Sword Art Life (Sirix and Rebellious)


Aug 24, 2013
Kent got ready to log on to the game he has been wanting to play everysense it was annouced and he had gotten his VR head set. Sword Art Online, it was said it was going to revolutionize the genre of MMORPG. He watched the clock as it slowly ticked towards the opening time for character making, about half an hour later the game itself would start. Kent has had his rig set up for a few hours now, basically once he got home from buying the needed hardware.

Once it was about 10 minutes from the openning time, Kent got all set up in the Nervegear and started going through the set up, a lot of touching toes and other movement so the Nervegear could find the correct recepters in the brain for it to work correctly. At 3 minutes he laid down and started the warm up. Then came the moment he had been waiting for, the time he would first look into the new world. "Link start" he verbalizes clearly before the digital rushes at him,

The first thing that he sees is the trailer opening for the game, a feild rushing by then a profile look of the floating castle. Next was character making. The empty temptlate before him looked surpriseingly like himself but Kent just blew this off as a way to mold a perfect you. He didn't change much for the character, instead of the paste white the character was now, he changed it to the same tan color that was on his own skin, likeing the look of it on himself. He also beefed up the look, so that he was just a tad more muscular. The last few things he did was to the face, like strenghthing the jaw line and adding a regal looking hooked nose on the otherwise plain looking face, he also changed the preset of blue eyes to a more emearld green. The final product was a musular male, about 6 foot, short black hair and green eyes wearing the basic starting armor. Once he was done with the creation, Kent hit accept, then was asked to name his character. This was one thing he didnt have to think about, it was the only name he ever used. "Sirix" was quickly entered to the feild and he was thrown into the game, a huge "Welcome to Sword Art Online" appearing before him.

He found himself in the middle of a large court yard, a fountian before him and walls all around in a huge circle. Four doors for each direction are the only breaks to the outside. "Hello" Kent tries out with his voice, it was the same as his regular voice so he was just trying it out.
She had sat for hours in her bedroom staring at the Nerve Gear on her computer desk. Counting down the days, hours, minutes, seconds, it took ages! She looked in the mirror staring at her well tanned skin, icy-blue eyes and Raven black hair. She was called beautiful so often the word felt fake. She knew she looked cold and unforgiving. How could anyone fall for that? Though here in the real world she may be popular she hadn't the curvy body men loved. She was thin, petite in frame lacking any real bust. She hated how she looked. SAO would change he life.
When her phone buzzed it was time. In a mad dash she grabbed the Nerve gear having callibrated it weeks ago. She had pre-ordered all her equipment not wanting to go thrpugh problems like people who wited last minute. Looking through the shaded lense she smiled. "Link start!" She exclaimed reality tunneling into SAO's character creation.
"Lets change myself to a blonde," she waved her hand her hair lightening to a strawberry blonde. She Changed her build watching in amazement as "herself" filled out.
"Perfect," she cheered ptessing enter naming herself Yuko.
A blinding light then excited crowds talking. She was in Sword Art Online. Looking around She gazed in amazement at this brand new world.
Kent...well Sirix now in game, looked around and saw he was about the 4th person in and lots of people joining fast. Before him a guy named Kirito appeared, and exclaimed "yes, Im back in this world" Before running off. Not far off a young woman appeard, her Avatar name was Yuko. Taking the chance this wasnt a guy like the odds strongly were, Sirix walked over in her direction, but chickened out of actually talking to her. It was still early in the game and there wasnt much reason to talk to really anyone yet. To keep from looking like an idiot, he continues to walk past her to the west gate so he could go get his starting supplies.
She looked around admiring the scenery when she noticed a man named Sirix whisk by her. He had seemed to know what he was doing in the world so she followed him realising soon where they were going. All players started out with some Kol, the games currency, in the beginning. For obvious reasons of course she realused they were heading for supplies. She ran through the plan she held mentally. Create a character no one would recognise? check. Enter the game? Check. Become a combatant with a no-shield style longswotd? in progress. As they walked she familliarised herself with easy to access UI. Health bar there, swipe of the hand for inventory and etc here. She gave a fangirl squeal of excitement feeling confident in this game.

(nice reference)
(I know right)

Sirix headed for the closest merchant he could find. Looking through all the inventory of the NPC, Sirix quickly finds and takes all the free things in there, mostly just a book with basic mechanics, and a loaf of bread, proably for healing a little health when it was needed. He then starts to scan through the weapons and starts to consider his path for the game. He wanted to really focus on the pet system they had in the game so he wouldnt be doing alot with swords but with leveling his little freind. He just takes a basic and cheap long sword, ignoreing the sheild, he wasnt much of a tank player after all, and pulls out of the Merchant GUI.

Once done with his shopping he sees that Yuko has followed him, this direction at least, and wonders if it was just coinidence or if she followed him. Decideing to ask if she wanted to party with him, he waits for her to get out of the merchants store, before walking over to her.
When she had left the store any half wit could tell you what she was doing was dangerous. She hefted the heavy blade swinging it in atmpts to adjust to the weight. Right stroke, backhand, uppercut, overhand, lunge. It was wonderous as she felt the power of yhe sword behind each swing. Sheathing the blade in its scabbard that was strapped to her back she looked down at her armor. She was relieved to find that it didn't show nearly all her skin like some mmo's have done over the years. She glanced around seeing sirix again. He was looking at her. Odd, or not. Hee first thought was that he was a perv and that she should move but after a second glance she could tell otherwise. Walking over to him before he had the chance she stopped a foot from him. Shifting her weight to he left her right hand on her hip shr frowned. "Is there a reason for gawking sir?"

(im heading for bed after my next rply)
"Ah, yes. Sorry, I just saw that we seem to be going similar fighting styles. If we work together we can probably learn the skills easier then by ourselves." Sirix suggest hoping that this Yuko won't totally blow him off. At the same time he summons his own sword, so she can see that he did indeed get a long sword as well. "What do you think, want to party?" Sirix asks a little hesitantly.
She thought on this. He was cute, in a slightly nerdy way. He also seemed to know what he was talking about. She lifted her findex finger biting it softly. Obviously a nervous habit derrived from anxiety formed when she was prompted with tough decisions.
Finally she nodded with a smile. "I would very much enjoy that."
Sirix waited nervously for her answer, though he didn't show any outward sign of it. Once she did give an answer though he gave a small sigh of relieve and started. "Well, the closest city gate is this way and I read in this little book the easiest monsters are just outside them." As he says this he opens his menu and prepares to send the party invite. After a quick look to make sure it was correct he pushes the little 'send' circle. The invite box then appears before Yuko. "Ready to go?"
She looked at it trailing her hand pressing the little blue accept button. "Now thats done lets go!" She exclaimed making a mad dash for the gate. Once out she toik an inward gasp of excitement. Rolling green hills and beautiful blue skies. Drawing her sword she smiled looking at the silvery blade then behind her to see if Sirix was catching up.
"Whoa, slow down" Sirix starts to chase after her, having a little trouble keeping up. Once he get to the gate himself, He take a moment to get his bearings, then looks around. The area was beautiful. The ground was very realistic looking and the tall grasses swayed with the fake wind that felt real on their faces. Seeing that Yuko had drawn her sword, Sirix draws his own and looks at it. It looked great, chrome reflecting some light and a slight reflection of himself in the blade as well.

"Ok, lets go." Sirix starts to lead towards a group of boars just off the bridge. They look like easy enough prey for the first creatures to go and kill.
She ran to the closest boar jumping into the air bringing the sword down in a arch of silver light. When it hit She knew it was deadly, the keen blade splitting into the boars skull. It was satisfying to see the creature disintegrate into tiny shards. She turned to her next target gripping the hilt tightly as she swung into another boar 'her' blonde hair billowing around her avatar's curved body.
"Wow, already mastered the arc slash," Sirix says to himself as he turns towards his own boar. He lines up for the quick lunge and takes aim. After a half second the skill activates and he also one hits his boar, cleaving it in half and shattering into polygons with the sound of shattering glass. He lines up the next and repeats the moment, but hits a little higher cutting off the top third.

Checking the amount of XP he just gained against what he needed, it was going to be at least 8 more boars if the XP amount held steady. Sirix looks around for different and probably harder prey, something they would have to either try much harder, or work together to kill.
Yuko had already gained the attention of a group of boars slashing a path through them as if they were paper. She was racking up xp ignoring the pop-ups until she was panting in satisfaction. She recalled seeing a light coming off of Sirix's blade in battle. Sheathing her blade she looked to the man. "How'd you do that glowing thing?" She asked curiously. Swiping the air her menu popped up. Looking at the time she realized how late it was. "Hey I need to go soon," she apologized opening the log out menue in prepriation.
Only, there was no log out button. Was it a bug in the game? Surely it was, right?
"Hey, Sirix do you have a log out button?" She asked worriedly.
Sirix was only 1 or 2 more boars from getting to his next level, when he heard Yuko ask her question. "It's the lunge sword skill. I thought you were using yours?" Checking the time himself he say that he only had about 30 more minutes before he needed to be off himself. "It's fine, I cant be on much longer myself." Sirix opens his log out menu just as Yuko asks about his long out button. "Yes of cour....." He looks down at where it should be and sees it isn't there as well. "It, must be a bug, yea. Its a bug, the Mods will find out here in a few minutes and mass log out all of us out."
She hoped he was right for more reasons than one. Sheathing her sword she looked at the xp gained and the loot that was dropped. "I didn't know you could cook in this game." She commented trying to change the subject. Opening her menu she grabbed her info book from her inventory reading the skills that didn't involve swords. Her favorite three becoming the cook, blacksmith, and merchant. So many other choices aswell. Then she looked up at sirix fiddling with her menu only for a friend request to appear before him.
Seeing the small friend request box appear before him, Sirix smiles a little as he reaches forward and taps on the accept button. "So, are you interested in going for a job in the game as well. Your going to have to take up a skill slot to work with those." Sirix continues on with the changed subject, just trying to keep his mind off the game bug. It seemed like this girl didn't know a lot about the skills of this game, which would really hinder her ability to fight later.
She nodded to this, "I figured that was so." She said giving a half hearted smile still worried about the bug. She remembered the mention of sword skills. Something she didn't know how to do. "Hey, do you think you can show me how to use the sword skills?" She gazed at him hopefully. Opening the menu to see if the bug was fixed. Only to see words scrolling over it.
He was about to answer her, but is cut off when a blue light suddenly surrounds them. As the light becomes more intense, Sirix sees that the surrounding area is fading into a new one. Once he realizes they are being teleported he finds himself in the starting courtyard......with all the other players of the game.

After the proceedings of the "true start of the game" Sirix is one of the many that sort of break down into hysteria, but not as bad as everyone else. His life was effectively over until the end of this game, and that was something he was just forced to accept. Once everyone else had started to run out of the courtyard, Sirix instead sits right on the ground and opens his menu. He was going to know this menu inside and out, forward, backward and blindfolded.
When all had gone to hell Yuko, or was it Lucy in this world now? She didn't know, she had found herself looking at her slightly paller skin than Yuko's. Her long black hair drooping into her face now. Her curved body now smaller she couldn't help but feel naked. That avatar was like her clothing in this world and now it was gone.
She had seen Sirix change aswell. Admittedly he was handsome but she couldn't dwell on those thoughts
Walking to him shr touched his shoulder in hopes for a response. She was going to need all the help she could get. Plus, with the state she was in what would keep her from throwing her body to a horde of monsters? She prayed he'd keep her around.
He starts at her touch, looking at this new girl he didn't recognize at first. Looking at her name he sees it is Yuko. She was sexy before but it was a fake kind of attractive. The real Yuko was cute but he had other more important things to think of right now. "OOhh its you Yuko." He calms down a little and goes back to reading though the last of the menu. At the bottom of options menu was a tab for Ethic Codes. "OK, well what do you think we should do." Sirix asks, still a little shaken up himself but getting it together for her sake.
She opened her map after his question. She zoomed out seeing there was indeed another town nearby. "There was a man that I overheard, he said there was a town nearby and that he and his friend aught to move." Her expression was grim but fear still leaked into her voice. "I read up on this game lonf before it was out, if im correct we need to leave. Resources are limited and they take a while to recover." She hoped this was true, if not the journey will be for nothing. She turned yowards the gate they needed looking over her shoulder,"You coming then?
"Yes, lets go. Hopefully we can get there before everyone else gets the same idea." Sirix takes off towards the gates. He gets out of the gate and opens a mini-map on his way out to help guide them to the next city. "We need to kill everything on our way there. If the distance and enemy density are the same as around here, we can get to level 3 at least on the way there." Sirix never stopped running while he did and said all of this. He also drew his blade after the mini-map was up and his hands were clear. He spotted a boar and got into position to lunge kill the boar and give him his next level. "I'll take this one, and then you get the next and on and on switching, OK."
With a nod she kept pace with his stride drawing her sword its silvery blade shining in the light. Then it occured to her, when and if they got out of this world. What would happen? Would things return to normal? But another thought hit her that made her stop dead in her tracks. Her body, on the other side, unprotected and vulnerable. She had plugged in when she was in her bra and panties. What would happen to her? She lived alone, if someone broke in they could easily violate her body. Even murder her after they've done it. The realization had hit her like a train. She couldn't move for fear her next step would be her last.
Sirix took a few more steps before he no longer heard the sound of Yuko's footsteps. He turned around to find her in a dazed fear. "Yuko, come on." He yelled at her before walking back and tugging on her arm a little to get her moving. That's when the wolves started to move in, the system telling them that prey was near by. "Come on. If we don't get moving, we are going to die." Sirix warns hoping to pull her out of her dazed fear, as he readies his sword and turns towards the closest wolf. There was to many here for him to deal with himself, but he would try his best until Yuko snapped out of it.

Sirix starts his defense, lunging at the wolves and taking out 2 at once, but that also meant that 2 had gotten around him and still had 6 before him. He rounded on the 2 behind him now and started to strike out at the closest one, hacking his life away in 2 slices.
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