal' Villages were once again hubs for all forms of work from baby sitting to assassinations, and because of that no one wanted to share information. Everyone could have been the new akatsuki, and Konoha only came out on top because they were the only village that still held a jinchuuriki.

With all that had changed honestly Neji would have rather gone back to being just a Jonin, but there was no need for it as of yet. The acadamy hadn't finished with the next batch of students, and Lee was all to eager to become a teacher, it would be one or two more years at the least before Neji became a team leader, though he was up to be a proctor for the next year Chunin exams. Still it felt good to be returning from yet another dangerous mission not just in tact but successful.

The mission it's self had taken him along the roads towards Kumo, though thankfully never across the boarder into the land where he was most wanted. He still remembered all the grief that Kumo had caused him and his family in the past, and while he let the past lay at rest, and came to understand what had really happened that night it didn't mean he would allow another village to poke around the affairs of Konoha or the land of fire.

Today would serve as a stern reminder that the land of fire's boarders were more then secure. As he walked through the forests of Konoha he did so with a leisurely pace. He was running on schedule if not ahead of time, and so there was no need to rush back to konoha. His other senses aside from the Byakugan were still sharp however and as he walked he couldn't help but notice the blood trail he came across.

The blood on the ground lead away from the boarders and back towards Konoha, and it was more then fresh. Neji turned quickly changing his direction and pace, this situation what ever it was, was about to be much more dire then his leisurely walk home.

Thankfully with his speed and grace it didn't take long to find the person who was bleeding there was certainly a lot of blood loss, and her body seemed broken, possibly even tortured. The smell of the blood was practically overwhelming, but Neji had smelled, and seen worse. No the thing that shocked him was that she looked like family.

He didn't recognize her, she wasn't a part of the branch family, at least not a part that he had ever interacted with. She had all of the features of a Hyuuga, except for the fact that she wasn't one. There was a mystery here and one that he wanted answers too, but at the same time she was in no condition to answer them or be interrogated. She needed medical attention.

"It's okay I have you." Neji said as he lifted her body trying to be as gentle as possible. Racing her body back to the village. It was a shame that he had no medical training. He couldn't do anything but run as fast as his legs could carry him back to the village with a complete stranger in his arms. Hoping that he made it back to the hospital in time for her not to bleed out.

Hiashi would need to be informed about this, this girls appearance and wounds were a stark reminder of just how dangerous the world could be for one of them.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

During one of the times her eyes opened once again, she almost swore Suikoto had found another figure. And in fact ... that had indeed been the case. Her body tensed up instinctively, an inward chuckle echoing in her head. Honestly, even if it had been a Kumogakure nin, the last thing she'd be able to do was fight. But a quick glance at her forehead showed ... well, a different symbol for sure. She couldn't pinpoint exacts but it definitely wasn't from where she'd just escaped. This could either be a major blessing or a curse ... hopefully not the latter for once. Low winces did leave as she felt herself picked up into the stranger's arms.

Now that Neji was closer, he'd see the worst damage had been on her back, as if from a scourge or cat-of-nine-tails whip. Her clothes were mostly intact, torn at worst. Even without medical training, it was easy to see it'd be more likely that the malnutrition would kill her before the wounds, actually. Most had begun to scar already and their locations were precise. Whoever had done this had an intention, a plan when wounding the girl. It was anything but random.

Her mind was racing in time with her heart as she weakly tried to study the newcomer. As his words repeated a few times over, Suikoto tried to recall how they'd sounded.

"It's okay, I have you."

They'd seemed genuine enough, as if she were really being guided to safety and not being misled or lied to. But she'd know for sure when she arrived ... wherever they were going.

Suikoto's head lightly fell against the male's shoulder, struggled pants leaving her lips. The voice was low, barely audible but she managed to ask a simple enough question. "Where .. are we ... heading to?" She'd be grateful regardless, but she did at least want to know if nothing else.

Neji held the woman in her arms, questions about who inflicted the wounds were racing in his head. The path she had taken was easy enough to follow, and yet he had found no one persuing her. Could it have been some kind of trap? Or could it be that who ever was chasing her wasn't trained enough to follow something as simple as a blood trail?

Closing his eyes for a moment concentraiting his energy before re opening them. his face grew veins, and his face glared, the world was colorless, but also vast. He could see for miles, and there was nothing. Konoha was up ahead and he could see the people at the guard station. There was nothing ahead or behind them or anywhere near them that spoke of this being some kind of trick.

Neji snapped out of it when she spoke her voice was faint and worried him, but he did his best to reassure her. "I am taking you to the hospital, You need treatment." As he spoke he hit the ground in front of the Konoha gates, and blitzed past the guards.

The two guards at their station saw Neji as he ran by, looked at each other bored as they sat by their post, and then went back to sitting in silence. Listening as the birds chirped around them.

Neji got to the hospital quickly enough putting the girl in the care of the doctors, but also insiting that he stay with her for the moment. There were to many questions to simply leave her unattended. At the same time however he did leave for only a few minutes going to the front counter, he asked that the people at the front desk inform Hinata that she needed to come to the hospital to meet him. He didn't give any more detail then that, he didn't want to deal with Hiashi just yet, but Hinata had every right to know that he was back in town, and due to this woman's appearance he needed to talk to Hinata.

Neji didn't know what was going on, and Hinata was one of the two heads of the family, currently she was the only person he felt comfortable in trusting. He and Hiashi had a troubled relationship, and he would rather avoid the old man for the moment.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

A weak chuckle echoed a few times over in her head and damn well nearly did so aloud. She'd been hoping to hear the name of a nation, not a more obvious reply. She'd figured hospital, especially with the correct assumption that this was someone who was truly going to help her as opposed to harm her. And so far, the guess had seemed correct ... hopefully a sign that would be for the best. A slow nod managed to leave her head before poor Suikoto passed out in Neji's arms, her energy fading.

The multiple machines and IVs that would be hooked into her arms, however, hinted Neji hadn't been too late. She was still alive, no doubts. But the poor girl was clearly exhausted. The nurses would have insisted her to eat actual food, but not in her current shape. So to make up for this, some of the IVs were for nutritional purposes while the others were more medicine-related. Her vitals - blood pressure and heart especially - all would appear normal to the Hyuuga's eyes.

For a few brief moments, Hinata panicked. "Oh no ... " She murmured, thinking the message had hinted Neji was the one injured. But after rushing over, asking the front receptionists where he was .. and seeing a female in the bed, a sigh of relief passed the girl's lips. She did feel bad for just up and leaving so abruptly out of the house but the message had sounded rather vital. "So ... " She'd been ready to ask what the story behind the girl was, before having to do a double take.

As Hinata got closer, she saw that the girl looked almost exactly like another Hyuuga. But there were few females actually in the clan .. and she would definitely have recognized her as one if that was true. "That's ... almost creepy." She confessed softly, looking up to Neji. "Does her chakra even match ours?" It was rare that there would be a member she didn't know of ... but on the off chance this was indeed one of them, she wanted to know as many answers as Neji likely did, mainly who had beaten her so badly and why.

"No she isn't one of ours." Neji replied as he sat in the room across from the now unconscious woman. They didn't even have a name for her yet, and it only raised the mystery up higher, and honestly he didn't even know if this girl was a Shinobi he had seen little to nothing to suggest that she was. Aside from the fact that she had been tortured there seemed to be nothing special about her figure. Well that and she was so close to one of their own people. He had to agree with Hinata who ever this woman was the resemblance was creepy.

"I found her in the forest, she was barely unconscious and she was tortured half to death. I didn't ask for a name or nation, I just brought her here." Neji stated more or less matter of fact. Where ever this investigation was going to lead them this woman was the first step to finding out what happened. She was safe now, but he didn't know how the clan would react for the most part. Until she was well enough to be moved away from this hospital room he was trusting Hinata too keep things as hushed as possible.

For the moment Neji had exactly as many answers as Hinata did, and those were next to none. He leaned back into his chair, he kept things quiet now for the sake of the woman who was resting. That was however broken when another set of footsteps ran up to the hospital room.

Hissori Hyuuga was part of the branch families, and these days his one and only job had been to watch hinata. He had become Hiashi's eyes and ears when it came to the girls activities, and honestly that was more then okay with Hissori. He was fine with the service, and Hinata was an easy person to follow, that was unless she up and ran off in direction without saying much more then a word. Not that he ever really expected the future mistress to tell him anything. He had been watching her for months now, and the two had barely spoken, it was something he wanted to change, but at the same time was a little to embarrassed to try and fix.

Running up to the two of them he really wished he hadn't just been left behind. As it was once he had caught up with Hinata, and saw Neji in the hospital room he stayed silent and stepped outside the room showing that he was on watch. He really wasn't supposed to interfere with these interactions just watch over Hinata. Honestly Hissori rarely spoke unless spoken too, and for right now he waited.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

So .. this girl wasn't a Hyuuga? But she looked so similar. The white eyes were a very rare trait to see from non-Hyuugas. Her mouth had opened to speak up but before any questions could leave Hinata's lips, the sounds of footsteps made her turn slightly. "Ah, my apologies on the abrupt departure, Hissori-kun. Things ... sort of came up." A weary sigh left as Hinata then glanced back to the unconscious girl. "Hm ... I don't like it but I think we can just ... play the waiting game, really." Motioning for Hissori to actually get in the room rather than stay in the hall, Hinata took a seat beside Neji.

Much like her cousin, she wasn't overly in the mood to be near her father. She also had her rough times with him. While she was technically the eldest, he had lost faith in her years ago, practically turned his back on her. Now he focused more upon her younger sister taking over the clan ... something that already made her uneasy. Hanabi was too young and worse than that, immature. Unless she began to change in her mindset and attitude ... the mere thought almost didn't seem like a smart idea to let someone like her take over.

The sounds of the heart monitor quickening made Hinata glance up, concern in her eyes. Until this woman gave an incentive for them to see her as someone more hostile, Hinata couldn't just outright be too harsh or judgmental towards people. In fact, it was something Kiba and Shino often teased about; that her kindness would be the death of her. She knew this ... but it'd been too much of her nature despite not necessarily having such gestures returned back to her all the time.

The heart monitor quickened a bit more and finally, Suikoto's head tossed and turned violently. The past days had repeated in her mind no thanks to merciless nightmares. "I'm not one ... I swear .... " She murmured, her hands instinctively reaching up to shield her body. A combination of what would have been a whip hitting her plus the IVs poking further into her skin made her gasp and cry out, her eyes shooting open as she panted heavily.

When Suikoto saw she was anything but alone, her cheeks burned. "... Sorry about that." She replied gently, inwardly cursing herself for having made such a scene, let alone in a hospital of all places. Glancing between all the faces, only one was familiar. But what seemed so very odd ... was that if she didn't know better, Suikoto would almost swear she was glancing at three family members. A light frown crossed her face, confusion in her eyes.

"... This doesn't feel like Iwagakure. But you all look so ... alike. Who ... are you?" Realizing that may seem unfair given they probably were wondering the same thing, she quickly added, "Suikoto Ashigawa."

Hissori felt a twinge of embarrassment as he walked into the room, and took his first glance at the non Hyuuga woman. That was well a tad more shocking then he had expected that was for sure. If he hadn't known better then he would have sworn she was one of their own, taking his seat this was almost certainly something he had to hear for himself. He turned to Hinata nodding his thanks, before returning to the situation at hand.

Neji watched as Suikoto Ashigawa had her panic attack. Her restful sleep turned into a nightmare as she murmered and writhed in her sleep, only to wake up to everything being okay, and her being among friends. Her murmurs however did confirm one thing. She had been been tortured because of some kind of mistaken identity, an identity that he could only assume was their identity. His eyes watched her carfully as she came too, and said her name. He was thankful that she was alive, for a little while she certainly hadn't seemed it.

"You are in konohagakure. My name is Neji Hyuuga, these are my cousins Hinata, and Hissori." Neji spoke lightly he was just as curious as to why she had looked so much alike as well. Though the fact that they were just as alien to her as she was to them was a good thing "You are among friends here." No one here was going to harm her, at least if he could prevent it.

They all wanted answers Neji looked to Hinata, and then back to Suikoto, thinking about what he could say to help the young woman through her trauma, but at the same time he didn't have anything he could say. She wasn't a member of the family, at least as far as he could see, but the connection was so creepy that he didn't have anything he could add to it. "Are you an Iwagakure Shinobi?" he asked finally, wondering why she thought she would be on the other side of the country. Iwa was past the desert, and up to the north, far far away from Konoha, and in this day and age that didn't speak well for her. The last thing he wanted was for him to hand this young defenseless already tortured woman to Ibiki.

Hissori on the other hand was too busy looking between Hinata and the other girl they looked like twins, and it was confusing. More then that he just had to speak for once, this was all too confusing for him. "Where did you come from?" His voice was light, and slightly taken aback by what he was seeing. She looked almost half dead, like some kind of cat had dragged her in, and he couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of anger towards whoever would torture someone like that.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

More panic swam through Suikoto as she finally understood and saw why her captors had been certain she was a Hyuuga. Now she was literally among them. And suddenly she felt guilty, to the point of wanting to leave this room the second she was dismissed, maybe even sooner. But her head shook no at herself. Even if she did that, she likely would die. Besides, enough luck had been on her side that Suikoto had wound up in one of the places she'd preferred to go to. So ... may as well take advantage of it all. Letting her head fall on the pillow, she exhaled deeply, looking amongst all the Hyuugas - though her focus was a bit more upon Neji than the others for now.

"I had been born and raised in Iwagakure, yes. But there were rumors of a civil coup and uprising due to a strong dislike of the leader. I didn't exactly feel like getting stuck in the midst of that .... knowing even civilians could have wound up dead. So I left. In truth, I was aiming to find here or Suna .... but went the wrong way." She admitted, still furious about not having better preparing herself. "It was around the third day after I'd left Iwa ... when I got ambushed and dragged back."

It then dawned on her; the captors had been smarter than Suikoto realized. She hadn't been given any hints on where they'd taken her to or even their names. But she did see them. "They were darker skinned than usual, almost black. With how organized and discreet they were ... I'm guessing the actions would have otherwise been illegal if their own leader had found out."

Her head shook no slowly. "I'm not sure if it's because I kept insisting I wasn't one of you ... luck ... maybe both. But they were so very ready to just .... take away my sight." It was the kindest way she could even put it, the actual words they'd used having been far too cruel and making her shudder.

"... Kumo?!" Hinata replied, looking among the other two in deep concern. "I thought this got settled years ago though. Though ... it sounds like some dislike the idea of just sitting still long enough to have formed a .. renegade pact of sorts I guess." Her eyes couldn't help but sadden, knowing all too well the pain and fear the girl was no doubt feeling. She'd been there, done that ... and it hadn't been much better. Her saving grace? They never got her out of Konoha.

Neji suddenly understood why there had been no ambush when he had found Suikoto and why Kumo had been spotted on their borders. they must have thought that the girl was making a B-line for home, and were trying to cut her off. The people he had investigated and intercepted weren't spies they had been a search party for Suikoto.

"It won't matter that your not one of us now, Thanks to your escape, and my finding you they will believe you are a hyuuga and hunt for you tirelessly." Neji said with a rather heavy heart. It was like he was signing this girls death certificate. This rouge element of Kumo, if it was even that needed to be investigated. They needed more information on this threat, as it now concerned all of them.

"For now the safest place for you is in our care, but we can't provide protection without..." Neji practically choked on his words after he heard them. This was a girl who was terrified, and tortured, and they couldn't lift more then a finger to help her without the approval of Hiashi. Hinata would have extended a hand without thinking of her as a spy, but Hiashi would hear that she was a former prisoner of Kumo, and become a spy.

Hissori was already starting to pick up on these thoughts as well. He was duty bound to tell Hiashi everything that transpired. He was the mans eyes and ears, and when he got wind of this, things would go soulth for the girl more so then they already have, but if he hid it from him, and it got out he would loose his position in the family. He wasn't in the main branch line, or anywhere near as talented and favored as Neji. He was just a cousin of a cousin could he really risk everything?

Hissori looked between Hinata and Neji. "If we hid her forehead, she would make a stunning branch member don't you think? She could practically be my sister." It was practically treason to say what he just did, and yet part of him knew that they would be doing the right thing, by taking this girl in. There would be questions, but nothing the three of them couldn't wave off. They couldn't hide it from Hiashi forever, but the girl needed their help, and it was help they were not able to extend officially.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Well, at least everything had made sense. It relieved a part of Suikoto and equally scared her. The reason why she had nearly mistaken them for her kin, why the shinobi back there had kept calling her Hyuuga; she truly did look like one. Her head quickly turned as she glanced out the window, trying to hide her face. The dawnings and realizations were becoming too much too fast for the poor girl. Not only had she been mistaken for one of them ... but the hunt wouldn't end. And perhaps worse than that, she'd dragged them further into this wreck than she wanted.

Damnit all, this isn't fair! She inwardly cursed, tears slowly streaming down her face. Her head shook no slowly and finally, Suikoto began trying to speak up. "You ... you've done more than enough ... " She began to retort, her voice trembling along with her hands. Even with her head away from the others, the tone would easily enough hint this had helped drive her over an edge if not cliff. The only thing keeping her from falling off the metaphorical ledge was likely the simple fact she was in one of the safest nations. Otherwise, it was a good guess that all of her sanity - or most of it - would have faded right then and there.

Hinata frowned lightly. "The idea is fine .. except for the fact that even if you tricked Hiashi, you would not trick the Elder, his own father. Neither are fools .. all they'd need to do is activate their eyes. Besides, it'd be silly to say she was one of us when he's never seen her before. How would that be explained?" Her head shook no, knowing - not thinking - that Hissori's plan wouldn't work. His heart was at least in the right place but ... no. If anyone else were in charge or her father, maybe. But as it was, she had been lucky enough to meet Neji here without being asked by anyone why she'd ran and rushed off.

"I'm not seeing any other way ... we have to just tell him." She finally said after a bit of silent contemplation. After a bit more of a pause, she gave a nod. "I'll say I sensed her chakra ... and that was why I ran off." It made some of the most sense and among the three of them, Hinata would have been the most likely to help someone with little to no questioning. More than that, if anyone was going to be given a form of punishment from Hiashi .. she'd gladly take the risk. Neither Neji nor Hissori needed it; they were both too vital to the clan. Her own purpose had been taken away, lost for so long ... she could endure whatever may happen to her.

All the while, Suikoto's head continued to move slowly from side to side. To say she felt horrible at this point was an understatement. "...I...It's fine ... " She stammered, already feeling her heart sink further from the exchange. "Really .... " The poor girl knew it wasn't; if anything, that was the last thing this situation was. But she didn't want the dark truth to keep haunting her just yet, not if it could somehow be helped.

Neji practically glared at Hissori for his suggestions. It was strange but he didn't know the distant cousin aside from being the eyes and ears of Hiashi, and for what he had just suggested, he either had a very large sack of nuts, or he was very stupid. Judging from former interactions it was clearly the latter of the two, but hinata was right they would never have been able to fool anyone in the family, and keeping secrets would only get them all in trouble with forces and powers they didn't need to be at odds with.

Still talking with Hiashi was something none of them had wanted to do. "There is another way." He said almost through gritted teeth. "The sixth hokage. If we went to Naruto with this first we could have her in the village's protection, and then go to Hiashi to make a case for it." Neji didn't really like asking Naruto for favors. While he still counted the boy as a friend well there were problems with him. He had grown up in size, and lost a lot of his immaturity, but well the boy needed to learn there was a lot of power to his position that he didn't really take seriously.

Hissori almost choked at the words. Their relationships with Naruto hadn't been the same since the day of pein's invasion. It was bad enough that he had been directly responsible for the near death experience of Hinata, at least in Hissori's eyes. but ever since Naruto actually became hokage in his own right, and the war had ended well maybe he hadn't been the best choice for the role, and well he honestly didn't know how deeply wounded Hinata was by the fact that even after she sacrificed herself for him that day... Naruto had chosen Sakura the moment she had became available.

"I think... It's Hinata's choice, Hiashi would likely turn her away on the advice of the elders, the sixth can't interfere with clan relations and problems, but he could assign temporary guards to her... the problem being those would only be temporary." They were spread thin as it was, fewer enrollments in the acadamy slower birth rates from the time during the war meant smaller pools of future shinobi. There weren't anywhere near enough people in the village to assure that there would be a permanent way to keep her safe.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Hinata's head lowered upon hearing the name 'Naruto'. It was a bittersweet word to hear at this point. It was foolish, she knew, to not give up on him despite the new Hokage having already chosen Sakura. But a very selfish and hopeful part of her had almost thought maybe he'd wind up not wanting to be with her after a while. But days had turned to weeks, weeks to years. And he was still with the pink-haired girl ... which wouldn't have bothered the Hyuuga so much except for one thing. She'd been so devoted to the Uzumaki for years, quietly pouring her heart and soul out for him. And when she finally did get the chance to say the words, to confess them aloud ... it almost didn't matter. And that alone had been like a harsh slap to her face, one far worse than any Hiashi had or could begin to give to her.

It felt like forever before her head shook no slowly. "Like it's been pointed out, he wouldn't be able to interfere even if we went to him. And we're limited enough on available shinobi and kunoichi as it is. No ... it's best to go straight to Hiashi himself." Hinata finally replied, swallowing nervously as she glanced up to Hissori and Neji. After giving them a genuine albeit anxious smile, her focus finally went towards poor Suikoto. After a bit of hesitation, she moved beside the bed, gently resting a hand upon her shoulder, being careful to avoid any IVs or needles that were nearby.

"I'm not going to say this is an easy thing we're working on. But really ... this otherwise isn't a morale issue for us. We do want to help. If that wasn't the case, Neji wouldn't have bothered getting you back here. Please ... don't blame yourself for this."

".... You're far too generous, let alone to someone you hardly know." Finally, Suikoto turned her head, revealing a very tear-stricken face. Carefully raising a hand, she began wiping her tears away, exhaling deeply. "But ... thank you - all of you." Her voice didn't need to emphasize on any words to suggest that there was a bit more gratitude towards Neji, mainly because it had been him who had found and carried her back. But the words were otherwise still true. She knew and figured any of them could have ran out of the room and made this somehow more worse. But no, they had all stayed and tried to discuss on how to help her, regardless of the risks.

Aside from her parents, that was one of the kindest displays the young kunoichi had seen in .... years. It was a nice change of pace. For a while, it'd seemed like people only knew how to be cruel and heartless. But now, she was slowly seeing that wasn't true. Maybe leaving Iwa had been a mostly smarter choice. Almost no one would have dared help her if she'd tried to go back; that had been proven with how hellbent people were on wanting power. Yes ... suddenly, it really was beginning to feel more and more like Konoha was home, not Iwagakure.

Well, at least the decision had been correct though it still didn't make the guilt leave her. She was definitely annoyed at herself for having dragged them all into this. While Suikoto had heeded Hinata's words, she wouldn't immediately follow that advice. It'd take time ... and as long as they were willing to give her that, she'd slowly go down that route. For now, she had to focus on healing.

Finally, the Hyuuga-look alike found enough courage to speak up.

"No ... wait. None of you need to lie. I'll speak to this Hiashi myself and explain everything. If this has happened before though ... maybe that'll get him to listen better. I doubt he'd want this repeating."

Hinata's mouth opened to protest .. but stopped. Maybe .. that was the best option. Her head glanced back to Neji and Hissori, looking anxiously to them both. ".. Admittedly, she does have a bit of a point. If we intend to take her in and better assist her, she would wind up meeting the Elder and Hiashi eventually. Maybe ... she should speak with them?"

Neji let out a sigh of slow relief that they hadn't gone to Naruto, no one was really happy with the sixth hokage currently and this wouldn't have helped him earn many favors. For now putting Naruto the back of his mind once again was the best option. As for having Suikoto talk directly with the elder and Hiashi at once he bit his lip he didn't like it, but they would have to go for it. Honestly the girl was right though she was a stranger and didn't know their family well enough, their would be problems down the line any other way.

"I agree." He said lightly as he finally stood up from his chair. "I will stay here through the night, and we can bring you to them in the morning." The Elder would never have left the estate this late in the day they were far too old, and crotchety they would have the best chance of doing this if they set up the meeting formally. When it came to the old ways of the hyuuga everything had to be more formal then needed, and honestly he didn't know how this request and meeting would go. "For now you need to do your best to save your strength."

At the same time Hissori's watch let out a low beeping sound.

"Young Mistress, it's time we should get ready for your training session with Hanabi and Hiashi." It actually presented a good opportunity, as they would have the full attention of Hiashi. Once again Hissori snapped into the regal and overtly indiscreet role as Hinata's watcher. Honestly he hated the fact that there was that level of formality between them, but it wasn't likely to change as long as Hiashi or worse Hanabi were in charge. Honestly he wanted nothing more then for Hinata to fully succeed her father, but at the moment everything pointed to a much more brash young, and strong headed Hanabi who thanks to her setting as her fathers favorite had gained a certain forcefulness when it came to the branch family.

Neji let out a small sigh as he watched Suikoto. She seemed so very happy to be finally away for her ordeal, but sadly thanks to the political mine field that was their family there would be no real way to assure her security. Walking up to her he gave her a small bow. "You have been very strong to have lived through what you have, rest for tonight you will need your strength, now is there anything I can get you?" He didn't really want to leave her alone, but she looked like she hadn't eaten in days while the Iv's may have helped her with nutrition she must have been hungry or thirsty or any number of things.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Hinata was the first to glance over as the beep echoed in the room. An annoyed sigh left her lips. She knew perfectly well what it'd meant even before Hissori had spoken up. "It feels pointless ... " She murmured, slowly pushing herself away from the bed. And to her, it truly did. Hiashi had chosen for Hanabi to take over. In Hinata's case, this wasn't training. It was teasing, tormenting her of that horrid decision that had been so abruptly decided years ago. Her teeth lightly gripped her lower lip as she nodded. "Alright. Let's go then." It would have only gotten far worse if the young Hyuuga had gone against the schedule, she knew. It irritated her -- but even Hinata couldn't admit that out loud. And even if she could, there would be no way she'd dare shove the emotions or blame upon Hissori. He was but doing his job, looking over her.

And for that, she definitely appreciated it. Loyalty was hard to find nowadays, especially outside of one's clans.

Her ankles tensed but before Hinata followed Hissori, she turned her head to look to Suikoto one last time. "Take care and stay strong." With that, her head bowed to the young girl. Her muscles hesitated before giving in and walking behind her assistant.

"Thanks but right now, I feel more like the stupidest person. Really ... I should have done better preparations." As if on cue, she felt her stomach turn in a knot, making her wince slightly. "Um ... something to eat, drink, preferably both." She added, trying to avoid sounding overly demanding but still honestly replying to him all the same. It must have been later than she'd realized because now that Suikoto thought on it... shouldn't at least one nurse have come in and offered her a meal by now? Ah well, she didn't know medical procedures and knew they varied anyways. Prior to now though, Suikoto had never been hospitalized.

".... Thanks again for ... for saving me and all." She added, wanting to get that in before Neji left the room.

Neji gave a small bow as he walked out to find some food, and water for Suikoto. He turned as he walked to leave the room. "Anytime... I'll be back soon." And with that Neji disapeared from the room leaving Suikoto alone for a few moments. This had been a rather strange moment. Neji never would have anticipated that someone out there could look so much like a hyuuga, and yet not be one of them, and the story that she brought of being tortured could he have lasted for as long as she did?

Neji practically shuddered at the thought, and while he had been tortured in the past those had been tests. He had his endurance tested by sadists like Ibiki, and come out knowing some of his limitations and how to ignore pain. He had became an ANBU and knew that if he were to be captured by another village there would be a vast amount of pain in store for him, but at the same time he had never been put in the situation she had lived through, and he was unsure if he would have managed to fair anywhere near as well as she had.

All of these thoughts were pushed aside as he got the food that she needed from the hospital, and brought it back along with a glass of apple juice. The sugar's and clear liquid would help her body recover faster then just water, and frankly she probably wanted something that had taste along with the food that most probably was bland, nutritional no doubt but very bland. "Here you go, and I wouldn't worry to much about tomorrow, the elders are fickle, and Hiashi is... well they are not without a heart. Tomorrow when we speak to them I will be there to help."

Hissori and Hinata walked back towards the estate in relative silence. ever since the few months back where Hissori had been assigned to his new position these 'lessons' had only ever seemed cruel and unfair. Still he must have escorted Hinata to these events a hundred times over. If anyone had his loyalty it was Hinata, she didn't have the strength that Hiashi wanted her to hold, but she had a willpower and heart that were unmatched, as far as he was concerned Hinata was the one who was in charge of the Hyuuga clan, and he wasn't the only one who held that sentiment.

Hissori was always a silent individual he didn't speak much unless he had need of words, but as it was he walked with Hinata. Looking at her every now and then stealing the odd passing glance. It was these moments that he both enjoyed and dreaded. "Your still stronger then me." Hinata was much stronger then Hissori where it counted. Not just in terms of skill, as Hissori had zero talent with the gentle fist. It was one of the many reasons he had taken up the bow and arrow, to save himself the embarrassment of trying to always have to control his chakara flow. Sure he was a good shot, and great at a distance, but like all archers close range was terrifying for Hissori. It was more then that though if he had been Hinata he would have cracked under the pressures forever ago.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Neji's guess had been correct. With having had almost nothing during her captivity to eat or drink, something with flavor was indeed appreciated. Before he came back, however, Suikoto had taken note on the amount of people who walked by. The answer? Almost none, which hinted most of the nurses had likely retired for the night. Well, at least they'd gotten the essentials - IVs and all - done before that. For that much, the woman was certainly grateful. Her white eyes looked up, thinking over the past week and a half. It'd been hectic, eventful for sure. But if she had any control over how it could have gone, a lot of this wouldn't have happened.

But ... she supposed that was somewhat of the irony. She had no control, not over such things. Others? Maybe.

And yet as Suikoto thought more on it ... she wound up being glad for not having any ability to decide what had or hadn't happened. She likely would never have found Neji or Konoha if that had been the case. A small sigh left her lips, her head turning as Neji's footsteps echoed in the halls.

Carefully sitting herself up, Suikoto began eagerly eating and drinking, still keeping the pace from being too fast. It wouldn't do her any good to give herself a stomach ache, after all. Finishing taking a sip of the juice, she set it down beside her, giving Neji a soft smile. A curious thought couldn't help but enter her mind and then leave her lips. ".... I'm grateful and all for what you've done but ... why? You really didn't have to."

It was clear that such actions were incredibly rare in Iwa and certainly not in Kumo. And given those had been the only places she'd been in for a while ... this was quite the change for her. A good one, but still an alteration all the same and thus something she wasn't exactly used to.

Even during the walk back, Hinata's mind had been mainly upon Neji and Suikoto, hoping they were doing well enough. But Hissori spoke up and made her focus go to him. Her own small smile formed. "I ... don't know about that sometimes. But thank you all the same." Another sigh left her lips and soon the two walked back into the Hyuuga manor. She felt god awful on keeping the real reason for having darted out away from her father. But ... it wasn't going to be hidden for very long. That in itself was enough to make her keep silent for now.

".. Father?" She called out, beginning to walk towards the room where the training usually took place. Sometimes, it did get altered but not always. Still, she wanted to be certain on the location. And it'd be a waste to activate her eyes now. After all, that was about to be done soon enough ... why use up her energy before arriving? She wouldn't, simple as that.

Neji sat back as he watched Suikoto eat, for now at least everything seemed peaceful. Her question was odd, and for a moment Neji had to reflect upon it. There was no doubt that there was a time where he wouldn't have helped her, that he would have thought of it as the natural order of things, but that was years ago and practically another life time all together.

The answer she wanted to hear was actually rather difficult to give her. He couldn't really say why he was going to such lengths to help her. "Because you needed help. There doesn't need to be any more of a reason then that." He said finally leaning back in his chair and giving a small yawn. He still needed to go and actually report that his mission was done, but he would figgure that one out tomorrow. He had been ahead of schedule by a day anyway, and he was sure that the people who ran the ANBU program would understand his delay.

"I helped you because I could, and I will continue to help you because I can. I will be honest there was a time where I wouldn't have, I have done a lot of things I regret in the past, but in the end I had the help I needed to become better then that person. The least I could do was try and help you." Neji really wasn't the sentamental type so words like these always felt awkward to say. Lee would have said something about the power of youth, or friendship, which honestly would have fit here, but as much as he respected Lee he could never bring himself to shame his lips with those words.

"We are out back." The stern authoritative voice of Hiashi rang through the halls of the manor. Hiashi stood in the court yard in the center of the main estate, with Hanabi by his side. The day had been nice enough that even now in the late afternoon it was warm enough for them to practice outside. They were waiting for Hinata which meant that in one way or another Hinata was already late just by proxy of being the last one here. Hiashi however did not say anything on the matter of time, no his eyes were already saying that as he watched Hinata enter the room.

Hanabi stepped up towards her sister, she was younger, and smaller then her sister by a number of years, however as the old saying went looks were decieving. And though Hanabi was only 12, their fathers strict regimental training had already landed Hanabi as a chunin, an accomplished feat for a person of her age, but to Hanabi it was insulting, as she and her sister shared a rank only because the current Hokage felt Hanabi was far to young to actually step into the role of anything higher. When she had been younger she had seemed kind and confident, but years of special treatment had turned that confidence into arrogance, and Hanabi believed herself untouchable by anyone. Most people in the family agreed, the years of favoritism of Hiashi, and the special training had turned Hanabi into a monster.

Hanabi closed her eyes as she shifted her body weight into the proper fighting stance and then opened her eyes again the byakugan's activation as the veins in her face went rather ridged as they pumped chakra into her eyes. "Are you ready for another match sister?" She asked giving her the first move on the battle field simply because she did not feel threatened by Hinata.

Hissori walked out onto the patio and smiled towards Hinata, it was a weak smile, but one that was trying to cheer her on. He had seen a number of these duels already, but he always kept up hope that Hinata would win, and on a number of occasions had desired to shoot an arrow at Hanabi just to see what would happen. If nothing else he was confident he could mess up her stances for a few seconds, but even then this wasn't a place he could interfere. He would however be happy to be around for the fallout of the events.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

Suikoto nodded, taking in all of Neji's words. "I see. Thank you all the same. It's ... not exactly something I'm used to." Gods how pathetic and sad that had to have sounded. But it was nothing less than the truth, unfortunately. Carefully grabbing the juice, she took another sip and noticed the yawn leaving Neji's lips. "You sure you want to remain here for resting up? I wouldn't blame you if you'd prefer home. Nothing in here looks overly comfortable to use." The chairs sure as hell didn't, that much was for damn sure. Regardless, Suikoto wouldn't argue on the matter. But she did wish to make certain he was staying because it was what he wished for, not out of feeling forced or obligated.

Hinata inwardly cringed upon seeing the look in her father's eyes. He didn't need to verbally scold her for being late; the mere expression did that alone. And it didn't help that after this match was over, there would definitely be a severe speaking to. Her head lowered - not to the ground but to her younger sister, her mind still thinking more on Suikoto and Neji than the here and now. It was a mistake, she knew that. But part of Hinata didn't care. These spars truly did seem pointless. And right now, she'd give anything to be with her cousin and their new guest. It pained her - almost physically - to be here at all.

But then she had the cruel reminder that poor Suikoto was going to speak with Hiashi and the Elder tomorrow. If she had mustered ample courage to volunteer with such a task, she could do this fight. Besides, there were more people than Hanabi may realize were cheering her on.

"I am." She replied, getting down into a more disciplined and organized stance as she activated her own eyes.

Her mind stayed on Suikoto and the knowledge of where she'd escaped from. Finally, she saw Hanabi as far more than her younger sister. Given her attitude and arrogance, she may as well be one of the Kumo nin. And if that was the way she'd act, then Hinata wouldn't view her at that moment as her younger sibling. No, she was an enemy, an opponent ... and for one of the first times ever, Hinata's mindset went to one far more appropriate for a spar, let alone a battle. This in itself was something she hadn't felt since Pein had tried to invade.

But now that the sensations returned, Hinata had no intentions on just letting them go so easily.

Hanabi might be smaller ... but in a way, that would help Hinata out. Her legs were faster than hers ... and as her ankles tensed, chakra appeared around her hands. Lunging forward, she aimed both hands for Hanabi, one going for her right kneecap, the other her gut.

Neji tried to suppress his discomfort after Suikoto brought up the suggestion of leaving her. Even a place like Konoha wasn't perfect and leaving her out in the open exposed and defenseless after she had spent a long time as a hostage was dangerous. No hidden village was truly safe projects like ROOT had long since proven that was a fact in this world, and the last thing he wanted was for her to vanish inside Konoha because they may never have been able to find her again. Neji simply smiled back towards her however letting those thoughts slip away for the moment.

"You wouldn't want to be left alone after all you have gone through. I will be fine comfort is hardly an issue for someone like me. I have slept in much worse conditions." During long away missions he and the rest of team guy often had to share tents, and well... Lee and Guy both snored loudly. It was thanks to them nowadays Neji could sleep through an earthquake if he needed too. It was funny but after all the years of training the thing he had kept with him the most were the memories he had of his former teammates. "For now rest up as best as you can."

Hiashi seemed taken back for a moment seeing the level of passion Hinata suddenly had. Suddenly he was reminded of the day he had watched from a distance as almost all of Konoha had been destroyed. Seeing Hinata put in some effort into her training, some actual work ethic. He took a step back and gave the two girls room as they were about to fight it out.

Hanabi jumped back but not before Hinata was able to tag her knee, and she felt the breif sting of pain as she was attacked. Hanabi was not used to having her sister actually fight back, it seemed ever since Hanabi had knocked out Hinata years back these duels had just been a formality, but suddenly there was a new level of strength that Hinata was unleashing suddenly it went from a mindless formality to something Hanabi had to actually focus on.

Turning Hanabi was quick to return the strike that had been given to her, aiming her hand up towards Hinata's left shoulder, there was more to her strike of course, Hanabi was suddenly feeling threatened, and her fingers were suddenly very ready to strike at Hinata's chakra points. She didn't say anything rather the younger sister knew that this match was suddenly more important, and just as soon as she moved to attack hinata's left shoulder Hanabi's right leg went up aiming a mid kick into Hinata's ribs. if she wanted to fight then she would have a hell of a fight ahead of her.

Hissori had to suppress a cheering noise as Hinata's blow struck home against Hanabi's leg, suddenly things were very different with this fight, Hanabi was taking it more seriously sure, but Hinata's own demeanor had changed. She was stronger now then she had been for a long time, and it was amazing to actually watch it in motion. Still it was kind of sad that all he could do was cheer her on quietly from the sidelines. Sadly if he spoke or actually did cheer against Hanabi Hiashi would have had him removed faster then he could say anything against it.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

A small smile managed to cross Suikoto's lips. "Very well. If you're sure .... " She replied softly, letting her head fall upon the pillow. Her gaze stayed up towards the ceiling, thinking on both the past and soon-to-happen future. She would need the sleep if for no other reason than to be as prepared as possible to speak with the Elder and Hiashi. The possibility of being found by Kumogakure nin did remain in her head but for now, it wasn't an overly dominant thought. She was in Konoha now; the young woman couldn't imagine they'd be able to just waltz in without being noticed.

Exhaling softly, her own white orbs slowly closed, concealing themselves for the time being. "Rest well when you can." She added wearily to Neji, fatigue from all the torture and punishment she'd endured the past near week assisting her in beginning to fall asleep. It wouldn't take too much longer before her chest rose and fall, signaling she was asleep.

Suddenly, every single realization that hadn't hit Hinata began to do so right then and there. Even with the confrontation against Pein, she hadn't felt nearly as much anger as she was then and there. Frustrated pants began to pass her lips. It'd never bothered her up until now ... but as her mind pondered a thought, it suddenly infuriated her.

Why? Why have I never been good enough? Where did everything go so wrong that I lost my rank as the true heiress?

To her knowledge, she'd never failed any actual physical test. No, her father had just decided one day she wasn't worthy enough. It had been like a harsh slap to her face then and now it was far worse.

As the one hit aimed for her shoulder began approaching, Hinata would allow it to land. However, Hanabi had no doubt made a horrid mistake ... and it would be revealed soon enough.

Waiting for her leg to get closer, she grabbed it with both her hands, chakra cutting the tender joint. She kept hold of it, letting her hands trail down towards the heel. It wouldn't take even a medical expert to understand what she was going for and why it could be so deadly.

Try taking over the clan when you can fail to even walk, bratty imouto ...

Honestly, by now, there were few ways to get Hinata to halt. Even her father speaking up may not do it; and it showed in her eyes as her resolve seemed to further strengthen, her hands still moving slowly down towards their goal.

Neji sighed and relaxed, for the moment everything was fine so they had nothing to rush. He could rest up as well as he could, and enjoy just being back in Konoha. It wasn't really the day off he had wanted, but it was a day off non the less. and he still had a mostly quiet world all around him. He closed his eyes lightly, letting them rest for the moment. for now the hospital was a safe place he had no evidence to tell him otherwise, and no real reason to doubt that anything would go wrong. So as he sat in the chair he rested for a few moments before getting up to find himself a small dinner.

Hanabi braced herself suddenly feeling fear as her arrogance was taken aback, her sister suddenly posed not just a fight but a very real threat and it was something she had never seen before. Hanabi struggled to try and say or do anything that would stop what was the seemingly inevitable play out in front of her, though she could see everything around her nothing seemed more important then what Hinata was about to do to her. "No.. wait." She practically groveled for a moment feeling nothing but fear.

However as Hinata was about to complete her attack something small and wooden snapped against her wrist throwing off her accuracy and blocking the attack. As the broken arrow shaft rolled fell to the ground. Hissori was standing up his bow drawn, and panting slightly. His byakugan was active, and for a moment he honestly didn't even know what was about to happen. He had done the one thing that was very clearly not allowed, and what was more, he had struck against Hinata. His knees felt rather weak for a moment. "I...."

Hiashi didn't however listen to any further protests. with a single flick of his wrist a powerful rush of air smacked Hissori off his feet and against the wall. before he turned to his two daughters separating them by standing in between them. Looking to Hanabi his eyes were rather angry of both of them. "Hanabi to your chamber, go now. Hinata you have five minutes, I will be waiting for you after you have calmed down." And with that Hiashi departed taking an astonished Hanabi away, but leaving a rather broken looking Hissori on the ground.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

The feeling of something wooden connecting with Hinata's wrist plus her father's intervention made her grip loosen and finally vanish altogether. Her body shook, far more from amazement than anger. She glanced down at herself - namely the hands - staring at them. With how focused Hinata was on her reactions, she almost didn't hear her father speak up and hint he definitely wanted to talk to her. Deactivating the chakra from around her hands and the Byakugan, she looked slowly over to Hissori. "... Did ... I really just do that?" Her hands covered her face, a low whimper leaving.

"He'll kill me .... " She added, her shaking increasing. Not literally, Hinata knew, but as close as possible without actually doing so.

Her head slowly shook as Hinata slowly got up to her feet. ".... Thank you." She murmured softly, her head lowered in shame. "I shouldn't have even tried to go quite that far. Please .... go back to your own chambers. I don't want you hearing or seeing the soon to happen talk." Her voice began to shake along with her body. Taking reluctant and gradual steps, Hinata guided herself out of the courtyard and gave a hesitant knock upon her Father's chambers.

Hissori hadn't expected to be thanked for his intervention. If anything he had thought Hinata would have been furious, however all considered he got off easy. He sat up, feeling soreness all through his body as he got to his feet he shook his head, still feeling breathless after the attack he had suffered his ears were still ringing, but Hinata was right there was something about to happen to her, and he couldn't really just leave her be after that display of passion and power. Still now that everything was calm he focused instead on cleaning himself up, He didn't however go to his room as Hinata had suggested.

Instead curiosity and worry fueled his actions as Hissori decided to follow Hinata, at a safe distance. sure if she or her father activated their eyes they would see him stalking her, but it hadn't been the first time he had taken that risk. So for now he followed Hinata, and hid outside Hiashi's chamber after she had entered listening in to all that was about to happen.

Hiashi sat back in his chamber, the room was iluminated by windows, and lights, and it was the largest room in the estate. It was one of the perks of the one still being in charge, as he sat in meditative position. When Hinata knocked he beckoned her in and pointed for her to sit in front of him. Hiashi was already intimidating, but this time his eyes were less cold, and he offered Hinata a glass of tea. Hiashi was not angry, far from it in fact, but he didn't say anything about his true purpose with this conversation.

"Does your wrist hurt?" He asked lightly his eyes watching Hinata as he loomed over her presence. Watching her for a while before he spoke again. "Had that other not intervened do you know what I would be saying to you right now?"

Hiashi took a sip of his tea as he waited for Hinata's answers all the while he seemed to have his eyes trained on the girl. Where had all that strength came from? When did Hinata have that level of power that she could just smash Hanabi his pride and joy against the rocks. He had overseen her training for years, and yet apparently Hinata's potential and strength had vanished until now.
Suikoto Ashigawa & Hinata Hyuuga
スイコト アシガワ & ヒナタ ヒュウガ​

The quiet gesture to sit in front of her father was easily seen and noted. As much as part of Hinata didn't wish to, she also knew better than to decline or refuse. Eagerly accepting the tea from him, she took a sip to better help her nerves calm and relax. Sighing softly, she forced herself to make eye contact with the man across from her despite how nervous she was at this point. Respect ... that concept had definitely been drilled into all of the Hyuugas, especially herself and Hanabi the most. Her head quickly shook no with the first question; that was a no brainer to reply to.

"A bit sore at worst but even that's mostly gone."

It was the second question that passed Hiashi's lips which was the real challenge. She should have known the answer but there were several things which all came quickly to Hinata's mind. Her eyes closed as she further contemplated, wanting to try to have the correct reply leave her lips - or something as close to accurate as possible at the very minimum.

"Something along the lines of what got into me, where it came from?" She finally asked, letting her eyes open once again to look back into her father's orbs.
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