Assassin's Creed (Kiite X Raziel)


Dec 1, 2013
Rin strode off the large brig ship behind than had sailed days to reach London, dark gloomy London. She grimaced at the filth and gloomy skies. The sun didn't shine on London, it never would and has any yet. The faces she saw were downcast with sadness, even the innocence of some children seemed to be sapped away by the atmosphere of this place. Suddenly she felt the downcast they expressed as well. She felt colorless and dull.

"Why would any soul stay foot in such a city?" She questioned herself, as she took a step onto the dock she was a bit wobbly. Her legs and balance had grown accustomed to only that of the ship and rocking waves, people stared at her oddly. Sh shot the a glance and they averted their eyes. She stood straight and walked proudly, faltering every now and then. She knew it'd pass it'd just take time.
The problem with living in a dull, gloom city was that it was infectious. It invaded the mind, made everything weary and sick until you could almost puke. But it was strange, how such things did not bother Raphael. He gazed over the city, gloomy as it was, and smiled as the heavens opened up, letting out a small torrent of rain onto the vista. His head angled up, feeling the cold drops before he headed into the villa, closing the door behind him, and locking for safe measures.

There was word that the Templars stationed near Florence had found the location of the Apple of Eden. A victory that could be shrugged off, he figured, because what he had found was bigger even than that item. Although he spoke little of it to many others, checking on the charts himself. He would not have some simpleton running off with his soon to be treasure and leaving him with the expenses. No, this was far too important.
Rin felt ran and pulled up her hood, she hated rain. Two days on a ship full of men and rum, and for two days on there it never stopped raining. She swore under her breath with her Irish accent shining through. She watched the drops fall and land in mud and dry dirt, moistening the soil covering the ground. Rin looked around and saw the people of London hardly cared if it rained they acted the same. She furrowed her brows and shook her head before she walked on closer to her goal and closer to the heart of the city.

The rain began a steady downpour and was followed by the crack and flash of thunder and lightning. She watched as know the people rushed inside buildings. Rin grew used to the storm by know and was the only person walking the streets.
The thunder and lightning didn’t seem to bother Raphael in his scheming, his head perking up as he heard it. The rain was always a welcome omen, cleaning the filth from the streets. He moved to the door, opening them simply to get the wave of fresh air into his estate, smelling the clean rain compared to the destitute of the city. “Ah, London, how far one can fall. But I can leave this place soon enough, I suppose.”

He closed the doors after he was sure that his villa was aired out, sitting down at the table, pulling the remains of his dinner towards him as he poured over his charts. Varmel was going to want to speak with him later that afternoon, so best to get this memorized now.
Rin continued her journey toward the estate her target was at, the rain pattered on her hood and ran off in a small steady stream. She remained silent, her eyes searching for any trouble as she became more and more suspicious to the place that was crawling with guards and officers. Sometimes she could feel their eyes on her and she rolled her eyes with annoyance.

Rin felt her boots soak up the water from the puddles of run off like sponges and it made her uneasy. She hated that feeling in her boots, then she stopped seeing the estate and some open doors high up on the top floor. She smirked. There was was a large fence and a cast iron gate. But she'd find a way. She ran up the wall quickly when no guards were looking and jumped to the nearby estate. She began her careful and exhausted ascent.
The problem with secret meetings during the rain is that they tended to happen IN the rain. This led to Raphael becoming rather soaked and disheartened, especially with the news that Varmel had told him. Another assassin in London? What were they doing here again? He shrugged that information off, though. It wasn’t like the Assassins weren’t repelled every time they came to fight in these streets. The area disheartened even the Brotherhood.

By the time he was back in his rooms at the villa he was drenched. Agitated, he shrugged his coat and shirt off, moving them to hang over a drain to let them dry off. He looked over outside, seeing that the door was open. He pursed his lips, moving to the door, closing and locking it before moving back to the table. There was much yet to memorize.
Rin had snuck in through the door but had passed the room her Templar target was residing in. She'd skipped his notes when she entered but instead began to search the estate in hopes of finding him and ending this dreadful Templar's life before he and his order could do more damage to the brotherhood. She wasn't careful enough though....even sneaking through such a heavily guarded place gave her away.

Rin had been captured, by now her target was back in his room and she was being brought up to him by the guards. They held her by her arms as she struggled.

"Sir, we found this assassin," The one guard said cooly as he stared straight forward.
Raphael was sitting down, pouring over paperwork when the guards entered the room, announcing the apprehension of an assassin. He stood slowly, the muscles of his shirtless chest and stomach rippling as he turned to face her. “Another Assassin? I figured something was up when the doors were open. Clumsy though, to have been caught so easily. Water footprints are still footprints.”

He stepped forward slowly, hands patting down Rin’s clothing, pulling away sword and hidden blade. He was kind enough to leave her breasts and groin alone from the pat, an honor she should enjoy for the time being. His gaze was little more than cold as he tossed the weapons outside into the hallway, behind the guards. “Leave us.” He said simply to the guards. They looked between themselves, but before they could speak up, “Now.” The cold tone was enough, and the two left, closing the doors and separating Rin from her weapons.

“What, exactly, does the order think they are doing, sending so many clumsy assassins my way? Do they think to thin the incompetent of their ranks, or are they just as careless as you were?” He turned from her for only an instant as he pivoted, taking the documents and putting them away, knowing a brawl was going to be had. He figured at least one weapon was hidden where he didn’t check. He would be disappointed if there wasn’t.
Rin looked at her target, his shirtless chest was more than crazy too her, it was freezing and damp. How could he be dressed like so? She squirmed in the guards' hands. Rin didn't shrunk back a slight bit as he approached her, she narrowed her eyes and stared at him. She tipped her head up as he patted her down, she detested his actions. But her eyes widen as her weapons were tossed outside the room and the guards left shutting the door.

She stood there, she found no point in fighting. "I'm not the best at covering my tracks but I'm the fastest and quickest," She spoke calmly as she looked him in the face.
Raphael scoffed as he heard her words. He turned fully to her, his arms crossing over his chest. “You are the fastest and quickest? Then, pray tell, how did you get caught by my oafs of guards?” He stepped forward. “I am in no mood to be toyed with, Assassin. The last one that was sent back, how much did he babble about me? Did that put fear in the order?

“I will give you a choice, since you are a beautiful little thing, and I would care much about tarnishing such beauty. You can leave on your own, or I can throw you out. I’ll let you decide for yourself. After all, it has been a while since I have been in a fight.”
Rin narrowed her eyes and looked to him with an unimpressed look. "I killed one of them thinking it was you," She retorted back at him with anger in her eyes. "I don't care what mood you're in," She hissed harshly at him. "He was scared, but if you know anything we don't give up that easy," Rin threw his words back at him, it was true. The order never gave up easy, neither of them did really.

"Throw me out," She spoke defiantly, she had not cared how he beat her, her face was the least of her concerns.
It was with surprising speed that he rushed to her, a heavy elbow to the stomach before sliding behind her, picking her up. His lips found her ear, and he hissed into it as he carried her to the balcony. “Rin, if you return, I will have to report you to the order. March along, now.” With that he tossed her over the balcony, into a hay pile.

He dusted his hands of the business before heading back inside, closing the doors but not locking them. If she knew what was good for her, she would run. But he had a feeling this one would come back demanding answers. It would be interesting to see how she would respond to not getting them.
Rin groaned in surprise and pain, he acted so quickly. She expected for him to at least let her put up a fight, guess not. She growled when he whispered into her ear to basically stay away or I'll Kill you. She felt rain on her face as he took her outside and tossed her into the pile of hay. She heard the doors shut behind him and lock, she groaned softly. Why couldn't this be easy?

She groaned and stood walking to an overhang after she freed herself of the hay.
Raphael had turned to the charts once he had thrown Rin out. The important thing about memorizing them meant that his opposition could not follow them as well. On the downside, disposing of them meant that the knowledge would be lost if he forgot or was killed. Not that he was afraid of the latter happening.

He sat down facing away from the unlocked doors. After all, he figured the threat would work its course.
Rin walked off to devised a plan of sorts, she rushed before eager to just finish, taking a major risk. Now she knew her enemy was ready for her and she sighed. How could she sneak in and kill him silently? She groaned and sat down under an overhang thinking to herself. Maybe she should just wait till night and see what approaches the estate.

That seemed fair maybe he'd fall asleep and leave his doors unlocked? Maybe she kill the the guards off one by one.
The problem with her plan was the fact that she wasn’t the first to come up with it. He was up until late in the night, locking all doors and windows before finally retiring to bed. Guards were alert and changed frequently. After all, this man knew assassins were on him, and was properly paranoid.
Rin began to change her outfit, knowing most of the guards couldn't help themself when a woman she played as came up to her. She looked very bare and wet but she had small weapons and poisons tucked away in her. She shivered and looked to the guards, who either felt sympathy or something else with an evil smirk.

Rin watched devilish grins wipe across their faces as they conversed and let her inside, they lead her to a nice room. Dimly lit and all, one of the guards left to stand outside the door and wait his turn. The guard in the room with her smiled. She narrowed her eyes and sprung to her feet and quietly choked him, pinning him to the bed and shutting off his air with a head lock. She opened the door and pulled the other man in, repeating the action.

"My footprints won't be wet this time, Templar," She growled as she began to work her way up to his chambers.
That was probably the fatal flaw in his guards, that they were lustful and wanting of women. It was something that Raphael put into his guards purposefully. The hallways of the estate itself were sparsely populated with guards, with more than enough places for someone to be able to dart to cover. Raphael himself was starting to turn in for bed, a little tired and wanting to rest before finishing his work with his documents. After all, he would have to spring to work for the artifact sooner or later.
Rin slowly snuck her way around the guards, rolling her eyes at the sparse layout. They should have been closer together and more of them. Somewhere down the hall way she heard the commotion of a gangbang, she steered clear. That wasn't her problem to get into or deal with currently. At least it distracted moated of the men. She then finally saw the familiar doors and smirked. By now he'd fallen asleep, it was much to early to be awake.

Rin lock picked the door with focus and smirked when the door unlocked. She slowly pushed the heavy wooden door open to peer inside cautiously, to see if he was still up or hid he'd fallen asleep. By the looks of it he was out, this made her job all the more easy. She snuck in on quiet feet using the moonlight and her memory to guide her through the room without running into something and possibly blowing her cover.
Raphael was laying silently in the bed as he heard the sound of clicking on the lock of his door. He hadn’t changed out of his clothing, and his eyes opened, although he didn’t move. He heard the door open and closed, and he counted to himself for a moment before speaking up. “You really should work on staying silent there, Rin.”

He sat up, facing her with a frown as he stood. “I told you not to return here. You’re going to break my cover. I’ll make sure the brotherhood hears about this.”
At first, Rin had thought she was in the clear, she smirked she was started sneaking to the bedroom to finish this. Then he spoke, she was frightened and her eyes widen. She tensed at his words and felt her heart thump against her chest.

"Shut up, it's hard to be quiet when your target is a night owl," She retorted quietly. Watching him sit up slowly, she saw his disapproving frown because the moonlight shone on his face, highlighting it. She was tempted to back up as he stood and spoke. Before she could talk she heard say that was going to blow her cover. "Wait...what? W-What do you mean?"
Raphael’s eyes narrowed as he watched her, hearing her confused question. “What do I mean? Boy, you are slow to recognize what is going on around you. Take a seat.” His voice was low and haughty as he moved to the side table, pulling out his assassin’s glove and sliding it onto his right hand. “You keep pressing into this compound, they will ask questions about why I haven’t killed you. And then they will eventually find out I’m not one of them.”

Raphael moved to sit opposite of her, the glove tapping lightly on the table. “I’m here as an advanced instructor and for my own field work. Why do you think the guards were so easy to trick and get past?” His fingers rapped on the tabletop. “They are Templar hires, of course. But I infiltrated their ranks to get information for the brotherhood. But your continued presence is going to give me away if you don’t smarten up.”
She narrowed her eyes just as well, staring into his heartlessly. "Don't judge me, I was on a ship for two days with no idea that you were part of the brotherhood, nobody had told me. They told me to kill you, that was all," Rin hissed angrily at him in a quiet tone. She sat down pulling a seat up to her, she saw the glove and nodded. "Maybe you should keep me here as back up and tell them I'm your hostage and a part of the plan to lure the brotherhood out of hiding?" She spoke in a suggestive tone.

She saw and heard the glove and sighed softly. "Why do I think they like to rape woman," She rolled her eyes it was making sense now all of it.
“That would be because they do. Those guards are inept against anyone of any skill. Feel free to pick them off at your leisure. They can always be replaced.” He shrugged as he moved to his side table, pulling out a chart and moving it to the table.

“If you knew your target was a brotherhood member, you wouldn’t have come so swiftly nor as talented in skills… as butchered as your practice was, to be honest.” He took a seat once more. “And as much as having you here as backup would be enjoyed, visually and in skill, that would mean you would reside in the dungeon. With little more than a throwover and no weapons. You are too beautiful to throw to those animals like that.”
"I could tell on my way up," She spoke simply in response to his own statement, hearing screams of a woman from somewhere within the estate. "I'll think about it, they'd make good practicing targets," She chuckled to herself softly. Rin watched Raphael breifly before looking outside seeing the calmed city and lit candles.

"You're right I wouldn't have. I was expecting to stay more than seconds that's why I was sloppy she spoke with a soft shrug," Rin watched him take a seat and listened intently. "Well, I could pass off as your newly acquired slave. That'd be was enough," She spoke simiply
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