Sword Art Life (Sirix and Rebellious)

"Then lets go. We only have one problem now." Drawing his own blade Sirix smiles down at Yuko. "I'm going to smoke you getting over there." He immediately starts to run towards the closest wolf insight. They weren't too far so it wasn't long before they were in lunge range. Getting into the correct position on the run, the system throws him forward with his blade ready to cut the first wolf of the day.
Lucy, or Yuko, smiled at this following close after him. Wolves, being aggressive creatures in this game would flank an attacker and agro him if he didn't have back up. Luckily, Yuko had swung skyward at a approaching wolf that had come to Sirix's rear. She wasn't going to let some mangy mutt take him down. Separating from him she lunged for the next wolf intending to skewer it on her sword only to miss the wolf lashing around biting down onto her calf. Pain exploded through her body as the wolf let go. Stumbling a bit she twisted swinging the sword cutting the wolf in the neck as it shattered to the glass like sparkles all creatures did when they died.
Kent or Sirix, made a mental note to thank Yuko as the sound of shattering glass sounded behind him signaling the falling of an enemy, but for now he needed to focus on the enemies before him and around him. "Yuko, to my back" he yells out as he stabs and slashes at a wolf before him. He stands as still as possible waiting for her back to hit against his signaling she has done as he has asked. This positioning would make it harder for either one to be singled off and attack alone, along side each covering the other.
Sirix also takes a moment to check both of their health levels. He was missing only 5 or 6 HP, but Yuko had a small dent in her health. "If you get to low, just let me know and we'll pull out and rest." He says after checking and attacking a new wolf that stepped up after he fell the first.
Stepping back she pushed her back against his eyeing the wolves before her with hate. They were nasty creatures ones that were cunning yet vicious. Just looking at them made her flinch. The pain she felt when they bit into her. Would it be worse when they reached the higher level monsters? Taking a swing she nods in acknowledgement Sirix as she killed a wolf before her. She swung at every wolf that neared her till her own end was clear. Yet, she kept guard incase they circled around for Sirix.
Sirix cleared out the wolves from around him soon after Yuko. He only had taken one bite in the whole fight but Yuko seemed to have taken at least 2 since he last checked, her health dangerously near yellow. "Ok well this group is finished. Lets go over there and rest our health back up." Sirix suggests as he starts to slowly walk in his indicated direction where nothing seemed to be spawning.
She nodded letting her sword hand hang limply blade in hand. "Tired," she mumbled in exhaustion. She made a promise to herself to never get a dog if she got out of this game. After that mess she wouldn't be surprised if she had nightmares about it for the rest of her life. Flopping down in the best spot she could find she closed her eyes desperately wanting to rest.
"Just sleep for a while, I'll watch over you." Sirix says to Yuko, sitting next to her, sword hilt by his hand, and blade resting on his shoulder into the air. "And don't worry, I'm not going to do anything to you." He felt this was a necessary comment, seeing as how she was a girl, and attractive to boot. "We can talk or hunt a little more after we recover." Sirix then opens his menu and starts to arrange his level up points seeing has how he had gained another level. He was going to need to tame something and fast, his skills were currently sitting unused and that never sat right with him, even when he played just for fun. Now that his life depended on it, it just seemed risky and stupid.
Hearing his comment she couldn't help but smile. "Are all men as awkward as you?" she asked her eyes still closed. Though of course she wouldn't hear him as her breath slowed and evened. She had fallen asleep, after this nightmere she had slept. Her features were relaxed as she entered a deep sleep. She dreamed something she had never forgotten. Her first video game, it was on a old console now obsolete with virual reality technology. But it was a rpg where she built her own character from the ground up. Maybe thats what lead her to Sao, the fact that she could be something sje wasn't and at the same time was excited her. But would she ever touch a game after this is what worried her.
Even while she slept her worry began to show on her resting sleep. Her body drew close to itself as if to keep warm in a drafty room.
"No," Sirix says just as the girl falls asleep. It was surprising how fast she could fall asleep. It was almost unnatural. He watched the surrounding area, keeping her body safe from harm. It was a quiet spot that he chose to sit, so he didn't have to do much, mostly just sit and watch Yuko sleep.

He watched as she slowly curled. "Are you scared of something?" He thinks out loud. He would let her sleep of course but he rubbed her back softly and soothingly, hoping to calm her down a little.
She froze at touch of his hand. She had woken though she did her best not to show it. Her eyes were slits and her breathing hardly changed though it did loose the rythim she had in her sleep. She held still not sure if she should move further or closer. So she stayed put eventually speaking. "Just remembering," she said her voice small and strained.
Noticing the change every quickly, Sirix stops then takes his hand off of Yuko a few moments before she speaks at him. "I'm sorry." He mumbled to her, both for startling her and for the bad memories brought up. Not really knowing what else to do, he stands up and asks, "Well ready to keep hunting, or do you want to go back into town and get better gear, usually at level 5 players are getting due for an upgrade." Pulling up the menu and looking at his weapon's spec's. They weren't bad, actually the damage was better then most of the other starting weapons but it was slower and had less of a crit chance.
She had sighed at his sudden withdrawl. Standing she opened her skills menu adding merchantalism, and smitging to her repetoir. "I suppose we should make our way to toen, I plan to buy new armor in this town," she said softly before she closed the menu. She gave him a glance before sheathing her sword. "Ready?" She asked before she began her trek to the town.
"Yea, let's go." He replies as he follows her to town. He needed new armor as well. This armor, much like Yuko's, were starting to show some wear as they took damage. Nicks and dents had started to show as well as some scrapes along the front. "What armor class are you going to upgrade into?" Sirix asks as he comes to walk with her. "I think some medium armor would be a good fit for our current weapon types." He points out.
She nodded to his remark. "I think your right, we use heavier blades," she stated calmly. "So, we might want to get something like leather.". Looking down at her skirt she noticed the tears at the end. "They take durability seriously in this game don't they?" She asked her brow raised slughtly.
"No, leather is light armor, We want something more along the lines of chain mail, or bronze. Each game handles med armor differently since there isn't much of a line to be drawn. Ebony and Steel should be the heavy armors of this game if I remember correctly." Sirix corrects and clarifies, "And yes, they do seem to take damage and durability very seriously, but he did say he wanted as real of an experience as possible. I wonder how far the armor damage does in the way of showing wear?" He wonders out loud as they near the door to town.
She noddef to what he was saying. It made alot of sense, chain would supply alot of mobility and speed yet give them a good defense. Bronze would supply the best defensse for the lack of the former. "Your right," she commented only till she heard his last question she raised a brow. "You aren't thinking perversly are you?"
"What? Oh, I said that out loud, didn't I? No, I..I'm thinking just generally." Sirix stammers out as he rushes to clarify what he meant. He touched the main gate to the city town to get it open. He lead the way inside and started towards the closest NPC stall that had armor stands around it. "Ok, well lets see about getting some new duds then." Sirix seeing the armor cart.
She smiled at his defensive rambling. "If you say so," she laughed following close behind him. This sort of teasing might be good for them. Lucy had found that keeping herself distracted kept her mind off the real world.

Her thoughts shifting she bought bronze legging with chain on the bend of her knees. To her hope this would ensure defense and giver her plenty of movement in the legs. Opening her inventory she equipped the leggings looking to Sirix she wandered what he got.
Getting his own armor, he takes a little while making his decision, looking at both chain mail and bronze. Sirix decides on full bronze plating with chain at the joints for mobility. Over all a more protective then mobile armor. He looks over Yuko's selection critically. "Hmm, good choice for you. You are more mobile then I am."
"I'd hope so," she laughed. "I'd spent a good deal of my money to get it." She looked to the city gates in curiosity. "I wander if any of the others decided to get a move on to other cities as well?" She asked in almost a daze. Back before the game started dhe knew a few friends were planning on getting SAO. Did they ever get it? If so where were they?
"The brave more then likely have moved out, not liking the competition and density, everyone else will want the safety of numbers and remain fearful of the wilds. After a week or so everyone will mellow out a little more, and more people will leave for the new towns." Sirix predicts, well total guess was more like it. He watched the gate to see if it would open. After about a minute, Sirix suggests, "We still have a few hours of day light if you want to go back out and train."
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