Team Bonding (MellowYellow)

The sound of Terra’s snickering brought about a few nostalgic feelings of their own for Beast Boy, as he remembered the times where she seemed amused at even some of his lamest of jokes. He observed patiently as she seemed to weigh out the prospect of what they were suggesting, before giving a wide smile when she did agree to go through with it. “Trust me; I’m more than just ‘okay’ with you, Terra.” Garfield replied, having never seen Terra as lacking in terms of overall attraction in comparison to his regular teammates or anyone else they crossed paths with.

The comment about the school roof did cause him to give pause as he looked around at his surroundings before admitting, “…good point. I guess that would be a little too ‘high school hentai’ of a location for your first time.” Inwardly, he gave a little cheer at knowing this would be her first time, as Beast Boy sometimes wondered how much went down with Slade in the past or if she had found somebody else since he last attempted to help her remember herself.

“Hmm. The Tower sounds good. We can slip into my room since Raven might still be asleep in Stars.” Not that it would be the worst thing in the world if she were awake, Beast Boy considered, as he leaned forward to press his lips upon the cheek Starfire hadn’t kissed. “You remember where we live, right? Big building on an island? Shaped like a giant T?” He lightly joked before taking a step back and changing forms into that of a hawk within the blink of an eye; clearly in a bit of a hurry on wanting to get back to the tower in question.

The trio would inevitably depart for the Titan Tower through the use of their respective powers. By this time Robin would likely be out on patrol and Cyborg had spent the last few mornings working in the basement on various inventions for the team or improvements on himself. As such, with Raven likely still crashing on Star’s bed for now, they should have a good while to themselves as they approached and entered the Tower within minutes.

Turning back to normal, Beast Boy led the way back toward his room, which was admittedly a bit of a mess but nothing too bad for setting the scene. “Oh! I’ve got something of yours!” He suddenly remembered while springing over to his closet; tossing a few comics and other assorted items onto the floor behind him, before springing up at locating what he wanted, “Ah hah!” Spinning around on his heels, Beast Boy held the found item behind his back while approaching Terra, before bringing them to the front and promptly placing them on her head.

“It’s one of your old goggles! I kept it around since the last time you were here.” He stated with a sense of pride while looking at the familiar sight of her wearing them on her forehead, before asking with a tilt of his head, “Um, I don’t suppose you could keep them for a bit while we…you know?”
"Yeah, it's a real subtle headquarters," Terra teased. All the same she had followed after, floating along on the same platform of earth she had used to get to the roof in the first place. Star needed no aid of course, she simply flew along after the two toward the modest island the tower had been erected upon. She took a quick detour to her own window and found Raven asleep on her bed still. This time she looked a bit less 'dignified' with the covers flung off and her legs spread open.

Well, it meant that she'd be at least a bit ready for what came later.

Once inside she rejoined Gar and Terra, tilting her head while the goggles were offered to the blonde. Terra gave a slim smile and donned them, feeling more like her old self than she had in a long time. "Well well, I just hope you didn't get any stink on them," she teased with a quick wink. Clearly she found it both amusing and endearing that he had kept them in his possession all this time.

She gave a pleased sigh and then slowly unbuttoned the white blouse of her uniform, unveiling the white bra that clung to her modest bust. She hadn't expected her first time to be today, thus she hadn't put much thought into her undergarments. As she was unhooking the white article she glanced over her shoulders, watching Star slide her own shirt off and bounce her larger tanned orbs free of the contraints.

"Aw man... that's not even fair..." Terra remarked "Bad enough they're bigger than mine, but they're just as perky too," she remarked. Star gave a smile as the two heroines removed their own skirts at near enough the same time. "You are exceptionally attractive without the need of a large bust," she assured her former (now current?) teammate.
The young Titan gave a relieved chuckle at Terra’s remark in response to receiving one of her old goggles, although the way he briefly looked away indicated that he may have fallen asleep with them on his bed once or twice in the past. Those first few weeks after everything went down with her and Slade had been rough on Beast Boy, but now they looked to be a thing of the past as he quickly slipped off his gloves before moving to peel himself out of the top of his uniform.

His eyes remained largely focused on the girls, however. The blonde was of particular interest, considering this was the first time he’d finally get to see her undressed, as Terra slipped out of her uniform to reveal her modest yet very perky bust. “She’s right, Terra! You look great!” The changeling assured their old (present?) teammate, “From what I’m seeing, you’re just as attractive as any other lady hero or even villain out there. Even more so in a lot of cases!’

The way he was looking at her in this state of undress made it evident they weren’t empty words either. For that matter, the way his cock strained within the confines of his uniform as he kicked off the boots before yanking away at his pants with little grace in his eager movements. “There!” He stated triumphantly after kicking them off of his feet; allowing for the blonde to take in her first look at her old love interests slender yet trim figure and the rather sizable endowment bobbing slightly between his legs.

Trying to keep in mind how this was Terra’s first time, Beast Boy showed notable restraint in not simply jumping her and Starfire on the spot like he’d so wanted. Instead, he took things a little lower for now, as he stepped over to his bed and, without looking away from them, leaned over enough to give a few taps on the mattress. “If you’ll join me, ladies?” Gar asked in a half-playful, half-trying to sound somewhat smooth voice, as his lust filled eyes continued to soak in the sight of the two contrasting, yet equally beautiful young heroines.
"Whoa!" Terra said, taken aback by the size. She glanced to Starfire, as this was something she had evidently indulged in in the pace, for some manner of reassurance that it would actually... fit. Star smiled and nodded in that ever-kindly way of hers. "It is large, but we stretch to fit!" she remarked in a cheery way as she floated over. Terra slipped off her socks, leaving her fully bare, before heading along behind the alien.

Each girl took a side on the bed, Terra to his left and Starfire on his right, each leaning in a bit. Terra smirked "Bet you've jerked off to fantasies like this," she said, knowing him all too well at this stage. She couldn't blame him of course, this whole thing was quite exciting to her too- she was exceptionally damp at this stage. Star reached over and slowly fondled at the base of his shaft, making sure Garfield kept his hardness.

"Perhaps Terra should go first?" she suggested, glancing over to her greenskinned lover. "After all, we went out to gather her on the first place, and she is in need of her first time." Terra flushed "I'm right here you know... but Star has a point. Might make more sense for me to go first if she's already been warmed up," she added, now nodding over to the handsome young man "So, you know... whatever position you feel like doing."
The teen smirked at Terra’s remark about jerking off to fantasies of this, as he responded without a hint of shame, “You better believe it! Sometimes it’s you and Star. Sometimes it’s the two of you and others atop of it. And sometimes I’m not even in my fully regular form.” The rather honest look into Beast Boy’s frequent fantasies came to a halt, however, as he took in a sharp breath at the feel of the blonde’s hand on the base of his shaft. How many times had he wanted to feel her touch there? Too many to count, with the number having mounted from the first day they met, as the young hero felt his legs grow a touch shaky while the girls discussed who would go first.

Chuckling over Starfire’s cheerful bluntness on the situation and Terra’s reaction, the changeling would give a nod as he tended to agree, “You’re right, Star. It would be rude if we made her wait after picking her up from school.” Looking over at the blonde, there was an obvious lustful hunger in Beast Boy’s eyes, as the wheels in his head quickly turned on how to take her for the first time. “Let’s try something a little simple for your first experience. Then we’ll break out the sexual acrobats for later.” He half-teased with a wide smile, before suggesting to her, “Go ahead and lay back on the edge of the bed, with your legs hanging off to the floor.”

Waiting for her to do so, Garfield would then slip in between her slender legs and hook his arms under her thighs to lift them partially over his shoulders. Similar to Raven, he wanted to have Terra in a position where they could maintain a directly intimate connection through eye contact for her first time. She may not have been a Titan as long as the other girls, but she was no less important to the green complexioned male, as he pressed that lengthy cock of his upward between her raised thighs until the tip was brushing along Terra’s trim tummy.

The male Titan lightly sawed the length of himself between the blonde’s inner thighs – moving from the underside of the crown until his sack was lightly smacking at her sex - in such a manner that she would be able to look down and roughly see how deep he might be able to enter her. Part of it was to tease her, but he also wanted to build up a little further lubrication, as evident by how the sweet friction was causing more precum to form out of the slit of his cock. But there was a faster way of going about it, as Beast Boy pressed himself firmly between Terra’s legs, with his cock currently pressing along her slender stomach, while glancing at his other teammate to ask, “Hey, Star? Think you could lend a hand in getting me nice and lubricated for Terra’s first time?” Expectedly, with the way he was looking at Starfire, it wasn’t her ‘hand’ which he had in mind for helping them out.
Terra did as she was bid. Lacking in knowledge in this particular area meant that she had no qualms in following Garfield's lead, and it was nice to know she was in the hands of someone who knew what they were doing. Though it was hard to believe that she was actually depending on Beast Boy to be the wise and experienced one for a change, as usually she had to take the lead in many areas in the past.

She gave a cute squeaking noise as she felt the sheer heat of his cock grinding into the slickness of her virginal pussy, the scale of his green dick once more catching her by surprise. It looked big, but it felt... well it felt like a literal third leg when it pressed into her. The blonde had cheeks as red as Star's fine flowing hair, but from how Terra made a few more muffled noises of pleasure it became clear she was getting into it, some lubrication of her own blossoming into existence.

Star perked up suddenly, smiling wryly when his words hit her ear "Goodness lover... as if you even need to ask."

Suddenly she floated over, her hair seeming to defy gravity in how she contorted herself in the air, floating level with Garfield's crotch and taking in the mixing scents of his familiar shaft and Terra's virginal womanhood. She licked her lips and then suddenly the alien was leaning in and slowly stroking her tongue up the length of his fat cock, working from base to tip at an increasing pace and doubling back to repeat the process.
The green teen watched eagerly as the Tamaranian Princess floated over and angled herself to ‘help out’ with making Terra’s first time as pleasurable as possible. The sight of Starfire licking her lips was one of the sexiest things Garfield had ever seen, as he then took in a sharp gasp at that first feel of her tongue working over the shaft of his thick cock. ‘There you go, Star… get me nice and ready…” The young hero breathed out as he placed a reassuring hand on the back of her head, while his hips continued to lightly grind the length of himself along the blonde’s by previously untouched pussy.

Starfire’s tongue soon had her teammate’s throbbing cock nearly dripping with a light sheen of saliva, which in turn was being rubbed into Terra’s increasingly glistening sex with every passing thrust of his hips. “T-That should do it…” Beast Boy reluctantly stated, as he fought the temptation to let the beautiful alien bring him to orgasm with her tongue alone. When Starfire did pull her mouth away, Gar made it a point to bring his hand to her chin and draw her upwards enough to place a short, yet passionate kiss onto her soft lips in gratitude as he promised, “Thanks, lover. I’ll pay you back for that as soon as I can.”

The way he smiled, almost grinned at her, had made it evident that he fully intended to make good on those words, but for now there was the cute little blonde laid out on his bed that needed their attention. “Here we go, Terra. God, I’ve wanted you on my bed like this forever…” He freely admitted, as his hips pulled back to position the tip of that glistening cock at her virginal pussy. Gripping upon the base of his shaft for now, Gar would then push forward at the parted petals as Terra’s body yielded from the increased pressure of the changeling’s swollen tip. The crown would nudge its way inside with some effort on his part, which drew out a low groan in the male, as he steadily worked on pushing how far she could take his fat cock.

“Let me know if it feels too uncomfortable…” He managed to breathe out as both hands moved to grip along Terra’s slender thighs as they were kept extended in the air. This allowed him to lift her hips slightly off the bed and take her at an angle where he’d sink his hips downward while stretching those virginal walls of her sex. Beast Boy would soon find the head of his cock pressing along Terra’s virgin barrier, which caused him to pause and give her a knowing look, along with a reassuring (if goofily lewd) smile, as he gave her thighs a light squeeze before pushing forward to thoroughly begin welcoming her back onto the team.
Terra had watched this unfold with immense curiosity and more than a touch of arousal, surprised to see Starfire work her tongue with such immense skill and natural talent. It had only served to increase the already potent dampness of her pussy, and if the two were to look carefully they would have also been able to see Terra's breathing growing heavier, stricken with a layer of lust building up to a boiling point.

Starfire pulled back, albeit with some slight hesitation, before sitting her perky orange butt onto the plush material of the bed. Much of Gars room was strewn with junk, but fortunately his bed was left in a more pristine condition. "Certainly lover," Star replied with a quick wink. "I would be most offended if you did not pay a favor unto me too," the redhead alien added, taking the time to once more flick her tongue over her upper lip.

Finally it seemed the main event was to begin. Terra gave a squeak once the sensation of incredible pressure grew upon her sensitive nether, his thick green shaft now steadily forcing within her confines and spreading her wider than she thought humanly possible. Sure enough she was tighter than Star or Raven, but whether that was from being human or just petite was something hard to tell.

She shuddered, nodded, and with another slick push she gave a low cry of mingling pain and pleasure as her virginity was taken. Shit... it stung a hell of a lot more than she thought it would. Still, it was small time compared to some of the stuff she had undergone in the past.
“It’ll start feeling better soon, Terra.” The young Titan would assure the blonde as he noticed the resulting physical tells of that initial brush with pain at losing her virginity. Beast Boy’s hands started to lightly stroke along her slender thighs in a comforting motion, along with giving a crane of his head to place a few soft kisses along one of her raised calf and ankles. His own features were showing a slight contortion of pleasure as he slowly yet steadily pushed onward. The petite human was certainly tighter than Starfire or even Raven, despite the latter also being a virgin until their first times with him.

The feeling of this was truly incredible in its own right, as Gar felt considerable resistance in both pushing his way deeper and pulling out for the next thrust. It was like her body was both making him earn his way into its soft embrace, while also refusing to easily let go of even an inch whenever he tried to pull away of her stretching sex. ”Whew, Terra.” He let out with a blissful sigh and a light chuckle, as he promised her with a light strain to his voice while preparing for another thrust, “We should probably work on loosening you up a little bit…”

Another push forward as he let out a deep little groan over the resulting pleasurable pressure applied around his thick cock, as he pulled back faster this time before going deeper into Terra for his next go. It wasn’t long until the two had started to build up a steady pace for their lovemaking, as the green complexioned teen started thrusting harder and faster by now, with every push of his hips working to both slightly lift her lower body just off the bed, before slamming her back onto the mattress with gentle yet firm motions. “Like, lots and lots of sessions together... at least daily!” He stressed with a groan as he flashed a teasing smirk; evidently promising her they would make this a regular thing from here on out, as the bed started to lightly creak beneath them while their joining grew in intensity.
"D-daily? Whoa now, let's see if I survive this before making any big plans!" Terra gasped out, managing a ragged chuckle despite the occasional twinge of pain afflicting her pussy. She was loosening but it was an uphill battle considering how large an insertion this was- a thick green dong that seemed intent in stretching all the way up to her womb. She hissed and groaned, clenching the bedsheets, but she didn't ask him to stop. She wasn't going to wimp out.

Starfire watched all this unfold with a mildly amused look on her pretty face while also seeming to soak in more and more desire. It was fun to watch, the redhead supposed, but there would come a point where watching would turn her on to the point where she couldn't contain herself. It was at that point that the door slid open, and Raven lazily stepped in while stretching her slender grey arms over her head. Naked, but seemingly not conscious of it while it was just them in the tower.

"Ah, lover Raven! It is so good to see you up!"

Raven cracked an eye open, only to have both her eyes widen when she realised that it wasn't Starfire getting some action. Rather it was Terra, the blonde she had thought dead for some time. She glanced to Star while the moaning blonde seemed oblivious to the rest of the world. "Is... is that Terra?" Raven asked as she approached the other side of the bed and took a seat, planting her perky butt in the mattress.

"It is a long story," Star said, almost dismissive of something this big "She is quite good though. She will make a most welcome addition to our group!"
Beast Boy let out a quick snicker over Terra’s response before it was cut off by another jolt of pleasure from the way she was squeezing around his thick length. The young hero did wonder how far he would be able to go with her as she gripped tightly at his girthy endowment regardless of how far she did stretch. Whenever she gave an inch, there was another stretch of tightening inner muscles for Garfield to deal with, as the bed creaked lightly beneath the steadily increasing force behind the pleasurable assault on the blonde’s nimble body.

The sound of Starfire calling out Raven’s name would cause the male Titan’s head to shoot up and glance over his shoulder; albeit without causing any real break in the way he was fucking their previously absent teammate on his bed. “Hey, Raven! Was wondering, mmm, wondering when you’d wake up…” Beast Boy greeted her with a strained smile while peeking over one of Terra’s legs as he continued ‘breaking in’ the petite blonde, “I’m holding you to what you said in bed earlier, by the way!”

Gar had wondered how she may feel about their old teammate returning, but it seemed she wasn’t too bothered by it, as Starfire explained how the story behind her appearing here was too long to get into now. “It’s not the only thing that’s long, right, Terra?” The green complexioned male teased the girl spread out on his bed as he accentuated the point by pulling out to the tip before pushing into her the farthest she had taken him thus far. Lame jokes aside, he did have a point, as she was continuously pushed to new limits in order to take as much of that thick cock as she could.
"Ugh... a dick joke? Seriously? You seriously haven't changed at all..." Terra said. All the same her expression softened, forming into a warm smile "Wouldn't have it any other way hot stuff..." Raven gave a roll of her eyes "Better get used to the dick jokes. Before bed last night he went on a ten minute tangent trying to find a way to make quips about 'cocks and ravens...' We might be dating but that doesn't mean I have to laugh at your jokes."

"He also spent five minutes talking about 'aliens and facehuggers' to me," Star chimed in briefly. Though it was evident from her tone that once again she didn;t quite get the reference he was going for at the time. Then again she so rarely got his jokes.

Suddenly the blonde was giving a gasping shudder, as if every stroke of his cock was afflicting a sensitive spot inside her. "O-oh fucking... w-wow... didn't think... it would fuh... feel this good!" she stammered out, her pale cheeks a deep red shade from a mounting arousal. Her already tight pussy seemed to grow all the tighter, muscles convulsing while a shrill orgasmic cry burst forth from the pretty blonde's lips, hot juices smearing his probing green dick.
“Awww, c’mon, they’re… mmm, they’re not that bad…” Garfield halfheartedly defended his taste in humor as the strain of that mounting orgasm began to show itself in his efforts at retorting the girls remarks. “M-Maybe think of it as… ngh, as an incentive for tiring me out faster when we’re alone?” He teased with a smirk, which soon broke as a shudder raced throughout the changelings body and caused his features to reflect that nearing release, “I’m almost there, Terra! Keep… Keep squeezing at…. Ahhh!!”

His started to arch as the young hero slammed forward nice and hard, with the thick length of his cock nearly bottoming out inside of her tight pussy, before pausing while still buried deeply within the blonde. “So good!!” He exclaimed simply, as she squeezed and milked at that probing cock which almost seemed to swell further, until that pulsating tip erupted within her tight sex and started to fill her up with his first load of the day. “Keep squeezing at me! God, it feels so… ngh!!” Beast Boy let out with a low groan as his hips struggled to continue moving with how tightly she gripped onto that fat cock buried deep inside of her; his fingers gripping rather firmly on those slender thighs hooked over his arms, with his nails almost digging into her like a light set of claws.

Stream after stream of his thick, warm, seemingly excessive amount of cum would flood her gushing sex as their respective fluids mixed and spilled out onto the bedsheets from where they joined with every continuous movement of the changeling’s lower body. A series of low grunts and groans escaped Beast Boy’s lips, as he rode out that intense climax with the girl who once broke his heart, while moving his head enough to give a few affectionate licks and pecks along her raised legs. His warm breath brushing along those slender limbs, while his own legs shook slightly while keeping himself from collapsing back onto the floor, as his lower body slowly came to a halt in its probing efforts to instead settle inside of her for a few moments.

“Wel… mmm, welcome back to the Titans, Terra.” Beast Boy stated with a satisfied smile as he slowly let her legs lower back to hanging over the edge of the bed, before leaning forward enough to place a fittingly intimate kiss on her lips. Granted, they hadn’t brought it up with Robin or Cyborg yet, but they did currently have majority vote with the three of them in the room if it came down to that type of decision making. At the very least, she could consider herself an honorary Titan until she felt fully up for being a part of the main roster.

Breaking the kiss after a few lingering moments, Beast Boy rather reluctantly pulled free of the tightly embracing grasp of the blonde’s body, only to reveal that he was indeed still ready for another go. Looking at Raven and Starfire for a few seconds, the changeling licked his lips almost like an animal trying to decide on its next meal, before inquiring with a wide smirk, “So… which of you feels adventurous enough to experiment with my powers?”
She had coiled about him like a spring, trembling from the alien sensation of hot cum flooding her so utterly. It felt nice, and her pleasure-addled mind didn't for a moment seem to process the massive risk of getting knocked up. Oh well, it was a matter to worry about later. After a time the blonde went lax, still panting and then managing to roll onto her side when his slick dick finally popped loose of her ravished pussy.

Well, if he wanted to turn that lust elsewhere she didn't mind. Right about now she needed the rest. "Feels good to be back..." Terra replied with a dreamy little smile on her pretty face, blue eyes shining like lovely sapphires.

At his offer Raven and Starfire exchanged a glance with a little bit of tension rising between the duo. "I was here first, while lover Raven was still sleeping," Star said, only for Raven to quickly chime in with "Yes but I made some promises toward you, even when I was half asleep. I'm a woman of my word and I plan to fulfill any promises I make... whatever they may have been." Curse her sleep-addled brain.

The two heroines exchanged a glance and Star asked "What do you mean by experiment with your powers?"
Beast Boy blinked a few times while watching the two trying to decide on who would go next with the very energetic changeling. It was the type of dilemma which he’d only dared to dream about, as a wide smile spread across his oddly handsome features when they returned their attention his way to inquire on what exactly their teammate turned lover had in mind. “Welllllll. There were a couple of uses of my changeling abilities that I’ve wanted to experiment with for a while now.” He explained while looking over the pair with an eager smile and almost licking his lips at the prospects rolling through his perverse mind.

What came next was a classic case of ‘show, don’t tell’ on the part of the changeling, as his gaze drew the girls attention down toward his groin area, where Beast Boy would then make use of his control over those animal shifting abilities. The green complexioned hero was already remarkably endowed for his relatively slender frame, but soon the female Titans would take notice of that glistening cock suddenly starting to extend further and further. Inch by inch was being added onto the length of his semi-erect cock, as it extended far beyond what was normal for any type of human male, with the girth itself adding on a couple of meaty inches for good measure.

“See, this is where I’d normally make a ‘hung like a horse’ joke right about now. But some people don’t appreciate the classics, it seems.” He teased over their earlier comments on his dick jokes in the bedroom, as the young hero took hold of that lengthy sixteen incher and held it like a fleshy pillar over the girls on his bed. It was already far bigger than what he had prior, with a possible few more inches to add on yet, going by his semi-erect state. His heavy sack had similarly swelled in size to match this, with both sections of his genitals still keeping their human shape despite a touch of his powers to indeed bring out some of the animal within.

Looking over Starfire and Raven, Gar did wonder on if either of them, especially Raven, could take him in this form. But he figured there were plenty of fun uses for this change regardless, and it might be fun to try anyway, as he grinned to his teammates while asking, “Soooo. Who wants to ride the pony??”
In truth the perverted section of Raven's brain, which was more closed off than the other facets of her diverse and alien mind, had on more than one occasion pondered the prospect of Beast Boy using his powers in... experimental ways. What unfolded before her eyes was something that seemed to be taken straight from one of those old pervy thoughts, leaving her grey cheeks flushed a deep red as he spawned a massive horse dong for himself.

Starfire was equally intrigued, and from her spot on the bed Terra gave a squeak of surprise, the sight enough to jolt her a bit more awake. Star and Raven exchanged glanced and it seemed they were a bit more uncertain. Both were horny, of course, but the challenge added a different dimension to this. Then Raven, being cunning as she was, suddenly planted a hand on Star's back and pushed the busty heroine forth a bit.

"Star should try it first... if it's too much for her, then I don't think I could take it either... but I'm curious to watch," she said, while the redhead alien flushed in embarrassment.

The Tamaranian princess glanced back to Gar's equine length and gave a nod of her head. "Of course. It would be my honour to help our lover experiment..." She floated up into a seating position, seeming to hold that pose in the air before she moved forth and set herself just in front of his lap with his tremendous green dick grinding between Star's heavy orange bust. "I am sure it will fit, even if your schlong is now gorplak-sized."
Beast Boy watched the three young heroines reactions to his unusual display of power, with the changeling wondering which of them might be open to have a go at this ‘little’ experiment. It was a terrible surprise when Starfire ended up being the one willing to try it first, since she was the only one of the girls who wasn’t a virgin prior to Garfield getting his hands on them, along with perhaps being the most experienced of them even over himself. “That’s the spirit, Star!” He exclaimed as she floated in the air and moved in closer to that hefty cock; the throbbing firth of his arousal feeling very warm to the touch as it moved along the alien Princess’ bust with a few grinding movements of Beast Boy’s hips, “Let’s give Raven and Terra an up close show that they’ll never forget.”

The Tamaranian’s powers came in hand here as Beast Boy took her hand to guide her along as he moved to take up an empty spot on the bed. Sitting there, his semi-erect cock would briefly hang low enough to touch upon the floor, before he scooted further onto the bed and laid back with that large equine sized cock starting to stick upward like a fleshy pillar. “I’m not exactly used to lugging something like this around unless I go full beast form.” The young Titan admitted with a laugh, as his hands moved to begin lewdly stroking along that length of cock.

His reach wasn’t actually able to get from head to base, but it was enough to properly stimulate the glistening cock as it began to harden back into full mass. It was probably for the best that Starfire would go first, considering how even if Terra or Raven were standing on the bed it might prove tricky to position themselves over Beast Boy’s current endowment. With Star, she would be able to float upward before lowering herself down, as Garfield grinned widely at his lover and craned a finger toward her, “Time to see if you can take a Gorplak, Star.” Beast Boy also made a mental note to ask her what the heck a gorplak was sometime.
"It's like the mast of a ship..." Raven murmured, watching as her lover laid back and his dick rose to attention. She was sure he'd try to run a flag up his length at some point, just as part of some joke. Still, Raven was impressed that Garfield had refined his shapeshifting to this extent. Raven would be sure to congratulate him on this feat, assuming he hadn't just turned his dick into some kind of lethal weapon...

The alien redhead gave one of her usual titters as she floated over to the towering green dick, raising herself up until her head was lightly bumping off the ceiling of the messy bedroom. She didn't seem to notice this, but then again it was doubtful Star would notice if she punched her head clean through the ceiling- such was her inhuman durability. "I am certain I can! Anything to please my lover!" she said cheerily.

"Geez... is there anything she's not psyched to do?" Terra remarked.

Starfire seemed not to hear, and if she did she wasn't about to waste time on answering. Instead she focused back on Gar's cock and slowly floated her busty body down. The familiar sensation of pressure met the hot lips of her pussy, and with a little squeak of protest she managed to force the flare into her soaking tightness.
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