Sword Art Life (Sirix and Rebellious)

Hearing the sound of battle she shook her head and charged sword first for a thrust to the nearest wolf. Draining it's life away she swung at the next wolf feeling its sharp fangs sink into her arm. She screamed throwing the furry demon off of her. It hurt, and that pain became anger as she hacked it away with her blade. She swung the sword witg every fiber of her being at anything that neared her in fear for the next wave of pain.
Slowly the two of them started to wither away their numbers, until Yuko stuck the last one down. Sirix doubled over breathing hard from all the work. They had killed enough wolves that they both had leveled at least once. As his breathe stabled Sirix started moving towards the next town again, but not as fast as before since he still needed to catch a little more breath. "Come on, we close, the town is just around this next bend." Sirix encourages.
She followed him numbly she couldn't wait to rest. Seeing the town rise on the horizon her heart skipped a beat. They would be safe, atleast for a while. She couldn't help but shed a few tears, her normal life was ruined and chances were she'd die, but she didn't care she was alive now. She couldn't help but think about the people she was forced to leave behind. She hoped her real body was safe, she didn't want to wake up pregnant. "God, I hope that doesn't happen," she said to herself.
"You hope what doesn't happen" Sirix says as they come nearer to the gate. There wasn't any more monsters luckily but they had to walk a good ways to get where they were going. Sirix in the absence of monsters looked at the stats he had acquired from getting from level 1 to level 4 in this trip. His Health stat had gone up by factors of ten with every level luckily. He also could start filling his skill slots with extra skills. Before he had just planned on going full Beast trainer he was going to call it, but now he was only taking one of the precious slots for the taming skill.
The moment they reached the town she flopped down onto the ground. She hadn't heard him earlier nor did she care. Watching her xp rack up she had made level three. Moments later after moving new skills into her que she looked to Sirix. "So, what now?" She didn't know herself so she hoped he would
Having grabbed the taming skill and animal training skill, then dumping all of his stat increase points into effect immunity he looks at the position of the sun. It seemed that the sun here worked like the real sun in the real world, time correlation was perfect. "It's getting late, we could go and find a tavern to stay in for the night, sleep if possible." Sirix suggests, looking for a tavern.
She nodded staggering to her feet. "Good plan," she agreed following close behind him as they made search for a tavern. Pulling her hair out of her eyes she sighed. "Do we even have the money for a night at the inn?" It was a simple question yet a good one. Yuko had only acumulated about two-thousand kol. Was it enough?
"Yea, the starting money we had was good enough for a few days in the Inn's" Sirix points out, seeing a tavern and walking over to, and entering it. Seeing the NPC named Keeper, they head over there and open his menu's. The night fees were only about 10 Kol a night each. Totally doable. Sirix pays his way and sees a marker light over a room that he guessed signified his room for the night. It was the very first room, probably meaning they were the only or the first to be in this town for the night.

He then felt a lingering hunger in his belly. Was that a thing in the game? He looked through his inventory finding the bread and pulling it out. "Hm" He absent mindedly voices out before eating the bread. The hunger feeling goes away shortly afterward. "Well then." Sirix again verbalizes.
Taking a seat she sighed. She had no appetite to eat, which had been justified wuth the days events. Opening her skill menue she smiled, she had invested three of her skills into fighting branches. The last being invested into cooking figuring that merchant could be saved for when she had a store. Closing the menue she looked to sirix, "hey, what will uou do when we get out?"
"Out of the game?" Sirix counter asks then assumes so. "I don't know, probably continue life as normal." He looks back at Yuko, sitting across from her at the table. What anyone did really depended on how long in the game they lasted. If the beta was any indicator, they could spend anywhere from months to years in this game if what the GM said was true. "What about you?" Sirix asks, to keep the conversation rolling. They would probably be alone tonight, so they would only really be talking to each other.
She thought on this, nothing was normal now so how could her life return normal? "I don't. think any bit of my life will be normal after this," a slight laugh escaped her. Its odd how life and death situation bonds people together. With a yawn she looked to the bed, "You getting tired?"
"Not as tired as I should be." Sirix replied as he didn't hardly feel tired after the all day run. It was probably something the game did with like a stamina recharge after a work out so they were ready for a fight at anytime. He didn't even know how sleeping would work in the game. Did everyone need to sleep at once then the game would do a time jump, or did it work like in real life with everyone having their own little time setting? He would have to ironicly sleep on it to figure it out. "But I do want to sleep, if we are done talking for the night at least." Sirix ventures out. It was strange to not be sleeping in his own bed, but he could make do for the time being.
"I'm done talking," She smiled flopping down in a bed burying her face in the pillows that laid on them. Odd, they actually had a slight smell to them. She hadn't known the game was going to go as far as all of her senses. But it also made sense, if they were to feel like this were real life they had to experience every bit of it. She turned her face looking at Sirix, hesitant a moment she finally spoke, "Good night..." It was a simple and friendly gesture but it was obvious it had carried a lot of hidden emotion with it. Closing her eyes she allowed herself to slowly drift to sleep.
Sirix was standing next to Yuko's room since all the rooms in this inn seemed to be singles only. "Good night yourself." Sirix then goes to his own room right next door. They were little more then just a bed in the rooms, but that's all they needed too. Sirix slides into his own bed and gets comfortable, having unequipped everything before getting into the bed. Sleep come seems to come easy, a nice change to Sirix's usual tossing for an hour before going to sleep.

He wakes up the next morning relatively early. Stretching and yawning out of habit, he equips all of his stuff back on and prepares for todays hunting. They had a huge lead, no need to waste it until there was competition in the area. Sirix moves out to the inn's main room and waits for Yuko, getting them some bread to eat when she did finally get out.
When she woke she looked around in a start. It took a moment for realization to dawn on het. It wasn't a dream, this was real. The game, being trapped, the lot. Once up she equiped her gear sighing at the fact that she no longer had her avatar. It was the body she wished she had but lacked.

Then she heard the footsteps, probably Sirix, she thought. Opening the door looking at him in a slight daze. She had wandered how she wound up with a handsom guy. Luck, or was it fate? "Mourning, Sirix."
"Good morning" Sirix replies turning in his seat to look at Yuko. "I've got bread on the way if your hungry. Weird thing for a game, the feeling of hunger don't you think." Sirix looked much more at ease about being stuck in death game. He motions towards the seat across from him, the inn still all to themselves. "You look like you still need to wake up a bit." Sirix chuckles. While her entire body looks fine, Yuko's facial expression betrayed her still tired demeanor.
She nods without a word as she sat. "It's a very kind offer, one I'll take you up on," she laughed slightly. Yawning she looked him over, he seemed ready for a war. Armed and dangerous a devious smile played across her face as she leand forward. Elbows propped onto the table hands holding her head. "While we are relaxing here, if I may ask, why did you join SAO?"
This question shocked Sirix as he didn't really have an answer. Before the whole mess of it he might have, but now, it just seemed like a big mistake. "Well, uuummmm I guess the best answer is the same as most had for starting. It was going to a really fun and challenging game. I mean come one, a Virtual Reality game, it was almost to good to be true. Then they announced the pet system and I was just hooked." Sirix looks over at a sort of beaming Yuko. Her position presented her body in a way that made her look young and innocent, almost like a kid listening to an elder's stories, but the smile on her lips reminded him that she was probably older then she looked. "What about you? Why did you join?" Sirix asks, genuinely curious.
At this question she was more than prepared to answer she looked down at the table. "To get away from my real life," she said in nearly a mummer. It was true of course, but there was she also wanted a fresh start, she didn't want to be popular for her looks, but her skill in a fight. It was odd coming from a girl of course considering it's the opposote of what most wanted, well, thats what her experience in things.
"A reality turned all to real then for you." Sirix states hearing her reason. That was everyone else's reason to an extent as well, but the way Yuko said it, it meant so much more to her. "Well, ready to go hunting. We have all this open space to ourselves, we might as well use our advantage." Sirix says this as he stands and, again out of habit, stretches. Just talking to Yuko could be a good day eventually, but right now they didn't have that luxury.
She nods, "I suppose so," she said standing aswell, straightening her skirt she looked up to him. "We do have the headstart that many players don't." Drawing her sword she inspected her reflection noticing nothing out of the usual. "Sirix, remind me when I acumulate enoughmoney to buy something less revieling than this skirt." She flashed him a smile before she put the blade in it's scabbard. leading the way to the Inn's exit.
Sirix follows and chuckles hearing this request, "If that case, I might not. Besides this is an RPG, the armor usually only gets more scantly from here." Sirix smiles widely knowing this wasn't true in this game's case, the game makers having preferred realism to sex appeal for now oblivious reasons. He mostly just wanted to gauge her reaction more or less. He also rushes forward and gets to the door for her, expecting to be hit while she pasted by him.
"So it seems, Sirix," she giggled simply walking passed him with a slight smile. Odd, even in a game where she would probably die. Eierd how life works, she thought to herself walking towards one of the nearer gates scouting to see what type of creatures they had here.
Once Yuko gets through the door, Sirix allows it to close as he follows Yuko to the closest set of gates. Once the outside was in view, the boars from around the first city was the primary prey, a few wolves spotted here and there. In the distance a Dire wolf is barely visible. "So I think that we can just work the wolves, the boars age getting a little low for us to hunt." Sirix observes the highest boar level was 3 and Sirix was level 5. "Or do you want to lay it safe and grind."
She pondered this for a few moments, sure she didn't want to risk death. But, on the other hand she wanted to level quickly. Finally comming to a conclusion she spoke, "Lets go kill some wolves." With this she had drawn her sword laying its blade on her shoulder awaiting his response.
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